Chapter 5: School Rumble

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We all met up in the library in order to decipher this code! They all began to take each letter one by one. We opened up each one. We all saw nothing but kiss marks on each note and even 100 inside that envelope.

Niko: I see some notes saying I love you and a whole Lot of hundred dollar bills.

Dan: Damn it!

Me: What's wrong?

Dan: It's not fair, you get all the girls and you get money!

Rocky: You getting money, having girls fall for you, you are a man Jamboree, damn you!

Me: Hey did you come to make fun of me  or praise me?

Spiral: Jambo, with all due respect, we are just complementing you. You've got the juice.

Me: Yeah sure whatever. Hey guys look! It's the same ? that was on that note I saw this morning!

Lazuli: What?! Bring that here!

Niko: Jambo-Chan, can I see the letter?

Me: Wait a second? Yes! That's Genius! Lazuli, Niko, analyze those letters while me, Spiral, Janai and Dan try to figure out who had this ? On these notes. Rocky, hack into the school's roster!

Me: OK we should probably split up around the library!

Dan: Why master?!

Janai: Shut it Dan, he knows what he's doing.

Spiral: What's the plan?

Me: Everyone hush! Now let me try and figure this out. Guy Spiral, you check the cafeteria and see if anyone knows something about a? And please keep your appetite to a minimum.
Spiral: I'll try but if I get hungry I get hungry.

Dan: (softly) i'm surprise you're not fat yet by the way you eat.

Me: OK then, since you want to talk shit, you're going with him! Spiral, make sure he doesn't step out of line! Janai, you check the girls restroom any girls restroom because who ever sent this is a girl.

All three: What will you do master/senpai?

Me: I'll keep watch at the library! Now disperse!
All: Right!
I went inside the girls bathroom and started looking around for clues but first I had to use it if details of what happened in those stalls you do not want to know...
Bully Girl: Sakura,where is your little boyfriend huh?
G2: Too bad he can't be in here to protect you?
Janai: What are you talking about?!
G1: We've been paid by Tsukiko to beat you up and beat you up we shall!
G2: But that doesn't matter to us because you're the same weak little girl as before!
Janai: Bring it on you bitches!
Spiral: I'm hungry can we eat now?
Dan: You just had lunch... Hold it in for another hour!
Soon they saw knifes flying straight at t͙h͙e͙m͙!
Dan: Spiral duck!  We survived! Takes more then that to kill Dan and Spiral motherfucker!
Then shows up here from the background and sees the wrestling committee surrounding them!
Captain: We have orders from Miss Tsukiko to rough you up a bit! U2 are going to be flattened like a pancake!
Spiral: Yeah there's my do it!
Dan: Get ready my friend!
Niko: You know I love coming to the football fields... Quiet serene and stuff... In a perfect place to figure out these letters!
Lazuli: And it's not bad....
?: And soon it will be your tomb!
Niko: Is that the cheer squad!
Lazuli: This is why don't participate in girl stuff!
Cheerleaders: Ready OK! 1-2-345 Look who's gonna die tonight 6-7-8910 you're about to meet your end! 11-12 Amaya Tsukiko knows well! She paid us to destroy you... We have spirit how about you! All of their eyes turn red and under their pom-poms had guns in them!
Lazuli: Allow me to reiterate this is why I don't do girl stuff!
Rocky: Weird I'm not seeing any of these girls on the course roster... it seems all of them has been wiped out... The records are clean like someone erased them from existence....

Nerd: Actually is approximately known as eliminated from the whole entire roster or what you people may call it good girl gone... bye bye...

Rocky: May I help you? Oh God no anyone but you guys... The larpers!
N2: We challenge you to a duel choose your weapon staff or fists!
Rocky: I seriously don't have time to play with a bunch of nerds who have nothing better to do with their lives... however I can whip your ass in video games...,
N1: You make a compelling argument very well we shall excepted the challenge!
Rocky: I would not pass this up!
N1: Whatever that lady is paying us for it better be worth it!

Amaya: All right, Senpai, time for your regularly scheduled torture! Raven, Crow, Armageddon, keep an eye on his posse, but don't hurt them. We will save that for later!
All: Yes Mistress!
Separate battle!
Janai rushed at her and punched two of the girls.... while looking at the leader...
b1: what even are you!
Janai: Your worst nightmare bitch!
The wrestling team charge that both a spiral and Dan! But Both of them were so overpowered that... they wiped out every single one of them!
Janai beated the crap out of her.. And the girl bullies were dead....
Janai: The last time you make a fool out of me!
Niko pounced at the cheerleaders and start scratching and slicing them into little tiny pieces! Lazuli grabs a bat and starts swinging! She bashed each and everyone of their skulls in!
Niko/Lazuli: We got spirit, yes we do, we have life, how about you!
Rocky: Boom give me all your money give me all your money I told you no one can beat me up video games!
N1: You have bested us in combat! I hope we meet again soon....
Rocky: Yeah but here's the thing*electric strike! You're fucking weird!
Dan: You pissed me off!
Spiral: Wait what she say about that girl paying them. To attack us?

Back to jamboree

Amaya: Hey Jam-bitch!
Me: Amaya Tsukiko, What do you want you bitch?!
Amaya: Relax I'm not going to hurt you today! I just want to say make amends.
Me: Go on...
Amaya: Please except this as an apology!
Me: What's this?
Amaya: If you have eyes you can read.

Me to myself: I've got a bad feeling about this however this is the only nice thing she's ever done for me so if she's really willing to make amends, I guess I have no choice.
Me: All right I'll go. I just need time to pack up.
Amaya: Great to have you on board. ( And now my plan falls in the place!) Well have fun.
She giggled but then it turned evil.
Me: I wonder how my friends will respond to this.
Amaya: How's everything?
Crow:   Everything is going well mistress! They don't suspect a thing!
Armageddon: I say we kill them right now and be done with it.
Raven: Now girls calm down we have to see if mistress approves of it.
Amaya: No,let's wait a little longer.

Armageddon: With all do respect, mistress, but wouldn't it be wiser to wipe them all out and just kidnap Jamboree.

Amaya stabbed her hand on a wall. "You should think twice be fore talking back to me!"

Armageddon: Yes mistress. Forgive me. In her head, "I hope you get whats coming to you, bitch! But you know what, I'll kidnap him myself! I saw him first! He is mine!"

Amaya: Now are we clear?!

All: Yes mistress.

Amaya:  Good, Now everyone pack up! We have a trip to go on.

I showed everyone the flyer I got.
Me: Amaya came and gave this to me.
Lazuli: What did she do to you? Oh if she hurts you, I'll bash her teeth in!
All: Just say the word master.
Me: She says it's only for me. I'll be gone for a week. Now,are you sure you can handle me leaving?
Dan: Sure go ahead, you had a rough year we know about all the things you've done and maybe this camping trip is what you need. We'll leave you alone, but only if you want us to.
Me: I'll go solo, all right .Keep an eye on things while I'm gone. Anyway I got to go pack up. I'll see you guys later. And remember your training!
Dan: See you later man.
Niko: *punches Dan's stomach. Are you seriously going to let him leave?!
Dan: Relax cat girl. I've got a plan and he's not going to leave us.
Rocky And Spiral: OK Lay it on us.
Dan: We're going to keep watch of Jamboree and make sure he's safe at all costs.
Lazuli : And if anyone tries to take him away from us  and tries to kill him, we'll beat em to a bloddy pulp!
Dan: Violent as ever i see, Lazuli!
Janai: I don't know about this Dan. I mean should we respect his privacy?
Dan: We took an oath, remember? We vowed to protect Jambo, no matter what. He did the same for us now we have to do the same for him.
Janai: I suppose you're right.
Dan: Now everyone join hands!
All: On behalf of our friendship our love and our support without to keep Jamboree Ryken safe from harm!  No harm will come to him! If he dies we die, he is our friend until the very end!
Dan: Now everyone pack up! We have a camping trip to go to!
All 5: Right!

Hello everyone. The plot thickens even more in this chapter. Maybe jamboree will find what he's looking for this camping trip or maybe something even worse might happen. Will he search what he's looking for. Well his friends survive this battle. Will Amaya get what she wants? Again thanks to the people responsible for the artworks. Thank you for allowing me to use them.
Nexis chapter 6 determination and fear

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