Calamity Order

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AFO is #1. He is not part of this group but an ally.

Villain Group
Name- Roy Smith
Age- 36
Gender- Male
Race- American
Height- 6'8"
Weight- 150 lbs
Villain Name- Black Carrion
World Wide Rank- #2 (New York)

Quirk- Hellish Nightmare
Type- Mutation
He can transform his physical appearance to a hellish creature with black flesh like tendril. This quirk feeds on fear, pain, agony, and despair from people which enchanted his physique depending on how many people are afraid.

Weakness- People who are extremely brave or emotionless, light open areas, and anything that can be use as a light source.
Name- Watts Ion
Age- 69
Gender- Male
Race- German
Height- 5'11"
Weight- 120 lbs
Villain Name- Doctor Bio
World Wide Rank- #5 (Berlin)

Quirk- Bio Rush
Type- Mutation
He can inject needle filled with bio radiation inside his body and giving him incredible power to destroy anyone who stands in his way.

Weakness- Leaves him vulnerable after the injection is done or speed like quirk.
Name- Unknown
Age- 25
Gender- Male
Race- American
Height- 5'5"
Weight- 100 lbs
Villain Name- Jester
World Wide Rank- #6 (New York)

Quirk- Mind Trickery
Type- Emitter
He can manipulate or create illusions just by think about it. The illusions he can make them physical or mental.

Weakness- Strong mental capability
Name- Unknown
Age- Unknown
Gender- Male
Race- Unknown
Height- 6'2"
Weight- Unknown
Villain Name- Nuclear
World Wide Rank- #3 (Los Angeles)

Quirk- Radioactive
Type- Mutation
His body is releasing large amounts of radiation and he has no way to deactivate his quirk.

Weakness- Distance, lead, concrete, or water.
Name- So Lee
Age- 23
Gender- Female
Race- Korean
Height- 5'7"
Weight- 105 lbs
Codename- Smoker
World Wide Rank- #4 (Seoul)

Quirk- Smoke Manipulation
Type- Emitter/Transformation
She can change her appearance into smoke and she can manipulate, change, shape, or create smoke.

Weakness- Strong wind like quirk or fire.
(There is a reference for fire)
Name- Unknown
Age- Unknown
Gender- Unknown
Race- Unknown
Height- 6'6"
Weight- 50,000 tons
Villain Name- Boiler
World Wide Rank- #6 (Seoul)

Quirk- Heat
Type- Mutation
He generate heat from his body up to 3000 C(5430 F). With the heat conduction armor that he is wearing can store all the heat that he is producing from his body and release it from the gap from his helmet.

Weakness- Heat Absorption or Immunity
Name- Aoi Shiro
Age- 23
Gender- Female
Race- Japanese
Height- 5'11"
Weight- 126 lbs
Villain Name- Masker
World Wide Rank- #7 (Musutafu)

Quirk- Identity
She can mask herself with different identity of the person. Once she mask herself, she sounds the same exact person including their height.

Weakness- People with perfect memory or her identity issues.
Name- Jay Royal
Age- 30
Gender- Male
Race- Canadian
Height- 5'11"
Weight- 135 lbs
Villain Name- Blizzard
World Wide Rank- #8 (Toronto)

Quirk- Subzero
Type- Emitter
He can shape, create, manipulate, or change temperature of the ice that reach to zero or in the negative.

Weakness- Fire
Name- Kanao Tanaka
Age- 27
Gender- Female
Race- Japanese
Height- 6'1"
Weight- 128 lbs
Codename- Error
Rank- 9 (Musutafu)

Quirk- Glitch
Type- Emitter
She can release a virus into a technology or glitch out of her opponent's vision and reappear from behind. She can also enter the technology and see any secret files.

Weakness- Non-technology quirks.
Name- Himiko Oboro
Age- 40
Gender- Female
Race- Japanese
Height- 5'9
Weight- 120 lbs
Villain Name- Nightmare Queen
World Wide Rank- #10 (Musutafu)

Quirk- Night Terror
Type- Transformation
She change her body into anything she thinks or what her opponents fear the most.

Weakness- Not afraid or emotionless.

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