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006 - The party

I dreaded this. I had gotten ready at Francesca's house, her parents were so nice, her mother even helped us pick the sluttiest outfits and tried to hype us up, but I went with my long sleeve dress.

The dress went to my mid thigh, it was black and tight. The bruises hadn't gone away yet, so I still had to cover up. Of course, I had forgotten about them when I was getting changed and Francesca saw them.

"Oh my god–who did this to you?" She asked with horror in her eyes as she took my hands in hers and eyed my skin.

"It's nothing, it was an accident" I said and shrugged carelessly. "An accident? What the–was it that hot dude?" Fran asked.

I shook my head no and slipped the dress over my body. "Who was it?" Francesca asked, she pressed for answers I had no intention of giving her.

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine, really. Stop worrying and don't tell anyone what you saw" I told her and even though she clearly disagreed with me, she nodded her head respecting my wish.

We resumed to find Fran an outfit and then her mother came back up with Celina. "Look who's here" Her mother sang and Celina made a dramatic entrance and burst out laughing in the process.

"I got tequilaaaa" Celina sang and Fran snorted. "You girls are the sweetest, make good life choices" Fran's mother called out as she walked back downstairs.

"Can we switch parents? It's insane how trusting and sweet they are" I retorted and Fran laughed. "I know right? Mama Dawson is the ultimate mama bear" Celina agreed.

"Alright, enough about my mom– now, Nicolina Martell. Tell me, do you have a thing for West Cameron?" She asked with a wink.

"West? No, no, no–he's sweet and all but he's not my type" I hurried out, he wasn't. He was best friend material for me. I liked him, but as a friend, he was funny and sweet.

"Huh–who then?" Fran asked, surprised. "Well, I don't really have my eyes on anyone right now–""--Oh bullshit, come on. Decide from looks only, who's your type in school?" Celina snorted.

The first guy that popped into my head, was no doubt Mitch. Which was annoying as hell.

"Really, there's no one so far, but I'll let you know" I told them and they giggled to themselves.

Once we were all ready, we were an hour late, so when we pulled up the music was blasting throughout the major mansion.

I didn't know that the jackass group had this much money. This was a whole fucking castle. "Yeah, impressive right?" Fran commented when she saw the surprise on my face.

"What the fuck" I blurted out, both girls laughed before pulling me past the people outside, people were vomiting, doing disgusting stuff in the front yard, others were smoking weed, some were dancing and keeping the party going.

The font doors were open for anyone to walk in, when we entered it was like time slowed down for a second.

West were dancing on a bar counter, his dress shirt undone, showing his incredible sixpack, North was laughing while looking at his crazy twin.

Oliver and Mitch were occupied with girls all around them, but still looked up at West, seeing how he was dancing eagerly when two girls jumped up on the bar counter, joining him.

Everyone was gathered around the four, many others were dancing to the wild techno music, I had to remind myself that most of these people were between 16 and 18 years old.

This was an insane party, even for me.

Time sped back up as Celina grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the other bar that wasn't occupied by West and two girls making out on it.

Francesca, Celina and I were already tipsy from the tequila shots, so when the two pulled off their jackets and showed their outfits, they pulled me to the dancefloor, lights were blinking in different colors to the music.

Celina and Francesca were immediately approached by guys, a shirtless guy came up behind me, wrapping his hands around my hips, he pulled me back into his crotch as I worked my hips in response.

His lips trailed my neck as we danced, the music was so loud, the bass put pressure on my chest as I breathed. It almost hurt, but as Celina and Fran served more shots in between making out with their guys, we pulled away from the guys to take another shot.

Fran and Cel winked at me before ditching the glasses and turned back around.

The problem was that I wasn't usually drinking. Only at small occasions, and not this much. I was in the fighting tournaments, alcohol was a no-go for me. I hadn't been this drunk before.

I was feeling weird, I felt like my skin turned cold, yet I was sweating, I felt like shit. But I continued dancing, I slowed down on drinking and enjoyed the music and the attractive guys surrounding the three of us.

"Wanna get out of here, baby?" One breathed into my ear. I swallowed and shook my head no. Yet he pulled me after him. "I don't want to" I called out, my vision was blurry.

"Hey guys!" I heard West call out, the guy continued to pull me after him, I bumped into people as I could barely see a thing, I felt weak and helpless.

My legs became heavy, my arms as well. The guy turned to me and laughed when he saw me, he had a wicked grin on his face.

A wicked grin that made my insides turn.

I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't be here. "I don't want to.." I slurred by suddenly my legs gave out, the guy caught me and slung me over his shoulder. His ass and the dance floor was the only thing I saw.

My arms hung loosely as he walked effortlessly with me. "I don't want to.." I kept muttering groggily. "Hey! Nic!" West shouted, there was an urgency in his voice. I wasn't able to lift my head. I couldn't feel my body. "Nicolina! Hey!" West shouted once again.

"Nick! Where are you going?" Celina shouted. "Are you okay?" Francesca shouted. I couldn't see them, though I felt liquid run from my nose as I drifted in and out of consciousness.

"Hey, back off" Another voice said, closer than they were. "Nick!" West shouted, he was getting closer.

"Let her go" That was North. "Daniel, let her go, you fucking prick" North added.

Why was he helping me?

"I don't want to.." I kept muttering as my eyes closed. "What did you do to her?" West shouted and someone shoved the guy and I felt myself dangle helplessly.

"I did nothing, she wanted to leave with me" The guy said. "I don't want to," I mumbled. "That's not what it sounds like," West snarled.

"Oh my god–she's bleeding! Put her down!" Francesca shouted. I heard a loud crack and felt the guy's body weaken, I knew he was falling.

I prepared myself for impact, but it didn't come. A secure pair of arms wrapped around my body and I felt a rock hard chest as my head fell against it.

"Mitch, go– she doesn't look too good" A voice called out, it was Oliver. "I'm so sorry, Nick, I shouldn't have pushed you to drink–I'm sorry" Fran apologized, I tried to smile at her but I couldn't feel my face.

"Let him go" North said. The person moved and I felt helpless and numb as my vision blackened and let my head rest helplessly against the rock hard chest.

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