2. A Shocking News

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It's been more than three weeks at college and within these days, I can't explain how familiar and close I got with my new friends. Oh they're unbelievably amazing and affectionate!!

So, we were to be assigned some real project work today! Oh, I love working on projects, but only if they're interesting.

All the students were assembled in the college auditorium, on the third floor, to be informed about the upcoming assignment.

Terence D'Souza, the principal of the college, welcomed everyone and began his speech.

"So, dear students you all are here to work on a project that's extremely important for your academic growth and.... blah blah blah...."

I got fed up of it just within few minutes. I only heard the last sentence he said, ".... detailed instructions will be given to you all by your respective class teachers. Thank you."

"Woww! Wasn't that foolish?! Why did he even give that boring speech of no use." Christina, who stood in front of me, complained in an angry low voice. I had the same opinion.

"Come, let's go to class." I replied.

In the class, professor McLaren caught all our ears and read the pamphlet he held in his hand. Everyone straightened their backs as soon as he began.

"This is to inform all the freshmen that now onwards they will be divided into four groups...."

"Huh! What?"

"What? Shit man! What does that mean?"

Some started passing their views on what was being said, from behind. Christi and I just shared a shocking look! Adrian, Angel, Alex and Jack, all were surprised too!

He continued: "The groups will compete among themselves throughout this half academic year in various competitions that will be held by the college authority. The winning group will be awarded the trophy at the annual function along with the SOTY or 'Student Of The Year' award. Further information on group division will be informed soon." He removed his eyes from the newsletter and looked up at the students.

Everyone thought it rested there and started their gossip until professor still continued: "This is strictly issued by Respected Principal for the development purpose and to increase enthusiasm among the students. Nothing should be taken personally!"
It finally ended there!

"Now what the heck was all that!" Christi shrugged her shoulders and said turning back at everyone.

"Yeah, a group competition!Seriously?" Angelina groaned.

"That too for damn half-year!" Alex complained.

"Guys you know what, I think this new principal is just crazy. I mean who does that..." Christina said disgustingly.

"New principal?" Adrian asked and it felt like he knew we all wanted to know it.

"Yes. He's been here just since this new academic year began! I mean he's freshly appointed. Didn't you guys hear that?" Christina said as if it came in the newspaper.

I wonder how come I overlooked that detail in the prospectus. Was it even mentioned there? Well, it's about our principal, I think we should've known it.

"Hey, I think we should stop talking and just pray we stay in the same group." I think I said something smart.

"Yeah, Jenny, guys, I so which we come in the same group. Wouldn't it be a lot of fun." Jack said with excitement on his face.

"Really Jack, you think this is gonna be fun!? It's a college and I bet we'll have all those PPTs and project work, ugh, boring stuff!" Adrian teased Jack with those words and shook him casually.

"Maybe." I said that almost to myself and stared him.

The last lecture of the day began and our class professor McLaren came in with the group list! Oh, I could sense the nervousness on all our faces!!

He said, "So students, here I have the name list of the students..." He raised that thin sheet in his right hand, "... that'll be going to any one of the four groups."

A/n: What do y'all think? Who goes where?? ;)

We all stared at each other and smiled anxiously.

I checked Christi was already tapping her legs on the floor. I placed a hand on her hand and then she smiled but continued tapping!

The professor began calling out the names with their respective groups. After few names professor McLaren called Angel.

"Ms. Angelina Gates" she stood up.

"Group D and..."
After a couple of names, I was called. My heart was already racing briskly!

"Ms. Jennifer Winget, group B." Oh no!

"Mr. Ronald Felton, group B." The professor went on.

Period ***

After the group division, we six assembled in the dormitory to chat for sometime. Oh, we had an interesting topic for the day!

"What the hell! I'm in group D. Finally, we're all shattered in four different groups. Oh my God! I can't believe it!" Angel grumbled with a hot red face.

"Except me and Jenny, Angel!" Christi said being slightly sarcastic. I was glad that at least Christi and I were in the same group 'B'. But I wanted Adrian too!

"Don't be so happy madame. Think... think about me! I have that 'mad guy' Tom Carter in my group, D." Alex yelled in disgust. He shouted that last letter 'D' quite loudly.

"Haha don't worry bro, I've also got one badass, Natalie Connors in my group, A." Adrian said that giving Jack a hi-five. Oh he was such a nonchalant.

"Well guys, it's my turn to talk. Veryyy... unluckily, I'm all alone in group D." Jack sounded pissed off.

"Jack!!" Angel screamed in his ear and then stepped a foot on his which made him whine.

"Are you deaf!! I said I'm in group D...D for donkey...u hear it now!!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry. I was lost somewhere. I got it now."

"Anyway... I'm glad Angel, You're in my group!" He said and almost danced on one foot.

"Me too!" Angel replied.

"Ahem..." Christi interrupted.
Oh, we just realised someone was getting jealous!

"I'm not gonna spare the Principal for parting us!" She cursed staring Jack right in his eyes.

"Oh, poor little girl!" I teased her laughingly and then we all laughed, including Christi!

It was the day of inaugurating the group system. All the students belonging to the groups A, B, C and D were distributed jackets of red, yellow, blue and green color respectively. It didn't look supercool but simply good. And God's grace, those jackets were to be worn only when on any project!

So as always, all the students gathered in the Assembly Hall, where Principal D'Souza came, greeted us, wished good luck and went.

It felt so bad that we six friends stood all in different columns.

"Hi, Jenny!" Adrian shouted as our eyes met instantly.

"Hi!" I replied. It felt so good after that.

"Good morning everyone... " Our Vice Principal, professor George Salt, overtook the podium and began.

"So... students, today I am going to tell you what's your first task or competition whatever you call it, on the list."

I concentrated more. I noticed Christina smile in excitement. She was in the same queue, right ahead of me. Then, I traced her sight and landed on Jack. Oh, this girl :)

Professor Salt continued, "This competition is about Computer Tactics." He emphasized the last two words. There wasn't a single noise on the field! They all probably feared Professor Wood, or maybe weren't at all interested in computer work (just like me)!

He added further, "You all will have five subtask under this competition. It is mandatory to perform at least three of them. The five tasks are as follows: Computer Graphics, Data Analytics, Accounts, Tracking and Hacking."

The silence grew deeper amongst the students when we heard the words 'tracking' and 'hacking'.

"Tracking and hacking! Now what do they want us to do after this Christi, get a job as a detective?!"

I whispered to her. I wasn't happy at all cause I was damn worse at computing! (At least that's what my computer teacher remarked)!

"Let's hear further. God will save as Jenny, don't worry!" Christi's words helped me.

"Quite students..." Professor shushed us and continued.

"You don't need to panic at all. Computer training will be given to you all first, which will be three weeks long. So you gotta study for three weeks and then compete."

"Three weeks! Only three weeks! Holy crap!" I muttered to myself.

"It will definitely open up paths for y'all to various opportunities in the technical field. The top scorers may also win a scholarship and an internship for 2 years after their graduation. So, hope y'all look at it as a great opportunity and welcome it."

"Alright, alright." I lip-synched.

"Well, the training will begin from tomorrow onwards." He cleared his throat. "The team which will have maximum number of good performances will get bonus points! So students we need y'all to give your best!"

"By order- Respected Principal, Terence D'Souza.... students dismiss." He said and left the stage.

"OMG! I'm gonna fail at it guys! Jack said almost crying; when we were chatting after the college left.

"Hey! Shut up." Adrian said.

"Don't worry Jack, computer isn't that difficult and afterall we'll be trained for three weeks. Chill!" Christi was saying as if she had it mastered or... she was saying just to impress Jack! I'm sure she was an amateur too.

"But don't you guys think all this is going too fast... I mean it's hardly been a month and all this stuff... within three weeks... and afterall who teaches hacking and tracking? We aren't any Mafia! Don't we have special schools for it?" I said that clearing my mind and tensing other's!

"I don't think it's anything unusual Jenny. They said it's for educational purpose, more like a vocational course. Probably, you're thinking too much!" Adrian tried to calm me down. Oh, so nice of him! But I was still unable to clear my mind, God knows why!

"Anyway, guys do you know where's Alex? He's missing." Angel asked as if she was dying without him.

"Don't worry, my friend there comes your hero..." Christi said jumping over Angel's shoulder and pointed Alex who was approaching us in a very happy mood, that shocked us! Angel hit Christi playfully in return.

"Hi buddies! What's up!" He asked as he halted beside Angel.

"What's up with you dude? Where were you? And why do you look so happy!?" Jack enquired.

"Oh, I was with some computer science students there down the stairs. Actually you guys know what, computer is my loveeee.... and I'm a genius at it! It's a great chance for me to prove myself. Dude, I'm gonna nail it!!" Excitement pouring out of every corner of his face.

Rest five of us were listening him with our eyes wide open. Did he say, he was a genius at computing! Oh, that made me feel shameful!

"What? Why are you looking like that?" Alex reacted on our strange looks.

"No, nothing man. Great huh... computer your plus point... nice!" Adrian remarked positively as always.

"Thanks buddy!"

I think we all had nothing to say on that so we just said our goodbyes and left. Angel and Jack left together.
Oh, they're neighbors, I recollected and then left for home.

Hello lovelies❤️
How's everyone doing??

Here's another chapter! Hope y'all liked it.

So the exciting part begins here. Do tell me what you feel about it.

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Please tag more n more ppl so that I could get more votes n thus more inspiration to write better for y'all ❤️ Pleaseeeee

Don't forget to add it to your reading list if u haven't.

Love you all dearies. Take care!

Yours lovingly

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