Traverse Town

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As Destiny Islands disappeared. Sora and Y/N ended up in Traverse Town. As for Riku and Kairi, their whereabouts were unknown.

Meanwhile in a quiet village, Goofy, Donald, and Pluto walk through town. Something in the sky catches Goofy's attention and he stops, gazing upward. Donald turns around as Goofy points upward. Donald follows his gaze and gasps.

Goofy: "Look, a star's goin' out!"

A bright star in the night sky twinkles and blinks out of existence. Donald's face turns serious.

Donald: Come on. Let's hurry.

Goofy nods and they walk through the centre of the main district toward a flight of steps. The neon letters of the various shops blink in the night air while a few townsfolk inhabit the picturesque town square. Pluto runs ahead of the two.

Donald: "Where's that key..."

Goofy: "Hey, ya know, maybe we ought to go find Leon."

???: "Goofy? Donald? Pluto? Is that you guys?"

The three stopped to see...


Y/N P.O.V.

'Ow.' I thought to myself.

I opened my eyes to myself in a different place or world. I found myself in some kind of alleyway. I stood up and looked around.

"Where am I?"

I suddenly heard voices.

???: "Where's that key..."

???: "Hey, ya know, maybe we ought to go find Leon."

I poked my head out of the alleyway to Donald? Goofy? And Pluto? I got out of the alleyway and called out to them to make sure it was them.

"Goofy? Donald? Pluto? Is that you guys?"

They stopped and turned to see me. Pluto barked happily and ran towards me. I giggled and kneeled down and petted his head.

Donald: "Wak! Y/N!"

Goofy: "Gawrsh. What are you doing here?"

Donald and Goofy walked up to me and Pluto. I got up and explained to them everything from when I arrived in Destiny Islands, meeting Kairi, Sora and Riku, making a raft to set sail to see other worlds and Destiny Islands disappearance. Donald and Goofy looked surprised.

Donald: "Oh... Well, what's important is that you're okay!"

Goofy: "Yeah! So cheer up! We'll find your friends."

I smiled at them and thanked them, but I wondered what they were doing here.

"Thanks, guys. But, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Disney Castle?"

Donald: "We were until the King disappeared somewhere. He said we needed to find the  "key" and Daisy said if we ever run into you we would explain to you everything about what the king said."

"Oh. I see. Well, I know I wanted a journey on my own buuut... I guess we can go find this "key" together."

I smiled at them.

Goofy: "That's a great idea."

Donald: "Well, welcome aboard, Y/N! Now, let's get going!"

We all continued walking as Donald and Goofy explained a few things to me and we needed to find this person named, 'Leon'. We reached the top of the steps in front of an accessory shop. Pluto sniffs around a dark alleyway, while Donald walks off to the right on his own course. Goofy and I noticed Pluto and stoped.

Goofy: "Uh, Donald. Ya know, I betcha that..."

Donald: "Aw, what do you know, you big palooka?"

Donald continues walking.

Goofy: "What do I know? Hmm..."

He ponders this for a second before following Donald.

Goofy [calling]: "Come on, Pluto."

Y/N: "Goofy, why don't you and Donald go ahead while I go with Pluto. Sound good?"

Goofy: "Alright, Y/N. See ya around!"

Goofy waved at me and I waved back before following Pluto who continues his search down the alley, we turned a corner at a pile of wooden crates. He comes across a sleeping and licks his face. I recognized that boy. And that boy was Sora! Sora's eyes blink open slowly and he peers around sleepily, seeing the dog, who happily wags his tail at the sight of him, and next, he sees me, who was kneeling next to him.

Sora: "What a dream..."



Sora starts nodding off again and Pluto pounces on him. He gives off a startling yell.

Sora: "This isn't a dream!"

He squints at the dog, his eyes focusing for a moment, before standing up. He searches his surroundings. Several notices are pinned up on a wall nearby, but even in the dimness of the alleyway, what he sees is not familiar. He then heard giggling next to him and saw Y/N.

Sora: "Y/N! I found you!"

He hugged his friend tightly before he lets go of her.

Y/N: "Haha, more like I found you."

Sora: "Where are we? And who's this?"

Y/N: "This is Pluto. He's my friend."

Sora: "Oh, boy."

He bends down to address Pluto.

Sora: "Do you know where we are?"

Pluto hears a voice calling him and runs back the way he came.

Sora: "Hey..."

Y/N: "Pluto?"

Sora and Y/N follow the dog to the main part of town, where they can finally see in the brightness of the streetlights.

Sora: "This is totally weird... I'm in another world! We're in another world!"

Y/N: "I never came here before when I travelled around with my companions."

Sora turned to his friend, with a shocked expression.

Sora: "You've been to another world?!"

Y/N: "Yeeeaaaah. Look, the reason why I didn't tell you is that I and my companions needed to keep the world in order. If we told them we're from another world it's going to be pretty hectic."

Sora: "Woah. That's so cool! Can you tell me more?"

Y/N [giggles]: "Maybe another time? When I reunite with my other friends then I'll tell."

Sora: "Okay! Sure. It's a promise."

Y/N smiled at him.

Y/N: "A promise it is. Hey, we should ask someone where we are. I forgot to ask my friends what this world is."

Sora: "Why don't we go here."

Sora pointed to the building behind them. Sora and Y/N walk into the Accessory Shop. A blond man standing behind the counter turns to face him.

???: "Hey there, how can I... Aw, it's only kids."

Sora: "We're not kids! And the name's Sora! That's Y/N."

???: "Okay, okay, simmer down. So why the long face, Sora? You lost or somethin'?"

Sora: "No! Well, maybe. Where are we?"

???: "Huh?"

Sora and Y/N explain what happened to Sora's world.

Sora: "Traverse Town... So, gramps, is this really another world?"

???: "Don't call me gramps! The name's Cid!"

He grits his teeth, nearly breaking the piece of straw in his mouth.

Cid: "Anyway... Not sure what you two talkin' about, but this sure ain't your island."

Sora: "Hmm... Guess we'd better start looking for Riku and Kairi."

Cid: "Well, good luck with whatever it is you're doing. If you two ever run into trouble, you come to me."

Y/N: "All right, we will. Thank you Cid."

Cid: "You're welcome, darlin'."

Sora and Y/N leave the shop and talk to a man who was standing next to some barrels. They see a door at the end so they decided to talk to the man.

Man: "That door leads to the Second District. Beyond that lies the Third District."

Y/n and Sora thanked the man, they enter the Second District. As they entered, a man stumbles out in front of them. A glowing heart bursts from his chest and floats over to an orb of darkness. They merge and form a creature similar to a Soldier, with a strange emblem on its chest. It moves awkwardly, doing a somersault in the air before disappearing. Sora and Y/N rushed over to where the man's body once lay and a group of Shadows surrounds them. Sora and Y/N pulled out their Keyblades.

Y/N: "Heartless!"

Sora: "It's those creatures from the island!"

Sora and Y/N defeat the Heartless.

Y/N: 'So, Sora's the key? Huh'

Y/N grinned at the boy.

Sora: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Huh?"

Sora: "You have that as well? It looks so much more different than mine."

Y/N [giggles]: "As I said, Sora. I've travelled around more than you. And I'd tell you everything when we find my friends."

 Sora nods and they both run inside a nearby Hotel as Donald and Goofy enter the area.

Goofy [looking around]: "Doesn't look like he's here. Neither is Y/N."

Donald: "Keep looking!"

After finding no one at the Hotel, Sora and Y/N returns to the town and enters the Gizmo Shop as Donald and Goofy walk out of the Hotel.

Donald: "Hmph. Where is he?"

Goofy [calling]: "Leeeooon!"

Sora and Y/N pass through the Gizmo Shop and finds a large ornate door. They enter as Donald and Goofy leave the Gizmo Shop.

Donald: "Not here, either."

Goofy: "This could take a while..."

Inside the house, Sora and Y/N find two adult Dalmatians, who looks sad. Despite the many rooms of the house, they are all empty. Y/N went over and started petting their heads, she looked through her bag and found a spellbook of hers that was lent by Donald. She used a spell to make food and comfy furniture for them. The two Dalmatians looked pleased as they started to lick the young Keyblade Master's face. After helping them, Sora and Y/N leave, passing through an alleyway back to the Second District. Finding nothing, they decided to return to the First District. As they enter the double doors, Donald and Goofy exit the Hotel again.

Donald [calling]: "Leeeon! Mister Leon?"

Goofy [calling]: "Where are you?"

As Sora and Y/N were heading back, more Heartless appeared trying to block their way. Sora and Y/N battle their way back to the Accessory Shop.

Cid: "Still haven't found 'em? Keep your chin up. Take another look around town."

Y/N patted Sora's back in comfort as they walk back into town.

???: "They'll come at you out of nowhere."

Sora and Y/N turned around Keyblade ready in front of them.

Sora: "Who are you?"

???: "And they'll keep on coming at you, as long as you continue to wield the Keyblades."

A tall man enters in a leather outfit, the lion necklace swinging against his chest. He raises a gloved hand and points at the Keyblades, his blue eyes gazing at Sora and Y/N through his long dark hair. There is a large scar above his nose.

???: "But why? Why would it choose kids like you?"

He places a hand on his forehead.

Sora: What's that supposed to mean?

Y/N: "Yeah. And just so you know I've had this Keyblade long enough."

The man looks at Y/N, noticing the Keyblade was a lot different compared to Sora's.

???: "Never mind. Now, let's see that Keyblade."

He walks slowly towards Sora, his arm reaching out. Sora takes a defensive stance. Y/N steps back a bit.

Sora: "What? There's no way you're getting this!"

???: "All right, then have it your way."

The man takes out a Gunblade, slinging it over his shoulder before holding it firmly in his strong hands. He summons a Fire spell and shoots it at Sora, who dodges and runs toward the man. He gets in a few hits with the Keyblade before taking a large hit from the Gunblade, knocking him backward. He runs further away, but the man leaps over and corners him. He leaps over the wall to the main square and the man shoots another Fire spell at him, which Sora blocks and sends flying back at the man. Sora stops for a second, hearing nothing and runs back over the wall to find the man stunned. As he gets closer, the man snaps back and strikes him hard in the chest. Sora stands for a second, wobbling on his feet, before falling over backward onto the cobblestone ground, his friend kneeled next to him and calling out to him. The man stands back up, hearing a voice behind him.

???: Hey, you found it. Nice going, Leon.

He turns back to see a smiling young girl with dark hair.

Leon: "Still... It looks like things are worse than we thought. A lot worse."

He looks toward the Keyblade in Sora's hands. Y/N looks at Leon with wide eyes, knowing this person was the one King Mickey mentioned in the letter.


Meanwhile, in another world, Riku awakes on a cold stone platform. His fingers twitch and he opens his eyes, seeing a large waterfall and crystalline rock platforms floating in the air. The sounds of the Rising Falls fill his ears, and he slowly gets to his feet.

Riku: " I?"

He looks around at the area. The waterfalls flow upwards rather than downwards, filling his vision on nearly every side. He sees no one else around.

Riku [calling]: "Sora! Kairi! Y/N!"

Getting no response, he stares at the tiled ground. Unbeknownst to him, his arrival is noticed by a tall figure in a black cloak, who walks toward him on a much higher platform. The figure's greenish-grey hand and long violet fingernails are revealed.


Back in Traverse Town, Donald and Goofy walk down the Alleyway in the Second District, having no luck in their search. The dim light complements the empty atmosphere.

Goofy: "Gawrsh, there's nobody here. Sure is spooky!"

Donald: "Aw, phooey. I'm not scared."

He feels a tap on his shoulder and screams, leaping into the air and hanging onto Goofy's back, shivering.

???: "Excuse me. Did the king send you?"

At the mention of the king, Donald stops shaking and the two of them turn to see a young woman with flowing brown hair tied in a bow. She wears a long pink dress and brown boots. She smiles at the two of them. 


Y/N P.O.V.

Leon carried Sora on his back, while I carried Sora's Keyblade. The black-haired woman dressed up as a ninja, Yuffie, introduced herself and Leon. They took us to their place and Leon laid Sora down on the bed in a room. I set Sora's Keyblade on a wall and sat on the edge of the bed where Sora laid.

Yuffie: "So, is he your boyfriend?"

I looked at Yuffie with wide eyes.

"What! No! Of course not. He's my friend."

Yuffie: "Oh, okay! So, I noticed how your Keyblade looked different compared to your friends."

"Oh, that's because I have been training since I was 7 and I got my Keyblade that age. I was trained under my master and the King. I became a real natural and by the age of 9, I became a Keyblade Master. Although, I'm supposed to be a teenager or an adult to be a Keyblade Master."

Yuffie: "Awesome! You must be really strong."


As Y/N and Yuffie finished talking they waited for Sora to wake up, which Yuffie couldn't take her patience. Soon after, Sora is starting to wake up.

Kairi: "Come on, lazy bum. Wake up."

Sora shakes his head and opens his eyes. He looks up to see Kairi peering down at him on the bed with Y/N sitting on the edge, who looked relieved.

Kairi: "You okay?"

Sora: "I guess..."

He turned to Y/N.

Sora: "Y/N, are you okay?"

Y/N nodded.

Kairi: "Those creatures that attacked you are after the Keyblade. But it's your heart they really want, because you wield the Keyblade."

Sora: "I'm so glad that you're okay, Kairi."

Kairi: "Kairi? Who are you talking about?"

Kairi's voice changes.

???: "I'm the great ninja Yuffie."

Sora: "Huh?"

Sora's world flashes and the dark-haired girl from earlier appears in Kairi's place, bending over him.

Yuffie: "I think you might've overdone it, Squall."

Yuffie called out to the tall man from before walks into the green room, who was leaning against the wall.

Leon: "That's Leon."

Sora sees the Keyblade leaning against the wall.

Sora: "The Keyblade..."

Yuffie: "Yeah, we had to get it away from you to shake off those creatures. It turns out that's how they were tracking you."

Leon [crossing his arms]: "It was the only way to conceal your heart from them. But it won't work for long."

Sora sits on the bed, staring down at the floor.

Leon: "Still hard to believe that you of all people are the chosen one."

Leon picks up the Keyblade and swings it in the air. It flashes out of his hand and back into Sora's. Sora's eyes widen as Y/N lets out a giggle. Leon walks over to him and Y/N.

Leon: "Well, I suppose beggars can't be choosers."

Sora: "Why don't you start making sense! What's going on here?"


At this point in time, Aerith has led Donald and Goofy to the adjacent red room.

Aerith: "Okay, you know there are many other worlds out there besides your castle and this town, right?"

Donald: "Yeah."

Goofy [covers his mouth]: "But they're supposed to be a secret."

Goofy covers his mouth.

Aerith: "They've been secret because they've never been connected. Until now."

Her thoughts drift to nearly a decade earlier.

Aerith: "When the Heartless came, everything changed."


Sora: "The Heartless?"

Yuffie: "The ones who attacked you and Y/N, you remember?"

Leon: "Those without hearts."

Yuffie: "The darkness in people's hearts— that's what attracts them."

Leon: "And there is darkness within every heart."

Yuffie looks toward Sora.

Yuffie: "Hey, have you heard of someone named Ansem?"


Goofy: "Ansem?"

He places a hand to his chin.

Aerith: "He was studying the Heartless. He recorded all of his findings in a very detailed report."

Donald crosses his arms and taps his foot on the wood floor.

Goofy: "Gawrsh, uh, can we see it?"

Aerith [shaking her head]: "It's pages are scattered everywhere."

Donald: "Scattered?"

Donald stops tapping.

Aerith: "To many worlds."

Goofy: "Oh, then maybe the king went to find 'em."

He slams a fist down into his hand and Donald nods.

Aerith: "Yes, those were my thoughts exactly."

Goofy: "We've gotta find him quick!"

Donald: "Wait!"

He looks over and suddenly he magically pulls the screen down towards him.

Donald: "First, we need that "key" and Y/N!"

Aerith: "That's right. The Keyblade."


Sora: "So...this is the key?"

Sora holds up the Keyblade.

Yuffie [nodding with Y/N]: "Exactly!"

Leon: "The Heartless have great fear of the Keyblade."

He walks over to the door.

Leon: "That's why they'll keep coming after you no matter what."

Sora: "Well, I didn't ask for this."

Yuffie: "The Keyblade chooses its master. And it chose you. Just like Y/N."

Leon: "So tough luck."

He leans against the door.

Sora: "How did all this happen? I remember being in my room..."

He gasps sharply, standing up and looking at them frantically.

Sora: "Wait a minute! What happened to my home? My island? Riku! Kairi!"

Y/N: "Sora! Calm down."

Y/N placed a hand on her friend's shoulder in an attempt to calm him.

Leon: "You know what? I really don't know."

Sora looks down sadly. Yuffie tries to change the subject.

Yuffie: "Hey, cheer up! I've heard that the Keyblade can open all sorts of locks. Give it a try the next time you find a treasure chest or door lock!"

Y/N: "Yuffie's right. Cheer up, Sora. We'll find them soon."

Leon: "Sooner or later, the Heartless will find you. You'd best prepare yourself."

Sora: "Prepare myself?"

Leon: "To fight for your life. Are you ready?"

Sora: "I'm ready!"

Leon: "Yuffie, let's go join Aerith. She should be there now with the other visitors."

Yuffie points to the other end of the room.

Yuffie: "Leon!"

A Soldier Heartless appears, clattering awkwardly. Leon runs forward.

Leon: "Yuffie, go!"

Yuffie runs into the Red Room, squashing Donald behind it with a squawk. Aerith's face turns serious.

Aerith: "Yuffie?"

She runs after Yuffie as Leon takes out his Gunblade.

Leon: "Sora, Y/N, let's go!"

Leon slams the Heartless through the window of the room and it flies over the balcony and down to the Alleyway below. Leon runs after it, Sora and Y/N following.


The Red Room door closes and Goofy stares at Donald flattened against the wall. Down in the Alleyway, more Heartless have appeared around them.

Leon: "Don't bother with the small fry. Find the leader! Let's go!"

Leon runs down the Alley toward the door to the main district. Sora and Y/N fights the Heartless as they make their way to the Third District. Sora and Y/N runs down the stairs into the square as Goofy watches from a high balcony. Goofy turns around as Heartless appear around him and Donald. He takes out his shield.

Goofy: "Gawrsh, are these the Heartless guys?"

Donald swings his wand in front of him.

Donald: "Let's go get 'em, Goofy!"

With a loud crash, the two of them are blasted off the balcony. Sora and Y/N turns, hearing the commotion and tries to run as Donald and Goofy fall on top of him except Y/N, who quickly steps aside. Stars appear around their heads before they see the Keyblade.

Donald & Goofy: "The key!"

They smile as Sora winces. 

Y/N: "Donald! Goofy! Sora! Are you guys okay?"

Donald: "We're fine."

Goofy: "Oh, hey Y/N! We've been looking for ya!"

Y/N chuckled at the trio. Suddenly, the District starts to rumble and they look around, still in a pile on the ground. Large blocks appear from the ground and cover the exits. Heartless surround them as they stand up, ready to fight. 

After defeating the horde of Soldiers, they hear a clattering sound from above. Sora looks up to see huge pieces of armor falling from the sky. They hit the ground and bounce into the air, spinning wildly. The arms of the Guard Armor form around the torso, which is emblazoned with a red and black symbol. Once the legs attach, the Heartless lands on the ground loudly. It stands there for a moment before the helmet slams down onto the torso with a bright flash. It spins its head and arms before walking toward the quadruple. 

Sora and Y/N attack its arms, but it hardly recoils in its pursuit of Sora. Donald and Goofy do their best to strike the tough armor. It begins spinning its arms wildly around its body. Donald is caught in the twister and is knocked out. Sora strikes at one of the arms while Y/N strikes the other and the Guard Armor stomps the ground in anger. It jumps into the air and its pieces clatter to the ground heavily. Sora and Y/N strike both of the arms off while Goofy heals Donald and they tag-team against its thunderous legs. With the appendages destroyed, the torso is left defenceless and it falls to the ground. 

Sora, Y/N, Donald, and Goofy approach and it begins spinning out of control, knocking the quadruple of them back. Once they find their footing again, Sora and Y/N give the armor a final strike and it starts to explode from the inside, shaking the area around it. Its head wobbles and falls to the ground with a mighty ring. A large glowing heart floats out of its torso into the air and the Guard Armor disappears. The District grows silent, the fountain depicting two dogs in love at the edge of the area giving off the only sound. Later, Leon and Yuffie join the group.

Sora: "So, you were looking for me?"

Donald & Goofy [nodding]: "Uh-huh!"

Leon [arms crossed]: "They, too, have been seeking the wielder of the Keyblade."

Yuffie nods.

Goofy: "Hey, why don't you come with us and Y/N? We can go to other worlds on our vessel."

Sora [facing downward]: "I wonder if I could find Riku and Kairi..."

Y/N puts a reassuring hand on Sora's shoulder. Leon closes his eyes, understanding what Sora is feeling.

Donald: "Of course."

Sora looks up at them.

Goofy [to Donald & Y/N]: "Are you sure?"

Donald [to Goofy & Y/N]: "Who knows? But we need him to come with us to help us find the king."

Y/N sighs at the two animals. Leon steps forward.

Leon: "Sora, go with them. Especially if you want to find your friends."

Sora [halfheartedly]: "Yeah, I guess."

Donald: "But you can't come along looking like that. Understand?"

He wags a finger.

Donald: "No frowning. No sad face. Okay?"

Goofy [interjecting]: "Yeah, ya gotta look funny, like us!"

Y/N lets out a small laugh.

Donald pushes Goofy away.

Donald: "This boat runs on happy faces."

Sora: "Happy?"

Donald, Goofy and Y/N smile. Sora bends down and reveals a huge cheesy grin. Getting no response from them, he stops awkwardly. Donald, Goofy and Y/N burst out laughing.

Goofy [pointing]: "That's one funny face!"

Sora [standing up]: "Okay, why not? I'll go with you guys."

Donald [holding out a hand]: "Donald Duck."

Goofy [doing the same]: "Name's Goofy."

Sora [doing the same]: "I'm Sora."

Y/N [doing the same]: "Y/N."

Goofy: "All for one, one for all."

They place their hands together. Meanwhile, in a room full of darkness, a group with equally dark intentions gaze at an image of the quadruple on a round table.

???: "That little squirt took down that Heartless! Who'd have thought it?"

The fiery man looks over to a thin man with a staff, who replies.

???: "Such is the power of the Keyblade. The child's strength is not his own."

The large woman next to him gazes down cunningly at the image, water dripping off her many appendages.

???: "Why don't we turn him into a Heartless?"

She cackles loudly.

???: "That'll settle things quick enough."

A man standing next to her pipes up.

???: "And the brat's friends are the king's lackeys. Swoggle me eyes, they're all bilge rats by the look of them."

???: You're no prize yourself."

A ghostly figure beside the man laughs loudly and the man brandishes a silver hook in his left hand.

???: "Shut up!"

???: "Enough."

The villains look over to a tall woman in a black cloak. She gazes through narrow eyes at the image on the table, her green skin echoing its pale light. Her long fingers curve around the staff in her hand.

???: "The Keyblade has chosen him. Will it be he who conquers the darkness? Or will the darkness swallow him? Either way, he could be quite useful."

She smiles darkly. Later, in the First District of Traverse Town, Sora talks to Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith. While, Y/N, Donald and Goofy talk on their side, catching up.

Leon: "Make sure you're prepared for the journey ahead of you. We don't know how far the Heartless have spread."

Yuffie: "Check out the shops here. They've got some pretty neat stuff!"

Aerith: "This is from all of us."

She hands him 500 munny.

Aerith: "Spend it as you see fit. And this is from Leon."

Leon looks away. She hands Sora an Elixir.

Yuffie: "Good luck!"

Aerith: "I hope you find your friends."

Leon: "Look out for each other. Keep your spirits up."

Sora talks to Donald, Goofy and Y/N.

Donald: "The gummi ship is outside that gate."

He looks toward the World Exit, a large gate at the edge of the area.

Sora: "The what?"

Donald: "That's our ship."

Y/N: "It's been a while since I've been on one."

Goofy: "Wait 'til you see it!"

Donald: "Hold on. Sora, this is for you."

Donald gives him the Fire spell.

Donald: "Now you can use magic, too. Goofy, give him that other thing."

Goofy: "What?"

Donald: "You know!"

Goofy: "Oh, yeah."

Goofy gives Sora the Dodge Roll ability.

Goofy: "Abilities allow you to do all sorts of things. Guess we should look for 'em along the way, huh?"

Sora: "Okay, is that it? Let's get going!"

Donald: "Not 'til we're ready!"

Jiminy [to himself]: "Well, I see big adventures coming their way! Looks like it's up to me to keep track of it all in my journal!"

Once they are ready, Sora, Y/N Donald and Goofy board the Gummi Ship.

Donald: "We travel to different worlds on the gummi ship."

Goofy: "The Heartless ships often give us a hard time."

Donald: "Always be on the lookout during flight."

Goofy: "Your journey will be documented until you reach your destination."

Donald: "Seek out the missions each world has to offer!"

As the Gummi Ship set off. As promised, Y/N told Sora everything from when she earned her Keyblade, becoming a Master Keyblade, going on missions and such, until she met the Destiny Islands trio. She hopes that everything will go alright on her new journey with Sora, Donald and Goofy. And hoping to meet her best friend, Kairi and her crush, Riku.

'Please be safe, Kairi, Riku.' Y/N thought to herself.


Edited on ??????????

Originally published on August 29

Word Count: 4791

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