part -9

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Veer looked at bani and heaved a sigh. They had been searching for any leads. They interrogated people but they said they can't be of any help. They were scared to talk to vani especially to bani.

"Looking at their expression it seems like the haweli has a bad history. " Bani said. They saw a small hut.

"Let's try there... Who knows may be the person would help us " Veer said.

"Hello..... Is there anyone.... Helloo" Veer called out.

"Yeah  " They heard a feeble sound. An old man came out of the hut with an old lady. Seemed like they are husband and wife. They sat on the wooden bench and asked vani to have a seat. Veer and bani sat on the mat .

"We are new here... It has only been a few days since we had shifted here. And "

"What's your name child" The old man asked interrupting veer.

"Oh... Sorry.... My name is Veeranshu and this is my wife Bani " Veer said. Bani greeted them again.

"Be happy always... Tell us where do you stay? " The old lady asked.

"We are staying in that haweli. We bought it through a local agent. We are experiencing strange things there and we have no idea what's happening there. If by any chance, can you tell us what mystery does the haweli hold....we asked a lot of people but all denied to help us... If you can please help us" Veer said. The old man looked at the lady. The lady nodded her head.

"Uncle, aunty... Please help us... We are being attacked every day and so we are really scared. " Bani said in a pleading voice.

"It must be Kalindi... " The old lady said.

"Kalindi? " Vani asked together.

"Yes... Kalindi... What I am about to tell you is an incident that took place when I was five years old. Now I am 90. So it happened 85 years ago. Kalindi was 19 then. I don't remember much as I was 5 but I have heard that story a lot of times so I can tell you what's the story of that haweli. The haweli was the Royal residence of Kindom Indravathi long back... So the descendants hold rights on that property. One day, the village was awakened by the news of demise of the elder Royal descendant of that time, his name was VIKRAM RANA. After his death, his son DEV RANA came to this village. He was abroad until then. He was a sweet man. He greeted everyone with so much warmth. He took care of the servants family like they are his own. We failed to see the devil behind that innocent face. He was a doctor. Whenever  anyone of our village got sick, we went to DEV as he provided free check up. His tablets were really working.

Kalindi, the daughter of our village head was impressed by DEV. She fell in love with him, seeing his caring nature. One day, the village head fainted in between a meeting and the villagers rushed to the doctor. Dev tried to help him but he couldn't. We, did the funeral of our village head the next day. Kalindi was broken. She cried her heart out. Her father was everything she had. Dev went to see Kalindi after a few days. Kalindi was happy to see him. After all she loved him with all her heart. Dev consoled her and asked her to come and live with him. Kalindi instantly denied. After a lot of convincing Kalindi agreed. The villagers were happy for Kalindi.

Everything was fine . Kalindi helped in household works and lived in the haweli. One day, at night when she was working in kitchen, Dev hugged her from behind. Kalindi was startled. Dev told her his desire to get married to her. Kalindi couldn't be any happier. She was overwhelmed. Dev slipped a ring in her right hand .

Their nights were filled with passion and desire. They were happy and so were we. Dev and kalindi, both were the apples of the villagers eyes. They loved dev and kalindi like they are family.

One day, kalindi found out that the tablets that dev were giving to villagers were not exactly medicines but tablets mixed with high dose drugs. Kalindi confronted Dev. Dev acted all innocent and tried to convince Kalindi. But she was adamant. She asked Dev what had happened to her father... She wanted to know. She questioned him. It awakened the beast in Dev. He slapped her hard and she fell down. Dev asked her what she would prefer... Death or life. She chose justice. Dev told her how her father died of over dosing of drugs. She was disheartened. She slapped him and punched him. Dev was way too strong for kalindi to handle. Dev dragged kalindi to the room where the Royal daggers and swords were kept. There was a sword which was called THE THREE HEADED SWORD. The sword was special. The  handle had a cubic structure in its bottom side. In three of it's sides, the face of lion was imprinted. A side was left empty. Dev pierced the sword in her heart making her scream in the highest pitch possible. He told her true love doesn't exist and the love that men show is only lust. Kalindi felt disgusted. She cried and screamed when Dev moved the sword. He laughed and mocked her. He said lot of things which made her hate men. She was died with limitless hatred for men.

The next day, Dev made us believe that a thief came there the last night and attacked both. He said that he was escaped by sheer luck. He flew crocodile tears and made us feel pity for him. After a few days, when the stars shine down , the villagers assembled on the haweli again. Dev was bled to death. His body was also pierced with the same sword. But there was a change in the sword. The sword had four lion faces . A face was added.

From that day, the villagers believes that the soul of Kalindi is wandering there. There were witnesses who saw kalindi on the balcony of the haweli. I think the agent fooled you guys.  After the funeral of Dev, the police found out the diary of Dev and that was how the world got to know what had happened.

There is one more thing..... " The old man paused and looked at veer and bani.

"What? " Veer asked.

"Kalindi had a face similar to your wife. " The old man said and vani looked at him in horror.

                   To be continued.......

Precap:  The encounter with kalindi, the ghost.

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