First Day

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After Yuri and Yorichi have finished middle school and Yuta trained his quirk and his body to the max limit of a average person that can't even surpass. Shoto Aki or Mr.Aki gave Yuta permission to date his daughter and seeing Yuta almost like his own son-in-law. The three have their stuff ready for UA and the Aki twins were extremely excited that the three of them is gonna be heroes. As for Yuta, I smiled at the twins and shook his head.

Yorichi: UA.. it's beautiful..

Yuri and Yuta giggles at Yorichi's comment and they headed inside the school.

Yuri: I have class 1A and what do you two have?

Yorichi: Class 1B and Yuta?

Yuta: Same as Yuri.

Yorichi: What a coincidence to have the two of you lovers together.

Yuri: Brother!

Yorichi: Kidding (4x). But let's go to class now.

Yuri: Sure.

Yuta: Roger.

The lovers and Yorichi went to their assigned class, Yorichi asked some students where class 1B was while Yuri and Yuta found class 1A for a few minutes of wandering and asking students.


Whoa! Look at the size of the door!

Yuta(m): That's what she said.

Yuta: Could be if anyone with a size quirk or their height.

Yuri: I suppose and let's head inside now.

Yuta: Okay, babe.

Yuta opens the slide door and allowed Yuri to walk in first. They both saw everyone including the home room teacher looked at them.

Sleep Deprived Teacher: Give me a reason why you two are late?

Yuri: Um..

Yuta: We got lost.

The teacher looks at them and sighed.

S.D.T: Well then, change into these gym uniform in the locker rooms and come meet me outside.

Y/Y: Okay./Sure.

They take the gym uniform and boys went into the boys locker room while girls went into the girls locker room.

Yuta POV
I took off my shirt and heard a gasp, I turned around to see everyone in the room looked at me with concern or fright. They're looking at my body with scars and my oddly birthmark on left left shoulder.



Blue Sonic: Why do you have scars on your body, but most concerning is that tattoo on your left shoulder?!

I sighed.

Yuta: That tattoo is my birthmark and my scars is none of your concern, so please act like you didn't see anything.

I put on my gym uniform and left the room leaving the boys in shock of what they saw. Once I exited out of the locker room, I was suddenly jumped by someone and that someone is Yuri.

Yuri: Surprise!!!

Yuta: Hey Yuri, did you finish?

Yuri: Mhm and I want you to meet the girls that I just met.

Pinky: I'm Mina Ashido.

Rockstar Girl: Jirou.

Rich Girl: It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu.

Frog Girl: I'm Tsuyu Asui.

Invisible Girl: Toru Hagakure!

Uraraka: Hello, I'm Uraraka.

Yuta: *Yuri gets off of me* Nice to meet you all, I'm Yuta.

Mina: So.. is it true, that you two are dating?

Yuri/Yuta: Yes./*nods*

Toru: For how long have you two been dating?

Yuri: I think about um.. 3 months, right?

Yuta: It was actually 4 months that we started dating.

Tsuyu: We should go before we're late.

Girls and Yuta nods their head, they all went outside of the building to see their home room teacher standing there waiting patiently.

Aizawa: I'll say this once to you too. I'm Shota Aizawa and your home room teacher. We'll be doing quirk apprehension test and I'll be keeping track of your score. *points to me* Come here. *points to the circle*

I walked over to Aizawa-sensei and stops in the circle as Aizawa told me then he gave a ball.

Aizawa: You have the highest score in exam with 358 points, *everyone expect Yuri gasp* so I want you to throw the ball in your hand. Also what was your score?

Yuta: *lies* Um.. it was 120.

Aizawa: Okay then, this time use your quirk.

Yuta: Okay.

Yuri: Yuta! You got this!

I smiled and focused on all my muscles into my right arm as recalled it back then throwing the ball with all my strength. The ground beneath me started to crack, the ball shatter 10 sound barriers, and a gust of wind almost knocked everyone off their feet.

(Imagine no lightning)

Aizawa's eyes were wide open as he showed my score to everyone and it even shocked me to see what my score is 65,000 m or 65 kilometers.

Mina: Whoa! No way!!! 65 kilometers!!!

Kirishima: That's so manly!!!

I was in shock because I wasn't really using all my strength into that throw but sheesh.

Aizawa: Let's go through the test, shall we?

Everyone nods but before Yuta could leave the circle, Aizawa stops him and said.

Aizawa: Yuta, I'm going to need you to be last, if that is alright with you?

Yuri looks at Yuta and Yuta nods his head. Yuta walks back to his classmates and stands next to Yuri. The next was a speed test. It was Yuri and four eyes, they prepared themselves to get the end when they heard "START" from the machine. Four eyes activates his quirk as flames exhaust from his calf and Yuri creates a portal beneath her and appears on the other side. Four eyes stops his quirk as made it the other side.

Yuri Aki time: 2.48
Tenya Iida time: 4.37

Yuri does the same thing and drops down the hole she made and appears next to Yuta on his right side. Yuta smiles and gives head pats to Yuri who enjoyed receiving head pats from her boyfriend. A kid with purple balls on his head looked at Yuri's ass but Yuta released a bloodlust aura at the kid who quivered in fear as he saw something from Yuta and everyone except Yuri who occupied by Yuta's head pats wasn't affected by it.

Class 1A(m): What is this aura?!?!

The school felt the aura and some students passed, panicked, or almost vomited. Teachers were unable to keep their mind straight or either screaming in fear. Nezu was about to his tea when his instincts immediately told him to hide, run, panick, or something from this aura. Back with Class 1A, Yuri begins to open her eyes and Yuta stops releasing that dreadful aura, Yuri looks around to everyone on their knees, shaking, passed out, or in fear. Yuri looks at Yuta and Yuta said assuring for Yuri to understand they must be tired because they finished all the test.

Yuri: They finished already?! Why didn't you say anything to me!?

Yuta: You were enjoying my head pats and I didn't want to disturb you, so I let you be.

Yuri pouts and Yuta tries to move hand away from Yuri's head but Yuri grabs her boyfriend's hand and places it on her head again. Yuta sighs and pats her head knowing her attitude.

Class 1A and Aizawa looked at Yuta and Yuri with confusion but they do know one thing, don't mess with Yuta.

Yuta: Shall we go inside, sensei?

Yuta smiles and Aizawa shook his head.

Aizawa: Y-yes, let's go inside now.

Yuta and Yuri leaves Class 1A to the locker rooms to change back into their uniforms. With All Might, he was shocked or scared of Yuta after he released that type of aura.

All Might(m): A kid like Yuta shouldn't have that type of aura.. Just who are you really, Yuta..?

With Aizawa, he was catching his breath and watch his students walk back to the lockers. He wondered what made Yuta release that aura and he felt a vibration in his pants. He pulled out his phone and saw Nezu's phone number, Aizawa clicks it without thinking and he heard Nezu's voice.

Nezu: Aizawa, what was that aura just now?

Aizawa: That... that was Yuta just now..

Nezu: I-I.. see... What made Yuta release that aura?

Aizawa: I don't know, sir..

Nezu: Okay, we'll be sending the students home early due to some students, teachers, and staff passed out.

Aizawa: Understood, sir.

Nezu: Alright, I'll the contact the parents about the early leaving for school and needing help from you, teachers, and staff who are still conscious.

Aizawa: I understand.

Nezu: That would be all. Have a good day, Aizawa.

Aizawa: You too, sir.

The call ends and Aizawa sighs as he place his phone in pocket again. He looks up to the sky and said.

Aizawa: This going to a very interesting and intense 3 years.

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