Entrance Exam

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Yuta Pov
Location: UA's Entrance Exam
Time: 5:30 am

Yuta: Maybe I woke up to early or not...?

I heard footsteps behind me and turn around to see no one.

???: Down here.

I look down to see a rat? dog? or a bear?

Nezu: Hello there, I'm Nezu. The principal of UA, you're a bit early.

Yuta: I see, when does the entrance exam start?

Nezu: At 7:30 am.

Yuta: Ah okay then, um... do you want me to wait out or inside?

Nezu: I think it's best that we go inside rather than have you wait outside, okay?

Yuta: Of course.

Nezu: Come along now.

I followed Nezu to UA and entered inside.

Nezu: I've been meaning to ask, what is your quirk and name?

Yuta: I'm Yuta Oboro. And my quirk is called Superhuman, it's basically allows my physical, emotional, and mental capabilities pass the limit than a average person.

Yuta(m): Can't let anyone know about my quirk's true identity.

Nezu: What an incredible quirk and your eyes?

Yuta: My eyes is part of the quirk, I can see absolutely perfect in dark.

Nezu: So night vision.

Yuta: Yes sir.

Nezu: Well then, here we are. The place where children like you will wait here when it's time.

Yuta: Thank you.

I bow my head a little and stood up straight. I entered the room and waited my everyone.

(Timeskip, Chibi Yuta sleeping peacefully as everyone started coming)

???: Hey! Wake up!

Yuta: Uh....?

I woke up and saw a pink skin color girl with two yellow antlers and yellows eyes like mine.

Yuta: Um.. can I help you?

???: Don't you know the entrance exam is about to start.

Yuta: Really, *stands up and stretches* how many minutes do we have to left to get there?

???: Oh! I'm Mina, and we have about... *her eyes widened* We only have 5 minutes left!!!

Mina grabs my left wrist and we ran but I decided to pick her up in a bridal position and I sprinted to lane D that Mina told me.

Once, reaching the lane D. I gently placed Mina down on the ground and the gates opened. Everyone begins sprinting and Mina sprints.

Mina: You coming?

Yuta: Go on ahead, I'll catch up with you.

Mina: Um okay.

I begin to stretch my muscles and relax my body. I noticed a camera from the corner of right eye and smiled. I stopped stretching and sprinted to the exam in blink of an eye.

Meanwhile with the UA teachers and staffs.
Author Pov

Present Mic: Look at those, children.

On the screen, bunch of kids fighting over the points, yelling at each other, trying to steal other points from each other, and etc.

Nezu: Hm?

Snipe: What is it?

Nezu: That kid, why is he just stretching?

All Might: How odd.. Why is he-

All the teachers and staff blinked at the same time, and kid disappeared.

Midnight: Where did he go?

Cementoss: Does he have a teleportation quirk?

Nezu: No, he doesn't.

Aizawa: How do you know that?

Nezu: He told me that he had a superhuman quirk.

Midnight: So basically his body is stronger and faster than most, right?

Nezu: Yes and his quirk is called Superhuman, it's basically allows his physical, emotional, and mental capabilities pass the limit than a average person. Also giving him, perfect night vision.

UA Staff 1: The quirk of his is incredibly useful for saving civilians that are trap beneath debris, escape any mental quirk like brainwashing or hypnosis, help heroes locate villains at night, and etc.

UA Staff 2: True but there flaws to his quirk like anyone with flying, long range, manipulating the surrounding, or etc.

UA Staff 3: That is true and- um am I seeing this right.

All Might: Seeing what right?

UA Staff 3 points the screen, everyone sees the same kid before and now he is sitting on a destroyed mound of robots parts.

On the screen that shows the points, it showed Yuta with 286 points and Nezu spoke up.

Nezu: I think it's time to make it harder. Present Mic, if you may?

Present Mic nods his head and presses button.

Back with Yuta.
Yuta Pov

Yuta(m): I thought this was gonna be challenge but who knew this was child's play.

I heard other people talking about me.

Random Person- R/P

R/P 1: What the hell.? How many points do you think he has?

R/P 2: I don't know but his aura and vibe that he gives off is unusual and anonymous.

R/P 3: When is the Zero Point coming?

Then we all turned our head to the sound. A giant metal hand grabs the building and the head of the Zero Point turned around the corner. This shocked everyone expect me because the height is small. Then another Zero Point appears and everyone starts to run away in fright.

I sat up and walked down the broken parts to the ground. I was about to walk away and I heard a girl yelp, turned around to see a girl with white hair. She trapped beneath the debris and she tried using her quirk but she extremely exhausted. The Zero Point's foot hover over the girl and slam it on her.

With the UA Staff and Teachers.

Aizawa: Was there a malfunction in the system or something.

Snipe: Look!!!

Everyone look to where Snipe pointed and saw the Zero Point foot was above the Aki heiress. The Zero Point slam but there was a surprise.

Back to the scene.
Yuri Pov

I shut my eyes and nothing came. I slowly began to open my eyes a little and saw a bow with black hair and yellow eyes standing in front of me. I saw that he was lifting the Zero Point foot above us.

He squats down and jumps up while lifting up the Zero Point foot. The Zero Point fell backwards onto the other Zero Point. Then the boy gently picked up the debris off of me.

I begin to stand up slowly while he was moving the debris.  Once, he was done moving the debris and I stood up straight, I looked to the boy and my heart begins to make a beat whenever I look at him.

???: You alright?

Yuri: U-uh, yes I'm fine!!

???: Now time to get rid of those two-

Announcer: 1 minute left!!!

I saw him kneel down and pick up a few rocks, then gets back up straight. He reeled his right hand back and throws the rocks in his to the two Zero Point and the two blew up. My jaw dropped open slightly but then I heard another explosion.

Announcer: 0!!!! TIMES UP!!!!!

Yuta Pov
I begin to walk away but I felt my shirt tugged and look behind me to see the girl that I saved.

Yuta: Can I help you?

???: I want to thank you for saving me and to return the favor, please come with me and my twin brother to home.

Yuta: I-

???: Please?

Yuta: I-sure but I don't know your name is.

Yuri: I'm Yuri Aki, the heiress of the Aki.

Yuta: Okay, well I'm Yuta. Yuta Oboro and it's nice to meet you.

Yuri: Oboro? As in the Oboro family!

Yuta: No.

Yuri: But you're last name is Oboro, the missing son that disappeared for 14 years.

Yuta: Please stop talking about them...

Yuri: Why not?

Yuta: *ahem* Personal family businesses...

Yuta(m): You have no idea of what the Oboro family had done to people and heroes lives. Including their illegal activities and business with villains and terrorist around the world.

Yuri: Um okay, then we should get going right now. Come on then.

Yuta: *sigh* Sure.

Yuri and I walked back to the entrance but I didn't hear another person talking.

???: It's seem like we've found our older brother again.

???: Yes we did.

???: Do you guys want me to contact my mom and dad?

???: Not now, I have to make sure it's really him.

???: Okay.

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