Chapter Thirty Six

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Fizz's POV:

I passed out that night in the woman's arms. They comforted me somehow. Like.. How Sodapop and Ponyboy would comfort me. I had a horrible dream that night.

I woke up screaming, so loud that Danny had to come down and beat me to get me to be quiet. Veronica tried to stop him, but he didn't care what she said. He beat her when she spoke.

But, back to my dream.

Fizz's dream:

I woke up in the basement. Danny was standing over me. It was pitch black, but I could still make out his figure.

"Get up."

He muttered. He sounded drunk. I sat there for a second, trying to stand as I felt something drive into my side. Danny was beginning to kick me.

"I said get up!"

He yelled.

"Danny.. Stop.. Please.."

Veronica whispered.

"Please don't hurt her.."

"I will do whatever I please with her!"

He yelled.

"It looks like you haven't learned your lesson you little slut.."

He muttered. He grabbed her arm and snatched her off of the ground.

"Get up and come with me!"

He said sternly. She was whimpering as she was being dragged up the stairs, not knowing if she'd ever come back down.

"Veronica no.."

I whimpered quietly. I sobbed on the ground, hearing a banging noise over and over upstairs. I heard a light tapping on the window, and looked up.

It was Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry.

I whimpered even more as I stood, holding my side that had been bruised badly by Danny's oversized foot.


I sobbed. I reached for the window and got it open, my brothers crawling in.

"Oh Fizz! I thought we lost you forever!"

I heard Sodapop say. Ponyboy stayed silent. Darry gathered us all in a group hug.

"I thought we lost you like we did mom and dad.."

He mumbled. He let out a few tears and let us go.

"Come on.. Let's go home."

He said. They all began walking to the window and I stood there, motionless.

"Aren't you comin' Fizz?"

Darry asked. I let out a few more years down my face, wiping them away.

"I can't leave Veronica.. She's like a mommy to me."

I whimpered. They all gave me a look of hurt and sympathy.

"Well come back for her Fizz.. I promise."

Darry said. I cried more and fell on the ground, sobbing. My brothers gathered me in a hug and gave me another look.

"Fizz, we have to go, now."

Sodapop said, a panicked look on his face.

"Someone's coming.."

I heard them say. They ran to the window and tried to climb out, pulling me behind them, when a deeply familiar voice echoed throughout the basement.

"Well well well.."

I heard.

"It seems my little playmate is trying to leave.. Why is that dear?"

He asked. I swallowed a large lump in my throat. Me and my brothers were frozen in fear.

"I asked you a question!"

He yelled. I sobbed and whomped quietly, thinking he didn't hear, but was highly mistaken.

"Shut up!"

He yelled. He held Veronica behind his back and pushed her on the floor. She was barely dressed, only having a bra and underwear on.

He pulled a gun from his pocket as I ran to her, hugging her soft face. My brothers looked at me in surprise.

"Move one muscle and your all dead."

He muttered. Veronica whimpered and rolled over, holding her side. Danny became furious. He pointed the gun at me and...


I screamed. That's how I ended up here, where I am now.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the comments and votes in getting! You all are amazing and I promise I'll update as soon as I possible can! I love you guys so much 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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