Rise from neglect - a path of a ninja, become a genin.

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ATTENTION: my prototype story is now no longer on hold, so expect me to update that story.

A/N: just to let you all know, mito is a carbon copy of kushina, Naruko is a female naruto without wisker marks and 3rd born naruto is a carbon copy of the original naruto.

Kyuubi talking.

Talking normally.

Naruto talking to the kyuubi telepathically.

Kyuubi talking to naruto telepathically.

3rd POV:

Villager 1: murderer!!!!!

Villager 2: demon!!!!

Villager 3: I don't know why the 4th keeps you alive, you should be taken care off!!

Insults, that's all that was thrown throughout the village, now you're probably wondering who they're insulting right? Well that's none other than the 4 year old ball of sunshine himself, naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, we see the blond running home, avoiding being beaten by the villagers but no matter how hard he tries, he still gets caught.


Villager: be quiet you filthy demon!!! Time for your punishment!!!

(Mini timeskip)

Naruto can be seen limping back to his house with a downcast expression on his face, ignoring the sneers from the other villagers. When he gets to his house, he opens the door and closes it gently behind him and looks up only to see his so called "mother" looking down at him with an angered look on her face.

Kushina: where have you been?

Naruto: i-i was getting beaten by the v-


Kushina: don't you dare lie about the villagers!!!!

Minato: I thought we taught you to never lie to anyone, go to your room this instant.

If naruto wasn't upset now, then he was this time however, that was soon replaced with a burning hatred towards his family.


Naruto runs past his "parents" and up the stairs and passed his "siblings" (who weren't even paying attention to him) and straight to his room, and sits on his bed, naruto's room wasn't much except for a bed, table, chair and lamp, naruto buried his head into his knees and began to quietly sob, he hated his life, everything was becoming worse for him and he didn't know why, it wasn't long until he cried himself to sleep, he woke up moments later and found himself in a sewer, he slowly sat up and looked around, unaware of a giant cage behind him with a certain fox behind it.

Naruto (in head): where the heck am I?

Naruto was met with an eery silence until he felt the water shaking and a low growl coming behind him, he quickly stood up and turned around to be met with the cage that contained the very thing that attacked the village.... the kyuubi, the fox itself was staring at naruto with regret in it's eyes and why shouldn't it? It's, it's fault that the boy was getting insulted and beaten by the villages, everytime it saw naruto hurt, it'd put all of it's efforts into keeping him alive, healing his wounds, getting rid of poison in his system and if need be, take control of naruto's body and fight back although that only made the villagers hate him more so it only done it when naruto was in bigger trouble, the fox would even go as far as to try and smash the seal that contained it open just to either get the kid away from all the villagers or give him more of it's chakra to make the healing process speed up but the seal was too strong, plus it was only half a soul so it was unable to attempt breaking the seal.
It was silent between both of them, neither wanted to speak but one had to say something and that was the kyuubi, which spoke with a feminine voice.

Kyuubi: so my jailor finally decides to visit me.

Naruto: w-what are you? W-wait, you're the kyuubi a-aren't y-you?

Kyuubi: (sarcastically) jeez what gave that away, My nine tails or me being behind this cage? (Sigh) look naruto, I want to apologise, I'm the reason why you're treated so horribly in the village, I wish you didn't have to suffer like this and it hurts me deeply that I can barely do anything because of this seal, so I'm so, so sorry naruto.

The kyuubi lowered it's head in shame, waiting to be yelled at, waiting for naruto to say that it is a demon for ruining his life but it wasn't prepared for what naruto said.

Naruto: you're adorable can I pet you?

Kyuubi looked directly at naruto, mouth agape and eyes wide as plates.

Kyuubi: W-WHAT?!?!

Naruto bursted out laughing and fell on the floor at the sudden reaction of the kyuubi and began rolling around, making the kyuubi grow a tick Mark on it's head.

Kyuubi: can you stop being a brat and quit laughing at me!!!!

Naruto eventually stopped laughing and stood up to look at the kyuubi with a big smile on his face.

Naruto: I'm not mad at you kyuubi, it's not your fault that I get attacked by the villagers, I can see it in your eyes, you never wanted any of this to happen and I bet you didn't have a say in attacking the village.

Kyuubi: well you are right on that, I never did get a choice in attacking the village, I was put under a genjutsu by an uchiha, it broke when your fath-

Naruto: please don't refer to him as my father, he's not good at being one.

Kyuubi: right, anyway, the genjutsu broke when lord 4th made the uchiha retreat and then I got sealed into you, although I'm now just half of my former self considering how the other half of my soul is in the other naruto.

Naruto frowned at hearing his own name, to be honest he was getting sick of himself being named naruto, what was the point of keeping the name if his so called family gave it to his brother, the kyuubi looked at him and knew what he was thinking, it hated seeing the kid sad and the fact that his family ignored him and gave his name away to someone else made it feel even worse, it was brought out of it's thoughts when naruto spoke.

Naruto: hey kyuubi, I never got your name.

Kyuubi: what are you talking about? You are using my name.

Naruto: (shakes head no) the kyuubi is just a little, just like my nickname here is the "demon," so what is your name? It'd be nice to know it.

The kyuubi stared at naruto and for the first time since being with the sage of six paths, showed a genuine smile.

Kurama: kurama, my name is kurama, and don't you forget it.

Naruto: nice to meet you kurama, I would say my name is naruto Uzumaki namikaze but I don't feel like that being my name anymore.

Kurama: then what will you be calling yourself kit?

Naruto: to be truthfully honest, I don't know.

Kurama: hmm..... then why don't I give you a name? I've got the perfect name for you and since you hate your family, why don't you make a deal with me kit? It'll be worth your while and you can prove them wrong.

Naruto: can I get back to you and that?

Kurama: take your time kit, I won't rush you.

Naruto: thanks!!!

Naruto's vision suddenly became blurry and closed his eyes and opened them up again to see he's in his room he heard cheering downstairs and wondered what was going on until he remembered that today was October 10th, his and his "siblings" birthdays and the fox hunt, which explained why the villagers were attacking more than normal, he stayed upstairs and sat near his door listening to everyone cheering and praising his siblings, he was never allowed to have fun on his birthday and he never got any gifts, as he kept hearing the cheers, naruto's heart suddenly broke when he heard what his "father" said.

Minato: I'm proud to announce that naruto Uzumaki namikaze will be the Uzumaki and namikaze clan heir!!!

Naruto felt his heart drop, he knew they weren't talking about him, they were talking about his younger brother, his throat became dry and his eyes were letting out tears, he couldn't believe it, they took EVERYTHING from him, he wanted to deny all of this, he wanted it to be a dream, but it was all to real, he cried himself to sleep again but found himself in his mindscape, he looked at the cage hoping to see kurama but didn't find her there, he walked to the cage and went through the bars and just sat down and cried, this happened for a few minutes until he felt something warm and soft wrap around him, he looked down to see an orange fluffy tail around him which lifted him up and took him away, he then felt something nuzzling him and saw kurama trying to comfort naruto.

Kurama: it's ok kit, just let it out.

Naruto couldn't take it anymore and held onto kurama and cried his heart out, his pain, his sorrow, his anger, was all unleashed through his cries, naruto's cries was the only thing that was heard in his mindscape, after sometime, naruto then felt a hand stroking his head and 8 more tails wrapped around him, he looked up and didn't see kurama, instead he saw a beautiful woman with orange hair going all the way down to her lower back, A buxom body with big breasts that could rival tsunade's, red eyes with slits in them,three wisker marks on each side of her face, and 2 fox ears on her head.

Naruto: k-kurama??

Kurama: the one and only.

Naruto: h-how do you look human?

Kurama: I'm a demon kit, I can do many things.

Naruto: you look beautiful.

Kurama looked at naruto with a pink tint on her face and gave a little smile to the boy.

Kurama: that's nice of you to say kit.

Kurama then frowned and held naruto close to her and wrapped her tails tightly around him but not tight enough to hurt him.

Kurama: I heard what they said kit, I'm sorry that, that happened.

Naruto: (sad smile) don't be kurama, you couldn't have done anything.... hey kurama.

Kurama: yes?

Naruto: is the deal that you were offering earlier still on?

Kurama: yep.

Naruto: can I accept it?

Kurama smiled and nodded her head and with a snap of her fingers, naruto's appearance began to change, his skin became slightly tanned, his Sun kissed hair became black as an uchihas and grew slightly longer, his wisker marks became slightly sharper and bushier, his teeth became sharper and his deep blue eyes were now changed into blood red eyes with slits (naruto baisicly look like a younger version of menma from the naruto movie where naruto and sakura are stuck in the infinite tsukuyomi, or it could be another movie, I can't remember), when the changes were done, kurama looked at naruto's new look and nodded at her handy work.

Naruto: how do I look?

Kurama: see for yourself.

Naruto looked down at the water and saw his reflection and slightly gasped he looked nothing like his siblings, if anything he looked almost like an uchiha only better.

Naruto: I look awesome.

Kurama: damn right you do! All thanks to me!

Naruto: now all I need is a new name, (looks at kurama) you said you had a name in mind for me, could you tell what it is?

Kurama: (smirks) how does the name, menma Uzumaki Kitsune sound like?

Menma: hmm.... (smirks) yeah, thats a kickass name, I'm no longer naruto Uzumaki namikaze, I am now Menma uzumaki Kitsune.

Kurama: I also forgot to mention that I've changed your DNA, so you not only have Uzumaki blood, you also have uchiha and senju blood.

Menma: so? (Realises) wait, are you saying that since I have their blood that I not only have the Uzumaki chakra chains, but I also have the sharingan of the uchiha and the wood release of the senju?!

Kurama: yep, I just made you OP as shit!!!

Menma: hell yeah!!!

Kurama: anyway, what are you gonna do now?

Menma: I'm gonna leave the village for a couple years and train my ass off, I'll leave a clone here so people won't be suspicious, then I'll return and show the village that they've made a mistake messing with me, and I'll show my family that I'm stronger than my "siblings"!!!

Kurama: not a bad idea, plus I can train you in using my chakra.

Menma then tackled kurama in a hug and held onto her tightly with some tears in his eyes.

Menma: I know we haven't known eachother much but I just want to say thank you, for helping me.

Kurama: no problem kit, I'll always watch out for you.

Menma: hey kurama, how do I change my mindscape?

Kurama: your mindscape is in your head kit, you just have to think it.

Menma did what he was told and the sewer was replaced with a vast land, filled with grass, flowers and trees, animals were running around and some were drinking from a water stream which was linked to a waterfall not far from where they were, far from where they were, we're huge mountians that look like they could touch the sky, the sky was blue like the sea with minimal clouds with the sun shinning brightly and the cage was replaced with a wristband on kurama's right wrist.

Kurama: love what you done to the place.

Menma: I did an awesome job, hey kurama, why shouldn't I just unlock the seal so you don't have to live with it?

Kurama: because if you did, then all my power would release and it could hurt you, and I don't want that to happen.

Menma: ok kura.

Kurama: kura?

Menma: it's my nickname for you, don't you like it?

Kurama: (smiles) I love it kit, anyways, enough chatting, I believe everyone is asleep, it's time for you to make your move.

Menma nods his head and then he closes his eyes and then reopens them and sees he's in his room again, he then starts to pack his essentials such as his clothes, books and ryo, he then left a blood clone and opened the window and started jumping to the gate, when he got there, he saw that the guards were asleep making him sweatshop at them, shaking his head, he looked back at konoha and gave an evil smile.

Menma (in head): I'll be back konoha, and I'll be stronger than you ever thought.

(Timeskip 4 years)

Menma: fire style: fireball jutsu!!!

Kurama: water style: great waterfall jutsu!!!

A clash of fire and water can be seen in a forest, the water overpowering the fire and knocking back someone, and that someone is none other than Menma Uzumaki Kitsune, who is currently soaked and giving the middle finger to his opponent, who is none other than kurama, who is snickering at him.

Menma: (shivering) f-f-fuck y-you!!!

Kurama: I don't feel like it.

Menma: (growls) alright take this!!! Wood style: wood Dragon jutsu!!!

A wooden Dragon sprouts from the ground and charges at kurama but menma decided a bit more to it.

Menma: fire style: fireball jutsu!!!

Fire starts to encase the drago  turning it into a fire Dragon, kurama moves out the way and does a few handsigns.

Kurama: wind style: wind spear!!!!

A gust of wind shaped like a spear heads straight for menma who jumps up and runs at kurama and proceeds to engage in taijutsu with her, menma wasn't really used to fighting in taijutsu so it ended with him getting a kick to the stomach which sent him flying and crashed into a few trees and fell to the ground.

Kurama: you ok over there?

Menma: (cough) fifty, fifty.

Kurama: alright ready to go again?

Menma: yeah.

Kurama: good, now come on!!!

Menma then went through some hand signs.

Menma: wood style: wood clone jutsu!!!

2 wood clones sprouted from the ground with vicious grins on their faces and both the clones and the original menma go through hand signs.

Menma (Clone 1): fire style: twin fire Dragon jutsu!!!

When the 2 headed Dragon attacked kurama, she flipped out of the way and jumped onto a tree only to get kicked down but the real menma sending her down.

Menma: NOW!!!

Menma (clone 2): wood style: wood tendril jutsu.

Wood came out of the ground and wrapped themselves around kurama and kept her in place.

Menma (in head): almost got it done!!! (Outloud) go to the next phase!!

Menma (clone 1): earth style: earth walls!!!

4 giant walls began to surround kurama who was still attempting to get out, the menmas jumped on top of the walls and looked down at kurama.

Menma (clone 1) wind style....

Menma (clone 2): fire style....

Menma (clone 1&2): great breakthrough/ great fire annihilation!!!!

Both jutsus landed and created a big fire tornado, the real menma then jumped into the air and went through multiple hand signs once the fire was slowly calming down.

Menma: water style: water Dragon jutsu.

When the dragin hit kurama, the Dragon started to swirl around her while menma kept his arm stretched, he then closed his fist making the dragon dissipate but slowly turn into a sphere encasing kurama, once she was stuck in it, menma jumped down and high fived his 2 wood clones and faced kurama.

Menma: finally got you kura.

Kurama: (giggling) no you didn't.

The kyuubi was then covered in smoke which then dissapeared and a wooden log was in her place.

Menma (in head): substitution jutsu!?!?

He then saw a blur dash around destroying his 2 wood clones and then get tackled to the ground, he then got lifted up and got engulfed by nine fluffy tails.

Kurama: I win again.

Menma: Kami dammit!!!!

Kurama: aww... don't be sad menma, (rubs his head) you'll win next time.

Menma pouts starts mumbling about kurama being troublesome fox.

(In konoha)

A certain nara just sneezed and started talking about a troublesome cold.

(Back to menma)

Menma: have I improved?

Kurama: more than you think kit, keep this up and you'll be the strongest ninja in the world.

Menma gave a small smile and leaned back into kurama and slowly succumbed to sleep.

Kurama (in head): you're going to do great things kit, I just know it.

(5 months later - in konohagakure)

The blood clone of menma (that looks like naruto before he changed) can be seen sitting in a forest with a scroll on the ground with writing, next to him is another scroll that belongs to minato, in the scroll contained the ways of doing the rasengan and the hiraishin, as he was writing it down In the empty scroll, he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see a dark skinned girl with yellow eyes and purple hair staring at him in curiosity.

???: whatcha doing?

Naruto (menma): uhh.... nothing.

???: doesn't look like nothing (looks at the scroll) it looks like you're copying the 4th hokage's rasengan and hiraishin, (looks at him suspiciously), now if I had to guess, I'd say that you're hiding somewhere and you left this clone to steal techniques.

Naruto (menma): n-no none of that!!! Besides I'm the actual son of the 4th hokage!!!

???: so if I punched you now, then you won't dissapear?

Naruto (menma): y-y-yes?

???:.... quit lying already.

Naruto (menma): (sighs) fine, yes I'm a clone, but I wasn't lying about being the 4th hokage's son!!! (Mutters) although he technically abandoned me.

Even though he muttered it, the girl still heard it and tilted her head in confusion.

???: what do ya mean?

Naruto (menma): let me explain....

(Mini timeskip)

???: damn, sorry to hear that.

Naruto (menma): don't worry about it, anyway we haven't got eachothers names, my name used to be naruto Uzumaki namikaze, but my name is now menma Uzumaki Kitsune.

Yoruichi: yoruichi shihouin, anyway, where's the real you?

Naruto (menma): he's away from the village currently training with sensei.

A/N: menma didn't talk about the kyuubi during his explanation.

Yoruichi: and you're currently transferring all this information to the real you right?

Naruto (menma): yeah, anyway I should probably get back to work, it was nice talking to You.

Yoruichi: you too.
Yoruichi started walking away but stooped and turned to Naruto (menma).

Yoruichi: hey mind if I help you out with this? I kinda wanna see these techniques and get to know you.

Naruto (menma): hmmm..... sure I don't see why not.

Yoruichi smiles and sits next to the blood clone and proceeds to help out.

(1 year later - menma and kurama)

Menma was meditating under a waterfall, taking all the information his blood clone has given him, and smiled at the progress he's made, not only has he taken the 4th hokage's techniques, but he's possibly made a knew friend in the process, he then began to frown at the other things that have happened, his clone managed to make it into the ninja academy but like always, he's being looked down on, but the flipside was that yoruichi also entered the academy and always made sure that the blood clone wasn't harassed by constantly releasing her KI (Killing Intent in case you thought it meant Killer Instinct) at them, not to mention she had this aura that demanded respect and people knew not to mess with her, except for a certain someone, turns out that a certain inazuka (soon as I typed inazuka, it autocorrect to inazuma, I miss that show😭) tried to act like an alpha in front of her and he ended up in the hospital with both arms fractured, a broken jaw and black eye and his one eyed snake nearly crushed, needless to say, that menma shuddered at the fact that yoruichi can mess someone up like that, after a few more seconds of meditating, he opened his eyes and started walking back to kurama, when he got there he saw kurama with an odd sword in her hands.

Menma: hey kura, what's that sword?

Kurama: oh this? (Holds the sword up) well this is my gift to you.

Kurama tossed the sword at menma who caught it with ease, he then began to observe it and couldn't but feel awestruck at the sword.

Menma: whoa, this is incredible!!!

Kurama: how does it feel?

Menma: it feels surpringly light but a bit heavy too.

Kurama: good, that's how it's supposed to be, also stab it into the ground and twist the handle.

Menma did as he was told and heard the sound of the sword revving, he then done it 2 more times and felt some power pulsating through it.

Kurama: now swing the sword at that tree (points to a random tree).

Menma did as he was told and when he did, he saw how the tree was cut off cleanly, he also noticed that more trees were destroyed as well, he looked at the blade in his hands and couldn't help but give a fanged smile.

Menma: now this is a sword.

Kurama: indeed kit, now all it needs is a name, what are you gonna call it?

Menma: hmm................. (smirks) I'll call it red queen.

Kurama: perfect name, now then, it's time to train you in using that sword properly.

Menma: (smirks) LET'S DO THIS!!!!

(6 years later - menma age 15)

Menma's training was long and painful, during the years, menma took the time to practice each technique and bloodline along with his sword, he started off by training himself in using the rasengan and the chakra chains and under kurama's tutelage, managed to master them both in 2 months, he then moved on to focusing on his wood style, taijutsu and the haraishin in which he managed to master in 2 months as well, and he finally started training in using the kyuubi chakra, obtaining the sharingan and learning how to use his sword properly in 3 months of training, menma managed to unlock the sharingan and gained 3 tomoes in them however, when it came to mastering the kyuubi's chakra, he was only able to control at least 3 tails of the chakra, if he went to four then his body would be feeling a lot of pain, so he restricted himself to just sticking to 3 tails, he also managed to master his sword and was later taught by kuruma on how to make shadow clones since they're easier to make than the standard clones, meanwhile in konoha, things could have gotten worse, his "family" still didn't pay attention to him, the blood clone had been hunted down repeatedly by villagers but was never caught, it was being bullied by mostly everyone in the academy but with yoruichi hurting them, it happened less and less, right now the blood clone is sitting at the very back of the class near the window and is currently looking outside of it, sitting him next to him was none other than yoruichi who was sleeping through iruka sensei's lecture, as he was continuing, the door to the class was suddenly kicked open causing everyone to look at who was the cause, what they saw was none other than menma Uzumaki Kitsune with a one tailed chibi kurama currently lying on his head, menma is currently wearing a grey jacket, fishnet t-shirt, black anbu trousers with a kunai pouch attached to his right leg, black sandals and red queen tied to his back. Menma began to observe who his classmates are starting with the inazuka, to the hyugas, nara, akamichi, aburame and the uchiha twins, he didn't think much of them until his eyes landed on 3 certain children.

Menma (in head): tch, great, I'm in the same class as them.

Menma's blood clone got up from its seat and stood in front of menma who put his hand on his clones shoulder.

Menma: you've done your job, now it's my time to shine.

The clone nodded and soon dissipated into a puddle of blood that evaporated soon after, everyone went wide eyed and looked at menma, the first to speak was iruka sensei.

Iruka: n-naruto?

Naruto: yes?

Iruka: no, not you naruto, (points at menma) THAT naruto!!!

Mito: there's another naruto?

A/N: (If you're wondering why she said that is because the blood clone was known as N instead of naruto)

Menma: tch, there WAS another naruto, but not anymore, allow me to introduce myself, (walks to the front of the class and clears his throat) hey everybody, my name WAS naruto Uzumaki namikaze, but my name is now menma Uzumaki Kitsune, and this (points to kurama) is my friend kurama or kura for short, but I believe you all know me as the demon (smirks).

As soon as he said that, the entire class was in an uproar, comments such as "the demon is here?!" And "what is this thing doing here?" Were heard, but a small douse of KI from yoruichi was enough to keep them quiet but of course kiba decided to be an ass.

Kiba: why the heck is the demon doing here?! Shouldn't you be in alley way eating trash?! And what's with that dumbass fox?! It should go back to the fucking forest!!

Menma walks up to kibas desk with a blank face but then calls to kurama

Menma: kura come.

Kurama gets off menma's head and goes to kibas desk.

Menma: kura sit.

Kurama sits down on kibas desk.

Menma: speak.

Kurama: FUCK!

Everyone jumped a little at kurama yelling while kiba falls out of his chair and then stares at her with wide eyes along with the rest of the class.

Menma: good girl.

Menma then places kurama back on his head and sits next yoruichi who gives a smirk which menma returns.

Yoruichi: nice to actually meet you.

Menma: nice to actually meet you too.

After a brief moment, iruka briefly continues his lesson, however the 3 Uzumaki namikazes weren't paying attention and were instead looking at menma, each in their own thoughts.

Mito (in head): why does he seem familiar? Have I seen him before?

Naruko (in head): he looks familiar, did I meet him?

Naruto (in head): woah! He looks just like me... only if I was an edgy uchiha and his name was naruto? What's that supposed to mean?

(Mini timeskip)

Menma POV:

Iruka finally got done going through his stupid lecture, we were then told that we were gonna have a test tommorow to determine if we are suited to be genin, I packed my stuff and left with yoruichi next to me, when we got outside, I saw everyone's family waiting for their kids... even the hokage and his wife, I clenched my fists and started breathing heavily but then I felt a little paw stroking my head, i then realised that kura was trying to calm me down, eventually i was calm enough to not have a fucking rant, I said my goodbyes to yoruichi and was about to start walking when I heard someone call me.

Kiba: hey demon!!!

I internally sigh and look back at kiba with a blank face, I can tell this guy is gonna be a pain in my fucking ass.

Menma: what do you want? I'm not in the mood for your bullshit today, in case you forgot, I just came back from training for 11 years.

Kiba: who cares, why the hell did you even come back in the first place, your nothing but a weakling!!!

A small crowd of students and parents came around us, some whispering about me being a demon and that I'll lose to kiba, I saw the 3 hokage siblings staring at me in curiosity and it's the same for the parents, I caught the scent of yoruichi and saw her standing with her arms folded and gave me a look that baisicly said "fuck em up." I gave a little nod and looked at the mutt with a smirk.

Menma: that's all you have to say? That I'm a weakling? Please, the real weakling is you, you cower behind your mother when someone better than you comes by and acts like an alpha, which if I remember correctly, is what yoruichi did didn't she?

At the mention of her, he visibly paled, even some of the other students did, I'm honestly disappointed in the hokage, isn't he supposed to stop this considering how he's to protect the village both inside and out?


Kiba in a blind fit of rage ran at me and attempted to strike at me, and I just lazily dodge out of the way and place kurama down and put my hands in my pocket and wait for him to do something, he then starts throwing random strikes and I keep my same lazy smirk and dodge.

Kiba: stay still!!!

Menma: hey kurama, do you think ichiraku's is open today?

Kurama: I think the real question is when are they not open?

Menma: good point.


menma: hm? Did you say something?

(With a certain grey haired jonin)

Kakashi: (sneezes) why do I feel like someone is following in my footsteps?


Kakashi: hm? Did you say something?


(Back to menma)

Kiba: alright!!! That's it!!!!

Kiba then pounced at me to which I lazily dodge again and karate chop him in the neck, making him fall down.

Menma: (sigh) troublesome.

(With shikamaru)

Shikamaru: (sneezes and sighs) troublesome cold.

(Back to menma)

Villager: what did you do to him demon?!?!

Menma: I beat him, what did it look like?

One of the villagers got brave and tried to attack me to which I punch him in the gut, making him fall.

Menma: now that he's down I'm gonna say this here and now, I've tolerated the abuse of the villagers long enough, it nearly drove me insane, but I should thank you, if it weren't for any of you, I wouldn't have gotten so powerful but.....

... if any of you try and hurt me again... well.... expect my hand to go through your chest and rip your heart out.

All the villagers shrunk in fear and slowly backed away, I clicked my teeth and gave a little wave at yoruichi to which she returned I then picked up kura and started walking away as the crowd parted when I made it passed I felt someone grab my wrist and I saw it was last kushina.

Kushina: you do know that it's rude to attack a fellow student right? What would your parents say?!

I give a glare at her and remove my wrist from her hand.

Menma: my parents are dead lady kushina.

She flinched at my cold tone and looked down in guilt.

Menma: and if I remember correctly, he attacked my first and I just acted in self defence, plus isn't it the duty of the hokage to stop stuff like this?

I then turned around not giving her enough time to respond and started walking away from her, after about 4 steps, the 3 siblings get in front of me with stars in their eyes.

Hokage siblings: THAT WAS AWSOME!!!!

kurama: Kami!!!!! That hurt my fucking ears.

Menma: I know!!!! I've got sensitive fucking hearing too.

Mito: you must be really strong!!!

Menma: tch, of course I am, I had an amazing teacher.

I felt kurama rub her head on mine affectionately, I reach out to her and rub her head, I then look back at the siblings.

Menma: now if you'll excuse me, I've got places to be.

I then disappear in a wind sunshin and head to ichiraku's, when I got there, I sat down and started to order.

Menma: hey old man! I'll have 50 bowls of ramen!!!

Ayame: you look familiar.... have I seen you before?

Menma: (chuckles) you should, afterall I was called naruto, then N but my new name is menma.

Teuchi: (laughs) well I'll be dammed!!! It's been a while N - I mean menma, 50 bowls of ramen coming right up!!!

He then goes to prepare it while ayane comes around and gives me a hug.

Ayame: I'm so happy to the real you!!! (Breaks away) love the new look.

Menma: thanks!!!

Teuchi then comes back and hands me the 50 ramen bowls and I began to eat through them, when I was done, I payed for the food and said my goodbyes and left, as I started walking around the village, the villagers were giving me their usual glares but one evil fanged smile from me was enough to scare them.

Kurama: hey kit, I'm gonna head back to mindscape for a bit.

Menma: alright kura.

Kurama then dissapeared in a puff of smoke and I kept walking until I got bored and decided to head to the third hokage's head and sleep there until I get a proper apartment to live in, when I got there, I looked over the village as night came and just scoffed, I placed my right hand down on the 3rd hokage's head and gave a sad smile.

Menma: goodnight jiji.

I then laid down and went to sleep.

(3rd POV - namikaze mansion)

Right now kushina is going through the family album looking at pictures with her 3 children.

Kushina: this is you Mito when you were playing in the park.

Naruko: you look silly Mito.

Mito: I don't!!!!

Kushina giggled, but that soon stopped when she flipped the page, what she saw was a 1 year old naruto (it's actually menma) holding his 3 siblings productively while they're sleeping.

Naruto: mum whose that?

Kushina: t-that's naruto.

Naruko: that can't be naruto.

Kushina: n-no I mean that's the o-

Kushina suddenly came to a halt as she was overcome with a sudden rush, she remembered naruto, her first born, and how she treated him, how she'd slap him for lying about the villagers, how she never bothered to train him in the family styles, she remembered how she did NOTHING to help her child, she looked at the photo album and flipped through the pages hoping to find her son in any of the pictures, but found nothing. She dropped the photo album and placed her hands on her face and cried, the siblings were confused but tried to comfort her when a yellow flash appeared, revealing minato.

Minato: kushina what's wrong?! You're chakra suddenly flared!

Kushina: (cries) minato.... w-we forgot naruto!!!!

Minato: what're you talking about? Naruto is there.

Kushina: (grabs minato's jacket) I'm not talking about that naruto!!!!! I'm talking our first born!!!! WE FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT HIM!!!!

Minato was confused but the mention of his firstborn made him realise what she's was talking about, tears welling up in his eyes as he held kushina close to him, after a moment, minato starts to speak.

Minato: I think it's time we spoke to him.

Kushina merely nodded and headed upstairs with minato and the siblings in tow, when they got to his room, kushina knocked on the door.

Kushina: sochi, could you open the door? We want to talk to you.

No response, minato knocks this time.

Minato: son? Can you please open up?

No response again, kushina opens the door and finds the room completely empty, no books, no clothes and most importantly, no naruto (menma). The sadness in their hearts were replaced with panic and panic was replaced with fear, fear that their son was taken, fear that their son possibly ran away, fear that they'll never see naruto again. Kushina let out her cries of sadness and pain and fell to her knees, minato went to comfort her, but was letting his own tears fall, the siblings were confused, but put that aside as they began to comfort their parents, but after some time, they needed an answer.

Naruto: mum, dad? Why are you all crying? and why do you keep saying my name?

Kushina: listen to me you 3, I want you to THINK! Long and hard! Do you not remember a carbon copy of naruto?!

As the 3 began to think about seeing another naruto and hit all of them like a fireball jutsu.

(Mito's flashback)

Mito is drawing with some crayons on a piece of paper when she sees naruto (menma) come into the room covered in blood and cuts.

Kushina: why are you late?

Naruto (menma): i-i was attacked by the vil-


Kushina: don't you dare lie!!! Go upstairs this instant!!!

Naruto (menma) nodded sadly and went upstairs slowly letting tears fall, Mito looked at him and then scoffed and went back to drawing.

(Flashback end)

(Naruko's flashback)

Naruko is out playing in the park when she sees naruto (menma) sitting on the swing looking downcast, she then began hearing whispers from the kids.

Kid 1: look at that THING.

kid 2: disgusting demon.

Kid 3: come on, let's not even bother with him.

Naruko then got up and walked AWAY from naruto (menma) not even bothering to check what was wrong.

(Flashback end)

(Naruto's flashback)

Naruto is sitting down doing his own thing when he sees his twin walking in the house with a slight limp and then turns away not even bothering to help him.

Naruto (in head): dumb idiot.

(Flashback end)

The 3 soon began to feel regret and cried along with their parents, they group hugged trying to calm themselves, but the overwhelming guilt was too much for them but that soon changed into determination as they all had one thought.

Namikaze family (in head): we'll get our son/brother Back.

Minato: I'll start sending anbu out to look for him.

Mito: I don't think you need to do that.

Kushina: why not?

Naruko: we have someone in our class who looked exactly like naruto, he called himself menma, I think that could be big brother.

Kushina and minato nodded their heads and then told the kids to go to sleep so they can talk to their brother and be ready for the genin exam tommorow.

(Timeskip Brought to you by menma sleeping on the 3rd hokage's head with a silhouette of the 3rd smiling down on him from the heavens)

Menma can be seen sitting down next to yoruichi, both were listening to iruka talk about some history before he got to the important part of the exam.

Iruka: alright class, we'll start of the genin exams by starting with the written exam, remember, your parents are watching you and are supporting you through this.

Menma scoffed and started tapping his fingers on the table, he then felt multiple eyes peering at him and turned to see the 3 "brats" as he'd call them staring at him with a look of guilt and happiness, he the turned around and saw both minato and kushina looking at him with the same kind of eyes, he scoffed and turned back around, when the tests were all laid out, he began go work through it. Menma finished it in 5 minutes with yoruichi finishing in 6, when the exams were over, the papers were marked and menma got all answers correct, yoruichi got 9 of the ten questions correct, they then moved on to shuriken throws which menma aced, shocking everyone, yoruichi got the same, they then moved on to the physical part of the exam which was hand to hand combat, menma zoned out of it and began to think about making new jutsu until his name got called.

Iruka: menma Uzumaki Kitsune vs kiba inazuka.

Menma sighed and got up and stood opposite of kiba who had a smirk.

Kiba: I'm taking you down demon!!!

Menma: why do you keep calling me that? You know I don't take that as an insult, I wear it as my title, makes me threatening.

Kiba: tch, please, you're not threatening.

Menma: whatever mutt.

Iruka: alright, Ready?

Kiba: yeah.

Menma: (nods)

Iruka: hajime!!!

Before kiba could even react menma was in front of him and did a simple attack.

Kiba got launched through the fence and into a tree and was knocked unconciouss. Everyone stood in shock at what happened except for yoruichi who gave a thumbs up.

Minato (in head): I didn't see him move, he must've inherited his speed from me!

Kushina (in head): such strength! He must've inherited that from me!

Kurama: good job kit.

Menma: thanks kura.

(Mini timeskip)

Iruka: we will now start the final part of the exam, I'll call out your name and you must perform 3 jutsu, a clone jutsu, substitution and transformation jutsu.

Menma waited patiently for his name to be called out, when yoruichi did hers, she came out wearing the leaf headband around her neck, she looked at menma and gave a little wave to which menma returned and left, when it was his turn, he got up and went into a room where iruka was.

Iruka: alright menma, perform the substitution first.

Menma nodded and substituted with a table, iruka wrote something down and looked back at menma.

Iruka: perform the clone jutsu next.

Menma did some hand signs.

Menma: shadow clone jutsu.

4 clones of menma appeared in front of a shocked iruka, he wrote on his clipboard and looked at menma again.

Iruka: the transformation jutsu now.

Menma transformed into the 3rd hokage and then transformed back, iruka wrote it down and continued.

Iruka: now perform 3 jutsu of your choosing.

Menma nodded and summoned 2 clones that stood next to him. The original menma made the rasengan, the first clone did the mud wall jutsu and the other did the fire annihilation justu. Menma dispelled the clones and looked at iruka who didn't say anything but stood there slackjawed, menma grabbed a leaf headband and tied it around his neck and left, when he got out of his the class he saw all the parents talking to their children, he then started walking away until he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around and saw kushina with an enthusiastic smile on her face.

Kushina: congratulations on passing the exams naruto!!

Menma gave her a blank stare which made her flinch.

Menma: lady kushina, first of all my name is menma now and secondly, can I ask why stopping me?

Kushina: I thought you'd wait for your siblings.

Menma: why should I?

Kushina: please, can you just do this?

Menma: took a quick glance at minato to see he had pleading eyes, menma just wanted to leave but he knew that kushina wouldn't let go, so he relented and went to a wall and leaned on it, kushina and minato were overjoyed that he listened to them, eventually one blonde streak came out of the academy with a headband tied around her forehead with an overjoyed expression, when she saw her parents she ran straight at them but momentarily stopped when she saw her brother, multiple thoughts went through her thoughts, was he waiting for her? Did he forgive her? She switched trajectory and ran to menma and latched on to him

Naruko: menma!!! I missed you!! (Sees the headband and gasps) you passed the exam!!! Congratulations!!! I passed as well!!! (Gasps) were you waiting for me?! I'm sorry if I took to long!!!!

Kushina and minato were smiling at their daughter talking to their eldest, it was heart warming to see but to menma it was an annoyance.

Menma: no I didn't wait long Naruko, I'm just waiting for naruto and Mito and then I'm gone.

Naruko moved next to menma and held his arm.

Naruko: ok! Let's wait for them together then!

Menma: Kura help me!!!!

Kurama: what do you want me to do?!

Menma: something!!!!

Kurama: I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean by something!!!!

Menma gave up and waited for about half an hour until he saw both Mito and naruto coming out with the headbands on their heads, when they saw their parents they smiled but once they saw menma, their grins grew bigger and ran to menma and hugged him.

Mito: hey brother!!!

Naruto: sorry if we took to long, SOMEBODY did the sexy jutsu on iruka sensei!! (Whispers) wasn't me.

Mito bonked him on the head and started to yell at him, while that was happening, menma got out of naruko's grip and started walking away.

Menma: I waited like I said, now I'm leaving.

As he was leaving, kushina got in front of him and looked at him with pleading eyes.

Kushina: sochi wait please! Come back to us. We're sorry for what we did, please just come back to us, come back to me.

Menma stared at her blankly but behind that blank look was anger and annoyance, and it was getting to the point where he would snap but he has better control over himself.

Menma: sorry lady kushina but I wouldn't want to impose on your family time.

Menma walks past her but then stops for a moment and speaks without facing them.

Menma: you should know by now that you've done nothing to help me, all you ever did was hurt me like I was nothing, you say you want me back but you can't even do it properly. The villagers keep calling me a demon because of something I can't control but in reality the real demons are them, they think that they're doing something right but they've done nothing but fed the kyuubi, I'm sure that you know that the kyuubi feeds and negative emotions right?

No one answered.

Menma: let me assume you do, now imagine how long this happened and something happens thay causes me to snap and I release it, do you think you can stop it this time?

Again, no one answered.

Memma: now you see that's one possibility that could happen in the future and it could possibly be avoided if you tell the villagers to stop but I haven't seen you do that have I?

Kushina was letting tears out while listening to menma talking about something that could happen if they continued hurting him, minato felt ashamed and the twins were just balling their eyes out but menma wasn't done talking, he needed to make a point on how bad they screwed up.

Menma: now let's move on to the important part, tell me something, on the twins fourth birthday, can you tell me what you did?

The uzumaki namikaze family began to think on what they did but nothing came to mind, menma was getting annoyed and decided to just say it.

Menma: tch, how the hell can you not know? You know what I'll just say it, you gave away my Goddamm birthrights!!!

Realisation struck the family's faces.

Menma: and when that happens, it means that you disowned your child which is practically what you did.

They felt even worse.

Menma: and lady kushina do you know what an Uzumaki's most important rule is?

Kushina: w-what?

Menma: it's that an Uzumaki never leaves their own behind.... and you've done just that.

Menma then turned around with a glare at the family which made them flinch and spoke again.

Menma: you want me back but when you look at all the things you have done to me, it makes you wonder, should I really go back.... and the answer to that..... is NO!!!!

Menma then turned around and dissapeared via a wind sunshin leaving the broken Uzumaki namikaze to cry their hearts out.

Kushina (in head): oh god, I destroyed him!! I hurt him so much!!!! What's wrong with me?!?!?

Minato (in head): he's right, I've done nothing to make his life better!!! I've failed as both a hokage and a father.

Mito (in head): menma.... i-im sorry!!!!

Naruko (in head): menma!!!!! I'm sorry, please don't leave me!!

Naruto (in head): damn it all!! I've ruined everything!!! I should've been there like a good sibling!!!!

Unbeknownst to them, a black cat with yellow eyes watched everything from a roof and left to find menma.

(Mini timeskip - night time)

Menma can be seen sitting on top of the third hokage's head looking up at the stars and enjoying the calm atmosphere until he felt eyes behind him, he turned around and saw a black cat staring at him making menma raise his an eyebrow.

Menma: how the hell did you get up here?

The cat then got covered in smoke which made menma jump up and unsheathe red queen, when the smoke cleared, menma's eyes were wide, mouth slightly opened and his face completely red.


kurama: language!!!!

Menma: English!!!!

In front of menma was.... a naked yoruichi.

Yoruichi: like what you see menma~?

Menma: (covers his eyes) put some clothes on!!!!

Yoruichi: hmph, fine.

After yoruichi put her clothes on, she looks back at menma who has now uncovered his eyes.

Menma: how did you find me? And why we're you a cat?

Yoruichi: tracked your scent and transformation jutsu.

Menma: that explains it, so what's up?

Yoruichi: well I saw what happened with your "family" and I came to ask you something, if you don't sleep at theirs then where so you sleep?

Menma: here.

Yoruichi blinked once, then twice, then shook her head.

Yoruichi: yeah no, come with me?

Menma: why?

Yoruichi: cause I said so, (glares) got a problem with that?

Menma: n-no!!!

Yoruichi: good.

Yoruichi soon starts moving followed by menma.

(Mini timeskip)

After jumping from roof to roof, menma found himself in front of a mansion.

Menma: whose mansion is this?

Yoruichi: mine of course.

Menma: w-what?!

Yoruichi: come on.

Yoruichi walked into it with menma following closely behind, when he did he saw the staff looking at him, he expected to get hated looks but instead he got smiles and greetings that weren't fake, yoruichi saw menma looking confused and decided to explain.

Yoruichi: the reason they're looking at you like that is because they know the difference between a kunai and a scroll, so they're only seeing you as you not as the demon.

Menma smiles at the information and continued to follow yoruichi. They eventually stopped at a door which yoruichi opened to show a big room, with a king sized bed, a desk, some shelves, a cupboard, and draws.

Yoruichi: you can stay in the guest room for as long as you want.

Menma: i-i don't know what to say.... thank you.

Yoruichi: no problem, I'm gonna get some shut eye, goodnight menma.

Menma: goodnight yoru.

Menma then walked into the room and closed the door and jumped onto the bed and began to relax.

Menma: goodnight kura.

Kurama: goodnight kit.

And with that, menma fell asleep.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

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