part -6

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Bani's pov

It has been a day since the incident happened . Veer was taking care of me like I was a baby. Of course I am his baby. I wonder what good have I done to get this man as my husband. Veer didn't ask me anything till now. I guess he doesn't want to scare me out reminding the incident. The only thing that bothers me is his cooking. He had prepared food yesterday and only we know how did we eat that thing. I guess he knows about coffee only. His food was damn bad. I knew he felt the same but he was adamant on not letting me enter the kitchen. I am confused with the fact that I didn't actually know abt his culinary skills till now... I mean we were together always but still I didn't know abt it...

Today, we have decided to order food from a hotel, about one km away from our house. Veer gave me two options , one was his food and the second one was hotel food. I immediately chose the second one as I didn't want to fall sick. The delivery boy of the hotel instantly denied of dinner delivery and said he will bring the dinner in evening itself. Veer said it's fine and he told the owner that we need food for three days. I tried to protest but of no use. When my hubby gets into protective mode, he can be damn irritating.

As I was lost in my thoughts I felt a touch on my shoulder and saw veer. He was attending a call. He just finished it and came back to me . I lifted my hands  indicating him to pick me up. I was sitting on the bed. Veer lifted me and carried me in his arms. I pecked his cheek and told him to go to lawn. It is one of my favorite places. Lawn.

We reached there and i settled between his legs. I opened my phone and was checking notifications. I showed veer a video sent by bela. She was enjoying her honeymoon in Paris. As I was scrolling down I saw a message in  whatsApp from an unknown number. As veer was sitting behind me, he could see my screen. I looked at him and saw him looking at the screen.

I opened the message and got a shock of my life. It was from Jay. I turned to look at veer. I could see him getting annoyed. I inwardly chuckled. I really didn't get what happens to veer when he see Jay. I immediately replied to him with a Hi. I know my hubby must be rolling his eyes. I love to tease him.

I still remember how veer behaved in initial days. Jay was my senior, an year elder than me. We met in a combined class and became friends. I had told veer about how funny Jay was and Instantly I saw his expression change. I saw him as a friend only. But veer, was super possessive . One day, when I was eating lunch alone because, veer had an exam the next hour , I felt a tap on my shoulder and I saw Jay standing there. I called him to join as I was feeling alone without veer. Even if he can't fill the void of veer, I thought to enjoy his company. As we were finishing our lunch I heard a sound. When we turned to see what it was we saw nothing. We went back to our conversation and later went to our own classes.

When my lecture finished, I went to veer's classroom . I realised that his class had already finished. I called him but he was not picking up. I went in search of him. Canteen done, parking lot done , indoor stadium done, library done.... Still I couldn't find veer. I was walking towards the ground when I saw veer's friend Karan. I asked him about veer and he told me that veer was upset from noon and he was lost in class. I was getting worried. Already I was worried and karan's words were not music to my ears. I asked him to call veer. He asked me whether everything is fine between us. I assured him that everything is fine. Karan called veer and much to my anger veer attended his call. Karan asked him his whereabouts . After cutting the call Karan told me that veer was still in his classroom. I ran towards his class and realised that I didn't check the room properly.

Veer was sitting on right corner . He was resting his head on top of his hands which were on the desk. I went near him and caressed his hairs. He, with a jerk lifted his head. When I saw his eyes I understood that he was super upset. I sat beside him and asked him what was wrong. He nodded his head in a no and turned his face away. I made him look at me forcefully. I saw him tearing up and I was hell confused. Did he do something terrible again.... Or was it me who is responsible for this....

I didn't ask him anything, instead I pulled him in my embrace. He kept his head on my chest and wrapped his hands around me. I seriously had no idea how to react. Little did I know, he was crying for no reason .

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of notification. I saw that Jay had texted back. As I was replying I could feel veer's grip on me tightening. I turned off my mobile data and sat on his lap. I kissed his forehead, eyes, cheeks and pecked his lips.

"Still you are that possessive about me veer? " I asked.

"This possessiveness will remain the same even if we turn eighty. I will always be like this. Do you have any problem wifey.. Even if you have I can't change it. So bear with it " He said making me chuckle. He kissed my lips and told me that he would die a thousand deaths only to see my smile. Even if the line was a cliche, the intensity of his words touched my heart. My baby.... My dearest hubby.. I love him a lot.

                 To be continued.....

Precap :

"Veer..... Veer.... Wake up... Veer... Veer... What the hell..... Aahhggh "

"Sweet.... Heart... I... I.... "


A black form moved towards bani with a  sharp weapon in its hand. Bani screamed.


" Veer.... Something is here... I don't know what... But I feel negative energy"

"Even I do bani.... What will we do. "


"You shouldnt have bought that house. It's haunted. " The old man said. Bani and veer looked at each other flabbergasted.

Sorry for the super late update. And thank you for the concern u guys showed. I was a little unwell but I am fine now. So I will try to update regularly.

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