Something in the ocean (Rewrite)

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(M)- Mind
(W)- Whisper
...- Author/Note

Location: The Pacific Ocean in a storm weather
Date: August 12, 2020, Monday
Time: 7:48 pm

Yuki Pov
(Yuki and Yorichi bio after this)

Yuki: Mom! Dad!

Mom: Yuki!

Dad: Yuki!

The wave got violent and my parents were sent flying off the boat into the ocean. I screamed in horror and tried going to the ledge to see my parents but I felt a hand grab my right arm and pulled me back.

I turn to see and saw my twin brother, Yorichi. And he yelled this to me.

Yorichi: Are you insane or something?! Going to the ledge of the boat while we're in a storm!?!?

Yuki: I wanted to see if our parents are fine?!

Yorichi: What-

I saw Yorichi's eyes widen and let's go of my right arm. I turned around to see what he was looking at and saw it myself. This shocked us completely...

As the giant figure loomed above us, threatening to engulf us in its shadow, Yorichi and I could hardly comprehend what we were witnessing. It was a surreal and terrifying sight, reminiscent of ancient legends and myths. A surge of fear coursed through our veins, and we instinctively closed our eyes, bracing ourselves for the worst. But then, a loud thud resonated through the air, snapping us back to reality. With hesitant curiosity, we cautiously opened our eyes, cautiously peering out from behind trembling hands. To our astonishment and disbelief, we saw our parents standing before us, drenched but miraculously unharmed. Confusion clouded our minds as we struggled to process the impossible. How had they appeared, out of nowhere, when moments ago they had been lost at sea? Tears welled up in our eyes, mingling with the relief flooding our hearts. We embraced our parents tightly, an overwhelming mix of emotions washing over us. It was a moment of inexplicable reunion, of the impossible made possible. Silence settled around us as we all tried to make sense of this extraordinary turn of events. The giant figure, the Umibozu, was nowhere to be seen. Had it been a figment of our imagination, a manifestation of our desperate hope for our parents' return? We realized that we might never have a logical explanation for what had occurred. Yet, in that moment, what mattered most was that we were together again. The nightmare that had threatened to tear us apart had turned into a miraculous reunion, defying all odds. As we clung to each other, the ocean waves continued their gentle rhythm, a reminder of the immense power that lay just beyond our grasp. We knew that we had been granted a second chance, a chance to treasure our moments together, to embrace the love and connection that bound us as a family. But Yorichi and I held onto a shared truth, that amidst the chaos and uncertainty, we had witnessed something extraordinary, something beyond the realm of understanding. Our faith in the power of love and the inexplicable forces that shape our lives remained unshaken.

Bodyguard 5: Everyone! I see lights in the distance!!

I got up and walked towards the front of boat. I saw what the bodyguard said, there were lights in the distance but the Umibozu stops and let out low but silent growl. He slowly place us back in the water and gently pushes the boat towards the lights. As I cautiously approached the front of the boat, my eyes were drawn to the distant lights, a glimmer of hope in the vast darkness. But my steps faltered as the Umibozu let out a low, silent growl, freezing me in my tracks. The sheer presence of this mythical being sent shivers down my spine.
With a mix of confusion and trepidation, I watched as the Umibozu gently placed us back in the water, its massive hands cradling the boat, almost as if it recognized the urgency of our situation. Then, with a surprising touch of gentleness, it pushed the boat forward in the direction of the distant lights. A mix of fear and wonder washed over me as I observed this inexplicable act of assistance. Was the Umibozu guiding us towards safety, acknowledging the fragility of our lives and the urgency of our situation? It was impossible to discern its intentions, but I dared to hope that it meant us no harm. As the boat glided through the water, propelled by the gentle nudges of the Umibozu, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards this enigmatic creature. Its actions defied everything I had heard about its nature, blurring the line between myth and reality. In the distance, the lights grew brighter, a sign that our salvation was within reach. The anxiety that had gripped my heart began to loosen its hold, replaced by a glimmer of cautious optimism. Perhaps, despite the terrifying encounter with the Umibozu, we were being guided towards safety. As we neared the lights, we could make out the silhouette of a rescue vessel, its crew frantically searching for any signs of survivors. Their relieved shouts echoed across the water as they spotted our boat and hurriedly moved closer to assist. With their help, we were safely pulled aboard the rescue vessel, our bodies trembling with exhaustion and relief. As we looked back towards the sea, the Umibozu was nowhere to be seen, leaving us with a lingering sense of mystery and awe. In the days that followed, we shared our harrowing experience with the authorities, recounting every detail including the unexplainable assistance we had received from the Umibozu. Although met with skepticism, our story was ultimately filed away as an unsolved mystery.

As time passed, we tried to make sense of our encounter with the Umibozu. Was it a guardian sent by some unknown force to guide us to safety? Or did it have its own enigmatic reasons for intervening in our perilous situation? The questions remained unanswered, leaving us to ponder the extraordinary events that had unfolded. But one thing was certain - the Umibozu had shown us a side that defied its fearsome reputation. Whether it was an act of kindness or driven by some ancient, inexplicable force, we were grateful for its unexpected assistance. As we moved forward from that traumatic experience, we carried with us the memories of those dark moments, forever changed by the encounter with the Umibozu. We would never be able to fully comprehend its motives or the magnitude of its power, but it had left an indelible mark on our lives.

As a group of rescue heroes braved their way to the lighthouse, their faces etched with determination and concern, my father stood ready to recount the harrowing events that had unfolded during the stormy night. We had been saved, but the curiosity surrounding our survival remained unanswered. With a mix of exhaustion and relief, my father began to share our extraordinary tale, piecing together the moments of fear, resilience, and the inexplicable presence of the Umibozu. The rescue heroes listened intently, their eyes widening with each detail, their gaze shifting between my father and each other in disbelief. As my father described the towering figure and its unexpected intervention, their expressions turned from skepticism to amazement. It was clear that they had never encountered a story quite like ours, a story that merged the realms of reality and myth. Questions flooded the room as the rescue heroes tried to make sense of the inexplicable. How had we survived such a ferocious storm, seemingly against all odds? What was the true nature of the Umibozu and its connection to our miraculous rescue? Although my father could provide no concrete answers, he shared our deep gratitude for the role the Umibozu had played in our survival. Its intervention had defied all expectations, leaving us with a renewed faith in the profound mysteries of the world. The rescue heroes exchanged glances, understanding that our experience had transcended the boundaries of their usual rescue missions. This was no ordinary tale of survival. It was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the fragile connections we make, even in the face of unimaginable forces. While the rescue heroes couldn't fully comprehend the mystical elements of our story, they recognized the impact it had on our lives and the importance of sharing it. They pledged to document our account, acknowledging that there was much more to learn about the Umibozu and its role in saving lives at sea. Months passed, and news of our extraordinary rescue spread throughout the coastal communities. The story captured the imaginations of many, instilling a renewed sense of wonder and hope in the face of the unknown.

Researchers, eager to uncover the truth behind our encounter, delved into the annals of folklore and mythology, searching for any instances of the Umibozu's involvement in similar miraculous rescues. Yet, their efforts yielded only fragmented tales and half-forgotten legends, leaving the true nature of our savior shrouded in mystery. Our family, grounded in the reality of our survival, remained humbled by the experience. We knew that we had witnessed something extraordinary, a convergence of chance and myth that defied logical explanation. And while the rescue heroes deemed our encounter a rare anomaly, we held onto the knowledge that there are forces in the world that surpass human understanding. In the years that followed, our story continued to inspire, reminding people to embrace the unknown, to find solace in stories that defy explanation. The Umibozu became a symbol of hope, an enigmatic guardian who appeared when all hope seemed lost. And though we may never encounter it again, its presence left an indelible mark on our lives, a testament to the enduring power of faith, mystery, and the resilience of the human spirit.

As the waves crashed against the hull of the abandoned yacht in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, a young boy stood on the deck, his striking appearance contrasting the desolate surroundings. With medium black hair, black sclera, and yellow irises, his enigmatic gaze seemed to hold a knowledge beyond his years.

Despite the dire situation, there was an air of inexplicable confidence about him. Dressed in a waterproof attire consisting of a gray t-shirt, black hoodie, and dark blue ripped jeans held together by a brown leather belt, he exuded a sense of rugged resilience. Completing his ensemble were a pair of sturdy black boots that had weathered the stormy seas.

His golden ear piercing glinted in the dim light, hinting at a rebellious spirit. It was as if he was a lone figure amidst the vast ocean, standing defiantly against the odds.

The origins of this young boy remained a mystery, his presence on a seemingly abandoned yacht raising countless questions. How had he ended up in this desperate situation? What experiences had shaped him into this captivating figure?

Yet, as the wind howled and the waves surged around him, he stood undeterred, a beacon of strength and determination. It was evident that he possessed an unwavering resolve, forged through unseen trials and resilience.

With a steely gaze fixed on the horizon, he surveyed his surroundings, seeking any sign of salvation. Days turned into weeks, and the young boy's determination never wavered. The isolation and immensity of the ocean had become his battleground, and he refused to succumb to its unyielding grip.

Through resourcefulness and sheer will, the young boy found ways to sustain himself, salvaging supplies from the yacht's dwindling stock. He tapped into an inner strength that seemed beyond his years, adapting to the challenges that unfolded with remarkable tenacity.

???: It's been a few months of that incident. I wonder if that news of me had died out yet?

The young boy's heart pounded in his chest as he stood at the edge of the yacht, a mix of anticipation and trepidation swirling within him. Tomorrow was the day he had been preparing for, the UA entrance exam, a pivotal moment that would shape his future. With a final glance at the abandoned yacht that had sheltered and challenged him, he steeled himself for what lay ahead.

In his mind, he had made his decision. The ocean, an unfathomable abyss of possibilities, held the key to his dreams. It was the path he had chosen, a leap of faith that would propel him towards his ultimate goal of becoming a hero.

As he took a deep breath, his instincts surged, reminding him of the resilience he had cultivated in the face of adversity. With unwavering determination, he leaped into the ocean, feeling the rush of the salty water enveloping him.

Beneath the surface, the young boy embraced the weightlessness, the sensation of freedom as he navigated through the depths. The world around him transformed into a mesmerizing tapestry of marine life and vibrant hues, a testament to the wonders that lay beyond the surface.

Undeterred by the challenges that lay ahead, the young boy pushed his physical and mental limits, honing his abilities as he swam through the vast ocean. With each stroke, he embraced the knowledge that he was embarking on a journey that would test his mettle, determination, and resilience.

As he resurfaced, his eyes fixed on the distant shore, the young boy knew that the road ahead would be filled with trials and obstacles. But the memory of the abandoned yacht and the path that led him here served as a reminder of the strength he possessed within.

With the UA entrance exam looming closer, the young boy summoned his resolve, fueled by a relentless determination to succeed. He would embrace the challenges that awaited him, drawing upon his journey across the vast ocean as a wellspring of inner strength.

For the young boy, the ocean was not just a physical barrier but a metaphorical threshold of self-discovery. As he swam further towards his destiny, he knew that his time amidst the waves had prepared him for the trials to come. He was ready to face the UA entrance exam head-on, armed with his unique experiences, unwavering spirit, and an indomitable will to fulfill his dreams of becoming a hero.

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