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Yuri Pov
I began to wake up, yawning, and stretch but I couldn't, so I opened my eyes and immediately blush that Yuta's face was an inch away from me. Yuta was still sleeping but he's looks handsome while he is asleep and his right arm was around my waist tightly. I wanted to get up but my heart was telling no because this felt nice and comfy, so I decided to stay in Yuta's arms for the time being.

Yuta's right arm let go of me and he turns onto his back. I got up but I pouted that Yuta moved over, so I went on top of Yuta and sat on his waist gently trying not to wake him up.

I hovered over his face and my heart was beating faster as his and my face were just an inch away from kissing.

Right before, I could do anything. The door opened and my mom said.

Mom: Good mor-




Then my dad and brother came in the room.

Dad: Good Morning, Y-



Yuri: It's not what it looks like, okay?

I felt Yuta's body moving and he groans slightly in pain as I remember I was on top of him. I quickly got off and Yuta stop's groaning. Suddenly I felt my body get pulled out of the room and the door shuts closed. I look very my left shoulder and my parents including brother were waiting for me to answer.

Yuri: So, what is it that you need?

Dad: What in the hell w-

Mom smacks Dad across the head and Mom looks at me.

Mom: So~ how was it?~

My face begins blush and Yorichi said.

Yorichi: Oh mom.

Mom: Yes Yorichi?

Yorichi: I think we should go to the store because Yuta barely have any clothes for him.

Yuri: He's right, mom.

Mom: Okay, we'll at 10:00 am and Yuri wake up-

The door opened and it was Yuta who was awake but still sleepy and he's wearing his clothes from yesterday.

Yuta: Oh um, hello.. *yawns* Mr and Mrs. Aki, Yorichi, *rubs his eyes* and Yuri...

Mom: Good morning, Yuta.

Dad: Hello.. *mumbles about something*

Yorichi: Yo.

Yuri: How's was your sleep?

Yuta: It felt great and been a while since I actually had a good sleep as well.

Mom: That's good and we'll be going to the store to get you new some new clothes and shoes, since we cannot have you wearing the same clothes that you wore yesterday.

Yuta: Okay, at what time?

Yuri: At 10:00 am.

Dad: Dear, I won't be going because I'm having a meeting with.. him...

Mom: Who's him?

Yuta: I think he means my old man or that bastard.

Mom: Oh I see now, okay dear.

Dad: Love you.

Mom: Love you too.

Mom and Dad both kissed each other, Dad left to go to the meeting. Mom and Yorichi both went downstairs to eat breakfast while Yuta and I stand there awkwardly.

Yuta: I'll be going downstairs now.

Yuta leaves but I grab his left hand and Yuta stops in place.

Yuri: I-I-I, um..... l-l-l-l...

I was stuttering but Yuta turns around and kiss my right cheek, then quickly got out of my grasp and walks away. I stood there questioning of what happened and quickly realized of what happened. My face begins to heat up and I cupped right my cheek with my right hand.

Yuri(m): H-h-he kissed me!!!! *internal screaming*

Yuta Pov
I walking down stair while thinking of what I just did and blushing crazy.

Yuta(m): OHMYGOD!!! I just kissed Yuri but on her right cheek!! What were you thinking Yuta!!!!

I shook my head to get rid of it but couldn't. I greeted the maids and butlers in the household and they greeted me back. Some asked me, if I really okay, but I told them I was fine and it felt great telling my story to someone. They smiled and continued their work around the house, once I reached the dining hall and right before I entered, I immediately felt a familiar feeling touching my back.

Yuta: Yuri? Is that you?

Yuri: Yeah..

She lets go and I face to Yuri, who was slightly blushing from that kiss.

Yuta: Yuri..

Yuri: Yes?

Yuta: Were you going to say, "I love you, Yuta."?

Yuri nods her head and I giggled. Yuri heard me giggle and she starts to giggle as well. We both stop giggling and look into each other eyes but I open the door.

Yuta: Let's inside now, we don't want to miss breakfast now do we?

Yuri: Okay.

Yuri and I walked in the dining room to see two plates of 3 pancakes with syrup, 4 bacon, scramble eggs, and two glasses of milk. We both sat down and ate while we were eating, I notice Yuri's cheeks became a bit red and I started to blush slightly of that kiss I did.

Author Pov
Location: Mall
Time: 10:50 am

Mrs. Aki: We're here~!!!

Yuta chuckled at Mrs. Aki child behavior and he looked at Yuri.

(She is also wearing shorts beneath her skirt)

Yuta was clearly amazed at Yuri's beauty in which he didn't hear Yuri's questions, but Yuri slaps both hands on Yuta's cheeks to get his attention and it Yuta snaps back to reality.

Yuta: Yes?

Yuri removes her hands while blushing and she said.

Yuri: W-we're going to.. get you some new cl-clothes, okay?

Yuta nods his head and they both went to the nearby clothes store. Once they entered the clothes store and went to the males clothes section. Yuta only grabbed two sets of clothes but Yuri insisted on getting him ten more sets of clothes for to try out. Yuta sweatdrop and knowing this gonna be a long for him, Yuri drags Yuta to the fitting room and have him tryout the clothes he has gotten.

Yuri: Once you're done changing into them, I want to see how they look you, okay?

Yuta: *sigh* Yes, ma'am.

Yuri sits down on chair and waiting for Yuta to come out in of the clothes that he or she has gotten. Yuta comes out of the fitting room and Yuri was completely speechless of how Yuta looks.

Yuri was blushing but she wasn't the only person who was blushing, the women in the same store with Yuri and Yuta were completely, how of Yuta looks.

Yuta immediately felt uncomfortable from the stares that he is getting and went back to the fitting room to change again. Yuta came out again wearing a different outfit.

After Yuta was done showing the clothes to Yuri, they went to the cashier and paid for all them. Yuta asked the cashier of what time it is and the cashier pulled out her phone then said.

Cashier: It's 12:20 am, sir.

Yuta: Thank you. *smiles*

The cashier blushes and Yuri saw this, she dragged Yuta out of the store. Once they out of the store, Yuri stops dragging Yuta and turns to Yuta with a pout expression.


Yuta: I'm sorry, Yuri.

Yuri: *sigh* It's fine but you can't show your smile to anyone but me.

Yuta: Hehe, okay(2x). Let's get something to eat because we've been in that store for 2 hours now.

Yuri: I'm not hung- *stomach growls* ....

Yuta: You are and you can't deny that.


Yuta: You're in embarrassed, aren't you?

Yuri: Shut up..! Let's go and find something to eat.

Yuri walks away and Yuta sighs then follow right behind Yuri. After finding a place to eat and chat for a bit, Yuri saw a phone behind Yuta. When they finished eating, Yuri dragged Yuta into the phone store and Yuri asked the cashier for their most expensive phone for Yuta to have, Yuta didn't want phone but Yuri has already paid for it and gave it to Yuta to use.

Yuri grabs Yuta's phone and dials her phone number to Yuta's new phone. She was done and gave back Yuta's phone to him. Then Yuri pulls out her phone and calls her mother, her mother picked up the phone.

Mrs. Aki: Yes, Yuri?

Yuri: I was wondering, if Yuta and I could go home first because we got Yuta new clothes and I bought him a phone for him to use.

Mrs. Aki: Of course, your brother and I is still looking for new brand items, so you two can go back home. Also be careful as well.

Yuri: Yes, mom.

Yuri turns off her phone and place it in her purse, she faces Yuta and he nods his head. They both left the mall and walk back on foot in the scorching hot sun. Yuta was fine from the heat but Yuri was dying from the heat, so Yuta spotted shades for Yuri to use from the sun. Yuta taps Yuri's left shoulder in which in response, Yuri looks at Yuta and he points in the direction of a public restroom. Yuri nods her head and they both went into the shade to cool off from the sun. Yuri went inside to change into her shorts and Yuta waits Yuri to come out of the public restroom, Yuri finish changing into her shorts and comes out, Yuta looks around to see Yuri almost see through clothes.

Yuta was starting to stare at Yuri and Yuri was questioning. Soon Yuri looks at herself and realizes that clothes were almost revealing her bra and Yuri covers her chest with both her arms. Yuri screams and Yuta immediately looks away while blushing, Yuta pulls his jacket from the bag and gives to Yuri to wear. Yuri takes the jacket and puts it on, Yuta looks at Yuri again but this time with direct eye contact.

Yuri: You idiot... You could've just said something instead of staring at my chest.

Yuta: I'm sorry, Yuri and are you feeling better now from the heat?

Yuri: Yeah and let's go home now.

Yuta: Agreed.

Both of them left the shade and walked. While they were walking, some males were staring Yuri's butt and Yuri felt very uncomfortable from their stares. Yuta notices this and gave the males who were staring at Yuri with menacing glare, the male's eye were filled with fear as Yuta is glaring at them and Yuri looks at Yuta who was glaring at the men, she looks straight ahead and blushes knowing that Yuta is protecting her from the stares.

Once Yuta and Yuri made it back home, they entered the house and were greeted by one maid and one butler. They took Yuta's bags from his hands and went to place them in his room.

Yuri: Oh, here is your jacket?

She was going to take it off but Yuta said.

Yuta: No, keep it because it seems like you like it, don't you?

Yuri nods her head and keeps the jacket on.

Yuta: Do you have a library room by any chance?

Yuri: Yes, we do have a library room and why exactly?

Yuta: I was hoping you and I could go there together and talk something or read.

Yuri: *giggles* Okay, so follow me to the library room.

Yuri leads the way to the library and Yuta follows behind her. Once they have reached to their destination, they entered the room, sat on the same couch, and talk about some things.

Yuri giggles and Yuta chuckles but when they both stopped laughing, they both looked at each other with direct eye contact. Both of them not wanting to move but Yuri slowly leans towards Yuta and places her right hand on Yuta's left thigh for support as she is leaning more forward to Yuta's face.

Yuta leans forward and kisses Yuri's lips with his, this caught Yuri off guard but she closes her eyes and kisses him back. After 3 minutes of kissing each, they pulled away and a small strand of saliva. Yuta uses his left thumb and wipes the saliva away and looks at Yuri with his yellow fierce eyes while Yuri looks at him with her light green teal eyes.

Yuri breathes slowly and getting some air in her lungs from that kiss from Yuta. Yuri tackles Yuta down on the couch and she gently places her head on Yuta's chest then she closes her eyes. Yuta wraps both his arms around Yuri's waist gently and closes his eyes as well.

Meanwhile with Yorichi and his mom.
Yorichi Pov

Mom and I have finally reached home and it was 7 pm due to mom getting new clothing brand, but I felt a little guilty because I was the one who saw new clothing brand. The door opens and it showed Haru.

Haru: Hello Mrs. Aki and young master.

He steps out of the way for us to enter and when we got inside, he closes the door then he turns us.

Haru: Where did you go?

Mom: We went shopping along with Yuri and Yuta.

Haru: Yuri and Yuta.. oh I see now.

Mom: By the way, where is Yuta and Yuri?

Mom takes off her shoes and I as well. Four of each maids and butlers appeared takes the bags from us to our rooms.

Haru: They're in the library room but you should go and see for yourself.

Yorichi: What do mean by that?

Haru: Go look.

Haru walks away and goes back to helping the other young maids and butlers. Mom and I looked at each other but I nodded, so we went to the library room to see, what Haru meant. Once we reached the library and I opened the door to see Yuri and Yuta sleeping on the couch.

Yorichi: Mom, I think you should look.

I step aside for my mom to see what I saw and her eyes widen in surprise.

Mom: No way, they look so cute together when they're sleeping.

Mom quickly takes out her phone and takes multiple pictures of them and I sweatdrop of Mom's behavior.



Yorichi: Mom, let's go before they wake up now.

Mom stops taking photos and puts her phone away into pocket, she walks out of the room, then I closed the door quietly trying not to wake them up. Once I successfully closed the door, I told my mom that I'm going to sleep now and she nods her head that she tell dad that me, Yuta, and Yuri are asleep now.

Yorichi(m): It seems like this upcoming months will be interesting.

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