Chapter Eleven

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I covered my mouth in shock.

It was the man that was in my window only nights before.

I couldn't describe the fear I felt inside of me, and as soon as I heard a door open, I jumped and ran behind the couch.

"Fizz?" I heard Two-Bit. I stuck my head up and looked to make sure it was him before standing up. "What are you doing hiding behind the couch, kiddo?"

My hands were shaky, and I took a deep breath, slowly down the shaking, and calming my nerves.


I mouthed. I found my notepad and with the neatest handwriting I could possibly use while my trembling hands slowly slowed down, I wrote.

'Who's the man on the T.V?'

I asked. He turned to watch and we listened.

"Danny Cooks is wanted for the attempted abduction and murder of several children in Tulsa, Oklahoma."

They showed a picture of him, and it looked like a mugshot, maybe from a while ago. He didn't have the grey hair or the beard in the picture though.

"He was found guilty over two years ago for murdering a little girl who was at the age of six, and leaving her shredded body in a ditch right outside of town." 

I looked at Two-Bit, my eyes wider than ever, but he kept watching, confused.

"He was also charged with the abduction of a twelve year old girl over a year ago, in which she was held hostage for seven months, and she was unable to survive."

I started crying at the fear that he'd come looking for me, and Two-Bit finally took his eyes off the screen. "Hey hey hey, what's wrong?" He asked.

I knew he didn't know anything about kids, other than how to act like one, but I just grabbed him and hugged him. He hesitantly hugged me back, I guess trying to comprehend what was wrong with me.

He called Darry into the living room and within moments, we was at my side. "What did you do Two-Bit?"

He asked, taking me away from him.

"I didn't do nothing! She was watching the T.V when this guy came up and she just lost it!" He exclaimed. I hugged Darry as he brought me into his room.

He shut the door and set me down on his bed. I wiped away some of my tears but they kept rolling down my face, and he sat down besides me.

"Fizz, you need to talk to me and I have to know what's wrong, alright? If you can't I'll have no choice but to get a therapist."

He said. I rapidly shook my head and felt the tears form again. I don't want to be sent to a therapist. What would the other kids think of me then?

I grabbed my hair, and out of anger, started running around the room, my tears blinding my vision and causing me to fall to the floor, where I started thrashing my arms and legs back and forth, screaming.

Darry picked me up and say me on the bed, where he held my arms so I couldn't hurt anyone. I was still crying when he set me on the bed, but this time, he looked angry.

"Elizabeth Curtis I will not accept this behavior, so you understand me?!"

He raised his voice. I cried even harder at the fact that he yelled at me, and I tried my hardest to get out of his grip, but failed miserably.

I finally got out of Darry's grip and ran out of his room, him following me as I ran down the hall to Pony and Soda's room. As I ran in and shut the door, they looked up from what they were doing.

I locked the door and ran over to Soda who engulfed me in a hug and calmed me down. I was at the point of crying where it was hard for me to breathe, but that feeling slowly disappeared as Soda softly spoke soothing words in my ear.

Then I heard Darry at the door. Pony looked confused, and I ran to the door, standing in front of it do he wouldn't open it. I shushed him as I ran to the closet, and as soon as I shut the door, Darry came in.

"Where's Fizz?"

He asked. Ponyboy shuffled a little in his spot, and I saw Soda look at him through the crack in the door.

"I haven't seen her, why?"

Pony finally said. Darry sighed and walked over to the closet, and I held my breath as I hid behind the number of flannels Soda had, as he opened the door.

He spotted me and made me come out, but the moment I did, I ran to Soda in hopes Darry would just leave me alone. "What happened Darry?" Soda asked, "She's shakin' a lot."

"Nothing." Darry looked at me, then back at Soda.

"She's not going to school tomorrow. I'm getting her an appointment with a therapist."

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