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Y/N P.O.V.

I was in the royal library in the Disney Castle. I was studying for probably 4 hours, I may be a Master Keyblader at such a young age, but I need to study more if I discover something new and become a better wielder. The library door suddenly opened to reveal Donald and Mickey. I smiled at the two and stood up from my chairs making my way over to them.

Donald: "Good Morning, [Y/N]!"

Mickey: "Good Morning."

"Good Morning, Donald, Your Majesty."

Mickey: "Well, looks like you're studying hard."

Mickey said as he looked over to the pile of books that are on the table. I let out a giggle.

"Yes, it seems that I got carried away."

Donald: "Well, that's good to know you're studying hard. Now, we came here to find you because King Mickey wanted to talk to you about something."

I gave Mickey a confused look as he simply smiled at me.

Mickey: "Well, we decided to let you go on a journey, by yourself. Seeing yourself as a Master Keyblader at such young age."

"Are you serious?!"

Mickey nodded at me.

Mickey: "You can take the gummi ship and go somewhere where you can start your own adventure."

I grabbed my chin between my fingers with my [left/right] arm, thinking before replying.

"Sure, that sounds great!"

Mickey and Donald's eyes beamed at my answer.

"I'll be packing a few things but won't take a gummi ship."

Donald: "Wak! Are you sure?"

"[chuckles] Of course. I can use my keyblade to open up a portal, but better do it tonight though. Who knows what will happen when people will see me with a keyblade."

Mickey looked at me before saying.

Mickey: "Alright! You can leave tonight if you want."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Mickey: "Haha, just call me Mickey."

Donald: "Well, now that's settled. Are you going to continue to study?"

I shook my head.

"Nah. I think I might start packing for my leave."

Donald: "Goofy and I will help you."

"That would be great. We'll go to my room now. Bye Mickey, I'll see you soon."

Donald: "Goodbye, Your Majesty."

Mickey: "Bye, you guys!"

Donald and I left the Royal Library and started heading to my room until we ran into Goofy.

Goofy: "Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Goofy."

Donald: "Heya, Goofy. We're about to head to Y/N's room to pack her things for her to leave so she can start her journey."

Goofy: "Gwarsh, are you sure?"

Donald: "Yes, Goofy."

Donald said with an annoying voice and crossed his arms while tapping his feet or wabble. While Goofy just scratched his temple with a worried look. I giggled at the two.

"Don't worry. Remember I'm a Keyblade Master nothing can beat me."

I gave them a reassuring smile with a hand placed over my heart. They both smiled at me and we started to head to my room and started packing. There was nothing much for me to pack, so I got what I needed if I find myself living with someone or myself. I thanked Donald and Goofy for helping me pack and left my room. I walked to my own study desk and grabbed my diary and started writing.

Dear Dairy,

Since becoming a Keyblade Master, the first YOUNG Keyblade Master it's been easy. I didn't get to go on missions myself only when I was with Mickey, Donald or Goofy. It's more fun having being accompanied than going alone fighting the darkness. But now I get to go on a journey by myself. Maybe make new friends.

I sighed then closed my diary and decided to get some rest. After all, that studying made me sleepy. I went to change into my nightgown and climbed into my bed and closed my eyes letting sleep consume me.




I woke up to hear the sound of knocking at my door and heard Donald's voice.

Donald: "Y/N! It's time for you to get going!"

I sat up and stretched my arms and rubbed my eyes and replied back.

"Alright! Let me get dressed and I'll meet you in the courtyard."

Donald: "All right, I'll tell everyone to meet you there!"

Donald's footsteps fade away as he went to get the others. I got up and went to get dressed. After dressing up and got my things and diary and headed to the Garden and saw everyone was there.

Minnie: "Oh! You're so grown up, Y/N!"

Daisy: "It's going to be your first journey, we will miss you dearly."

Queen Minnie and Daisy were like mothers to me.

Mickey: "Well, I hope you have a safe journey."

Donald: "Yeah, and remember make sure to make that frown upside down alright?"

Goofy: "It was fun having you here."

I gave out a small giggle.

"I will. And I promise to see you guys again soon. Maybe we'll cross paths."

Everyone smiled at me before I got my keyblade out and turned my backs to them and pointed it in front of me making a portal for me to enter. I turned back to face the others.

"I had fun staying here but I'll come back and visit soon."

Everyone: "Bye, Y/N!" "Come back soon!"

I turned back to the portal and walked right in it taking me to another world.


Three children were running across the beach laughing together. One had spikey brown hair, one had short red hair and the last one had silver hair. Y/N got out of the portal and looked at her surroundings till she saw three children,  two boys and one girl on the beach about her age. She decided to go talk to them. The silver-haired boy noticed her and called out to his friends.

Silver-haired boy: "Hey, haven't seen you around before."

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm new here."

Spikey brown boy: "Oh, really! Well, that's nice. By the way, my name is Sora."

Sora pointed at himself before he pointed at the silver-haired boy and the red-haired girl.

Sora: "And this is Riku. And that's Kairi."

They both waved at Y/N who gladly returned.

Kairi: "Hi, so what's your name?"

Y/N: "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you."

Sora: "Where do you live? Since your new and all."

Y/N stopped for a moment before replying.

Y/N: "I don't have a home so... yeah..."

The trio blackly stared at her before Kairi spoke up.

Kairi: "You can live with me if you'd like."

Y/N: "Thank you, that'd be great."

As Y/N and the Destiny Island trio were chatting and they became friends awful quickly. Kairi and Y/N had fun at Kairi's house. She and the Destiny Island trio spent their time on the island. Y/N started to develop a small crush on the silver-haired boy, she told this to Kairi one night, who was fangirling, as Y/N was blushing deeply. Unbeknownst Riku had developed a liking to Y/N as well yet he kept his cool. She spent 4 years at Destiny Island as she quickly forgot about her journey and she thought it was best to save it for another time.


Started writing on August 27

Edited on August 29

Originally published on August 28

Word Count: 1338

Hi everyone this is the third story so now this story is not so good but I tried anyway. Because I only did Voltron shows episode into fanfiction so I'll try my best to change a few things in this new story. And the photo above is you and I know the outfit looks like Kairi but I tried alright. And this story isn't a Kairi-hate concept. Give Kairi some love!

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