1. Introduction

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"Uh..oh..oh my God, this freaking alarm!! Please shut it Mom. Mom?" I called with my eyes shut tightly.

"Mom. Oh I forgot she is not here. I love you mom and dad."
I sighed with my eyes half open, looking at the photo-frame that was kept on the desk beside my bed.

"6:45! Let's get you ready girl." I got out of the bed and said as I headed towards the bathroom with a toothbrush in my mouth.

[I love it when you call me Señorita....]

This time I came out of the bathroom to check my phone. I wore a red top on blue jeans. It was already 7:20!

"Hello, Jenny."
I heard a sweet lovely voice from the other side.

"Mom! Oh mommy I missed you so much." I was all rejoiced and excited and emotional more perhaps.

"I miss you too, honey. So how's it going? Got ready for your first day? huh?"

"Yeah almost. How's dad?"

"He's fine. As always reading the 'Healthy Times' newspaper."

"Can you give him the phone?"

" Yeah sure. Just a minute."

"Hey princess!" I almost cried when I heard his voice....

"Dad" I sang in an emotional voice.

"You okay darling? I think I shouldn't talk much or you'll fill a bucket of tears right now!"

He joked and I chuckled.

"No I'm fine Dad. I just miss you....love ya dad."

"Give it to me, don't make her cry now." I heard my mom.

"Okay mom, I think I'm gonna be late if I talk for a single minute more. Tell dad again I love him. Bye love ya and miss you both a lot!!!" I said hurriedly fastening the wrist watch.

"Love you too my princess. Have a nice day and be polite." She hung up.
I kissed the phone, collected my bag and left for college. I love my a parents for everything! They're my angels!

So before I reach up to my new college, it's better you know more of me. I'm Jennifer Winget or call me Jenny. I used to live in Savannah, Georgia in America and I've recently shifted to New York for my colleging, without my parents. Yeah, I feel sorry about that thing but mm... anyway. Yes, my Dad's got me a room on rent and I bet he had paid the rent for the year all in advance.

I got down the bus that dropped me just few yards away from the college.

On reaching the college I couldn't believe the sight which my eyes caught!

"Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed, taking pause after each word as I saw the huge gate that read: 'New York University.'

I so wished to study in such a renowned and honored college of America.

As I stepped in the college campus, I saw many students walking on that green grassy carpet that was kind of shining in the daylight.

"This is so good. I love this college!" I cheered as I took a look very slowly and astonishingly from one end of the college to the other. The campus was indeed grand.

It felt like a dream where I was....

"Oh, ouch" I cried as I was suddenly hit by someone.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" A girl in yellow jumper suit said to me.

"It's okay, nevermind" I said that with a smile; I realised it was somewhat my mistake.
I started heading my way and suddenly stopped when the girl I just clashed with came back to me but walking backward. Weird!

"Hi!" She said.

"Hi" I replied politely.

"I'm Christina Parker, and you?"

"Jennifer Winget."

"Hmm, I'm new at this university. Are you too?"


"You talk less." She said cocking an eyebrow at me.

"Anyway, friends?" She asked me taking her hand forward.

"Sure, friends." I said with a smile and then we shook hands.

"So where are you from?" She inquired further.

"Savannah and you?"

"I'm from here itself, but I wish I was from a place more beautiful you know like Miami. Gosh the beaches there are so beau......"

She was interrupted by the noisy bell that rang as a warning.

"Oh, it's time to go. I'll talk to you later, bye."


"And remember we're friends now...!" She shouted the last three words turning back at me. I laughed.

Christina was maybe good as a friend. I thought that to myself and then headed to my class.

Walking on the walkway or corridor made me feel like I was invited to a grand supper as the most important person of the country. It felt so nice!

Well, after struggling for a couple of minutes I finally got the right classroom. I entered the classroom and looked for an empty bench to sit on.

"Hi, Jennifer!" Someone shouted at the top of her voice from the right corner of the class.

It was Christina. I'm sure after she called me, the whole class knew what my name was.

"Come on, sit here." She placed her hand on the bench sounding excited and eager.

"Jenny." I said as I sat.


"Jenny, that's what my friends call me."

"Oh, sorry for shouting out your name."

"That's okay. I don't...."

I was suddenly cut in by a strong excited male voice. I looked at the door.

"Hi boys!"

Oh I was a girl. He surely didn't say that to me. But I gotta admit he was really handsome, too handsome!

He sat on the other side in a way that I could see him every time I saw Christina.

"He's Adrian." Christina said a minute later to me.

"Ugh, sorry. Who?"

"The one whom you're staring since so long."

I removed my eyes from him and ignored what she said.

"Come on, he's my friend." She added.

"How...? I mean it's just the first day?"

Ugh! Wasn't that stupid! I should've said, that meant nothing to me.

"I know but as you know I'm quite friendly." She said that as if I knew her for years.

"Really! Oh, yeah, I know you so very well." I replied sarcastically and then we both laughed.

We continued talking for some while until a man in grey shirt with suspenders on entered the class.
He was a professor! He looked so disciplined.

"Good morning fellas!" He said that aloud to the class. Now that really made him look cool.

"I'm professor Jacob McLaren and I'm going to be your class teacher." He paused and then continued, "I would like to welcome you all and warn you all at the same time that any misbehaviour or mischief..."

Ughh! He sounded like a boring school teacher who squeezes the students' ear on not doing the homework. I felt pity for him.

I seriously don't get whether he's disciplined, cool or boring!?

Very soon the bell rang and professor McLaren left. I wondered how time passed so quickly.

"Was his lecture so boring that I became tone-deaf for 45 minutes." I whispered to myself in frustration.

No!!!!! How can I! I need to concentrate.

So finally after four such more lectures it was time to leave.
Yeah, it was a half day for first year students as it was just the first day of it.

"Jenny, wait for me at the dorm. I'll see you there in a few minutes." Christina said in a great hurry.

"But why Christina, Christi..." She left before I could ask her anything. Well I had to wait.

As I walked downstairs and reached the dormitory I found Christina already there with two more guys talking to her. She was fast!

"Christina" I called her.

"Hey, Jenny. Meet my friends." she looked at me and said.

"This is Angelina Gates and he's her neighbor Jack Szalanski...." she continued excitedly,
"...and you know what Jenny, Angelina is my... no was my neighbor in childhood.... But then she moved to some other place and we got seperated!" I noticed her eyes become wet.

Oh, how good it feels to meet an old friend in such an unexpected way!

".... I'm so glad to have you here." Well, she said that last piece to Angelina and not to me. She returned a warm smile.

"Hi Angelina. Hi Jack. I'm Jennifer Winget. Nice meeting you both." I replied gently.

They replied, "Nice to meet you too." in unison. That was great greeting.

We all four talked for a few minutes and then decided to leave for our homes and said all our goodbyes:)

Just then when I was a few steps away from the gate, I was pushed by someone from behind.

"Ouch!" I turned behind to see who it was.

"Oh, sorry! And yes I'm telling you it has..." Someone who just hit me said.

I was shocked for a second when I looked at him. He was Adrian. I remember his name Christi told me. He was talking on his cellphone. I didn't say anything as all that was so instant he said 'sorry' and walked on.

Later, I took a bus that brought me home. I got my bag off my shoulders and fell on the bed after packing my hair.

Bravo! It was time to call Mom. I called Mom and told her all about the college day. The professor, my new three friends and everything. She absolutely loved hearing me.

It was nearly 1 o'clock in the afternoon and I was too tired to cook anything. So I just called for some pizza and waited.

"So what should I do, mm..."

"Let's listen to some music." I got my earpods on and listened to Selena Gomez, until the pizza arrived. I ate it hurriedly as I was damn hungry. And then it was time to sleep, yeah, one of my favorite jobs!

I woke up at 6 o'clock in the evening and cleaned the messy house ( afterall it was me who messed it up).

"I wish I didn't gotta do all this. Staying alone just sucks!" I muttered tiredly and braised my hair behind the ear as I knelt down to collect my hairpins underneath the bed.

After cleaning the house, I went in the kitchen to cook something for dinner. Yeah, my mom taught me a few things to cook and also there're many cooking videos on internet to help me out. Although matching her cuisine was impossible!

I had my dinner and fell on the bed around 10 o'clock. God knows what I made but the taste was fine.

I huffed and relaxed in the bed.
"It was a good day. Christina was so good to me; although I was quite clumsy and got hit twice."
I laughed on myself and then slowly fell deep asleep.

Another morning with that noisy alarm! I got up. It was 6:30 a.m. and college was at eight. I got an hour in my hand to get ready as it took around 30 minutes to travel upto the college.

I went to the bathroom and came out in an orange long pantsuit with black high jeans. I put some light makeup, had the toasted bread I prepared before going to bath then grabbed my bag and looked at the mirror.

"You look great Jenny!" I said that to impress myself. I always do. Then left the house at 7:30 a.m.

I was there in the class before eight. I didn't find Christina, maybe she was late today. I was looking at the door when I suddenly felt someone's eyes on me. I turned left to see. It was him, Adrian!

"Hey!" He said.


"Umm, sorry for yesterday. I pushed you, remember? Did it hurt a lot?" He sounded caring.

"No, not at all. Well thanks for asking." I said with a warm smile. Meanwhile Christina entered in a baby pink full sleeve top. It suited her perfectly.

"Oh, hi Jenny, hi Adrian." She said looking at me first and then at him.

"Hi Christina!" We both said in one voice and then shared a smile.

"Umm, Jenny," she said to me.

"Let me introduce you both. He's Adrian Johnson, my another friend..."

"...and she's Jennifer Winget." this was to Adrian.

"We've talked to each other before." he said.

"Oh, so nice!" Christi said giving me some look I couldn't grab.

Surprisingly, Angelina and Jack were in our class too. Yeah!Christina introduced both of them to Adrian. It seemed like it was her job!

The day's lecture started. Some professors even assigned work to the students. Nevermind, students are meant for it ;)

It was lunch time and almost everyone was sitting in the canteen. I was there too along with my new friends.

Christina and I bought ourselves some cheese rolls while Jack, Adrian and Angelina were already having hamburgers.

We were cheerfully eating until we were disturbed by some noise behind our table.

A guy was scolding another guy who had a dish in his hand, probably ordering him to sit somewhere else.

"Get lost from here!" he shouted.

A girl stood in support of that arrogant boy and yelled, "Don't you hear, you dumb? Get away now!"

"Hey dude! You can come and join us." Christina called him.
We agreed through our eyes.

"Thank you!" He said.

"I'm Alex McGuire and you guys?" He grabbed a chair and sat.

So now the circle became big!

Here again it was Christina who introduced all of us to Alex.

"Dude, why were they treating you like that?" Angelina inquired after the introduction ceremony:)

"I just asked them to share the seat, that's it!"

"Too bad people." Jack complained.

"Forget it. Let's finish our meal and get back to our classes." I said as I thought talking further on it was worthless.

We were back in the classroom with some other professor named Jonathan Wood. He was great at teaching and impressed everyone. I realized it just in the starting few minutes.

Suddenly we heard someone pop up a chewing gum from the back and disturb the sheer silence of the class. I turned behind only to find those canteen 'mad guys' in my class. Ugh!!

They sat in such an ill-mannered posture!

"What the hell..." I muttered to myself although Christi heard it and nodded.

Professor Wood warned both of them for misbehaving.

After he left, Christi started telling us about those two characters. Afterall, she had great knowledge of all this but I wonder how!

"They're Tom Carter and Natalie Connors," she began, "and each of their dads are extremely rich and wealthy."

"Probably, that's the reason behind their such idiotic behavior!" Adrian commented.
Oh, he's so smart.

"Exactly." said Christina.

"Ok. That's all we need to know about them. Now, forget those jerks, guys. We've nothing to do with them." Everyone agreed to what I said.

After the last lecture of the day, while we were leaving, we decided to have some afternoon drink from the canteen.

"So you say you don't stay with your parents, Jenny?" Adrian asked taking a sip of hot chocolate.

"Yeah, but I miss them a lot."

"Haha! Don't worry. I'll help you stay busy." Christina interrupted.

"And how come Madam?" Angelina asked in a moody voice.

"Are you gonna stay with her at her place Christi?" Alex, the savior asked.

"Come on, guys! I meant I'll keep you busy by talking and chatting with you on the mobile, you know it's a brand one." she winked picking her new phone in her hand and blushed. Oh cutie!

"Well for that, I think we need to exchange our phone numbers guys, don't we?" I suggested.

"Yeah, you're right Jenny. Let's do it." Jack said removing his phone from his jeans pocket.

So that was how we exchanged our phone numbers among ourselves. I bet it was total fun and a lot of confusion doing that!


Welcome Everyone!!!❤️❤️✨✨❤️❤️

Guys! I'm so happy to have you all!
Thank you for giving my book a chance!

This is my first time ever writing a novel....
Hope you enjoyed it! Really pray so :)

So that was the introduction of the main characters. I might make some trivial changes to it although.

Feel free to point out the mistakes. I'd rather appreciate it 😘

Don't forget to vote and leave your precious comments. Waiting eagerly to read them😊❤️

Also, don't forget to add the book to your reading list!

Can I get some more reads!!?Please tag people here👉

Thank you for all your time, love and affection...
Keep loving, keep supporting!❤️

Thank you so much love _miss_idealist_ for this amazing coverrrr! Love ya❤️

Yours lovingly
- Sweety❤️

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