Chapter Three

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I continued to hear the creaking bathroom door for a little while and that's when I became scared. I kept thinking someone was walking up the stairs or something.

I decided I should probably go look for Soda and the gang since I didn't want to stay by myself anymore.

I looked inside once more to make sure no one was in the house and shut the door behind me as I ran down the street in the direction Soda ran.

He couldn't have ran far, but I knew he wasn't around here. I ran past the park where I saw the police station, assuming Dally and the gang would be in there.

Darry, Soda and Pony never liked me going in there, they told me there were mean people in there. I never thought of Dally as a mean person though.

I walked in and stood on my tippy toes to see the officer at the desk. He didn't look to happy, but when he saw me, his smile grew. "Well hello there little miss, is there anything I can do for you today?"

He asked. I pointed to his pen and paper and he looked confused before handing it to me.

'I'm a mute. Sorry I can't talk mister, but even if I did, I'm not allowed to talk to strangers. I'm looking for my friend, and I didn't know if he'd be here.'

I wrote. He took the paper and read it out loud and chuckled a little. "Sure sweetheart, what's their name?" He asked.

'Dally Winston. His real name is Dallas but me and my friends call him Dally.'

"Dallas Winston..." He trailed off, looking at his paper on his clipboard before shaking his head. "Nope, sorry sweetheart we ain't got no Dallas Winston today."

I nodded and wrote him a 'thank you' before walking out the door. He could be at that place he always talks about, what's it called again?

Darry told me never to go there but I think it was called Chucks? No... Bucks! That's what Dally called it.

He took me there once when the mean guys tried to beat me up because they drank alcohol, and it did bad things to their heads.

I walked up to a big building where I saw lights flashing from inside, and loud music too. Dally has to be here.

I pushed open the heavy door and fell to the ground, but picked myself up just fine. I didn't like being here, the mean guys scared me last time.

I walked through the crowd of people who's heads were messed up because of beer, and some were even half dressed.


I thought to myself. I walked up the stairs to Dally's room quietly, but either way, I could be loud if I wanted and they still wouldn't hear me.

I found Dally's room at the end of the hall and tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Go away!" I heard someone yell.

I pushed my ear up against the door and listened. It sounded like the gang. "I was thinking about putting her into therapy, maybe it could help her." I heard someone say.

Was that Darry?

"Darry, she's seven years old, I don't think she'd want to go to therapy and "talk" to a stranger about this."


"Just give her time, Dar. She'll come around."

"I can't wait, she can't not talk forever! I gotta get her to talk to us, I mean... There's no reason for her not to talk to us, nothing's really happened."

Then it was all mumbling.

I thought I heard Johnny too.

"I'm gonna head home guys, she's been alone for almost an hour and a half."

I heard footsteps and ran down the hall to the room next to it. When I saw Soda come out of the room, I ran from behind the wall and grabbed onto his leg.

"Woah!" He exclaimed. I guess he was surprised to see me here. "What are you doing here, Fizz! You know it's dangerous out here!" He said, picking me up.

I was surprised he could, but I was really light for my age too. "We gotta get home." He mumbled. I held on tight and he covered my eyes as we walked through the crowd.

I guess something happened and he doesn't want me to see. We made it out the door, and he accidentally bumped into one of the mean boys.

"Hey! Did you just push me, grease?" He yelled. "U-Uh no, we... We were just heading home." Soda said, nervously. The big guys pointed his attention to me.

"And who's this greaseball?" He asked sarcastically. He got up really close to my face and started examining me, and I smelt the horrible stench on his breath.

So I did the only thing I knew how to do.

I knocked him upside the head.

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