World Guardian

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These people do not care about ranks but the people.

Name- Zane Raven
Age- 28
Gender- Male
Race- American/Korean
Height- 6'3"
Weight- 135 lbs
Hero Name- Ghost
Underground Hero Rank- 1 (New York)

Quirk- Soundless
Type- Emitter
He can make himself, others, or his gadgets completely silent and invisible to their opponents, technology, and anyone with sound or recon quirks.

Weakness- Aizawa's quirk.
Name- Dave Roger
Age- 27
Gender- Male
Race- American
Height- 5'10"
Weight- 130 lbs
Hero Name- Vortex
Rank- 20 (Minnesota)

Quirk- Portal
Type- Emitter
Can create or alter any portal and the opponent's portal or gateway like quirk.

Weakness- Teleportation.
Name- Jin Kang
Age- 24
Gender- Male
Race- Korean
Height- 6'0"
Weight- 129 lbs
Hero Name- Database
Rank- 10 (Seoul)

Quirk- Cybernetic
Type- Mutation/Emitter
Jin can change his physical body into any cybernetic weapon or parts. Also he can create, shape, manipulate, and combine any technology. Direct touch allows him to see the cyberspace and interact directly with the codings.

Weakness- Virus or EMP.
Name- Jack Borne
Age- 30
Gender- Male
Race- Middle Eastern American
Height- 5'11"
Weight- 132 lbs
Hero Name- Solar
Rank- 19 (Arab)

Quirk- Sun Creation
Type- Emitter
He can create or manipulate any light source from the sun. However in dark places, his eyes act like flashlights and helps him or others to see but to opponents are blind from his eyes.

Weakness- No light source.
Name- Jacob Jackson
Age- 20
Gender- Male
Race- Nigerian
Height- 6'2"
Weight- 136 lbs
Hero Name- Bolt Runner
Rank- 13 (Lagos)

Quirk- Quick Charge
Type- Emitter
He can quickly charge up electricity in his body and use to boost his physical strength, speed, endurance, and stamina. Not only using to boost his physical abilities but he can release a powerful shockwave or a bolt of electricity to opponents or enemies.

Weakness- Ice, Rubber, Concrete, and Air.
Name- Beth Jones
Age- 26
Gender- Female
Race- American
Height- 5'9"
Weight- 124 lbs
Hero Name- Phoenix
Rank- 17 (Los Angeles)

Quirk- Blazing Flame
Type- Emitter/Transformation
She can generate or modify her blazing flame from her palms or her body that resembles a phoenix.

Weakness- Water, Ice, and Concrete.
Name- Elizabeth Rose
Age- 18
Gender- Female
Race- American
Height- 5'8"
Weight- 125 lbs
Hero Name- Life Savior
Rank- 22 (Chicago)

Quirk- Replenish
Type- Emitter
She replenish anyone's injury, missing limb, or organ. But she can also restore any damages or destruction that heroes or villains caused, including anyone's stamina, money, food, or anything expect death.

Weakness- None.
Air Support
Name- Nathan Floral
Age- 18
Gender- Male
Race- American
Height- 5'8"
Weight- 128 lbs
Hero Name- Azure Blaze
Rank- 23 (Chicago)

Quirk- Navy Flame
Type- Emitter
He generate flames but the colors are blue and he change the temperature for them, if his body can handle it.

Weakness- Water and Pyrokinesis.

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