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Y/N [P.O.V.]

We came back to Traverse Town and walked to the accessory shop to see if Cid was there but he wasn't. We all looked around and I spotted a small wooden bot in the corner, holding his head. We all walked towards the boy. Jiminy Cricket leapt onto Sora's shoulder.

Jiminy Cricket: "Well, well, [chuckles] as I live and breathe! If it isn't Pinocchio!"

Jiminy jumped down from Sora's shoulder. The puppet looked up at the small creature.

Pinocchio: "Oh. Hi, Jiminy."

Jiminy Cricket: "What in the world are you doing down here?"

Pinocchio: "Um... Playing hide-and-seek."

Then Jiminy started to circle around while shaking his head.

Jiminy Cricket: "I just don't believe it. And here I was, up all night, just worried sick about you. Why of all the— Pinocchio!"

Then Pinocchio's nose started to grow.

Y/N: "Woah!"

Jiminy Cricket: "Pinocchio! Are you telling me the truth?"

Pinocchio: "Yes!"

Jiminy Cricket: "Then tell me, what is this?"

Pinocchio: "It was a present."

Jiminy Cricket: "No fibbing, now! You know you're not supposed to tell lies. A lie only grows and grows, 'til you get caught! Plain as the nose on your face!"

Pinocchio: "But if you want something, why wait? Why not just take it?"

Jiminy Cricket: "Oh, my! Who told you that? You need some advice from your conscience!"

Pinocchio: "That's right! You're my conscience, Jiminy! I'll never tell lies as long as you're around."

Jiminy Cricket: "You need to be good so you can become a real boy. You promised Geppetto you would be, right?"

Pinocchio: "Oh! Do you know where Father is?"

Jiminy Cricket: "He's not with you?"

The puppet shook his head.

Pinocchio: "Jiminy, let's go find Father!"

Jiminy Cricket: "Now, hold on! There are all sorts of dangers and temptations out there! I'll go find Geppetto, so you just wait here. These fellows here will be helping me."

Jiminy turned to Sora, Y/N, Donald and Goofy.

Sora: "We will?"

I nudged her friend.

"We WILL help you find your father, Pinocchio. That's what we do."

Jiminy Cricket: "Well, shall we go, Sora, Y/N?"

Sora: "You could've asked us first..."

"Yep! We're ready to go! We'll see you later, Pinocchio!"

Pinocchio: "Okay! See ya!"


The group left the accessory shop and headed inside their gummi ship. Upon travelling through they something big and blue up ahead.

Donald: "What is that?"

Sora: "Wow, it's huge!"

The figure came closer to the gummi ship.

Goofy & Y/N: "It's a giant whale!"

Jiminy Cricket: "It's Monstro! He's a whale of a whale, and vicious besides!"

Donald: "Whoa! Sora, get us out of here!"

Sora: "Too late! He's going to swallow us!"

Then everything went black.

The scene changed to a memory of Sora and Riku when they were young and before Kairi and Y/N appeared. Young Sora and Young Riku were walking around as Sora was complaining about something.

Sora: "It's true! I saw it with my own eyes!"

Riku: "You sure you didn't just hear it this time?"

Sora: "What difference does it make? There's a huge monster in there, I tell you!"

Riku: "All right. Suppose there really is a monster... Think we can beat it by ourselves, Sora?"

They both arrived at the secret cave where there used to be cave drawings.

Sora: "No problem. Let's do it!"

Sora looked confidently up at Riku.

Sora: "Listen! There! Can you hear it growling?"

Riku: "Shh, quiet."

Riku leaned forward to get a better hearing.

Riku: "We've gotta be careful."

They both went inside but found nothing but a door.

Riku: "See that? It was just the wind making that noise."

Sora: "Aw, man. I wish it was a monster! Hold on! What's that over there?"

Sora looked over to see the end of the cave a wooden door. Riku walked up to it to inspect it.

Riku: "A window, or maybe a door? It won't open."

Sora: "Geez, is that really all that's in here?"

Sora looked around the cave only to see a few rocks and a few vines.

Riku: "What do you expect in a boring place like this? Hey, Sora."

Sora: "Hm?"

Sora turned to his best friend.

Riku: "When we grow up, let's get off this island. We'll go on real adventures, not this kid stuff!"

Sora: "Sure. But isn't there anything fun to do now? Hey, you know the new girl at the mayor's house? Did you hear?"

They both walked out of the cave to meet this new girl. The new girl turned out to be Kairi. The memory faded away as Sora's eyes slowly open by an angry Donald and a worried Y/N staring down at him.

Y/N: "Sora! You're awake! We were so worried."

Donald: "Knock it off!"

Donald was shouting at someone above them. Y/N helped Sora get up and walked over to their other friends. Goofy turned to see Sora awake. He had his shield above his head.

Goofy: "Hey, Sora. Are you okay?"

Y/N: "He's fine Goof."

Sora: "What are you guys doing? Where are we, anyway?"

Then a chest was aiming for Sora and Y/N. They both moved out of the way.

Sora: "Whoa!"

Y/N: "That was close!"

Goofy: "Uh, ya know, I think that big ol' whale Monstro just swallowed us. And for today's weather: expect showers."

Then a  chest fell on Goofy's shield and bounced off.

Goofy: "Ow. Heavy showers!"

Donald: "Hey! Who's there?"

Sora and Y/N walked up to them and looked up to see someone looking through and it looked like someone they've seen before.

Pinocchio: "It's me."

Pinocchio peeked his head out from the chest.

Donald: "Oh, it's just Pinocchio..."

Donald looked down before he realized that Pinocchio somehow ended up in Monstro with them.

Donald: "Pinocchio!?"

Jiminy hopped onto Sora's shoulder as he also looked at the wooden puppet boy in disbelief.

Jiminy Cricket: "Pinocchio?"

Pinocchio then started walking away with some stuff in hand.

Jiminy Cricket: "Pinocch, where are you going? Pinocch! Come on, everybody! After him! Quick!"

Everyone then went after Pinocchio to see him on one of the wooden boats that weren't wrecked talking with an old man.

Geppetto: "What have you got there, Pinocchio?"

Pinocchio: "With this, we can get out of here, Father."

Geppetto: "Really? With this big block? You think so?"

Geppetto looked at the green block Pinocchio brought.

Sora: "It's true."

Then Sora and everyone else appeared.

Y/N: "There you are Pinocchio."

Sora: "So, how did you end up here, Pinocchio?"

Geppetto: "Oh, my. So the whale swallowed all of you, too? My goodness."

Sora: "Yeah, looks like it."

Geppetto: "My name is Geppetto. I'm Pinocchio's father. When we got separated, I traveled all over, looking for him. Thank goodness we're together again."

As Geppetto explained his situation, Pinocchio saw a silver-haired boy running further into Monstro. Then Pinocchio slipped away without anyone noticing except the Keyblade Master.

Y/N: 'Pinocchio?'

Y/N also slipped away and ran after Pinocchio to who knows where.

Geppetto: "So, you seem to know Pinocchio quite well. I hope he was a good boy in my absence. Well, we've all had quite a journey. Right, Pinocchio? Pinocchio?"

Everyone looked around to see not only Pinocchio gone but also Y/N.

Sora: "Huh? Where'd Y/N go?"

Geppetto: "I've warned him not to wander off here. He can be a naughty boy. Even so, he's very precious to me. Where in the world has he gone off too? I hate to trouble you, but please bring him back. I'm also sure you're friend is the only one who noticed he slipped away. It's easy to get lost inside Monstro. It helps to use the crates and barrels as landmarks. Beware of the green monsters floating around. They'll try to drive you deeper into Monstro. I hope that's not what happened to Pinocchio. I'm sure you're friend will protect him."


Y/N ran after Pinocchio and was looking for him and eventually found him.

Y/N: "Pinocchio!"

Pinocchio: "Y/N?"

Y/N ran up to the wooden boy and kneeled in front of him and placed both of her hands on his shoulder.

Y/N: "You shouldn't run off like that! It's dangerous. Come on. Geppetto could be worried."

Pinocchio: "But I saw someone else in here!"

Y/N [shaking head]: "That's not possible. No one else could have gotten swallowed in here other than you, me, your."

Y/N grabbed Pinocchio's hand and walked off until she heard a voice.

???: "Leaving so soon?"

Y/N lets go of Pinocchio's hand and turn to see Riku.

Y/N: "Riku?! What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

Riku: "That's not important."

Riku looked at his crush as he stretched his hand out. Y/N stood in front of Pinocchio feeling something was wrong with Riku.

Riku: "Come with me, Y/N. Leave Sora and come with me and Kairi."

Y/N: "Kairi?!"

Y/N ears perked up at the sound of her best friend's name.

Y/N: "Kairi? Is she with you? Where is she?"

Riku: "She's somewhere safe. But... there's a problem. Kairi's heart is missing and I need to find it and I need your help to do it."

Y/N: "Riku..."

Y/N looked down as she clasped her hands together tightly and were shaking.

Y/N: 'I knew it... Someone gave him the power of darkness. His heart is tainted with darkness. But who?'

Y/N lets her arms slide down to her sides.

Y/N: "I'm sorry... Riku..."

Y/N still looked down but summoned her Keyblade.

Y/N: "But you leave me with no choice."

Y/N got into her fighting stance. Riku stared at his crush his eyes narrowing, with a hurt expression not wanting to hurt his crush or wanting to hate him. But summoned his Keyblade and got into his fighting stance.

Riku: 'I'm sorry Y/N. I hope you can forgive me for this and know this... I love you.'

The two friends broke into a fight. After the big fight, both were getting tired, Riku fell to one knee and his Keyblade helping him balance. As Y/N looked like a zombie, was breathing heavily and her vision got hazy and collapsed and faded into consciousness. Pinocchio who witnessed the fight ran over to his friend shaking her and trying to wake her up.

Pinocchio: "Y/N? Y/N?!"

Riku: "She'll be fine. She's just unconscious."

Riku walked over to the two and held Y/N up and her head leaning against his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. He took her someplace else with Pinocchio following behind. As Riku placed Y/N someplace safe he turned to Pinocchio.

Riku: "Hey. Wanna play a game?"


Sora, Donald and Goofy went to look for Pinocchio and Y/N. After going through Monstro. They eventually found Pinocchio but not Y/N.

Sora: "What are you doing? Come on, let's go back."

Goofy: "You know, Geppetto's awfully worried about you."

Sora: "Pinocchio, stop fooling around! This is no time for games! We also gotta find Y/N. She went looking for you."

Sora and the other two walked away thinking Pinocchio was following behind until he heard a familiar voice.

???: "But Sora, I thought you liked games."

Sora turned to see Riku.

Riku: "Or are you too cool to play them now that you have the Keyblade?"

Sora: "Riku! Wh-What are you doing here?"

Riku: "Just playing with Pinocchio."

Sora: "You know what I mean! What about Kairi? Did you find her? And what about Y/N? Did you see her anywhere when she looked for Pinocchio?"

Riku [shrugging]: "Maybe. Catch us and maybe I'll tell you what I know."

Sora: "Come on!"

Riku then took Pinocchio's hand and ran off. Sora, Donald and Goofy ran after them.

Sora: 'Y/N... Where are you? We need your help.'


Riku was walking back to Y/N. To check on her. Until he heard Maleficent's voice.

Maleficent: "Why do you still care about that boy and girl?"

He turned to her walked towards him.

Maleficent: "He has all but deserted you for the Keyblade and his new companions, after all. As for that girl, she has left you for him. She doesn't care about you at all. Why take her with you?"

Riku: "I don't care about him. I was just messing with him a little. As for Y/N, she's someone I can't leave behind."

Maleficent: "Oh, really? Of course you were. Beware the darkness in your heart. The Heartless prey upon it."

Riku: "Mind your own business."

Maleficent walked past Riku as she opened a portal.

Riku: 'She's so annoying... I hope she doesn't hurt Y/N.'

Riku went to check on Y/N, to see if she was awake but instead she was still unconscious. She laid on the ground with her eyes closed a few bangs of her hair was covering a few of her closed eyes. Riku kneeled down to her and gathered her in his arms and brushed the bangs away.

Riku: "Guess the fight from earlier wore you out, huh?"

Riku looked at the sleeping girl in his arms.

Riku: "Y/N... I'm not sure if you can hear me... But just so you know. I'm doing this for you and Kairi. Even if you hate for doing this... Just so you know I'll love you from the bottom of my heart."

Riku placed a kiss on her forehead and gently placed her down and went away.


Sora, Donald and Goofy were chasing after Pinocchio. They stopped until they saw Riku blocking their path from getting Pinocchio as the wooden boy ran past him and goes further.

Sora: "Riku! What's the matter with you? What are you thinking? Don't you realize what you're doing?"

Riku: "I was about to ask you the same thing, Sora. You only seem interested in running around and showing off that Keyblade these days. Do you even want to save Kairi and Y/N?"

Sora looked down.

Sora: "I do."

Then Pinocchio shouted in fear catching everyone's attention. Everyone ran towards the sound of Pinocchio's screams. What they find is a giant Heartless trapping Pinocchio and an unconscious Y/N.

Everyone: "Pinocchio! Y/N!"

Riku: "You up for this?"

Sora: "No problem. Let's do it!"

Sora got into his fighting stance.

Riku: "Hm."

Everyone started attacking the giant Heartless. Riku and Sora were giving it their all, desperately trying to get their friends out. Y/N slightly woke up to shaking and weapon noises her vision was still hazy but saw a brunette and silver hair before going back to her unconscious state. After defeating the Heartless but didn't disappear. Instead, it spits out Pinocchio and Y/N and they both fell through the hole that the Heartless stood covered. Riku went after them. Then Sora, Donald and Goofy followed after.

They all found themselves back to where the wrecked shipwrecks. They landed on the ship where Geppetto was. They see him pleading out to Riku.

Geppetto: "Pinocchio! Pinocchio! Please! Give me back my son!"

They turn to see Riku, Pinocchio and Y/N. They were both unconscious Riku held Pinocchio under one of his arms and Y/N on the other with her head leaning against his shoulder.

Riku: "Sorry, old man. I have some unfinished business with this puppet."

Geppetto: "He's no puppet! Pinocchio is my little boy!"

Riku: "He is unusual. Not many puppets have hearts. I'm not sure, but maybe he can also help someone who's lost theirs."

Sora: "Wait a minute. Are you talking about Kairi?"

Riku: "What do you care about her?"

Riku then waked off with both unconscious people in his hands. They went over to take with Geppetto.

Geppetto: "Pinocchio means everything to me. I don't know what I'd do without him. I'd look for him myself, but I'm too old. If only I could do more for him. No matter what that boy says, Pinocchio hasn't lost his heart! Above the entrance leading into Monstro's depths, there's another entrance. That second entrance may lead someplace you haven't yet seen. But it's impossible to jump up there. It's much too high. You'd need special powers, I suppose."

Sora: "Don't worry. We'll get Pinocchio back! I promise!"

Sora, Donald and Goofy started their search on the three people. They ended up in Monstro's stomach there was a giant hole above them so they had to jump through there. As they did, they saw Riku, Y/N and Pinocchio. Pinocchio had his head slung down while Y/N was still in the arms of Riku.

Sora: "Hey, let Pinocchio and Y/N go, Riku."

Riku gently let Y/N's body down.

Riku: "A puppet that's lost its heart to the Heartless... And the Master who has the powers to bring back their hearts. Maybe it holds the key to helping Kairi."

Riku stretched his hand out to Sora.

Riku: "How about it, Sora? Let's join forces to save her. We can do it together. All three of us can save Kairi. You, me and Y/N."

Riku walked towards him. Sora didn't answer but got into a fighting stance.

Riku: "What? You'd rather fight me? Over a puppet that has no heart?"

Sora: "Heart or no heart, at least he still has a conscience. And Y/N... She understands whether they have a heart or not."

Riku: "Conscience?"

While they talked, Jiminy Cricket ran over to the unconscious Pinocchio and Y/N.

Sora: "You might not hear it, but right now it's loud and clear. And it's telling me you're on the wrong side! And I know Y/N can tell too! She's the Master and she wouldn't want you to do this!"

Riku: "Then you leave me no choice."

Jiminy Cricket made it over to the two unconscious people.

Jiminy Cricket: "Pinocchio! Pinocchio!"

Pinocchio: "Jiminy... I'm not gonna make it."

Pinocchio hung his head down. Y/N then regained her consciousness and stood up slowly. Then a bright light is shown and Y/N covered her eyes. The light disappeared and she heard a gasp from Jiminy and looked over to see Pinocchio's nose grew.

Pinocchio: "Oh! I guess I'm okay!"

Jiminy jumped up in joy.

Y/N sat up and looked over to Sora in a fighting stance. Riku looked over at the puppet and his crush. As they locked eyes it immediately broke as the giant Heartless from earlier that trapped Pinocchio and Y/N came back.

Riku: "Huh?"

As it landed in front of Riku he immediately escaped. Not without getting the last glance at Y/N. Y/N grabbed Pinocchio and Jiminy hopped onto her shoulder and they ran out of the scene. Sora, Donald and Goofy fought the Heartless. They defeated it and a giant Heart appeared out of it. Then the whole place started to get gassy from the Heartless.

Donald: "Run!"

Sora: "Riku! Riku, where are you?"

Sora looked around for his best friend but couldn't find him. He then went back to regroup with Donald, Goofy, Pinocchio, Jiminy and Y/N but she was nowhere to be seen.


Riku was aboard a ship. He was staring down at his crush's best friend lying on a couch. Kairi had no sign of moving.

Riku: "So, Kairi's like a lifeless puppet now?"

Maleficent: "Precisely."

Riku: "And her heart was..."

Maleficent: "Taken by the Heartless, no doubt."

Riku turned to Maleficent.

Riku: "Tell me! What can I do?"

Maleficent: "There are seven maidens of the purest heart. We call them the princesses of heart. Gather them together, and a door will open to the heart of all worlds. Within lies untold wisdom. There, you will surely find a way to recover Kairi's heart."

Riku listened to what Maleficent said.

Maleficent: "Now, I'll grant you a marvelous gift. The power to control the Heartless."

Riku's body was enveloped with green mist and he felt the power of the Heartless he then turned to Kairi.

Riku: "Soon, Kairi. Soon."

Maleficent: "And... There is another gift I'd like to present to you."

Riku turned to Maleficent and looked at her with a confused look.

Riku: "What are you talking about?"

Maleficent only grinned and she opened up a portal and a bunch of Heartless were carrying a H/C haired girl. Riku's eyes widen and ran over to the girl's body. The Heartless laid her on the cabin floor and Riku kneeled down next to her and scooped her up in his arms. He turned to Maleficent with anger in his eyes.

Riku: "What did you do to her?! I told you not to hurt her! I said you can do what you want with Sora but not with Y/N!"

Maleficent: "Calm yourself, my dear boy. She's only unconscious, again. The Heartless didn't do anything but knock her out and bring her here. As a matter of fact, the reason I brought her here is that she will help you bring back Kairi's heart. After all, she is the Master Keyblader."

Riku scoffed and turned back at the unconscious girl in his arms and hugged her form.

Riku: 'Y/N, I'm sorry. You had to deal with that. I promise you once this is over. You and Kairi won't have to deal with this anymore. I promise.'


Monstro was swimming around and its mouth started to itch. Monstro sneezes, setting Sora and his friends free. Though they're no longer in danger, they worry about whether or not Pinocchio and Geppetto also made it out safely.

Goofy: "I sure hope Pinocchio and Geppetto are okay. And I hope we'll find Y/N soon. I hope nothing bad happened to her."

Donald: "Yeah, hopefully they landed safely somewhere. But, don't doubt Y/N! She's a Keyblade Master! She can handle anything other than Sora! Her magic is better than Sora!"

Sora: "Riku... Y/N..."

Sora was thinking about his friends. Riku disappeared and Y/N also disappeared after she took Pinocchio and Jiminy to safety. But he got to his cheery side knowing Y/N and Riku can handle themselves and will find them again.

Sora: "I think my magic is as good as Donald's now."

Donald: "No way! Not in a million years."

Goofy: "Why don't you go see Merlin? Work more on your magic."

Before they moved the gummi ship, they looked around to find Monstro out of their sight.

Goofy: "Monstro's gone. Let's go before he comes back."


Edited on ??????????

Originally published on September 4

Word Count: 3501 

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