Destiny Islands

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I've been having these weird thoughts lately.

Like is any of this for real or not?

A young boy, named Sora, was falling down in a dark place his eyes closed as he was in a deep slumber. He was falling deeper and deeper into the ocean until he woke up and found himself on Destiny Island, and in front of him was another boy a little taller than him. He had silver hair and it was reaching up to his shoulders, his name is Riku. 

He was standing in the ocean water facing his back to him. Sora smiled at him and was about to run towards him until he stopped to see the surface water backing away, he looked up to see a huge wave. Riku turned around with a calm expression and stick his out for Sora to grab but didn't make it as the wave caught both of the boys. Sora was panicking as Riku was still calm as ever and they were both floating away. Sora desperately reached out to his friend but failed. 

He shot his head up out of the water and looked around to see that it was already the afternoon. He heard shouting and looked back at the sandy beach to see two girls. One had [H/C] and the other had red hair, Y/N and Kairi. They were waving at him and calling him over. Sora let out a goofy smile and walked towards the sandy beach as Kairi hopped a little and had her hands behind her back as Y/N walked towards them and stood by Kairi's side, they were giggling and smiling sheepishly at the spiky-haired boy, who looked exhausted. Kairi and Y/N let out another laugh until they noticed something or someone falling from the sky, Sora turned around to see himself falling from the sky along with the shooting stars before he knew it he was falling backwards and now was falling from the sky. The two girls noticed as Sora reached out to them to grab either of their hands as the girls were yelling at him while reaching for his hand until their figures disappeared. 

Now Sora was sinking in the ocean water once more in the darkness and now he flipped himself back onto his feet as he landed, taking in his surroundings and saw total darkness, as he took a step, a bright light glowed and white doves flew out of nowhere. As they flew away, Sora was standing on some kind of glass circle window like and there was a woman with black short hair, a yellow and blue dress and holding an apple in hand. There were also seven small men surrounding her along with many kinds of animals.

So much to do,

so little time...

Take your time.

Don't be afraid.

The door is still shut.

Now, step forward. Can you do it?

A voice was heard through but there was no one else but Sora. Sora walked into the middle and looked up until a stone showed up and bright light appeared revealing a shield and had a logo shaped mouse.

Power sleeps within you.

Then another showed but had a staff and had the same logo.

If you give it form...

Then the last stone showed up and showed a sword like the others it also had the logo.

It will give you strength.

Choose well.

Sora walked up to the sword he grabbed it and the voice spoke about the weapon.

The power of the warrior.

Invincible courage.

A sword of terrible destruction.

Sora picked the sword and it disappeared in bright light.

Your path is set.

Now, what will you give up in exchange?

Sora walked up to the shield and picked it up then the voice spoke up about the weapon.

The power of the guardian.

Kindness to aid friends.

A shield to repel all.

You give up this power?

Sora picked the shield in exchange and it disappeared in a blinding light.

You've chosen the power of the warrior.

You've given up the power of the guardian.

Then the stones started to crumble and disappear beneath Sora's feet. Then the glass also started to disappear as it started shattering and Sora started falling. Next thing he knew he landed on another glass plate and this time it was another woman with a light blue dress and wears a bun.

Sora stood there until a light shown on his right hand and the sword he had chosen appeared in his hand.

You've gained the power to fight.

Sora did a little warm-up till he heard the mysterious voice praise him.

All right! You've got it.

Use this power to protect yourself and others.

Sora then took in his surroundings until he saw something IN the glass floor.

There will be times you have to fight.

Then black creatures with yellow eyes now mouths and had sharp claws sprouted out. It was the Heartless. These creatures seek and consume hearts from other people and turning them into Heartless. Sora got into a fighting stance. The Heartless charged at Sora as he used his shield to attack them and they dispersed. Just when he thought they were all gone there was one Heartless left and tried to attack Sora from behind until the mysterious voice called out to him.

Behind you!

Sora then sprung into action and attacked the Heartless and another came. Sora destroyed the one who tried to sneak up behind him and attacked the other one. As it was destroyed, the Heartless then sunk to the ground and large shadows appeared around Sora. He started to panic. As it grew bigger Sora felt himself fall into it he failed to get out as it sucked him in. Sora was struggled and swinging his arms and legs around to leave him alone. He then opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. This time he wasn't on the blue glass plate anymore. This one was pink. It had patterns shaped in a heart, three of them had three different women on them. Sora stood up from his lying position and saw a transparent door at the end of the glass floor between two hearts. He walked up to it in curiosity. He tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.

Sora: "I can't open it."

He crossed his arms trying to figure out what to do. He then turned around to a light shine down and a red chest appeared. Sora walked up to it and tapped it with his sword. The chest opened up but disappeared as soon as it opened. Now, a crate with 3-star patterns between 2 swirly lines top and bottom, showed up. Sora destroyed it and then received something that made the door glow a bit and it was less transparent. Now a barrel showed up the same design as the crate. Sora picked up the barrel and pointed it at the door and now the door glowed brightly and it was no longer see-through. Sora walked up to it and the door started to open by itself and a bright light shown on the other side. Sora started walking into it. The light vanished and Sora found himself on Destiny Island in a treehouse but bigger and found his three other friends. Selphie, Wakka and Tidus.

Hold on. The door won't open just yet.

First, tell me more about yourself.

He walked up to Wakka to talk.

Wakka: "What do you want outta life?"

Sora: "To be strong."

Wakka: "To be strong, huh?"

Next, he went to talk to Tidus.

Tidus: "What are you so afraid of?"

Sora: "Being different."

Tidus: "Being different? Is that really so scary?"

Last, he went to talk to Selphie

Selphie: "What's most important to you?"

Sora: "Friendship."

Selphie: "Is friendship sich a big deal?"

Then the mysterious voice spoke up.

You want to be strong.

You're afraid of being different.

You want friendship.

Your adventure begins at midday.

Keep a steady pace and you'll come through fine.

Sora: "Sounds good."

The day you will open the door is both far off and very near.

Then Sora appeared on another glass plate. This one had a woman with blonde wavy hair, a blue dress that showed her shoulders, a black necklace-collar, a small tiara and a rose she held close to her chest.

As Sora walked up and a Heartless showed up and Sora got into a fighting stance and more Heartless came and surrounded him. He started destroying them one by one until there was none left. As the Heartless was gone a light was shown down in front of Sora and a small circle light appeared. Sora stood on it and a faded light started moving forward and a few glass squared steps showed up making a path leading to another glass plate. H earn across the path and this glass had a women with brown haired, a yellow dress, there was a beast behind her looking furosious.

Sora slowly walked in the middle while looking up.

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.

Sora looked behind at his shadow as it slowly rose. Sora backed away in a fright.

But don't be afraid.

The shadow grew bigger and turning slowly into a big monster. Looking like the Heartless but bigger and a tangle of hair wrapped around its mouth, its stomach was not there instead it a heart-shaped on it.

And don't forget...

Sora tried to run but stopped in his track when he nearly fell of the edge. He turned back to look at the giant Heartless. Sora had no choice but to fight it. The giant Heartless gathered dark energy and tried to punch Sora but it missed and stood still with the hand in the glass stain and dark pool shadow was shown. Sora attacked its wrist to weaken it, and suddenly more small Heartless appeared. The giant Heartless tried to grab Sora but failed as Sora continued to attack its wrist. When Sora thought he won the giant Heartless stood up regaining its strength back. Sora took a step back going to attack but his sword suddenly disappeared. Sora fell back and sat back down looking scared. A dark pool shadow showed under Sora who didn't notice as he kept his eyes on the Heartless, making its way down on Sora.

–––––  But don't be afraid.

The shadow pool slowly swallowed Sora's body as the giant Heartless continued to make its way down to grab Sora.

You hold the mightiest weapon of all.

Sora tried to get out but made no progress.

So don't forget.

His whole world turn dark.

You are the one who will open the door.

And with that said. Sora woke up slowly to see himself back on Destiny Islands, on the beach. I sat up and took a bug yawn before falling back into his lying position until Kairi's face showed up.

Sora: "Whoa!"

Sora shot up as Kairi giggled at his reaction. Sora turned to the red-haired girl.

Sora: "Gimme a break, Kairi."

Kairi: "Sora, you lazy bum. I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here."

Sora: "No! This huge, black THING swallowed me up! I couldn't breather. I coudn't-- Ow!"

He was interrupted by Kairi smacking his head.

Kairi: "Are you still dreaming?"

Sora: "It wasn't a dream! Or was it? I don't know. What was that place? So bizarre..."

Kairi: "Yeah, sure."

She walks past him as she stop in front of the water shore.

Sora: "Say, Kairi, what was your hometown like? You know, where you grew up. And Y/N, does she remember where she came from?"

Kairi doesn't turn to him as she continued to stare at the sea.

Kairi: "We've told you before, we don't remember."

Sora: "Nothing at all?"

Kairi: "Nothing."

Sora: "You guys ever want to go back?"

Kairi thought about it.

Kairi: " Hmm. Well, I'm happy here. So, is Y/N"

Sora: "Really..."

Kairi: "But you know... we wouldn't mind going to see it."

Sora: "I'd like to see it too. Along with any other worlds out there! I wanna see 'em all!

Kairi turned to him with a big smile.

Kairi: "So what're we waiting for?"

?????: "Hey!"

?????: "There you guys are!"

They both turn to see a silver-haired boy carrying a log and a [H/C] haired girl carrying a basket filled with coconuts.

Riku: "Aren't you guys forgetting about me and Y/N? So, I guess we're the only ones working on the raft."

He tosses the log to Sora, who falls over with a yelp, and walks over to Kairi followed by Y/N. Kairi and Y/N let out a giggle. She stayed on Destiny Islands for 4 years. She stayed at Kairi's place for the past 4 years. They became best friends like Sora and Riku. Kairi smirked at the two knowing when they will end up together.

Riku: "And you're just as lazy as he is!"

Kairi scratched her head and let out another giggle.

Kairi: "So, you noticed. Okay, we'll finish it together. I'll race you!"

Riku sat down next to Sora as Y/N stood by Kairi's side.

Sora: "Huh?"

Riku: "What, are you kidding?"

Y/N [chuckles]: "Come on, you guys."

Kairi [giggles]: "Ready? Go!"

Then Sora and Riku shot up and started running with Kairi and Y/N following behind. The two girls held each other's hands as they followed the boys. After the race, Sora, Y/N and Kairi were talking in front of a house that was on the other side of the beach.

Kairi: "So, can you guys gather the rest of the supplies? Sora, are you listening to me?"

Sora: "Yeah, I heard you."

Y/N nudged his stomach as he let out a yelp. Kairi giggled before listing the supplies.

Kairi: "Okay, here's what you guys need to go find: Two Logs, One Cloth, One Rope. Bring everything back here. If you guys need help, just ask. I'm counting on you and Y/N!"

Sora and Y/N left to find the supplies. They find the first log that was on the beach shore and found the rest from Wakka, Selphie and Tidus. Sora and Y/N wet through the Seaside Shack that led upstairs to a small island place, which was connected to a small bridge. he find Riku sitting on a palm tree.

Riku: "Hey, Y/N, Sora. Did you guys get everything we need for the raft? I gave my stuff to Kairi. Hey, Sora, how about a quick round. Grab your sword."

Sora wasted no time answering. Y/N rolled her eyes playfully at the boys.

Sora: "Okay, you're on!"

Riku: "This one decides the champion."

Riku jumped off the tree and got his wooden sword.

Riku: "Ready or not!"

Riku and Sora fought, who quickly lost.

Sora: " Aww, man. Now the score's 0 to 1!"

Y/N and Riku let out a small laugh.

Y/N: "Well, we better bring the supplies back to Kairi. See ya Riku!"

Riku waved at Sora and Y/N as they walk back to the hut where she was waiting.

Kairi: "Thanks, Sora and Y/N! I found something today, too. Here, it's yours."

Kairi handed them a Hi-Potion. Kairi noticed the tired look on Sora.

Kairi: "Tired? Want to call it a day?"

Sora: "Yeah, let's go home."

Kairi: "Okay. It is getting late. We'll finish up tomorrow."

The sun begins setting, Sora, Kairi, Y/N and Riku rest on the small island across the bridge and stare at the ocean. Sora, Kairi and Y/N sit on the paopu tree as Riku leans against it, his arms folded.

Sora: "So, Kairi's and Y/N's home is out there somewhere, right?"

Sora looks over at Riku. Kairi places her hands on her knees. Y/N places a hand on her palm.

Riku: "Could be."

The three turned to Riku, who kept staring at the sunset.

Riku: "We'll never know by staying here."

Sora: "But how far could a raft take us?"

Riku: "Who knows? If we have to, we'll think of something else."

Kairi: "So, suppose you get to another world. [giggle] What would you do there?"

Riku: "Hmm. Well, I haven't really thought about it. It's just... I've always wondered why we're here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one? And suppose there are other worlds... Then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could've just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?"

Riku turned to face the others.

Sora: "I don't know."

Sora laid on his back facing the sky.

Riku: "Exactly."

He turned back to the sunset.

 Riku: "That's why we need to go out there and find out. Just sitting here won't change a thing. It's the same old stuff. So let's go."

Kairi: "You've been thinking a lot lately, haven't you?"

Riku: "Thanks to you and Y/N. If you two hadn't come here, I probably would've never thought of any of this. Kairi, Y/N thanks."

Kairi: "You're welcome."

Y/N: "Of course. Anything for a friend."

They start walking back to the dock. Kairi and Y/N lead the way.

Riku: "Sora.

Sora turns around and catches a star-shaped fruit.

Riku: "You wanted one, didn't you?"

Sora: "A paopu fruit..."

Riku: "If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what."

Riku walks past Sora. He thought about sharing the paopu fruit with Y/N but thinking the legend just might be a child play.

Riku: "C'mon, I know you want to try it."

Sora: "What are you talking--"

Riku laughs and Sora tosses the fruit away. They all run back to the dock and head for home.


Meanwhile, in another world, Donald Duck, the court wizard, walks proudly through the Colonnade of Disney Castle, passing a group of brooms carrying buckets. Donald stops in front of two enormous double doors. He clears his throat and knocks on three times. A smaller door just his size opens and he walks through.

Donald: "Good morning, Your Majesty."

"He walks down the long red carpet of the Audience Chamber toward a golden throne."

Donald: "It's nice to see you this morn--"

He sees that the throne is empty.

Donald: "What!"

Just then a yellow dog, with long flat black ears and a green collar around its neck, it was Pluto. Pluto walks out from behind the throne, carrying an envelope in his mouth and had the King's seal on it. Donald opens it and reads the letter. He blinks for a second, then suddenly speeds back out into the Colonnade. He races across the courtyard to where Goofy, Captain of the Royal Knights, is sleeping.

Donald: "Wake up, Goofy, wake up! This is serious!!"

Goofy continues to snore and Donald's temper gets the better of him. He points his finger into the air, yelling, and summons a lightning bolt, which swoops down and strikes Goofy in the side, jolting him awake. He sits up sleepily and looks around.

Goofy: "Hey there, Donald. G'morning."

Donald: "We've got a problem, Goofy! But don't tell anyone..."

Goofy's eyes widen ignoring Donald.

Goofy: "Queen Minnie?"

Donald: "Not even the queen."

Goofy: "Daisy?"

Donald [shaking his head furiously]: "No, it's top secret!"

Goofy [calling over Donald's shoulder]: "G'morning, ladies."

Donald froze.

Donald: "What?"

Donald slowly turns to see a cross Daisy, hands on her hips, and Queen Minnie. Daisy clears her throat and Donald laughs sheepishly, knowing he's got some explaining to do. 


The next day, Sora and Y/N return to the island and visits the Cove. Riku stands there, waiting for them.

Riku: "Hey, Sora, Y/N. Our raft still needs a name."

Y/N: "Really, again? Well, have you thought of one?"

Riku thinks for a moment.

Riku: "Let's see... How about Highwind? What would you call it?"

Sora: "Me? Well... hm... Excalibur!"

Riku: "Hey, how about..."

Sora: "The usual?"

Riku: "Let's do it!"

Kairi appears on the wooden bridge nearby.

Kairi: "You guys at it again?"

Kairi looks at Y/N, who just nodded and shrugged."

Kairi: "All right, Y/N and I will be the judges. The usual rules apply. Take any route you want... First one to tag that tree and make it back here wins."

A tree with a star-shaped crown stands on a large rock wall.

Sora: "If I win, I'm captain! And if you win..."

Riku: "I get to share the paopu with Kairi or with Y/N."

Kairi smirked at Y/N, who was blushing madly and tried to make it unnoticeable.

Sora: "Huh?"

Riku: "Deal? The winner gets to share a paopu with Kairi or with Y/N."

Sora: "Wha... Wait a minute..."

Kairi: "Okay! On my count."

Riku and Sora ready to race.

Kairi: "Three! Two! One! Go!"

She slices through the air with her hand and both Sora and Riku race across the bridge. The two are neck and neck until one of the boards on the bridge collapses, sending Riku into the water. Sora takes this chance to run past the lookout tower and across the bridge. He runs up the hill towards the star tree, seeing Riku catching up to him, by jumping across the tops of the palm trees nearby. Sora quickly tags the tree and races back to the starting line. He throws a fist into the air in success.

Sora: "Now the score's 1 to 1!"

Riku: "Man, lighten up. It's just a name, after all."

Sora scowls and walks over to the makeshift raft on the other side of the Cove, where Kairi and Y/N were standing.

Kairi [smiling]: "Today we collect provisions for our trip! Let's see. Sora, you're looking for... One Seagull Egg, Three Mushrooms, Two Coconuts, Three Fish, and fill this up with Drinking Water. But not from the ocean!"

She hands him an empty bottle.

Kairi: "Bring everything back here. If you need help, just ask. You can take Y/N with you."

Sora and Y/N find a mushroom behind a rock and another amongst the bushes. They cross a hole in the rocky wall, where water is trickling out and fills up the empty bottle. They return to the Beach and finds Selphie on the dock.

Selphie: "Hey, Sora, Y/N. Have you guys heard about the legendary power of the paopu fruit? They say if you share it with someone you really care for, it binds you together forever and ever through eternity! It's so romantic. I gotta try it sometime."

Y/N thought of Riku and her sharing the paopu fruit but shook the thought of it. Sora jumps into the water and catches three fish before swimming to the small island where Tidus is practising. Y/N and Sora went over to talk with him.

Tidus: "I think you've gotten stronger, but odds are you're still no match for Riku. We took him on three-to-one last time, and he whipped us all. Well, I guess Kairi and Y/N can always count on him."

Sora and Y/N walk across the bridge and climbs a tree to retrieve a seagull egg and some coconuts. He enters the Seaside Shack and walks down the stairs to the beach floor. They walk along the beach and sees Wakka.

Wakka: "Me and Tidus, we are gonna do a little explorin' today. You know, to the secret place at the base of that tree. There's gotta be something there, ya?"

Sora and Y/N then enter the Secret Place and walks through an underground tunnel, with roots lining the walls. They reached a room made of walled boulders with chalk drawings scrawled on them. The only light is from a small hole in the ceiling. Sora looks at the wooden door that had no doorknobs or keyholes.

Sora: 'I wonder where this leads."

Sora and Y/N see the last mushroom near a wooden board in the wall and plucks it from the ground. Behind the mushroom is an old drawing of Kairi and Sora that brings memories flooding back to him. He kneels on the ground, placing a hand on the drawing of Kairi with a soft smile. His mind flashes back to the two of them as 5-year-olds when they drew each other on the walls. Sora sits, picking up a rock and begins carving. He stops and stares at his work. He is giving Kairi a paopu fruit. 

Y/N: "Aww."

Sora: "Oh, shut up!"

They both laugh. Suddenly, they hear a noise behind them and Sora stands up swiftly.

Sora: "Wh-who's there?"

?????: "I've come to see the door to this world."

Sora: "Huh?"

?????: "This world has been connected."

Sora: "Wh-What are you talking about?"

Y/N: 'Is this... darkness?'

Y/N felt something strange from the hooded figure.

?????: "Tied to the darkness... Soon to be completely eclipsed."

Sora: "Well, whoever you are, stop freaking us out like this. Huh?"

He notices a hooded figure standing in the shadows. An X is emblazoned upon its chest. Sora stands in front of Y/N who's eyes widen at a mysterious hooded figure.

Sora: "Wh-Where did you come from?"

?????: "You do not yet know what lies beyond the door."

Sora: "So, you're from another world!"

?????: "There is so very much to learn. You understand so little."

Sora [glaring]: "Oh, yeah? Well, you'll see. I'm gonna get out and learn what's out there!"

?????: "A meaningless effort. One who knows nothing can understand nothing."

Sora and Y/N look toward the board in the wall. It resembles a door, but with no lock or doorknob. As Sora turns back to the figure in the shadows, it has disappeared. With nothing left to do, they return to the raft, where Kairi is leaning against the mast fiddling with something jingling in her hands.

Y/N: "Hey, Kairi! Oh, you're making one of those, huh?"

Sora: "What are you making Kairi?"

Kairi: "This? I'm making a necklace of thalassa shells. In the old days, sailors always wore thalassa shells. They were supposed to ensure a safe voyage. See this?"

She holds the unfinished star-shaped charm out to Sora.

Kairi: "It's a charm to help us find each other if we ever get separated. The four of us will always be together."

She places the Wayfinder in her pocket and he presents her with the collected provisions.

Kairi: "Thanks, Sora! I found something today, too. Here, it's yours."

She hands him and Y/N another Hi-Potion.

Kairi: "Tired? Want to call it a day?"

Sora: "Yeah, let's go home."

Kairi: "Okay, tomorrow's the big day. We should rest up!"

Y/N: "Man, what a long day!"

Later during the sunset, Sora, Kairi and Y/N sit at the edge of the dock.

Kairi: "You know, Riku has changed."

Y/N: "Yeah, I think so too."

Sora: "What do you mean?"

Kairi: "Well..."

She grows silent. So did Y/N.

Sora: "You guys okay?"

Kairi: "Sora, Y/N let's take the raft and go— just the three of us!"

Sora & Y/N: "Huh?"

Kairi [giggling]: "Just kidding."

Sora: "What's gotten into you? You're the one that's changed, Kairi."

Kairi: "Maybe... You know, I was a little afraid at first, but now I'm ready. No matter where I go or what I see, I know I can always come back here."

She turns to face him and her best friend.

Kairi: "Right?"

Sora: "Yeah, of course!"

Y/N: "Totally."

Kairi: "That's good."

She pauses for a moment.

Kairi: "Sora, don't ever change."

Sora: "Huh?"

She stands up and takes a final look over the ocean. He stares up at her as Y/N continues to watch the sunset.

Kairi: "I just can't wait. Once we set sail, it'll be great."

Y/N: "Yeah..."

He follows her gaze as the sunsets. 


Meanwhile, in the Library of Disney Castle, Donald reads the letter aloud to Daisy and Queen Minnie.

Donald: "Donald, Sorry to rush off without sayin' goodbye, but there's big trouble brewin'. Not sure why, but the stars have been blinkin' out, one by one. And that means disaster can't be far behind. I hate to leave you all but I've gotta go check into it. There's someone with a "key"—the key to our survival. So I need you and Goofy to find him, and stick with him. Got it? We need that key or we're doomed! So go to Traverse Town and find Leon. He'll point you in the right direction.

P.S. Would ya apologize to Minnie for me? Thanks, pal."

The letter is signed with the King's seal. Pluto sleeps in his bed as the group muses over the King's words.

Daisy: "Oh, dear! What could this mean?"

Minnie: "It means we'll just have to trust the king."

Goofy: "Gawrsh, I sure hope he's all right."

Donald: "Your Highness. Don't worry. We'll find the king and this "key.""

Minnie: "Thank you, both of you."

Donald: "Daisy, can you take care of the—"

Daisy: "Of course. You be careful, now, both of you. And if you ever run into Y/N make sure you tell her the situation."

Minnie: "Oh, and to chronicle your travels, he will accompany you."

She points toward the desk. Donald peers closer, seeing a small bug jumping on the table.

??????: "Over here!"

The cricket stops jumping once he has Donald's attention.

??????: "Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket, at your service."

He bows with his top hat in his hand.

Minnie: "We hope for your safe return. Please help the king."

Donald stands at attention. Joining Minnie and Daisy, Goofy salutes him, before Donald yanks him out the door.

Donald: "You're coming, too!"


They walk down the stairs under the courtyard to the Gummi Ship Control Room. The mouse-eared lights on the wall are dim in the dark hallway. Donald walks ahead as Jiminy hangs on to Goofy's helmet.

Goofy: "Gawrsh, Jiminy, your world disappeared, too?"

Jiminy: "It was terrible. We were scattered. And as far as I can see, I'm the only one who made it to this castle."

Donald [sternly]: "Goofy?"

Goofy: "Oh, right... I gotcha. Ya mean, while we're in other worlds, we can't let on where we're from. We've gotta protect the world border."

Donald: ""Order.""

Goofy: "Right. World order."

He laughs and Donald gives a sigh. They come upon a crown-shaped doorway.

Goofy: "I guess we'll need new duds when we get there."

They enter the Gummi Ship Control Room, walking across the tiled floor. The whirring of machines fills the air as giant gears spin along the walls. Mechanical arms hang down from the ceiling around a small orange spaceship. The dome of the cockpit reveals three seats. Donald walks toward a large golden tube and puts a hand to his mouth.

Donald: "Hello up there? Donald Duck to launch crew! Anytime you're ready."

In a hanging control booth, Donald's voice echoes out of the other end of the tube into the ears of a black-nosed chipmunk wearing an apron. Chip salutes and a second chipmunk, this time with a red nose, runs toward a control panel. Dale jumps up to turn a blue lever. Steam billows out of pipes in the ceiling as more gears spin on the walls. Dale leaps to the window and the two chipmunks watch a mechanical hand move across the room. The hand picks up Goofy, carrying him upside down with his arms outstretched. Donald, at his annoyance of being lifted the same way, crosses his arms and frowns. As the cockpit opens, Pluto runs into the room and jumps into the Gummi Ship. A light spins on the wall as an interstellar runway opens, lights blinking along the path. A lift moves the rocket ship, aiming it at the tunnel, as Daisy and Queen Minnie enter the room to see their departure. Donald gives Daisy a thumbs-up and a wink as the rocket's engines startup with a shower of flames. Donald points forward to the tunnel.

Donald: "Blast off!!"

In the tunnel, a large neon arrow blinks on, pointing downward. The shaft below the Gummi Ship opens, and the ship falls through it, Donald and Goofy screaming. The ship drops out of the world and the engine bursts on, sending them into space.


Meanwhile, Sora sits alone in his bedroom in the Destiny Islands. His window is open slightly, the only light coming from the moon outside and his dim desk lamp. Clothes and books are piled on the floor as he lies on the bed, peering over at a hanging model of a wooden ship with a boy and a girl passenger. Sora's thoughts drift to his earlier conversation with Kairi and Y/N on the dock.

Kairi: "I just can't wait. Once we set sail, it'll be great."

Y/N: "Yeah..."

Thunder rumbles softly outside, catching Sora's attention and he gazes outside. In the darkness of the cloudy night sky, lightning flashes, striking near the small island.

Sora: "A storm?"

He sits up suddenly.

Sora: "Oh, no, the raft!"

Later, the wind blows through his open bedroom window, shifting the curtains as a voice enters his room.

Sora's Mom: "Sora, dinner's ready. Come on down. Sora?"

The room is empty. Sora arrives at the small island, spotting a large orb of energy hanging low in the sky, wind swirling in its dark depths.

Sora: "What's that?"

Sora jumps onto the dock, seeing two other boats moored there.

Sora: "Riku's boat. Kairi's and Y/N's!"

He looks around warily, seeing no one. In the dim landscape, a pair of eyes emerge from the ground. The eyes illuminated the Shadow's body, its antennae wriggling as it scans its surroundings. Another appeared and Sora gasps in fear. He takes out his wooden sword as one of them leaps at him, but he blocks the strike. He tries to hit them with the sword, but they seem unfazed by it. It feels to Sora as if it goes right through the creatures. Sora realizes his only option is to run and he makes his way to the wooden bridge, dodging strikes from the Shadows. Everywhere he runs, more appears in his wake. He sees Riku standing at the small island across the bridge, facing the orb in the sky. He appears unmoving, as if in a trance.

Sora: "Where's Kairi and Y/N? I thought they were with you!"

Riku: "The door has opened..."

Sora: "What?"

Riku [facing Sora]: "The door has opened, Sora! Now we can go to the outside world!"

Sora: "What are you talking about? We've gotta find Kairi and Y/N!"

Riku: "Kairi and Y/N are coming with us!"

Riku burst out. Sora looks shocked.

Riku: "Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!"

He holds out a hand toward Sora.

Sora [uneasily]: "Riku..."

A pool of darkness forms at Riku's feet, its tendrils licking at where he stands, wrapping around his impassive body. Sora rushes forward to save his friend, and the darkness grabs at him. He tries to reach toward Riku, but the weight of the darkness pulls him down. Riku's face is unchanging as Sora fails to grab his hand, the darkness proving too much for him. He blacks out for a second before a light twinkles into existence. It starts out small but soon grows into an incredible brightness. It fills Sora's vision and he feels something metallic fall into his hand. He opens his eyes, nearly stumbling forward as the light dissipates. He stares at the large object in his hand. Its golden handle and silver blade shines like a sword, but the tip of the blade is pointed like the teeth of a key. A keychain hangs from the pommel of the weapon. A name whispers softly in Sora's ear.



Shadows appear around him and he swung at them with the Keyblade. A Shadow, unable to dodge, is knocked backward in a flurry of stars. With a few more swings, the darkness of the Shadows is driven away by the might of the blade, and they vanish. With as many as he defeats, more appears and Sora races back across the bridge. He sees a strange door over the entrance to the Secret Place. The door opens and he runs inside to find....

Sora: "Kairi!"

He found Kairi, but Y/N was nowhere to be found. Kairi stands heavily in front of the door-like wall of the cave. A soft hum hangs in the air as she slowly turns toward him, her empty eyes weak with exhaustion.

Kairi: "Sora..."

Sora is startled to see her like this as she struggles to move forward to him, lifting a hand toward him. Suddenly, the door behind her gives way and a great wind billows forth. Sora stands his ground, covering his face as Kairi loses her grip, flying toward him. He opens his arms to catch her, but just as she reaches him, she vanishes and he catches nothing. Astonished by this, he loses his ground as the dark wind knocks him harshly out of the cave. He comes to on the beach with a grunt, the purple sky stretching around the island. Sora kneels in the sand looking around at the island below him. Large chunks of the island have broken off and risen into the sky towards the dark orb.

Sora: "Whoa!"

The orb looms above him, lightning crackling in its dark depths as the wind swirls in the air with rocky and wooden debris. Sora senses a presence behind him, and stands, turning around to see the demon from his dreams, Darkside, gazing down at him through black tendrils. Sora takes out the Keyblade as Darkside kneels on the ground. Energy pulses in the heart-shaped hole in its torso and it releases beams that target Sora. Sora begins attacking its arm, while dodging the beams of energy. Darkside stands, its hands out of reach of Sora, and it pauses, peering at him through glowing yellow eyes. Sora waits, watching its every move. It leans forward clenching its hand into a fist, gathering strength, before slamming the fist into the ground, spewing darkness along the sandy floor. Shadows emerge from the dark pool. Sora races through them to the demon's wrist, running along its black arm. He makes his way to Darkside's shoulder and slams the blade into the creature's face. The wind howls louder as the island creeps further toward the orb of energy. Sora drops to the ground as Darkside is pulled into the air. The wind whipping at him, he grabs a wooden board stuck in the sand and holds on for dear life. Every muscle in his body tenses as the wind pulls him upward. His fingers slowly lose their grip and he is sucked into the orb, screaming.


Y/N P.O.V.

I suddenly started to get a bad feeling ever since Sora and I ran into that mysterious figure. I was in my room that Kairi lent me until I sensed something powerful, something dark. I looked out to my window and saw a giant black orb. My eyes widen.

"Oh no..."

I quickly grabbed my things and run out of the house and headed to the island. As soon as I arrived I saw Heartless appear around me. I got my Keyblade out and fought them. I had to find Sora, Kairi and Riku. The Heartless disappeared before I knew it. A dark pool of darkness showed up beneath my feet and I fell through, screaming. And my world turned dark knowing that Destiny Islands was swallowed by the darkness.


Edited on ??????????

Originally published on August 29

Word Count: 6762

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