Staying at the Aki Household

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Yorichi Pov
Mom: So, how do you feel?

Yorichi: I feel great, but the Zero Point was scary to face.

Mom: I know, it was but you'll have to get use to it because you'll be fighting villains with a quirk that change their height or appearance no matter what.

Yorichi: Yes mom.

Mom: Also, did you text your sister that we're waiting for her?

Yorichi: Yep and also she is bringing someone with her as well.

Mom: Who is it?

Yorichi: I don't know.

The right car door opened and it was Yuri who opened it, along with a boy who is wearing a black jacket, black jeans, black mask, black fingerless gloves, and black combat boots.

Mom: Hello sweetie. *notices the boy* Yuri, who is that behind?

Yuri: Oh! This Yuta.

Yuta: Hello there.

Mom: Hello, I'm Yuri and Yorichi's mother or you can call me,

Yorichi: Oh~ a boy~ Dad isn't going to like this.

Yuri: It's not what you think! I'm repaying him a favor for saving my life during the entrance exam.

Mom: How about you enter the car and we can talk while I drive, okay?

Y/Y/Y: Okay.

Yuri and Yuta entered the car, and Mom start the car and we begin driving.

Mom: So how did you two meet exactly?

Yuta: I met her while she was stuck beneath debris and the appearance of two Zero Point.

Mom: Really?!

Yuri: He's right, mom. I was stuck beneath debris and I was extremely exhausted, so I couldn't use my quirk to escape. Plus there two Zero Point, he rescued me in time as he stopped one of Zero Point stepping on me.

Yorichi: I heard an explosion afterwards! Yuta!

Yuta: Yes?

Yorichi: What's your quirk?

Yuta: My quirk is called superhuman. I can surpass my limit in physical, emotional, and mental capacities than any average person.

Yorichi: That so cool but about your eyes?

Yuta: My eyes. I was born like this and I found something very interesting is that I have perfect night vision.

Yorichi: Man, if we were playing hide n seek in the dark because you'll win easily. Also your quirk is mutation, right?

Yuta: Yes.

Mom: You might be able to surpass the #1 hero in no time.

Yuta: Eh.

Aki: Eh?

Yuri: What do you mean, "Eh".

Yuta: I mean I can when I'm not holding back.

Yuri: You were holding back?! But what happens if you didn't hold back?

Yuta: I really don't know but my guess is that if I didn't hold back, an entire city would be gone by now.

Me, Yuri, and Mom were completely speechless of how strong Yuma's quirk is.

Mom: Yuta.

Yuta: Yes Mrs. Aki?

Mom: I want to thank you for saving my daughter and your always welcome to contact us or come to our place, if you don't have a place. But thank you so much for protecting my daughter.

Yuta: Of course, Mrs. Aki.

Yuri: Do have anywhere to stay?

Yuta: Not really.

Yuri: You can stay at our place.

Yuta: I-

Yorichi: Yea, you can stay at our place.

Mom: Mhm and I'll tell my husband about this as well, so that he can understand.

Yuta: I-thank you for the hospitality.

I smiled and notice Yuri slight hint of pink blush on cheeks. I decide to stay silent and wait till night comes.

After driving, we made it to our home and exit my and Yuri's mom car. We enter the house, our maids and butler's swarm Yuri and I with questions. Mom enter the house along with Yuta, our mom told the maids and butlers about Yuta and what he did.

Yuri: Allow me to show the guest room to Yuta.

Yuta: Sure. *takes off his black combat boots puts them near the shoe shelf and followed Yuri upstairs to the guest room.

Yorichi: Mom, I think you know something that I know?

Mom: I think so too.

Mom/Yorichi: She's in love!

???: Who's in love?

We turn to see dad at the door.

Dad: Hello honey, how's your day going?

Mom: *cute giggles* It was fine, dear and we have a special guest with us today.

Dad: Really, where are they?

Mom: Yuri, took him to a spare guest room.

Dad: I see and- wait him?

Mom: I know that reaction, dear. Relax, Yuri is doing this as a favor because he saved her during the entrance exam.

Dad: Is that true, Yorichi?

Yorichi: Yep and he explain it as well.

Dad: Well then, since he save Yuri. I would like to meet him in person. And Yorichi, how do you feel about today during the entrance exam?

Yorichi: I felt great and confident but when the Zero Point appeared, it frighten when on screen I thought it was going to be small but it was not.

Dad: Haha, true but you and your sister must work hard, protect the people and each other from harm, understand that you can't work alone but you can always trust your friends, understand?

I nod and dad ruffles my hair.

Dad: You can go now and we'll talk more at dinner, okay?

Yorichi: Okay!

I ran up the stairs and I hear my parents giggling at my behavior.

Meanwhile with Yuri.

Yuri Pov
Yuri: So here's the guest room.

I open the door and we both enter the room once we enter, I close the door behind me.

Yuri: So, how is it?

Yuta: It's okay and plus I like the color scheme.

I smiled.

Yuta: Oh, can you turn around so that I can change?

Yuri: Of course!

I turned around and looked at the door. I hear ruffles and noises behind knowing that Yuta is changing.

Demon Yuri: Turn around and peek a little.

Yuri(m): What?!

Angel Yuri: Don't listen to her!

Demon Yuri: Little peek won't hurt plus you and him are alone in this room.

Yuri(m): I guess a little peek won't hurt.

Angel Yuri: Wait no-!

I slightly turned around to peek at Yuta as he change and saw his 8 pack abs and his alethic body, but saw two of the same tattoos on his upper shoulders. Yuta puts on a gray long sleeve shirt and I quickly turn around.

Yuta: I'm done, you can look.

I turn around and look at Yuta.

Yuri: So.. um Yuta, why don't you want to meet your family?


Yuri: I didn't meet it but I'm just..

Yuta: Curious? * sits down on the bed*

Yuri: Y-yea.

Yuta: Come sit down and I'll tell you.

Yuri: Okay.

I went to sit down on the chair in front of Yuta and Yuta said.

Yuta: Well my family use to be friendly, caring, and supportive people that are willing to help others. But that was just facade, they lie, steal, kill, and do many illegal activities and businesses with villains and terrorist around the world.

Yuri: Is that why you ran away?

Yuta: No, it's not that but I ran away from my family neglect and abuse because...

Yuri: Because what?

Yuta: My quirk... *mumbles to himself * Ocean Terror...

Yuri: Why your quirk?

Yuta: My parents only care about powerful or beneficial quirks that can boost their fame and fortune.

(Author: His family doesn't about his real quirk name)

Yuri: Ugh! *stands up* Why would an entire family treat one of their own bloodline like trash or an outcast?!?!!

Yuta: Yuri, calm down, please..

Yuta looks at me with a calm expression and I calm down from outburst. Then I heard the door open, I saw Mr. Azura, the head butler at the door.

Azura: Hello miss and Yuta, It's time for dinner. Please follow me to the dining hall.

Yuta stands up and follow Mr. Azura, I follow behind them and closing the door behind me.

Azura: So Mr. Yuta, how is your day going?

Yuta: Just Yuta, you don't need to be formal to me.

Azura: Very well then, Yuta. I may ask again, how is your day going?

Yuta: It's going well and may I know your name, sir?

Haru: I am Azura Haru and it's my pleasure to serve the Aki family and you, Yuta. I want thank you for protecting our heiress.

Yuta: Of course, Azura.

Haru: No, just use my first name when your here but in front of other people that doesn't reside in this household use Mr. Azura, okay?

Yuta: Yes, Haru.

I smiled and listened to their conversation and Mr. Azura or Haru spoke up.

Haru: Here we are.

Haru opens the doors and my parents and twin brother were there waiting me and Yuta.

Dad: Ah, you must Yuta, right?

Yuta: Yes sir.

Yuta and I walked over to seats. I sat down in between Yuta and Yorichi, then we begin to eat. Dad decides to break the silence.

Dad: So Yuri, how do feel after the entrance exam?

Yuri: I feel great and terrified but I feel confident that me, Yorichi, and Yuta are going to make it in.

Dad: I see and Yuta, I heard from my wife that you saved Yuri from flatten by a Zero Point, am I correct?

Yuta cuts through the steak without any struggle and he looks my dad.

Yuta: That's correct, sir. I did save your daughter from a Zero Point and plus I wouldn't leave anyone in danger even costing my own life.

Yuta pokes the sliced up steak and eats it, my dad smiled and eats his food.

Yorichi: Um Yuta, I have a question to ask?

Yuta: Go head.

Yorichi: Are you missing eldest son from Oboro family?

Yuta stops eating and I was shocked at my twin brother's question. My parents were curious about Yuta's answer.

Yuri: Brother! You can't just ask that question?!

Yorichi: Why are you getting mad about, I just asked a simple question.

Yuri: It's sen-

Yuta: It's fine, Yuri. I'll explain after dinner and plus you only know a small portion of my family.

Yuri: Um okay..

Location: Family Room
Time: 7:30 pmo

Dad: You mind explaining.

Yuta: Well you see, my family is a kind and loving family but not towards me though. They parents would abuse and neglect me because of my quirk.

Mom: What?! Why though!?

Yuta: My parents only care about powerful or beneficial quirks to increase their fame.

Dad: And there's more?

Yuta: Yes, my siblings are quadruplets and they would make fun of me, left me outside in cold only wearing a
t-shirt and shorts. Grandparents would try to abandon me in less public areas but heroes would always bring me back to my family, aunts and uncles try to kill me but my quirk keeps me alive, and cousins always would always blame something that they did onto me and I take severe punishment from their and my parents...

My family, Haru, other maids and butlers disgusted by Yuta's so called family or in shock of what Yuta experienced. I was mostly enraged and tearing up from what Yuta told.

Haru: Is that all?

Yuta: No, my parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents are illegal dealers who makes a deal with terrorist or villains like drugs, guns, human trafficking, crude oil theft, organ trafficking, and many more. But right before I ran away from that.. hellhole... I found out that my mother is rank 10 in the top 10 ranking for... world wide as a villain.

We caught off guard of Yuta's 'mother' as a villain and she's rank 10 in the top 10 for world wide. The adults were furious and Haru spoke up.

Haru: Why didn't you tell this to anyone?

Yuta: If I were to tell someone that wasn't friends or allies to the Oboro Family. I mostly like be tortured alive and tried being kill over and over... My 'parents' are always keeping an eye on me when I tried to anyone at the age of 8...

Yorichi: Are they still watching you right now?!

Yuta: No, they're not. I ran away from that hellhole as far as possible away from the public cities or areas because I couldn't afford anyone's life ending...

Dad: I see... How about you stay with us?

Yuta: What?

Dad: I can't have the person who save my daughter walking around in the city looking for a place to rest.

Yuta: But I would become burdened to you all..

Yuri: Yuta.. you're not gonna be a burden to us and plus it's been a while we had company.

I got up from seat and walked to Yuta, who was sitting down, and Yuta looking at me. I stopped in front of him, sat beside, and I hugged him gently.

My parents, brother, everyone in the room smiled then we heard sobbing. We all look to Yuta who was sobbing and he hugs tightly not letting go. Everyone in the room walked over to us and hugged Yuta as cries out in pain and sadness...

After Yuta was down crying, Yuta asleep on the couch and I still sitting with him. Haru heard the doorbell ring and went to see who it was, maids and butlers left the room to finish their chores, my parents went to the kitchen, my brother went to the backyard to basketball, and right before I left.

Yuri(m): Don't worry, Yuta. Me, my family, and everyone here in this household will protect you from them..

I look at the corner of my left eye and smile at Yuta sleeping. Then I saw mom at door and she said.

Mom(whisper): Dear, can you wake up Yuta.

Yuri(w): Why?

Mom(w): Cause we got the envelope from UA about your entrance exam.

My eyes widen and I turn towards Yuta who asleep, I gently shake Yuta and Yuta wakes up from his small nap. He looks at me and I explain to him that we received a envelope from UA. Yuta nods his and we both stand up from the couch, we followed my mom to the dining room where everyone was. I was my brother already opened envelope and he was waiting to hear if me and Yuta got in.

Yuri: Did you get in?

Yorichi: Yep! And I'm ranked 7 in the entrance exam.

I sat down beside my father and Yuta sat down beside me. My father gave me my envelope and I open it, I was a flash drive but a holographic turned on and display All Might in a suit.

A.M: It is I! All Might! Congratulations Yuri Aki on passing the written exam only receiving two questions wrong and the entrance exam of having 79 points. Placing you in the top 3 along with your brother in the 2nd place and someone else in first place. I hope to see you and your brother at UA!!!

The holograph turns off and I extremely excited. I turn to Yuta waiting and hoping for him to enter UA. Yuta opens the envelope and the holograph turns on but it wasn't All Might but a white mouse.. sitting in a chair.

Nezu: Why hello again, Yuta. My name is Nezu and the headmaster of UA.

I shocked including my brother was in shocked to see that this mouse was the headmaster of UA.

Nezu: I want to congratulate you on passing the written test without any incorrect, this is truly amazing perfect score. Along with the bots, you earned 286 points and there is also rescue points. You have saved Ms. Aki from the two Zero Point and earning 60 points, adding the points together you have 358 points, and also breaking UA's record. So I am happy that you chose to be a hero and risk your life to save others than yourself. Well then, goodbye!!!

The holograph turns off and Yuta smiles.

Yuta: Looks like I got in.

Everyone in the room was in shocked of Yuta's score. I shook my head and quickly wrapped my arms around Yuta.

Yuri: Congratulations!

Yuta Pov
Yuri wraps her arms around me but her chest is touching, so I looked up instead looking at Yuri's chest.

Yuta: Y-yeah thanks.

Mr. Aki was glaring at me but Mrs. Aki hits her husband on the hand with her slipper.

Mr. Aki: Augh!!

Yuri lets go and leans back. She smiles which made heart skip a beat.

Yuta(m): Oh my god.. so cute~

Yorichi: Get a room already~

Yuri and I instantly blushed at Yorichi's comment and Mr. Aki spoke up.

Mr. Aki: No! My baby girl is not allowed to date!!

Yuri: Dad!!! I'm 16 and plus I already fell in love with Yuta..

It cause me to blush more and Mr. Aki gasp.

Mr. Aki: I will not- owowowowowow!!

Mrs. Aki is pinching her husband's left ear and looks at me with an innocent smile.

Mrs. Aki: Alright kiddos, it's time for bed and I'm going to have chat with my husband...

Mr. Aki expresses a scared expression and begs anyone to help him, but no one in the room wants to help because of Mrs. Aki and her true colors.. Everyone begins to leave one by one, then Yuri, Yorichi, and I got up and walked out of the room as Mr. Aki screams in horror as the door shuts.

Once we reached to our own room but right before I could enter my room, I felt a tug. I turned around to Yuri looking at me with blush and I blushed as well. Yuri lets go of my shirt, holding her nightgown in her left hand, and she said.

Yuri: I-I-I was wondering if, um... I could.. nevermind.

Yuri turns but I grab her right wrist and Yuri looks at me.

Yuta: Y-you have my permission.

Yuri blushes but smiles.

Yuri: Okay.

I open the door and we both enter the room, I closed the door behind me.

Yuri: Don't turn around because I'm changing, okay?

Yuta: Yes.

I hear clothes drop to the floor and ruffles.

Demon Yuta appeared on his right shoulder including an Angel on his left.

Demon Yuta: Do. It.

Angel: D-don't do it!

Yuri: I'm done, you can turn now.

Both demon and angel vanish, I turn around to Yuri in her nightgown and Yuri blushing.

Yuri: H-how is it?

Yuta: It looks beautiful on you.

Yuri: How a-about we go to sleep now.. No now?

Yuta: Okay.

I turn off the light and we both went on the bed. I was sleeping on the right and Yuri on the left.

Yuri: Y'know Yuta..

Yuta: Hmm?

I hear ruffles behind me and Yuri hugs my waist and I turn over to see Yuri's face an inch away from my face. 

Yuri: How about I ask my mom to got to the store and you come along with us?

Yuta: Sure..

I smile and Yuri smiles as well. We both closed our eyes and go to sleep.
Word count: 3182

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