Chapter Thirty Five

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Ponyboy's POV:

He cut the landlines. We couldn't call for help. He cut the electricity. Nothing in the house worked. We wondered where the rest of the gang was, or why they couldn't come and help us.

It was me, Darry, and Sodapop. We all sat on the couch, we were all sweating a little because the A/C didn't work. I was crying, and Darry and Sodapop were thinking of ways out of this situation.

"I'll run to the police station."

Sodapop suggested. I looked up at him.

"No Soda you can't go, the guy watching us will kill you and then all of us!"

I said. I was terrified of the idea.

"At least we can die knowing we tried."

He said. He looked at Darry and Darry looked at the ground.

"Darry, you stay with Ponyboy. I'll run there and back I promise. I'll be okay."

He said. Darry let a year slip and looked up at us.

"No, I can't lose you like we did mom and dad. I can't lose my little brothers."

He said. Another tear slipped, and then another. He embraced us in a hug as me and Soda looked at each other, saddened.

"I'll go. You and Sodapop stay here and if I'm not back in twenty minutes, don't panic. I'll find a way home."

He said.

"Besides, one guy can't possibly watch the whole house at one time."

He finished. We nodded and watched as he slowly pulled back a curtain, looking out of it. We saw the man, looking around his mid-thirties maybe, hiding in the bushes.

Darry let the curtain fall back into place and ducked down low.

"Listen, I want you to stay low and don't make too much noise, don't do anything that would upset him, alright? If he asks where I am, tell him I'm cleaning somewhere. Alright?"

He said. I sniffed a little and so did we.

"Alright Darry..."

I mumbled. I looked down as he gathered us in a hug.

"I love you guys.. Stay safe."

He said. He quickly kissed our foreheads and slowly walked to the back door. He opened it ever so slowly and crept out the back, running to the side yard, and jumping the fence.

I felt my cheeks get wet again and looked at Sodapop. My breath was quivering and I attempted to calm myself by saying he would be perfectly fine.

But nothing worked.

Darry's POV:

I snuck out of the house and jumped the fence behind our backyard. I hope Elizabeth is okay.. I hope all my little siblings are. I couldn't live without them. 

I ran non-stop as fast as I could and finally made it to the police station within minutes.

I looked around to make sure I wasn't being watched, and only saw the back of someone's head, they were sitting on a bench reading the newspaper.

I ran inside and the cool A/C hit me like a breath of fresh air. I went up to the man at the desk and told him everything, how our little sis was kidnapped, and how we can't leave our home.

"Sir, if you can't leave your home, how did you get here?"

He asked.

"I had to sneak out, my little brothers are in the house, we have to hurry and help them!"

I said. The officer sort of rolled his eyes a bit and wrote down our address quickly.

"Alright sir well send a few officers down there and investigate the scene."

He said.

"Thank you."

I muttered quickly. I had to get home before the man knew I was gone. I had to get to my brothers. I ran back in the direction of our house and looked back at the police station, where the person reading the newspaper stared at me.

I realized it was Danny.

"Holy Jesus.."

I muttered, running faster than I ever have before. I turned and saw him pull out a walkie-talkie, saying something into it.

When I made it back home only minutes later, I snuck in through the back door and laid my hands on my knees, gasping for air.

When I looked up I couldn't believe what I saw. A man held my two brothers at gunpoint. I felt my breath hitch, I couldn't breathe.

"Please.. Don't.."

I muttered.


Ponyboy whispered. They were shaking, and looked terrified. Sodapop stayed silent.

"Shouldn't have left them alone."

He said. He hit them in their temples. Hard.

They sobbed and hit the floor, instantly becoming unconscious.

They had bloody, red spots on their foreheads where they were hit, and as I ran to them quickly, panicking, I felt something hit my head, and everything disappeared into pure blackness.


Ohh.. What's gonna happen 😱😝????

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