Team formations.

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A/N: just to let everyone know, I'll be making another chapter for my dxd story instead of this one, anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Kyuubi talking.
Talking normally.
Menma talking telepathically to the kyuubi.
Kyuubi talking telepathically to menma.

3rd POV: it was 7 in the morning and menma was currently walking around the village heading to ichirakus to have about 5 bowls of ramen for breakfast (menma is wearing what he wore last chapter, he also has red queen on him), yoruichi already went to the academy so menma was all alone, when he arrived to ichirakus, he saw minato and kushina sitting there having a chat and eating, he took notice at the fact kushina was only using one hand to eat her ramen while the other looked like she was holding something, menma scowled.

Menma (in head): looks like I'm going to the academy starving.

Menma turned around and began walking away until he heard kushibit- I mean kushina call to him when he turned around and saw kushina and minato jogging, when menma looked at what kushina was holding, he saw... a fucking baby?!?!

Kushina: h-hey sochi.

Menma: greetings lady kushina, (looks at minato) hokage sama.

Minato: naru-

Menma: I'm not called that anymore!

Minato: (sigh) menma, you do know that you can call us mum and dad right?

Menma: I'll call you that when you act like parents, (looks at the baby in kushina's arms) wow, you moved on from me pretty quick, looks like you have another child.

Kushina: y-yeah, this is mina, your new sister, we had her a month ago.

Menma looked at the child and noticed that it had kushina's hair and eyes, mina was looking at menma in confusion seeing someone new.

Kushina: mina this is na- menma, he's your older brother.

Menma was about to say that he had no ties to them but stopped when he looked at mina and saw her smiling and reaching out to him, wanting him to hold her.

Kurama: (squeal) she's so adorable!!! Can we keep her?!

Menma: what?! no!!!!

Kurama: (whining) aww come on, I wanna keep her!!!

Menma: oh my kami, the answer is still no!!!!

Kurama kept whining but menma ignored her in favour on focusing on what happening now.

Minato: do you have anything to say to mina, menma?

Menma: (looks at him) yeah I do, (looks at mina) when they get the chance they'll neglect you for someone else.

Kushina: menma!!! We wouldn't do that!!!

Menma: really? Well if that's the case, then we wouldn't be having the problems that we're currently having now would we?

Kushina frowned but tried to change the subject.

Kushina: menma, would you like to hold her?

Menma: what?

Kushina: would you like to hold her? She's still reaching for you.

Memma wanted to flat out say no but as he was about to, he looked at mina and saw that tears were appearing at the corner of her eyes but her arms were still reaching out to him, menma stopped himself from speaking for a moment, he looked at kushina then back at mina before hesitantly reaching his arms out to her, kushina seeing this, slowly outstretched her arms so menma can pick mina up. When menma's arm were around mina, he gently lifted her up and held her close to him, this brought a smile to mina's face and she began cooing at menma. Menma was a bit confused, all his life he has known neglect and hate, he expected mina to be afraid since he's technically a stranger to her, but she was just smiling and clapping, menma released a small amount of KI to get a rise out of her because in his head, he believed that the villagers have fed the child lies so he wanted her to be scared of him, he wanted her to hate him for 'killing' so many civilians and shinobi, mina stopped smiling and clapping and looked at him for a moment and then smiled and started clapping again.

Menma: (whisper) why.... why aren't you afraid of me?

Mina stopped clapping and smiling and tilted her head in confusion, she then stretched her right arm and touched menma's face, and gently stroked his whiskers, making menma purr at the sudden action, mina giggled at her brother for being silly but still continued her actions and for the first time, menma showed a faint smile on his face at someone who was an uzumaki namikaze, minato and kushina saw menma smiling and smiled themselves, they gazed at their children and enjoyed how they interacted with each other, menma himself was just happy that he had someone to actually call a sibling, he can tell just by looking into mina's eyes that she's nothing but a pure bundle of joy, her smile was something that lit up his day immediately, he didn't care if he just met mina today, he loves mina as he would a sibling and he vowed that he would protect her with his life, kurama (who's in fox form) smiled at seeing her host finally showing genuine care for someone who was actually family and was still cooing at seeing mina, the lovely moment would've lasted longer..... if it weren't for the villagers who were looking at menma with scornful looks.

Villager 1: look at what that demon is doing, he's trying to corrupt hokage sama's daughter.

Villager 2: look at the little girl, she's smiling, he must be feeding lies into her head, let's just kill him.

Menma frowned, he could hear the villagers talk shit about how he was corrupting mina and it pissed him off, suddenly a wave of fear raised within him, if they thought he was 'corrupting' her, then they'd probably do something drastic such as killing her or experimenting on her, suddenly he realized something, this sudden worry was in him because of how much he cared for mina in the short span of time he had with her, was this what it was like to be an older brother? He liked it, but that soon changed as he knew he was gonna do something he hated doing, and he knew it would result in tears, kurama picked up on what he was thinking and began to panic.

Kurama: kit! I know what your thinking, please don't do it!!

Menma: I have to kura, if I do this, the villagers won't do anything to her.

Menma looked down at mina and saw her smiling at him still and it hurt that he was gonna make her sad, he quickly put on a mask (an emotional one) and looked at mina in anger, then back at kushina.

Menma: take you stupid spawn back!! (Shoves mina back to kushina)

This sudden anger shocked the uzumaki namikaze family and scared poor mina, who began to have tears build up in her eyes again, this made menma internally flinch but still held strong.

Kushina: w-what?! B-but Sochi!! Wh-


menma released a huge amount of KI which made the villagers fall to their knees, and the uzumaki namikaze family lose their breath except for mina who somehow was still immune to it.


Mina began to whimper and let out some tears, menma was feeling really ashamed of himself, he didn't want to call mina a 'thing' but it was the only way to make the villagers believe that he hated her and not doing something that will cause mina to get hurt.

Minato: m-menma come on now, there's no need for th-

Menma: shut it Namikaze, you and your entire family is pathetic!!! Why don't you just fuck yourselves?!?!

Menma turned around and prepared to run but he stopped when he heard crying, he turned his head a little to see that mina was full on crying but she still had her arms reached out to menma, almost like a plea for him to not leave her, menma grimaced a little, he wanted to say that he didn't mean anything when he said that mina was a 'thing' but in the end.... he did it to protect her from the villagers from doing crazy acts, after all, the older sibling must always look out for their younger siblings.

Menma: (whisper) I'm sorry mina.... forgive me.

Menma quickly disappeared via a fire shunshin, when he was gone the villagers were cheering and began saying things like "the girl is safe from the demon" and " keep away from her," meanwhile, the namikaze family were slowly crying, but mina was whaling so much that she unintentionally leaked out KI, this scared some of the villagers as they felt it and the pressure of it rose as mina kept crying, kushina began to cradle her child and rocked her back and forth in an attempt to calm her down and began saying positive things hoping to calm her down, it was succeeding but she was still sad nonetheless.

(With menma)

Menma was standing at the front of the academy, the front was empty, no child or parents were at the front, menma's hair shadowed his eyes as he began to walk into the academy, he ignored everyone who looked at him, he just wanted his classes to be over and done with, kurama was looking at her host with sympathy and attempted to talk to him.

Kurama: kit-

Menma: I don't want to talk about it kura, just.... please let me be alone for awhile.

Kurama:..... ok kit, but just remember that I'm here if you want to talk ok?

Menma: yeah.... thanks kura.

When menma got to his class he saw iruka about to start a lecture when he and the rest of the class looked at menma.

Iruka: menma!!! You're la- menma? Are you alright?

Menma: y-yeah why wouldn't you be?

Mito: you got tears coming down your face.

Menma looked at his sister with hate but then adopted a face of confusion until he did in fact feel tears coming down his face, he quickly wiped them off his face, yoruichi looked at him with concern.

Yoruichi: you sure your ok foxy?

Menma: y-yeah, I-ill be ok.

He then went and sat next to yoruichi.

Menma: please, continue with your lecture iruka sensei.

Iruka still looked at his student in concern before nodding his head and continued, the class was paying attention but some were still looking at menma from time to time, some were sending looks of concern ( the uzumaki namikaze siblings, hinata, choji, tenten, and yoruichi), some with calculative looks (shikamaru, shino, lee, neji, sasuke and sasuki [sasuke's sister]) and some with hate (kiba, sakura and ino [for now]) but menma was not paying any attention to them, he just had his head in his arms trying to stop himself from releasing anymore tears.

Menma (in head): mina, please forgive me for scaring you.

(Mini timeskip)

Iruka: now then, it's time to announce who will be in your team, team 1....

A/N: just to let you know, all teams but team 7 are the same, menma and yoruichi will be in team 12, back to the story.

Menma blocked iruka and began to think of his baby sister, he was still thinking about how he made her cry and he didn't want her to cry, it was the last thing he wanted to do to her, his ears perked up when he heard who would be in team 7.

Iruka: team 7 will be naruto, mito and naruko uzumaki namikaze, sasuke Uchiha and sakura haruno, you will be having 2 senseis, they are kushina uzumaki namikaze and kakashi hatake.

Students were groaning and saying things like "prodigy team" and "team OP", the uzumaki namikaze trio were saddened that they couldn't be on a team with their brother but sucked it up, yoruichi looked at everyone's reactions and scoffed.

Yoruichi: oh kami, these people are salty.

Menma grinned a little and chuckled a little before speaking.

Menma: yeah, they're really salty aren't they? They wont make it as ninja with their salty attitude.

Yoruichi snickered before lightly shoving him, before giving a Cheshire grin and leaning in.

Yoruichi: hey fox, after we get put into our teams, want to go back to my place and have some "fun"?

Menma matched her grin with his own toothy fox grin and leaned in close to her where his nose was touching hers.

Menma: only if you can handle me.

The 2 star at each other before laughing a little and looking back at the class who are all deathly quiet and are looking at them with blushes or nosebleeds at the words they heard, yoruichi merely smirked.

Yoruichi: take a picture, it'll last longer.

The class all looked back at the front but with pink blush spread across their faces, iruka ignored what happened and continued with naming the teams, when it came to the last team, menma paid attention.

Iruka: team 12 will be menma uzumaki kitsune, yoruichi shihoin and sasuki uchiha, your sensei will be anko mitarashi.

Everyone immediately froze and slowly looked at the 3, yoruichi looked indifferent, menma looked like he was thinking of something, while sasuki frowned was emotionless, menma never got a good look at what sasuki looked like so he decided to now, sasuki was wearing a black T-shirt with the uchiha symbol on the back of it, she also wore black shorts that had a pouch filled with shurikens on the back of her waist and a kunai pouch on her right leg, black anbu sandals and her headband on her forehead, her hair was tied in a pony tail, if it was undone then it would reach her lower back, when menma managed to see her face, he reminded her of her mother, mikoto uchiha. Sasuki looked at her teammates and began to evaluate them, when menma gave a light wave she turned and ignored him, kurama's eye twitched in annoyance.

Kurama: fucking rude much.

Menma: let it go kurama, just go back to watering those plants in my mindscape.

Kurama grumbles but went back to what she was doing, everyone in class slowly was disappearing until the only people left were team 7 and 12, after about an hour or 2, the door is kicked open and kushina comes in smiling while holding mina and the ear of one kakashi hatake, (I won't describe him since we all know what he looks like), menma wasn't looking at kushina who was currently holding a sleeping mina, kushina saw her children and smiled but when she saw menma not facing her, she looked down sadly but replaced quickly with a quick smile.

Kushina: team 7, could you follow me and kaka-

The window suddenly gets destroyed by a kunai that had a paper tag on it that said "the sexy anko mitarashi will meet team 12 up on the roof," menma looked at it for a moment before shrugging and grabbing yoruichi and sasuki (much to her dismay) by the shoulders and shunshined to the roof, team 7 and senseis blinked before kakashi ordered them to meet them on the roof as well.

(On the roof)

Team 12 were on the roof and looked around to see no one there.

Sasuki: did someone think it was funny to mess with u-

A smoke bomb appeared on the ground and exploded, when the smoke cleared, their sensei anko appeared.

Anko: soooooo, you're the brats that I'll be babysitting for awhile?

Menma: babysitting? Tch, please, I think we can handle ourselves.

When team 7 came up to the roof, they managed to see anko throw a kunai at menma who saw it coming and caught it in between his teeth, everyone stood there in surprise, while menma merely smirked and tossed the kunai back to anko who caught it and sent a little smirk at menma.

Anko: not bad gaki.

Kushina: don't you think that was rude to do anko?

Anko: (looks at kushina and says) hmmm, nah.

Kakashi: (sighs) alright, everyone please take a seat and let's get to know each other (eye smiles)

Everyone sat down in front of their senseis, menma sat on the right of his sensei with yoruichi sitting to the left of him and sasuki on his right, the uzumaki namikaze siblings tried to sit as close to menma as possible but menma responded by sitting AWAY from them, sasuke sat next to his sister with sakura sitting next to him.

Kakashi: alright, tell us your likes, dislikes, hobbies and what your dream is.

Sakura: why don't you go first sensei?

Kakashi: ok, my name is kakashi hatake, my likes are none of your business, I don't have many dislikes, my hobbies are out of the question and my dream is none of your concern.

Kurama: (coughs) porn (cough) (cough)

Menma snickered which caught everyones attention before he looked at everyone and muttered a sorry to them but stopped right after when he saw mina (who's still asleep) in kushina's arms.

Menma: (whispers) mina?

As if she heard him, mina slowly started opening her eyes and then looked at her mother before looking af teams 7 and 12, when she saw menma, menma had a sad look on his face and looked away from mina, not wanting to look at her after upsetting her. Mina started whining and had her arms stretched at menma, the namikaze siblings were looking between menma and mina to see what would happen between them, yoruichi squealed at seeing something heartwarming, sasuki was squealing internally at how adorable she was being while sasuke was being emotionless and sakura was fangirling at sasuke, kakashi was being calculative and observing what menma would do, he knew about the burnt bridge that was between him and his family and wanted to see how he would react, anko just kept an eye on both menma and mina and waited to see what he would do, kushina frowned as she saw her baby wanting menma to hold her, as much as she wanted to hand her to menma for a moment, the memory of what happened early in the morning was still fresh in her mind, she looked down at mina and spoke.

Kushina: sorry mina, but you can't go to your brother.

Mina started to tear up and thrash around while kushina struggling a little to hold her, menma could hear her cries but since he wasn't looking at her, he assumed that she was scared of him but kurama made sure that wasn't the case.

Kurama: kit, look at her, she's reaching for you.

Menma hesitantly looked up and saw that indeed, mina was reaching out to him, he could see that look in her eyes that said that she wanted him to hold her and comfort her, only one thought entered his head.

Menma: why? Why does she still reach out for me? I scared her and yet she still reaches for me, why?

Kurama: because she still loves you kit, she may be just a baby but she's still smart for her age, she knows you'd never hurt her or scare intentionally, she sees the love you have for her in your eyes, kit go and hold her, she wants to hold her big brother, who are you to deny her that request?

Menma didn't respond and kept his gaze on mina who was crying more now but still kept her arms stretched out.

Kushina: mina please stop moving, menma can-

Before anyone could blink, mina was taken out of kushinas grasp, kushina and the uzumaki namikaze siblings began to panic thinking she was kidnapped but stopped when they heard giggling, everyone looked at where the giggling was coming from and found a smiling and giggling mina in the grasp of menma who was smiling down at her and rubbing her tummy and letting her play with his whisker marks earning a purr every once and a while, all the girls squealed (sasuki squealed mentally) at the sight of brother and sister showing their sibling affection to each other however naruto, mito and naruko felt jealousy coursing through them and wished that they were in that position, kushina was completely confused, earlier menma wanted nothing to do with mina but here he is, smiling and playing with her like nothing ever happened, she decided to not question it as she enjoyed the 2 playing together, kurama appeared in a puff of smoke in her chibi nine tailed form and jumped onto mina and began nuzzling her nose into mina and licking her cheek which caused mina to giggle and rub kurama's head. Menma smiled but then frowned as he saw that everyone was looking at him, he then cleared his throat which got everyone to snap out of their daze.

Menma: I believe we were introducing ourselves?

Kushina: r-right (clears throat), my name is kushina uzumaki namikaze, my likes are the village, my husband my lovely children (looks at menma who scoffs and goes back to playing with mina which causes kushina to saddened at menma for ignoring her but puts on a smile) and ramen, my dislikes are perverts, rapists, fangirls, those who don't know the difference between a kunai and a scroll and people who ignore their precious people (menma scoffs and mutters "hypocrite" which causes kushina to frown more) my hobbies include training, eating with my family and spending time with them, my dream is to one day have my family reunited as one big happy family.

Again, menma just scoffed and went back to playing with mina while still listening to the others introduce themselves.

Kakashi: why don't we start with the mini kushina.

Mito: hai, my name is mito uzumaki namikaze, my likes are the village, my family, training, gardening and ramen, my dislikes are perverts, rapists, fangirls, those who don't look underneath the underneath and people who ignore their loved ones-

Menma: (mutters) another hypocrite.

Mito: (frowns but then smiles a little) my hobbies include, training, eating ramen, reading and spending time with my family, my dream is to be the best kunoichi the world has ever known and have someone return to my family.

Kushina: ok, naruko you're up.

Naruko: ok! My name is naruko uzumaki namikaze, my likes (same as mito's), my dislikes are (same as mito's), my hobbies include (same as mito's), my dream is to be just like my mum and return a certain to my family.

Menma: (mutters) see mina, I'm surrounded by hypocrites.

Mina looked at menma with a head tilt as if saying "nani?" But went back to playing with menma's whisker marks and petting kurama's head.

Kakashi: mini minato you're up.

Naruto: (frowns at being called mini minato but continues) my name is naruto uzumaki namikaze, my likes include (same as the siblings) and sakura, my dislikes include (same as siblings but also doesn't like being called mini minato), my hobbies include (same as siblings), my dream is to be the worlds greatest hokage and to have someone return to my family.

Before menma could say hypocrite again, yoruichi pinched his cheek causing him to Yelp in pain.

Yoruichi: I get it they're hypocrites, so shut up about it.

Menma just mumbles a few words before just nodding, yoruichi looks down at mina and tickles her stomach causing her to giggle, sasuki, looks at the two before hesitantly doing the same thing, making mina giggle too.

Menma: looks like little mina likes sasuki.

Sasuki's lips twitch a little upwards to show a faint smile that was noticed by menma and yoruichi.

Yoruichi: oh? Is the uchiha a big softie for cute things?

Sasuki glares at yoruichi with a tint of pink on her face, kakashi decided to continue the introductions.

Kakashi: ok, pinkie you're next.

Sakura: (growls) my name is sakura Haruno, my likes are (looks at sasuke and squeals), my dislikes are naruto baka and ino pig (naruto anime cries), my hobbies are (looks at sasuke and squeals), my dream is (looks at sasuke and has a nosebleed)

Kurama: sasuke better try and avoid that crazy bi- (looks at mina who's looking at her) I mean crazy lady.

Menma: yep.

Kakashi: sasuke, you're next.

Sasuke: my name is sasuke uchiha, my likes are tomatoes, training, my family and clan, my dislikes are being weak, people who slow me down, and failing, my hobbies include training, reading and practicing new jutsus, my dream is to one day beat my brother.

Anko: ok, team 12, it's time for your introductions.

Yoruichi: I'll go first, my name is yoruichi shihoin, my likes are menma, cats, training, painting, and messing with people, my dislikes are perverts, rapists, cocky people, those who don't know the difference between a kunai and a scroll and fangirls, my hobbies include messing with people, training and hanging out with menma, my dream is to become an anbu captain.

Anko: ok, uchiha, what about you?

Sasuki: my name sasuki uchiha, my likes are tomatoes, training, my family and reading, my dislikes are perverts rapists, fangirls, people who think they're superior and people who hate others for stupid reasons, my hobbies are training, reading and hanging out with my family, my dream is be the strongest kunoichi in the village.

Anko: ok, (looks at menma) what about you gaki?

Menma: my name is menma uzumaki kitsune, my likes are training, reading, cooking, ramen, gardening, foxes, yoruichi and this little ball of sunshine in my arms, (tickles mina, making her laugh), my dislikes, are the villagers, my stupid family minus mina, the 4th hokage, those who don't know the difference between a kunai and a scroll and those who hurt what I hold dear to me, my hobbies include training, reading, making new jutsus and playing with mina, my dream is to be the strongest ninja the whole world has ever known.

Anko: that's a big dream there gaki, think you can pull it off?

Menma: I don't think, I KNOW I'm going to achieve it, enough about me though, why don't you tell us about yourself sensei?

Anko: (shrugs) sure, my name is anko mitarashi, my likes are orochimaru sensei, training, dango and torturing people, my dislikes are perverts, rapists, fangirls and cocky people, my hobbies include torturing people and eating my delicious dango, I guess my dream is to make my team the strongest in the world.

Kushina then cleared her throat and began to speak.

Kushina: alright, in order to determine how good you genins are, you must take a test.

Sakura: but we've already taken our tests kushina sensei.

This time kakashi decided to explain.

Kakashi: this test will determine if you're ready to become actual ninja, the test will be done at training ground 7, while team 12 will be doing theirs at training ground 12, will meet at the training ground at 7am, oh and I suggest you don't eat breakfast.

Kakashi disappears via a shunshin, sasuke just walked away with sakura on his tail, just then a girl who looked like a snake appeared next to anko.

A/N: imagine her wearing orochimaru's clothes and she has the headband on her forehead.

???: anko, dad wants you back at the lab to help test some equipment.

Ako: alright, give me a minute, (looks at team 12) you heard what cyclops said, I'll see you tommorow at training ground 12, 7am, don't be late, ja ne.

Anko disappears via a fire shunshin, leaving the snake girl with team 12 who is currently observing them.

???: so you're the team anko is training?

Yoruichi: yep.

???: you all don't look like much.

Sasuki: hn, don't judge a book by it's cover, it could get you killed.

Naruto: yeah!! Besides they've got my awesome bro on their team, so don't go underestimating him!! Right bro?!?!

Menma ignored him which made naruto face fault before becoming angry.


menma: (looks at naruto) hm? Did you say something?

Naruto face planted while yoruichi laughed her ass off and sasuki showed the tiniest hint of a smile while the snake girl just rose an eyebrow at naruto, menma turns his attention back on the snake girl.

Menma: we never introduced ourselves, the names menma uzumaki kitsune, (points at yoruichi) that's yoruichi shihoin and (points at sasuki) sasuki uchiha, nice to meet ya.

Oroka: (nods) a pleasure, the names oroka, (notices the smell of a fox coming off of menma) you smell like a fox.

Menma: and you smell and look like a snake.

Oroka: (smirks and licks lips) I like you~

Menma: we just met like 5 minutes ago.

Oroka still keeps her smirk but with a burst speed that menma didn't register quick enough, she cuts menma's cheek and then returns to her original position, the wound heals thanks to kurama so menma didn't even bother crying over it, oroka looks at the blood on the kunai and then back at menma and licks the blood off the kunai while keeping eye contact making menma shiver.

Menma (in head): I feel violated.

Kushina: oroka!!! Why would you attack my son?!?!

Menma: I thought I told you I'm no-

Oroka: why does your blood taste weird?

Menma stops and then stiffened which didn't go unnoticed by everyone.

Kushina: weird blood? (Looks at menma) Sochi what does she mean?

Menma: not import-

Kushina: (looks at oroka) what does my sons blood taste like?

Menma: kura!!!! They'll know!!!!

Kurama: don't worry kit, even if she does say it they wouldn't believe her.

Menma: I hope you're right kura.

Oroka: his blood tastes like an uzumaki, but there's also the taste of senju and uchiha.

Everyone looks at menma with shocked expressions while menma remains indifferent to it then laughs his ass off, he then clears his throat and speaks.

Menma: sure, I TOTALLY have senju and uchiha blood, come on, that's physically impossible, plus does it look like I could pull off something like that?

Everyone began to think upon his words but soon agreed that there's no way he could have senju and uchiha blood in him, oroka however, narrowed her eyes at menma before dropping the subject..... for now.

Yoruichi: well then.... that odd topic aside, I think I'm just gonna go home, (looks at menma) I'll see you later foxy (didsapears via shunshin).

Sasuki doesn't say anything and leaves menma, team 7 and oroka, oroka looks at menma one last time before leaving as well, the namikaze uzumaki family and menma were put in an uncomfortable silence which was then broken by kushina.

Kushina: so.... Sochi me and the family are gonna go out to get ramen, would you like to come with us?.... we can make up for lost time.

Menma looks at kushina before looking back at mina and then back to kushina.

Menma: not interested.

Naruto: WHAT?!?! Come on man!! Its food with good company!!!

Menma: good company? (Naruto nods) good company, (he nods again) you guys..... good company? (He nods again getting annoyed) weren't you guys the one that ruined my life, (narutos about to speak but gets cut off) and weren't YOU the one that took my birthrights from me (naruto is about to speak again but stops himself) and didn't you take MY NAME FROM ME?!?!

Naruto doesn't meet menma's eyes and neither does anyone else, menma looks at mina who is still playing with kurama and gives a small smile and speaks.

Menma: hey mina (she looks at him) I'm gonna give you back to kushina now ok? (Mina tears up) no,no,no don't cry there's no need to be sad, we'll see each other again, I'll make sure of it, is that alright?

Mina stops tearing up and smiles a little, menma smiles and puts a small seal that will notify him if she was in danger just in case something bad was to happen to her, he then hands her back to kushina. Kurama licks mina's cheek one more time before jumping on menma's shoulder, he then gives a stiff nod to kushina and didsapears via a wind shunshin, leaving a saddened family behind and a smiling mina who is oblivious to all the sadness in the atmosphere.

(Mini timeskip)

It is currently night and menma is currently walking around the village, completely ignoring the hateful glares and insults he was getting from them, he knows with his power, he could destroy the village, as he was walking he stopped at a certain alleyway and looked into it, remembering that it was in that alleyway that led to him becoming what he is now, as he was about to continue walking he then got wrapped around in snakes and pulled into the alleyway, he quickly used the substitution jutsu with a trash can and turned around to see that his attacker was none other than oroka.

Menma: what the fuck oroka?!?!

Oroka: what?

Menma: why'd you drag me?!?!

Oroka: it was the only way to talk to you privately.

Menma: (deadpans) you could've just walked up to me and said "hey menma can I talk to you in private?"

Oroka: that's........ fair.

Menma: (sighs) what do you want?

Oroka: the answer to why your blood has uchiha and senju.

Menma: oh good kami we've been through this, there's no way that it could happen.

Oroka: I know what your blood tastes like, and if you won't tell me, I have my ways to make people talk.

Menma looked into her eyes and saw that she wasn't kidding, plus the sadistic glint in her eyes wasn't helping either, he shivered when he remembered the way she licked his blood from her kunai when making eye contact with him.

Kurama: just tell her kit, she knows that we have uchiha and senju blood, if we don't tell her, chances are she'll go to the council or the 4th hokage and explain what she knows.

Menma: and you told me not to worry about earlier.


Menma: ok,ok!! Jeez.

(Mini timeskip)

Menma:.... and that's about it.

Oroka:..... well then..... I was not expecting that.

Menma: look.... just don't tell anyone about this ok? I've got enough problems with this village as it is, and I don't need anymore added on it.

Oroka: (folds arms) you really hate this village huh?

Menma: more than you know, although there a 1% of me that likes the village.

Oroka: and what's that one percent?

Menma: yoruichi and I guess my little sister mina.

Oroka: (pouts) I'm not part of that one percent?

Menma: I just met you today!!

Oroka: (shrugs) true, well anyway, you just gave me what I wanted, (shunshins behind menma) you interest me menma, I look forward to seeing what other crazy things you can do, you'll be seeing a lot of me foxy, see you around (shunshins).

Menma stood still for a moment before deciding to ignore what happened and walk home but after 20 minutes of walking, he immediately stopped and sensed that his sister was moving at incredible speeds to the village gates, him being curious, decided to intercept her, when he did, he got pissed at the sight before him, 3 iwa ninjas were leaving the village with mina in tow who is currently crying, menma quickly throws a kunai in front of them with the hiraishin mark on it and teleported in front of them causing them to stop in their tracks.

Menma: where do you think you're going? And with the hokages daughter no less.

Iwa nin 1: that's none of your concern, step aside if you wish to live.

Menma: yeaaaaaahhhhh how about no.

Iwa nin 1: tch, (looks at his fellow nin), kill him.

Iwa nin 2: you brought this on yourself ki-ACK!!

Both iwa nin blink and turn to see their teammate bleeding with a hand through his stomach, they look behind him and see that it was menma's outstretched hand.

Menma: sorry about that.... (smirks) my hand just so happened to have "slipped."

Menma pulled his hand back and gave a menacing smile at the last 2 iwa nin before vanishing in a flash, leaving the 2 iwa nin shocked and confused before the 1st nin realised that there is no weight on his arms and saw that the child that was in his arms were taken and heard giggling ahead of him and saw that mina was giggling while looking at menma who wasn't paying attention to her at the moment, with his bloodied hand, he made a shadow clone and have mina to the clone so he could put all of his attention on the 2 shinobi.

Menma: I'm gonna give you one chance, and one chance only, leave now, or I'm gonna send you all to the shinigami.

Iwa nin 3: why you!! YOU'RE GONNA PAY!!!

menma: bring it.

The 3rd iwa nin rushes at menma and pulls our his sword and starts swinging wildly at menma who blocks with just his fingers repeatedly with a bored expression, the first nin gets behind menma and goes through hand signs.

Iwa nin 1: earth style: earth spikes!!!

Spikes come out of the ground and impale menma making freeze and bleed and slowly die.

Iwa nin 1: Ha! That brat should've ha-

Menma disappears in a puff of smoke and is replaced with a log.

Iwa nin 3: substitution?!? Where-

Menma: over here asshole.

The 2 ninjas turn around and see menma leaning against a tree arms folded, he then stands up and goes through hand signs.

Menma: wood style: wood tendrils!!

Wood tendrils come out of the ground and wrap around both nin.

Iwa nin 1: wood style?!?! That's impossible.

Menma: you would be right buuuuut you're not soooooo shut up and answer my question, why did you want the hokages daughter?

Iwa nin 1: SCREW YOU!!!

Kurama: kit, you should try some of fox style jutsu.

Menma: alright, I've been meaning to try a certain one anyway.

Menma went through multiple hand signs that were unreadable to the iwa nin, when menma stopped a burst of chakra appeared around menma.

Menma: fox style: anti fox claws.

A/N: like this.

Menma rushed the 2nd nin and sent both claws down in an X motion killing him, the 1st nin looks at menma in fear.

Iwa nin 1: W-WHAT ARE YOU?!?!?!

Menma: hmm......... (smirks evilly) I'm a demon.

And with that, menma stabs a kunai into the nins head, killing him, menma, then goes to the clone who is keeping mina occupied and takes mina and dispels the clone and sits by a tree and waits. About a few minutes later, the 4th hokage, kushina and some anbu appear and look horrified at the sight of the 3 iwa nin are left in, when the sounds of mina's giggling is heard, they all snap their heads and see menma who is sitting down, his right hand covered in blood and his face and clothes covered in bits of blood, mina looked unaffected by the blood on menma but the others had mixed reactions, kushina and minato were worried while the anbu were emotionless, however, they all felt one emotion when menma looked at them and that was fear, menma flashed them a fanged smile showing all his sharp teeth, it may have looked like a nice smile but if you were to look at it from the perspective of the others, it looks demonic, it didn't help that he has mostly covered in blood, in the shadow of a tree, holding mina and smiling at them, if you were to look closely, you could see an outline of the kyuubi behind menma, after a tense silence menma replied with a simple response.

Menma: hey guys, what tool you so long.

A/N: finally done!!! Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

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