Chapter 6

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***This is Blake's outfit for recording session and her date with Kou^**

Blake's POV:
Right after school left, all of us went back home where I'm in my room dressing up for recording session at the music company and my date with Kou.
....Yup, this is definitely going to be a pain in the ass..

While in my room, I dressed into my not-so-fancy outfit where it's nothing really special or perfect. I wore a black crop topped sweatshirt that says "BADASS", ripped light blue jeans, and black and grey sneakers with a blue green lines on the inside of my shoes. I'm not really the type of girl who would choose fancy or pretty outfits cuz I more like a tomboy. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against girly girls but it's just who I am.

Once I finished changing, I left the room and went downstairs where everyone caught a glimpse of me especially my friends who are smirking at my outfit.

Speaking of my friends, my friends approached me when Hideo let out a frisky whistle.

"Looking good badass." He compliments me with a playful smirk while he's checking me out as I rolled my eyes with a grin.

"Thanks Hideo, you're too kind." I grin at him.

"Nah I'm awesome." He boldly stated.

"Of course you are." I giggled as the Sakamakis and Yui approach us as well.

"Damn Blake, you looking hot." Ayato compliment me as I form a slight smirk at him.

"Thanks Redhead." I thanked him.

"Even though she annoys me, she does looks pretty ne teddy?" Kanato said to his teddy bear with a grin.

"~fufu~ I agree with you Kanato. For a girl who disguised herself as a boy for some reason, you sure have undeniable appeal." Laito complimented with a flirty smirk and I rolled my eyes at him of course since I can expect a pervert would do something like that.

"Gee thanks for the compliment Laito." I sarcastically replied with a dry grin. Yui then came up to me with a small grin while blushing.

"Y-You look great Blake..." She shyly said with a cute grin while blushing.

"Don't you think this sort of outfit you're wearing is showing too much skin?" Reiji asked skeptically.

"Not really, it only shows my belly. Why? Are you expecting something more?" I teasingly asked with a playful smirk which Reiji responded with a blush causing my friends, his brothers and Yui to snicker at his reaction.

"Looks like we got another Laito don't we?" Shu asked with a sly smirk as they smirked back at him.

"Seems like it." Subaru chuckled softly which I didn't expect him to chuckle like that.

"Yup." Ayato snickered.

"That was mean." Laito pouts with a frown.

"But it's the truth." Cyrus bluntly stated.

"D-Don't be absurd, I'm not that type of person." He stuttered while denying his attraction towards me, but I smirked at him since I can tell that he's attracted to me.

"Awww what's the matter Reiji kun?~ did a cat got your tongue?" I playfully asked in a flirtatious way which intensifies his blush as he became much redder causing everyone to laugh.

"Hahaha!! Reiji's got the hots for the sexy Blake~" Hideo teasingly sang as he burst out of laughter. On the other hand, Reiji frowns and pushed his glasses while he's red everywhere.

"This conversation is now pointless." He bluntly retorts as he teleports to his room leaving the Sakamakis and Yui laughing their asses off.

(Author: phew is it hot in here or is it just me?😅)

"Damn! That face tho! Hahaha!!!" Hideo laughed hysterically.

"I know right? He's such an idiot!" Ayato agreed with Hideo as they both chuckled. I rolled my eyes and shake my head at my friends and the Sakamakis' antics.

"Y'all are crazy." I said with a slight grin.

"You know you love us." Hideo cooed as I let out a small giggle.

"Maybe I am." I playfully stated. Just then Cyrus wrap an arm around me and pull me close to him.

"Sure you wanna go out with him? You don't have to if you don't feel like it." He whispered but I shook my head at him and grin.

"I'm fine Cyrus, besides I gotta make sure that guy is keeping his mouth shut. Who knows what would happen if he does." I assured him as I'm quite skeptical of going on a date with Kou since I don't trust this guy. Hell he even threatened to exposed my identity in front of the school so I have to do it just because he's blackmailing me. Ugh out of all of people, why does it have to be him?

Cyrus understand what I said and nods.

"Fine but call us if anything happens." He remind me as I nod at him.

"Don't worry I'll keep that in mind." I grin and Hideo came over me to ruffle my hair.

"Yeah man, just give us a call." He told me with a kind grin.

"Hehe thanks." I grinned until I felt Kenta slapping the back of my neck for no reason.

"Ow! What was that for Kenta?!" I scold at him with a frown as he shrugged carelessly.

"Just to give you reassurance, now go out there." He bluntly stated as I chuckled softly at his typical dry and deadpan self.

"Thanks guys, I'll see you guys later." I waved my hand at them as I left the mansion to go to the recording company to record a song.

Cyrus's POV:
Right after Blake left, the Sakamakis and Yui went back to their rooms. Once everyone's back to their rooms, I shift my gaze at Kenta when I noticed a small chip on Blake's neck.

"You actually put a tracking device on her?" I asked curiously as he shrugs nonchalantly with a smirk.

"Why not? With that on her neck, we'll track down Isaiah for sure just in case." He assured me as I smirked at his clever plan.

"So that's the plan huh?" I asked curiously with a smirk.

"Definitely." Kenta replied with a confident smirk.

"Hell yeah! Road trip!!" Hideo cheered loudly.

"Well I'm down with that, but...I feel like Yui's planning something...." I stated as we turn to see Yui silently sneaking out of the house wearing a pink jacket, a magenta scarf, and violet sunglasses.

We stood there quietly with deadpan looks.

"Yeeeaaaah....we're totally going to do it now." I bluntly suggested.

"Yup." Kenta and Hideo agreed as we immediately left the house to follow Yui and looking out for the enemy at the same time.

Author : Oooh booooy...things are getting interesting~ What will Blake do? How will their date work out? What is Yui planning? Why is Reiji turning beet red? And most importantly, will Cyrus and his friends prevent Isaiah from reaching the object of his affections?

Reiji: I was not blushing.

Author: yes you are Reiji, don't give me that bullshit excuse!

Reiji: *twitches at me* and you should keep your mouth shut pest!

Author: Reiji piss off! I'm talking to my fans here!

Reiji: *sighs and teleports away*

Author: ahem sorry about that, but as always. Thank you for reading the new chapter and I'll see you in the next chapter of the Mysterious Four! Bye bye!

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