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Veer's pov

I woke up when sunrays hit on my face. I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light and turned to see my sweetheart. Wait, where is she? She has never been an early riser . I called her name but of no use. I checked the bathroom and balcony. I was getting restless by each passing seconds. I thought she is doing a prank on me.

"Sweetheart you know I don't like this type of pranks.... Come out right now.. " I shouted but of no use. I ran out of the room and went down. I got a shock of my life.

Bani was lying on the ground. Her forehead was bleeding a little. I ran to her and patted her face. But she didn't wake up. Her body was as cold as ice. I hugged her tightly and rubbed her body. I don't know what's all this.... Something is wrong....

I brought her to our room and covered her in blanket properly. She was shivering a little . I got into the blanket and pulled her towards me, I removed my t-shirt and hugged her to provide warmth. She snuggled into my chest and hugged me by my waist. I caressed her back . I don't know why but I didn't sprinkle water on her, I thought to give her some time and wake her after a while.

I called her name after ten minutes and she woke up. She hugged me tightly. She was scared but why.... I wanted to know and I asked her. She didn't answer it , instead asked me to divert her.

I knew making love will divert her mind. But I didn't want to have sex with her when she is not in her usual self. I want our every time to be as special as first time. Having no option left, I kissed her and she reciprocated. I trailed kisses down her throat to cleavage.

I knew she needed rest. I stopped what I was doing and went to get water for her. I added a sleeping pill in it. I know it's not good for health but right now bani needs it.

I went back to her and gave her the glass. I felt guilty for not telling her about the sleeping pill. When she fell asleep I kissed her forehead and muttered I love you sweetheart. I need to find out what happened yesterday.

Pov ends.....

Veer went to cctv room and played last night visuals. He saw bani coming out of the room. He looked keenly. The cctv were imported and can give a proper view even in darkness. Veer could see bani getting frightened by something. She was looking here and there. He checked next camera.

Veer's pov

I saw her getting frightened suddenly. I don't know what happened. I checked cam 5 for further visuals. I saw bani coming to living Hall. She looked here and there and her eyes got fixed on a place. She walked towards kitchen. I checked cam 7 and found her entering the kitchen. I could see her expressions changing. I didn't understand anything but I knew something was wrong.

Bani went back to living Hall and I checked cam 5 again . Bani was looking in the direction of kitchen. Wait, what..... She is shivering... But why..... Suddenly I got another shock...
The cctv visuals were getting blurred. I couldn't see anything after that.

After what felt like eternity the visuals were back and I saw bani lying on the floor.

I was shocked. I don't know what to do..... I guess something terrible happened last night. But what it could be...... I can't ask bani about it after seeing how affected she is. I guess it's better to find out myself. I will ask her after a few days when she is completely fine.

I spent some time in lawn as bani was sleeping. I need to clear my mind before I go to bani. I didn't realize that I have been sitting on the grass for a long while untill I heard a scream.

I heard bani scream my name, when I turned I saw bani standing on the entrance. She looked messy. Her hairs dishevelled, tears flowing down her cheeks. She ran to me so did I. She threw herself on me and I secured her in my arms. She buried her face in my neck and cried. Never in my life I saw her this broken. Whatever the reason may be, I need to find out. I can't see my baby like this. I need my chubby and playful sweetheart back.

I tried to pull her but she tightened her grip around me.

"Okay.... Okay.... Okay.... Relax... Calm down baby.... I am here... I am here with want to stay like this, then it's fine. Let's stay like this" I said and she nodded.

I don't know how long we stayed like that. For me, bani's safety is everything. I knew she needs me. After some time she pulled out from the hug . She hit me and pushed me. I let her do whatever she wants. She hit me untill she felt satisfied. I pulled her  towards me and smashed my lips on hers. She decided not to respond, it seemed like. I traced her back inside her night dress. She shivered a bit still didn't respond. I squeezed her skin and she gasped. I smirked and sucked her lips. She started responding slowly. The kiss was not that wild. I knew bani is a little weak so I preferred a gentle kiss. When I was about to break the kiss bani pulled me by my hairs and deepened the kiss. I gave in.


I was caressing her hairs. It has been a few hours since she woke up. I had dressed her wound. It was a slight cut and she told me not to bother about it much. But how can I let it be..... Even if it's a small cut, I need to dress it. So I did. She told me to read a story for her. I asked her what genre she would prefer. She told me to go with a romantic Novel and I took one from our book shelf. We both have a craze for books. We love to read books of every kind. It's usually bani who reads me books but today, when she asked me, I happily agreed.

I know there are a lot of problems to deal with. But right now my sweetheart and her happiness matter the most. We went to balcony. She kept her head on my lap and took my hand. She made me caress it and I caressed it with a smile. I held the book in left hand and started reading it, while caressing her hairs with my right hand. I saw her getting relaxed.

               To be continued....

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