Chapter Nineteen

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I lay awake all night, only imagining the nightmare to come tomorrow. I had therapy every Tuesday and Thursday now, and really, there was no way I could convince Darry into thinking I was fine.

I was watching the stars when I heard a bump from under my window, and a few curse words.


A voice said.  I opened my window and looked around, when all of a sudden, I was grabbed by the neck of my shirt from under me, and I landed in the grass of our side yard, meeting face to face, yet again, Danny.

"Hey there."

He chuckled. He came in closer to me, but I quickly backed away.

"Hey there ain't nothing to be afraid of."

He laughed. I looked at him and slowly tried crawling back up to my window when he grabbed my arm.

"Hey, why don't you come with me, eh? I got some candy in that truck over there."

He said. Did he really think I was that stupid?

I tried yanking my arm away, but his grip only tightened as he started to drag me towards a white truck parked a house or two down from our house.

I held onto my window, and had maybe even a death grip on it.

"Let go!"

He whisper yelled. I rapidly shook my head as I fell down, indicating that he let go. I looked at my arm and saw he left a big, red, hand mark where he was holding.

I quickly jumped up into my windowsill, but right before I could crawl in, he grabbed my leg.

"C'mon kid! Just- Let- Go!"

He said between tugs. I didn't know what to do at this point, I was terrified, so if I screamed, it would have come out in muffled whimpers, too inaudible for anyone to hear.

But it was better than not trying at all. So I screamed. I screamed for what felt like an eternity, but a weight was lifted off my back when Ponyboy, Soda, and Steve came running in the room, causing Danny to let go, and run away.

I collapsed onto the grass outside and held my arm, the stinging, burning pain made me want to stay in the same position, and not move.

Steve jumped out of my window and chased the guy down the street as Ponyboy and Soda brought me through the front door, and too Darry's room.

"What in the world happened?"

Darry asked. Soda was carrying me, Pony beside him, and I whimpered at the pain in my arm as Soda slowly picked it up and showed it to Darry.

"We don't know. We found some old guy in her window trying to pull her out, Steve followed him but I dont know when he'll get back."

Soda said. Then they heard the front door shut and heavy breaths, indicating Steve was back. He ran into Darry's room with a cup of water in his hand.

"I couldn't catch up to him... He was too fast... He got in a white truck though... Looked pretty old..."

He said between gasps. Darry looked at me, and back at Steve. Dally, Two-Bit and Johnny were in the living room, but they knew not to come into Darry's room, so they waited until we came out to ask their questions.

After Soda and everyone else told them what happened, Dally... Almost punched a wall... Two-Bit wanted a rumble, and Johnny just sat there, stunned at what just happened.

"Fizz, your not going to therapy tomorrow, Dallas, Johnny, can I trust you to stay here with her?"

Darry asked as I sobbed into his shirt.

They looked at each other and nodded, looking back at Darry.

"Alright. Soda, go lock the doors, Pony, call the police. She's sleeping with me tonight."

Darry said. I was having trouble breathing, you know when you cry so much, it's hard to catch a breath? That's how I felt, except I felt as if my airway was closing up on me, and I gasped as I fell onto the floor, out of Darry's grip.

"Darry she's having an-"

I heard Ponyboy yell. But that was all I heard, before everything went completely black.

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