part -10

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Confused, it's a small word to describe how vani felt. Horrible.... Yeah they felt horrible. Already the story was enough to scare them. The ghost having similarities with bani, made her shiver. So, the soul was torturing veer everytime. The attacks happened to bani inturn affected veer only.

Bani held veer's arm tightly. Veer protectively held her and pecked her forehead. He was as scared as her but still, he behaves a little brave so that bani may feel a little okay.

"Veer... What are we gonna do? It will keep attacking us. How are we gonna prevent it? " Bani asked.

"I don't know bani... Wait.. Let's go to temple. Let's meet the pandit. May be he can help us. What say? "

"Yeah.. Let's go"

Bani and veer went to temple. The pandit was doing pooja. He was chanting mantras . Veer and bani waited for it to get completed. After five minutes, the pandit completed the pooja. He saw veer and bani, standing there. He went upto them.

"It has been a few days since we met. Right? " The pandit asked with a smiling face.

"Yeah" Veer said with an artificial smile. Pandit sensed something wrong.

"Come with me... Let's go to my home. It's just behind the temple. I guess we have something to talk about" The pandit said. Veer and bani nodded and followed him.


The house was a small one. Enough for a single person though. It provided enough warmth as there was a fireplace. Pandit took a seat beside the burning fire and asked veer and bani to have a seat. They sat down.

"So.. Tell me what happened? What is wrong? " The pandit asked.

"Kalindi" Veer said and the pandit nodded in  understanding.

"I expected this ,the day I saw you bani. It is a cruel co-incidence. Isn't it? ... It's fate... It's your destiny. She hates every men with all her heart. She was dead with extreme hate towards men. She finds happiness in torturing people. Did she hurt you two? " Pandit asked. Veer told him about all the incidents happened till that day.

"Oh my god... It's really terrible. " Pandit exclaimed.

"Can you please help us Pandit ji... We have no idea what to do... " Bani said.

"I will be there tomorrow morning. She is crossing limits. It's time for her to go from this earth. I shall give her a proper good bye. Tomorrow will be the last day of her wandering. I promise. " The Pandit said and they breathed a sigh of relief.


Bani woke up in the middle of night hearing an ear splitting scream. She was shocked to see veer struggling for breath. The black form which is to be called as Kalindi was strangling him. Veer was trying hard to get out of its grip.

The hands of it were dripping. It's nails were covered in thick blood. It's face was covered with hair. The hair was long and thick. Veer was getting strangled with a rope.

Bani screamed. She went to them and tried to free veer. To her surprise, she couldn't hold the rope neither could she touch kalindi. It was like a hollow frame.  Veer was trying hard not to give in.

" Leave... I say leave him..... Leave my husband Damn it.... He is dying...for God sake plzzz..... Plzz leave him " Bani cried.

"You think I care,.. " Came a loud reply. Bani looked at Kalindi. Kalindi lifted her head and removed her hairs, giving bani a clear view of her face.

Bani was dumbfounded. It was like seeing her exact copy. It felt like looking into a mirror. It felt like looking at her own soul.

"You think I care" Kalindi screamed making bani shiver.

"Leave him kalindi.... I am requesting you.... Plzzz leave him. He is not like dev. He is a loving husband. All men are not the same Kalindi.... Just... Just once see the truth... You are bound by hate... You are living in an illusion.... Leave him plzzz " Bani cried. Kalindi left veer. Veer fell on the floor. He coughed hard. Bani took his head in her lap. She patted his back.

After a few minutes, veer was a little relieved. His breathing became normal. Bani looked at kalindi. She was smirking. Bani laid veer on the bed and gave him a glass of water. Bani lifted her eyes to meet kalindi's eyes. Bani's eyes were blood shot red. Veer closed his eyes as he was tired.... He was hell tired... Moreover he couldn't see kalindi. Only bani could see her.

"Why? " Bani screamed.

"Why did you try to harm him? What the hell do you think you are doing... I need answers. You can't torture anyone like this. I agree whatever happened to you was sad. It was really bad. You didn't deserve it. But... But that doesn't mean you can torture us. Why are you doing this... What do you want? " Bani asked. Kalindi laughed.

"All men are the same. I am helping you to get rid of him. I won't harm you" This angered bani.

"Who are you to decide what's good for me... Who are you.... Neither I am kalindi nor my husband is Dev. Just bcz I look like you that doesn't mean I am you... Just bcz you loved someone bad that doesnt mean the same happened with me... Veer is not Dev... Understand it.... Why on earth are you bend on torturing us... We love each other..." Bani said. Tears flew continuously.
Kalindi laughed aloud and vanished.

Bani looked at veer who was tightly holding her hands. Bani pecked his forehead and caressed his hairs. As she was about to remove his hands from her arms she heard him speak.

"Plzz stay " It was a mere whisper. Bani laid down beside him and directed his head into her chest. Veer snuggled more into her. Bani kept on caressing his hairs.


"What? " Bani asked again.

"Madam ji.... Are you deaf or what... You already asked WHAT three times. Listen carefully... Pandit ji is missing since last night. " The boy who supplies milk in the village told bani, again.

Bani stood there rooted. Why the hell is this happening to them.... What the hell did they do to deserve such a punishment... Bani sighed. She went back to bedroom and saw veer sleeping calmly. She knew he would panic if she tell him now. She thought to let him sleep more. Who knows when can they have a proper sleep again...

                    To be continued........

Precap: What the hell


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