Chapter 4: Harems and Curses-Jaylin Voorhees

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Camp Crystal Lake
Teen boy: camping is so fun!

Teen boy 2: I know, but I think we should have came prepared.

She could be anywhere.

Teen girl: who u talking about?

B2: Jaylynn Voorhees! Once she died here on this very campsite. And now she came back to life, where she now murders anyone who steps into her territory! Mostly teenagers like us!

Everyone laughed.
B1: You know Jaylynn Voorhees is fake right?
G1: Yeah! Only babies listen to that crap.

Jaylnn's pov:
Well well well... what do we have here. 3 sheep who can't find there out of their kettle.
Sometimes I think it's to easy. Oh well another day another killing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Skylar Grey: Wreak Havoc Plays! * (Oh Yeah I'm doing OSTS now...)

Me: So you said I was fake huh? Well, tell me this... DOES THIS LOOK FAKE TO YOU? *stabs teenage boy.
Hmm how bout you... Who else wants to see how real I am?! *licks lips... how about U2...*starts licking the blood of of machete....* TIME TO PLAY! *laughs crazily...

b1: oh I'm out of here

G1: right behind you!

Me: oh I love it when they run!

I have always been like this... ever since I died on these campgrounds... my only motives were to kill and kill I shall.. this is my revenge for all the people who had abused me... those jerks picking on me.... The people who drowned me in the lake... The counselors wouldn't do shit to help me they let me suffer! All they really focused on having sex than saving my life! The only person who ever loved me and was my mother but she died trying to save me... another reason for my revenge! I made an oath that if anyone steps into my campgrounds they will die! They were cornered. Now was my chance!

G1: I think we lost her...

B1: Yeah me too...

Me: Guess again! Hey how are you doing? I don't believe we've met... Name's Voorhees. Jayline Voorhees. Hey guess what?

B1/G1: what.

Me: Die!!!

*slices them both in half

Oh blood never tasted so good!

I love that adrenaline rush when I kill people. But after a while it starts to get boring. But I understand that's my purpose for getting revenge, I also thought I needed more than that! Oh well. I'm gonna return to my shack. I swear I better find some new entertainment soon or else I'll die of boredom, oh wait I can't die.

Meanwhile at school: Jambo's pov

It's lunchtime and I sat next to all six of my friends, Dan, Janai, Lazuli, Rocky, Spiral, and Niko.
Like usual they would always ask me questions concerning my safety...

Dan: Is there anything you need Jambo?

Janai: we'll be here if you need anything ,Senpai.

Lazuli: Anyone badmouths you, I'll bash they're freaking teeth in.

Rocky: just say the word...

Spiral: and we'll end their miserable life!

Niko: How can I help, Jambo-Chan?
All: We swear on it!

Me: Y'know, y'all don't have to do this every time but I do need all of your help.

All: WE're on it Jambo/Senpai/Jambo-Chan!

Jamboree: I knew you guys would have my back! Go ahead... do What you want if it means deciphering that code in so be it! Don't disappoint me...

This is why I love you guys! I saved them from torment humiliation and all types of danger for years, and now they're doing the same for me!
I saved Dan from getting into fights.

Dan: Hey who the hell are you?

Me: Just a guy who can't stand fights.

Dan: think your so bad, I can take you on right now.

Me: Do it. I am waiting....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Kanye West: Black Skinhead Plays..*
Dan: All right, you cocky bastard! try to dodge this.

He threw a punch at me but I dodged him.

Dan: Damn it! He's quick!

Me: What was that you said about taking me on? now you're really going to get it!

Dan: Shut the FUCK UP! Aaaaaah!

Me: No matter how you attack....

Dan: Where did the bastard go...

Me: *Teleports behind him... The results going to be the same!

Then out of no where I clocked him in the face!

Me: You yield?

Dan: Yea. Say your pretty good.

Me: And the name's Jamboree Ryken.

Dan: Show me how to fight like that, and in return, I'll protect you from whatever harms you, master.

Me: Yeah sure whatever. Wait what?! What did you just call me?

Dan: Did I stutter? You make me your bitch... and I will follow you no matter what...

Me: Whoa... I never said all that! But you're more than happy to become my student... but my bitch yeah No...

And after that day, he decided to become my pupil. I would teach him just basic martial arts. We would spar with each other every now and then. And our friendship strengthened every time we fight! Same thing happened with the rest of my friends.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

* Naruto Shippuden.. OST Indra and Asura....
Janai was bullied a lot and she was threatened by the other girls. I could not let that stand so me and Dan basically messed them up at the courtyard after school.

Bully girl: Jamboree... Why are you protecting this bitch... she doesn't mean a thing to anybody... you're not planning on going out with her right?

Bully Girl2: How about you take on a real woman... *groping me

Me: Sorry but.... *Dan punches her out of nowhere

Dan: The dickhead's not interested!

We stood before them and they squealed with delight..


Girls: AAAAAAH! He said shut up to us.....

Dan: Get the fuck out of our faces now before he mess them up even more.
The girls ran....

Jamboree: Are all the girls really that stupid in this school my God....

Dan: Speaking of girls master, we should check on the one we saved...

Me: I don't like hitting girls, but I can't stand of another getting hurt.

Janai: Thank you for saving me. By the way, who are you exactly.?

Me: Jamboree Ryken and this my student, Dan Ibuki.

Dan: Pleasure.

Janai: I'm Janai Sakura. Please, take me under your wing. I want to learn how to protect others just like you protect me.

Me: What do you think, Dan?

Dan: Whatever Master wants.

Me: Alright, you're in.

Janai: Thank you, Senpai.

?: Impossible! no one with that speed and skill could take down five girls in one sitting! What even is he?

?: I thought we only see this shit on TV.. we have to find out that was real or not... we have to follow him, come on!

Two other girls saw us fight the girl bullies and they followed me to my home, where we meet for training.

Jamboree: OK let's start our training regimen.. our first priority is-
I heard something. In the bushes.

Jamboree: Dan since Janai's new here, teach her everything you know...

Dan: Yes master...

Jamboree: And another thing... *punches head... I did not appreciate when you called me a dickhead earlier... your problem is that you're too arrogant... arrogance is a sin and they can lead to your demise... work on it all right?

Dan: Yes... sorry master...

?: Move it Niko!

Niko: You're to fat, Lazuli.

Me: You know I can hear you, so there's no point in trying to hide.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

* Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OST... Old town*
They revealed themselves. It appeared to be a girl with cat ears and a girl with brown hair in boys clothing (And here come the feminists)

Me: What are you two doing in my backyard?

Lazuli: We heard a rumor that you were very strong. And we want to know if it was true. I'm Lazuli Sapphire and this is my friend, Natalie Suzamya, but I call her Niko, because of her cat ears.

Niko: Do you accept our challenge?

Me: Very well. Show me what you got.

It was a 2v1 fight but i managed to keep my cool. They tried to throw a punch at me but I grabbed both of their fist.

Me: This battle was over the minute you challenged me.

Then I threw them both on the ground.

Me: Do you yield?

Both: Yes!

Lazuli: The other reason why we came is to be your students!

Niko: Please don't kill us, we will do anything to be your pupils.

Me: Oi, fine you both can join my team! But class is dismissed. We'll meet back here tomorrow after school. Alright?

Everyone left and went home.

Me: Why do people want to learn skills from me? It's just basic martial arts, mixed with white lotus kung-fu. But I want to add 2 more friends in my group. I know who.

I grabbed my laptop to set up a group chat. I called Spiral and Rocky to see if they're interested.

Group Chat

Me: Hey Guys.

Spiral: Sup *takes a bite of a sandwich.

Rocky: What's up, Jambo?

Me: Would you to be interested in becoming my students? I'll be teaching the deadliest fighting style known to man!

Spiral: Whoa! I'M IN!

Rocky: I'll be there but I'm already a master at kung-fu!

Me: Rocky, playing Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, or Mortal Kombat doesn't make you an expert at fighting.

Rocky: Hey Screw You!

Me: So you're in?

Rocky: Sure!

Present Day

I'm their master and all of them are my pupils. We are The Jambo 7.
But at school, they're just my posse.

Me: Guys, we need to head to the library. There's something we need to

However, we were unaware that we are being watched..

?: Is that him, mistress?!

Amaya: Yeah, that's him. That's my Jam-bitch!

?: My my my look how my little toy has grown.... I wonder if he still taste as good as he was when he was 8...

?: yes...I want to finish what I started four years ago! I wanted to do him so badly in that room, but we were too young to do so, but now that we're almost 18 we can finally get it!

?: He denied my affections two years ago. I will finish what I should've done...So what do you think Raven, Can I kill them and just keep him alive?

Raven: Easy crow, we have to be patient. What do you think mistress?

Amaya: we need to get them alone. And we discussed where we want him.... don't worry you'll all get what you want soon... we just need to be patient!

?: Don't worry mistress we'll bring him to you!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Tøp: Heathens Play...*

All: We exist for one purpose! BRINGING JAMBOREE RYKEN TO AMAYA TSUKIKO! ! For we are the immortals!

Raven: I am Raven, servant to Amaya Tsukiko... (and soon to be the betrayer her I will kidnap him and finish what I started...)

Amaya: The eldest of my group... you're my second in command in case things go wrong... with your tone bravery we may have a chance of succeeding with our mission.

Crow: I am Crow, sister to Raven, but even deadlier. Looks can be deceiving!
Amaya: The youngest of my group.... remember that the true mistress is me... you serve me, you're my property! You're scum and nothing more but that's your best personality! I understand that you want to get wild and dominant but it can lead to your demise...*pushes her on the ground and steps on her! You understand me...*adds pressure... I can't hear you!

Crow: YES! "(I used to dominate you but since you're getting stronger I was forced to listen to you but don't worry... I'll take back my crown soon enough!")

Amaya: Good girl....

Armageddon: I am Armageddon, the master of war who craves nothing but destruction and despair! (And soon to be the betrayer of my mistress! I saw him first!  I was his first kiss therefore I have already marked my territory and it's time for me to collect what is mine... My sweet little toy)

Amaya: My sweet sweet Armageddon... destruction you will get! You were the first of my students... I expect many great things out of you!

All 3: Unless you are Jamboree Ryken, prepare to die!

Amaya: good job. GO KILL! We started as 4 but now we are one! For one common goal to destroy each connection with Jamboree and make him think abut only me!

All: For Our mistress Amaya Tsukiko. We shall not fail our mission!

You'll be mine soon Jamboree! HAHAHAHA! However the girls won't fulfill their wishes.... I will have jamboree all to myself! No exceptions!
A fearsome group has now stepped in the battle. Will jamboree be safe from them? Find out next time on the mysterious jamboree
Chapter 5: Jamboree's Rite of Passage!
Don't miss it!

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