Chapter Twenty

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Ugh... my head was pounding. It hurt a lot... Where am I? Wait... what happened?

My eyes quickly shot open as I gasped from the hands that stopped me from sitting up, making me gall back onto whatever I was laying on. I was in Darry's room. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the whole gang around me, staring at me.

"Fizz..." Ponyboy mumbled. "Are you okay?"

I slowly nodded and looked up at Darry who was stroking my hair as he laid beside me. I held out my hand for Soda, and he stepped forward, sitting in front of me.



I signed. Soda sighed and looked over at Darry.

"She wants to know what happened."

He mumbled. Darry looked at me, his eyes full of worry.

"You passed out due to an asthma attack and to you getting too worked up."

Darry said. Dally put out his cigarette when he heard asthma, and he sat down next to me.

"Your a tough kid, aren't ya."

He smiled. I did too and he high-fived me, the gang looking at him weirdly. Then his smile dropped and he coughed a few times.

"I'm uh... Gonna go look for trouble..."

He mumbled, walking out of the room. Steve looked at me and chuckled.

"Don't pay no attention to Dallas, Fizz, he's gotta sweet spot for ya."

We all chuckled a little. Ponyboy was at the end of the bed, looking at me. He stood up when I looked at him, and sat next to me where Dally say earlier.

"Guys, could I speak to Fizz? Alone."

Pony asked. Darry looked at the gang and nodded.

"Sure. Me and Soda'll make lunch. Make sure she doesn't panic or anything."

Darry said, stepping out of the room, the gang following. I looked at Ponyboy, and a faint smile appeared on his face, but it quickly faded.

"Lizzie, did you know that guy that was in your window last night?"

He asked. I thought about it. I knew him, but I also didn't. I tried signing to Pony, but he didn't understand, he just gave me a notepad and a pen.

He smiled a little.

"You can use that for now. I took it from Soda."

He said.

'He was the guy on the TV who was wanted for all the little kids murders.'

I wrote. Pony looked confused.


He asked.

'Danny Cooks, he's been coming here and talking to me through my window for weeks.'

He stared at the paper, amazed.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

He asked, sounding scared.

'Well, I tried to at the theatre, but you wouldn't listen. That was him too, he tried to take me but I ran to the Nightly Double because I knew you, Dally, and Johnny would be there to protect me.'

He smiled, but quickly frowned at the realization that he's met the man. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, laying down next to me, taking in deep breaths.

'Are you okay, Pony?"

I wrote. He sighed again as he read my note.

"No, I'm not Fizz. I never listened to you. I should've listened to you. I was so caught up into making you talk to me because I love you, but... I've never paid attention to what was actually happening to you."

I looked down and closed my eyes. I felt terrible for doing this to Ponyboy. He was already so beaten up about being a greaser and getting jumped all the time, and now I made him worry about something else.

I turned over on my side, facing Pony. He faintly smiled at me, and I just looked down again.

"I'm sorry Pony."

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