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005 - Momentary closure

Chase had driven me home last night, we said our goodbyes and he drove back home to my brother. Four hours. It was over, for real. I had gotten my closure, with Chase and with Ward.

My parents had shouted at me as they had seen Chase's car leave our driveway. "Do you want to die!? Do you have a death wish like your brother?" My father had screamed in my face.

I hadn't gotten a chance to explain, I hadn't had a chance to say that I was okay and nothing had happened. My father had screamed at me, I hadn't flinched at all even as his saliva hit my face from the screaming.

His hands grabbed onto my arms and my mother cried close by. I could hear her sobs.

I felt void when he let go, I pushed down my feelings and became void to get through the night. Things had turned to shit after the incident.

My parents didn't trust me. Not for one second, they didn't believe that I wanted willingly to leave the world Ward and I had entered.

They believed I had a death wish.

Once my father had finally let me go, I had walked upstairs without a word. They didn't want to hear it anyways, the damage was done.

I showered and eyed the bruises my father had made on my arms. I washed them and went to bed after a long hot shower.

In the early morning I had gone to the gym, I had gotten up before my father woke up. I had told my mother that I was going to the gym before school and she hugged me tightly before letting me go.

She feared that I would die everytime I walked out of that door. I didn't know what I could do to make her feel safe and trust me. It was impossible.

I ran to the gym, warming up before I got there. It was empty and dark, so I turned on the lights and began to workout. I punished myself a little and once I was done, my muscles were sore and screaming at me.

After another quick cold shower, I left for school. I was still early, so I headed to class without waiting for Fran or Cel. I sat in the back and had my hoodie on, hiding my bruises.

Before I knew it, people piled into the classroom, West's eyes found mine instantly and made a beeline my way. "Are you okay? You disappeared yesterday?" He said, genuine worry showed on his face and I felt even more guilty.

"I'm okay, I sort of forgot about the plans we made. I'm sorry" I said and looked away as Mitch, North and Oliver for once made it on time.

All three looked our way as West was kneeling next to my desk. "Just go, I'm fine" I assured him. "You can make it up to me, by coming to our party tonight" West said with a smirk.

"How did you know I wasn't planning on going?" I asked him with suspicion. "Fran" He said and I rolled my eyes a little. Of course.

"Fine. I'll go to your stupid party" I gave in and he grinned before tapping my desk twice and then he walked back over to his desk next to his twin North.

Francesca and Celina came in as well, taking the usual seats next to me. "Where did you go with that hot piece of ass yesterday?" Fran asked and winked at me.

"He's just an old friend, we had some things to discuss" I said and shrugged a little, but winced when my arms were extra sore from the shaking and bruises my father had created on my arms.

I for once didn't notice the eyes staring at me, Mitch saw my wince and instantly knew something had happened.

I searched the class to attempt to remember the names of everyone when my eyes met Mitch's. I shot him a small smile, he didn't return it. He wasn't even close to returning a smile. Only a scowl on his face.

I looked away and scoffed before watching Mrs. Banks run into the class. "Alright, everyone–wait– you're on time?" She asked as she saw North and Mitch, she glanced at her watch and then eyed them with suspicion.

"Did hell freeze over?" She muttered to herself and moved around to her desk. The class snickered in response to her major surprise. It was clear to me that Mitch and North did whatever they pleased, whenever they pleased.

Hours later, we had a free period, so Fran, Cel and I sat in the school yard, the sun was shining and it was hot as hell.

"Why aren't you taking that hoodie off? It's hot as hell" Fran commented as she leaned back on her elbows to catch the sun.

"I'm fine," I said and shrugged. "So, who was that guy?" Celina asked me and winked my way as she pulled her sunglasses down.

"Yeah, who was that guy?" A new voice asked with a smirk. West sat down next to me and Celina and I eyed him. "Fran, what's wrong with this picture?" I call out.

"Well, West is supposed to be with the jackass group, not the bad bitches group" Fran called out amused. "That's what you call yourselves?" I muttered to her in disbelief and cringed at the name. Celina and West snorted and Fran elbowed me.

"Shut up!" She hissed. "Well, I overheard your conversation, so I just knew I had to hear about the mystical dude," West said and winked at me.

"There's nothing to tell. It's a good friend, that's all" I said and shrugged carelessly. West didn't buy it at all, but remained quiet as he smirked at me.

"Fuck off, or else I'm gonna smack you" I threatened and pushed his head away to wipe off the smirk on his face.

"I'd like to see you try," West commented and wiggled his brows. "As Fran said, you should be with your jackass group, so why aren't you? You're always together" I asked him.

"I needed a break, I needed to escape Mitch's staring and North's bitching" West snorted. "Staring? Why is he staring at you?" I asked him confused.

"At me? No, no, no sweetheart– he was staring at you the whole time. So, I just decided to walk over here and shove it in his face that I have the balls to talk to you" He snorted.

I looked over my shoulder and saw indeed Mitch on a bench with North and his cousin Oliver, staring right at me.

I didn't want to give him a smile as he had ignored my previous attempts to be friendly, but this time– his lips curved up slightly as he saw me looking at me.

I'd like to think it was his attempt to smile at me. So, I returned the smile and turned back around to face the girls and West.

"How did he become mute? Or has he always been?" I asked West. "Yeah, how did he become mute?" Celina asked as she realized she'd never been told.

"I don't exactly know, it was after an accident. Mitch and his father were in the same car, it crashed and his father went into a coma and still is to this day and Mitch has just never been the same since then, he's never spoken since" West said and frowned a little.

"Wow, that's deep. How long ago was it?" Fran commented and frowned at the information. I felt sad for Mitch, whatever had happened had changed his life in many ways.

"It's been four years" West said and I looked back over at Mitch, he and Oliver were using sign language to talk. I knew sign language, hell I had to when my jaw was broken and I couldn't talk for so long.

Mitch peaked my interest, I hated to admit it. But it did. "So, Nick here agreed to come to the party tonight, so when can I expect to see you all?" West asked and the girls squealed in excitement.

I still had my eyes on Mitch as he used sign language so sleekly.

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