Chapter 5

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***The picture above is Chizuru Yoshida just in case if you guys forgotten^**

Kenta's POV:
While at the library, I've been researching of where Isaiah's whereabouts on the computer. Ever since that bastard appeared in our school, I knew what he's doing because of my lie detection ability and I'm not going to let that happened.

I went to his email address where he has three codes. Seriously? Who the hell needs three codes to get into your email account?

While attempting to hack his site, I finally got the passcode where it says "Cassia_is_my_sexy_girl❤️" Which made me respond with a blank expression.

"....Why am I not surprised by this passcode?" I sighed with a deadpan look as I typed the passcode to the computer and click entered. But as soon as I click it, the computer suddenly froze and starts to glitch spastically while I flinched and cover my ears to hear that godawful screech from the background.

I quickly turn off the computer and sighed.

"Geez what a pain...." I groan while pinching my forehead before I turn on the computer back on. As soon I turn it back on, I became completely puzzled when the background is completely red.

"What the f**k?..." I tried to analyze the malfunction, but I paused when I saw a creepy black handwriting that says something really disturbing.


"THAT'S RIGHT SMARTASS!!!" I soon fell from my chair when Isaiah pop out of the screen scaring the living shit out of me. I then got back up to glare at that crazy messy dark haired psycho who is cackling like a maniac.

"AHAHAHAHA!!! Do you honestly think you can outsmart me with your hacking skills?! Ha! Don't make me laugh! I've been monitoring my email for decades, so in your face shitskull!" He insult me, but I didn't give a damn and directly ask him.

"Cut the sh*t Isaiah, if this is about getting Blake to come back to you than you DEAD wrong dipshit." I coldly spat, but he retorts and laughed haughtily.

"Hahaha is that so? Well this time I'm not going to lose from the likes of you because my precious sweet Cassia will crawl back to me since she loves me.~" He cooed with crazy lustful eyes.

"Bullshit and you know it." I harshly hissed at him.

"Ohohoho we'll see about that foreyes and once I kill y'all, I'll take Cassia as my bride and make her my precious wife! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" He cackled evilly with a demented look as he signs off from the computer. Everything went back to normal and I slouch my chair and groan in annoyance.

"What a pain..." I groaned as I got up from the chair and leave the library. But as soon as I leave the library, I bumped into someone where I rub my head and widen my eyes to see the socially awkward bespectacled brunette girl Chizuru.

"Oww...Huh? Aah! I'm so sorry Kenta!" She apologized greatly.

"No it's ok-"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so clumsy!! I'm such an idiot!!!" She apologized incessantly while bowing her head a lot.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Slow down! Chill! You're not an idiot, it's my fault. I didn't see you coming." I reassured her as she sighs to calm herself down and grinned in relief.

"Oh thank goodness, glad I didn't pissed you off." She sighed.

"Nah you didn't, it was an accident I get it." I assured her with a calm grin, but I glance down at six books that she was holding earlier. One is a novel called Looking for Alaska, second are three mangas of the first volume of Nisekoi, the fifth volume of Black Clover, and fourth volume of Haikyuu, third is a marvel comic called Deadpool, and finally a black notebook that says "Dominance and Submission" with a drawing of a lemon at the end of the title.

The hell is this?

I thought as I pick up the black notebook while Chizuru is picking up her books. Chizuru noticed me picking it up and quickly got up with a flustered look.

"Wait! Hold up!" She shouts as she attempts to retrieve her notebook, but it's too for that since I already open it.

" 'In a dark room, Eren is tied to a pole with chains as the cold air hits his exposed skin'- Wait, WHAT?!" I became puzzled as I turn a quick few pages where I something that scarred me for life.

"Oh god...'As Levi stood in front of the naked Eren, he shoots him with a smirk and unbuckles his belt and unzips pants along with his black boxers to exposed his erected member'?!? WHAT THE F-" Just before I said anything, Chizuru immediately closed the notebook in front of my face and chuckled nervously with an awkward grin.

"Okaaay, let's just stop there for now hehehehehe...." She giggled awkwardly with a sweatdrop as I helped her pick up her other books while regretting reading her notebook.

"Umm Chizuru...are you into smutty fanfics?...." I asked calmly while trying to make it not too awkward for us, but she doesn't seem bothered by it and chuckled softly.

"Pretty much, but most of the time I wrote them on my spare time. Sometimes I even do it on Wattpad..." She shyly admits which I understand completely while scratching my head awkwardly.

"I see...sorry about curiosity got the best of me..." I apologized to her, but she shook her head and smiled gently.

"It's fine, I can understand that. But..." The shy bespectacled brunette glance down and looked away with a blushed face.

(Author: kyaaah she's so cute! 😍💕 Don't you guys agree?)

"..Can you not tell anyone about this?...It's really embarrassing if they find out that know...." She shyly muttered as she turns completely beet red which I nod understandably while trying not to laugh at how adorable she is and I give her a hand.

"It's fine, my lips are sealed Chizuru. Now come on, let's grab something to eat. The cafeteria's already opened." I assured her with a kind grin as she smiled warmly and took my hand.

"Sure Kenta and...Thank you for being a good friend." She kindly thanked me as I nod with a grin.

"You're welcome Chizuru, Anytime." I grinned gently at her as we left the library together, the tense feeling that I have has fade away all because of my first human friend.

Awwwww that's so sweet of Kenta! Plus CHIZURU IS SO CUTE I WANNA DIE! EEEEEEEEEE! Ahem, but anyway thank you for reading the new chapter of the Mysterious Four and I'll see you guys in the next chapter bye!

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