Chapter Twelve

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Darry tried making me go to my room, but I wouldn't let go of Soda. He got tired eventually and went back into the kitchen, where I heard him dialing a number on the phone.

Pony left and went to see a movie with Johnny and Dally, and I sat by Soda and hugged him tight. "It's alright Fizz, you'll be okay." He mumbled.

I shook my head and finally let go, running to my room and slamming the door shut. I ran to my closet and put on my dark denim jeans, a plain red t-shirt, my red converse, and a leather jacket Dally got me for my birthday a few years ago.

I opened my window and made sure that man wasn't there, and stepped out.  I wanted someone to just understand me for once, understand that nothing was wrong with me.


As I walked through the streets, I turned every few seconds to make sure nobody was following me. I saw a Mustang approach me and follow me for a while, but I guess they got bored with me and left.

I was headed no where in particular, but I had the urge to see Johnny for some reason. I guess I started heading to the Nightly Double, and I shoved my hands in my pockets when I was almost there.

I felt eyes on me, as if... Someone was... Watching me. I quickly turned around to see something rustle in the bushes. As you'd probably guess, Darry wouldn't give me a switchblade, so I didn't really have anything for defense.

I slowly crept up to the rustling bushes, hesitant to see what was watching me. I made it, and reached me hand out as the rustling stopped.

I gulped once, before yanking the bushes back, and staring into the eyes of Danny Cooks. My mouth fell open as he smiled at me, and I ran for the Nightly Double as fast as I could.

I turned around and saw him following me, except he was right on my tail, maybe only a few feet behind me. I felt my heart begin to race as the adrenaline pumped through my veins, and my face began to become a light shade of pink.

Dally... Johnny... Ponyboy.

I thought. If I found them, maybe he'd go away. I ran to the gate and slid underneath, him following me.

I quickly scanned the theater, and found Dally flirting with some redhead while Johnny and Pony sat back and watched the movie.

I ran over to Ponyboy and he looked surprised to see me here. Johnny did too. "Fizz, what are you doing here?" Pony asked, a little stubbornness laced in his words.

As soon as he saw my tearstreaked, red face, his facial expressions turned softer as I quickly pointed behind him, revealing the man that followed me here.

I grabbed Dally's shoulder and he turned around, confused. "What do you want kid?" He asked in his tuff voice. "Dallas this is serious." Ponyboy said.

Pony motioned to the man and Dally stood up, walking in his direction. Pony grabbed my hand and practically dragged me towards him. The mans expression changed into something sweet, and innocent.

He covered his face a little bit, and I hid behind Dally's leg as he walked up to him. "Hello." Danny said. "Hey man," Dally started. "Did you help her get here or something?" He asked.

Danny wickedly smiled, but covered it up. "Uh... Yes. Yes I did. I saw her crying on the side of the street and she said she wanted to find her brother."

He chuckled. Pony looked at me as I glared at the man. I guess he believed him. "Fizz, don't be rude," he mumbled. "Thank you sir." Pony said, holding out his hand.

They shook hands and Dally looked back down at me. "What was that about kid?" He asked.

I glared at him with the deadly look that was sharper than a switchblade, and he looked annoyed when I did that. I threw my fists down as Danny smirked at me. "See ya later, kid." He laughed.

I looked at him in disbelief, and walked down the row, sitting next to Ponyboy. I huffed and crossed my arms as the movie began to get closer to the ending, and Ponyboy only stared at me.

"Fizz, you've never been this angry before, now what's going-"


I yelled.

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