5. Exams

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It was the day of exam or can say competition. All the students wore their respective team jackets.

Christina and I were in team B, so yellow jacket. Angel was in her green jacket representing team D. It suited her perfectly. Jack too was looking good in green. Alex wore a blue one which gave him the perfect look of a pro! Adrian was killing it in his red jacket! More because of the black shirt he wore inside. I recalled his sweet voice on the phone when I saw him approaching.

"Ready, guys?" He shouted from a step away.

"Yeah!" we replied simultaneously. Only Alex's voice sounded confident.

"Come on then. Let's go to the exam hall!" Alex said.

"Let's go!" I said tightening my grip on my backpack.

As we were heading our way, we were blocked by Tom and Natalie, the 'mad guys'. Tom wore a blue jacket while Natalie's red jacket was tied around her waist. I noticed Adrian become angry because she was constantly staring him. I swear I was more angry than him.

We tried to excuse them and go right but they blocked; same when we decided to go from left.

"Get aside!" I said to my lowest voice, controlling my anger. But they stood more firmly indicating they won't comply.

"Didn't you hear her, move aside?" Christi spoke bitting her words.

"Oh, why not, pussycat..." Tom uttered.

Pussycat!? How dare he call her that!!

"But before that I just want to have a word with... that little man!" He said shoting a glare at Alex who was behind Christi, with Jack.

"Right here, you jerk!" Alex clenched his fist furiously and came in front.

"Alex, what're you doing. Don't get to his face! We have to leave for exam!" Angel held his hand and whispered.

"And you Mr. Tom Carter, leave with your girlfriend right now or else-" she turned at them and said.

"Or else what, you fat lady!" Natalie was damn crazy. Angel wasn't fat at all!

I really felt like slapping both of them! How can they call my friends all that!!

"How dare you-" I was cut off by Jack.

"Listen, you two, we don't have time for your shit! Better get back and let us go..." Good, he was trying to end up that.

"And what if we don't, jackass?" Natalie questioned back cunningly.

I checked for Adrian. His one palm was already clenched into a fist and the other behind his back counting numbers! One finger released, two, three, four! Oh, never test his patience, he's so weak at it!

"If you don't, then remember we're six and you're just two and..."

"And majority wins my friends!" Christi got her chance to retort.

"Leave right now or it will cost you too much!" I tried to handle it as I didn't wish Adrian to burst out.

"Oh c'mon! We're afraid of you jokers?" Tom laughed.

"You think so dumbass?" And Natalie joined.

That's it! I saw Adrian release his thumb. His all finger spread wide behind his back. I quickly caught his hand before he welcomed a punch.

"No." I lip-synched. He protested.

"No! Please." I requested again and he unwillingly agreed.

Tom and Natalie noticed all this too. And god knows what came in their mind and they went. Good for them!

"I'll see you all!" Tom stared ferociously before leaving.

I finally breathed after they left.

"Such a gawk!" Angel said disgustingly.

We turned to Alex with an angry face.

"What? I told you he was in my group. I just complained about him to the professor for that chewing gum thing. That's it!"

We all sighed at him.

"Why did you? What was the need, Alex?"

"They spitted out so many things for no reason! Why did you mess with him??"

"You should've let me handle him, Jenny." Adrian complained.

"That wouldn't have been a great idea!"

"FINE. By the way, chewing gum? What about it?" Adrian asked.

"Nothing serious! I'll tell you about it later Adrian. Come on, let's go guys!" He nodded and then we all headed to the exam hall.

Seats were arranged not group viz but task viz. Surely there were computers on each desk but no answer sheet! Not on a single desk! That means it was practical exam and not written!?

"Not again! I muttered to myself in frustration.

"Good luck, everyone!" We wished each other and dispersed.

So the arrangement was like the first batch of exam students was for all those who chose Graphics. It was informed before that next was Data Analytics followed by Hacking. Accounts and Tracking, were respectively the last on the exam time-table.

The exam hall was indeed big. Every candidate from all the four teams was made to sit as per the sitting arrangements done by the professors. God knows what pattern they followed.

This time I was close to Angel on my right and Jack few seats behind me. Behind him was Adrian. Christi was far from me. Alex sat in the left corner of the exam hall.

A bell rang at 8:15 a.m, 15 minutes before the actual exam time and as supervisor Prof. McLaren entered in.

He began instructing us,"Good morning, everyone." He paused for a moment to have a look at the classs.

"So here's what you've got to do. Open the drawer and there are some sheets with an analytical structure of the college building, some relatable data sheets... and yes, before you start the test fill in the details in the candidates' form that's been already opened on all your computer screens. So exactly, you have to refer the data and construct the same structure on your computer. You'll be getting 45 minutes to complete the task. Wish you all the best!" The professor said and clapped formally.

"That's a lot of brain work!" I declared preparing myself for the exam.

"So students start filling the entry form...... now." All did as told.

Finally, it was time, 8:30 a.m!

"Your time starts now, good luck!"

Everyone began their work hurriedly while I was calm and decided to take 5 minutes to plan my work out. I turned back to my left to see Alex, who had already started. The class was full as almost everyone chose graphics. Still there was appreciable silence in the hall!

I began my work. First, I keenly inspected the figure that was provided and then checked the sheet which detailed the dimensions and measurements. I then began my real job!

"9 a.m.! Just 15 minutes more Jenny, do it quickly! I muttered to myself as I finished mapping, lining, texturing and started with shading work in the end. I turned to have a look at my friends. Christi was having great fun. Maybe she was playing on the computer. Jack and Adrian, both were too busy in their work. I noticed Angel stare Alex, this wasn't the right time for it girl.

Five minutes later the warning bell rang. Prof. McLaren was all throughout wandering in the class. He was probably having a brisk walk.

I attended the last part of the test. There were 10 MCQs at the end. I guess I answered all of them correctly. After doing some minor changes to what I called 'college structure', I clicked on the submit button and relaxed in my chair.

"Time's up!" The professor shouted at 9:15 a.m. I could see everyone had finished their test. After submitting, everyone left for the 15 minutes break that was provided.

"Jenny, Jenny, Jenny..." Christi shouted as she came running towards the stairs at the end of the corridor, to me, after the class dismissed.

"Deep breath, Christi deep breath!" I stopped her using my hands when she approached upto me, almost hitting me!

"Oh! Forget that! How was your test?!"

"Umm... great."

"Really? Mine was so-so. What I made... looked like... like a building under construction, you know."

"Don't worry. I believe it will look better when the construction get's completed!" I teased her and laughed.

"Come on, Jenny!" We both laughed. I saw rest of our friends were busy with Prof. McLaren, so we decided to go downstairs and wait there.

"What were you guys talking to Professor?" I enquired everyone when they came down.

"Nothing serious, just about the MCQs. I thought he knew the answers." Adrian answered putting his hand on the shiny steel banister.

"Anyway guys, how was the test!" Alex enquired leading us when to the locker room where we had kept all our bags.

"Quite good, Alex" Angel was the first to reply.

"Average." Jack continued,"... but I kind of fell short of time."

"Same, Jack." This came from Christi.

We collected other books and reached the classroom then drank some water. No sooner we sat and started referring the notes of data analysis, than the bell rang!

"Guys, 15 minutes over!" Christi shouted with her eyes down on her wrist watch.

"Yeah, let's quickly get back to the computer lab." Adrian suggested collecting his books.

"You guys leave. Maybe I should eat something now." Alex said.

At first, none of us understood why he said that.

"You're not coming, Alex? Why?" Angel asked.

"Perhaps, you forgot my dear. I haven't chosen Data analytics." He answered.

"Oh, ok fine! Let's move guys. See ya, Alex." She said lost with 'my dear' in her head.

"I'll prepare for my next test till y'all return!" He shouted behind us probably to show that he won't have fun without us.

"That's so nice of him!" Angel whispered in my ear smilingly!

We all sat in the computer lab again for Data analytics test. Same thing by Prof. Wood this time, filling form, referring data sheets, blah blah blah...

At 9:30 a.m. the test began as soon as the bell rang.

For this test, we had to analyse the college toppers name list and some other information like their percentage and the topping year. I began my test.

"Henry Turner.... 1970... Margaret Lopez... 1971... Stevehen Connors... 1972" I muttered and typed that putting my eyes alternatively on the sheet and the computer. The test ended at 10:15 with 10 MCQs again at the end.

All six of us went down to the class to see Alex in the 15 minutes break.

It was way more easy to find Alex in the class because hardly 10 students skipped data analytics, which was the easiest.

"Hey guys! How was it? Alex asked shutting his book and stood up.

"Veryyyy easy!" Christi answered with joy.

"Go, now it's our turn to have some free time dude." Sounded like Jack teased him.


"Good luck Alex and come back soon..." Angel said and he returned a smile.

"Cute!" Christi whispered.

The bell rang again.

"And there goes the bell. Come on, let's go to the canteen and eat something." Adrian groaned in hunger.

"How much?" Jack asked the server at the station.

"25 dollars."

"Thank you." Jack said taking 5 hamburgers in his hand after we paid the bill.

"5 dollars each, costly. Shouldn't there be some discount scheme?" Christi complained.

"What do you mean Christi, it's a college and not any wholesale shop or mall-" Angel said taking first bite of her hamburger.

"Ok, ok! I got it. I got it!"

So then we talked, argued, ate and yeah, missed Alex, all for nearly 30 minutes and then decided to study accounts, for the next test. I bet it was too much mathematics!

Back from a mini-vacation, we sat in the computer lab, ofcourse with Alex. Prof. Grylls was the supervisor. She instructed us what was to be done and then everyone began precisely at 11:30 a.m.

Without wasting a single minute, as I knew it takes time for me to do maths, I did the form filling in the least time.

Next, I got a couple of sheets from the drawer. It was captioned: 'College Canteen Bill'. So the test was to present the data statistically.

Smart, getting their job done and that too without payment!

"Canteen bill! Shouldn't it be professors' salary list, anyway..." I muttered under my breath and suddenly sensed someone's presence to my right. I turned only to find Prof. Grylls, who was staring me! Did she hear what I just said!?

"Do not talk and disturb others." She said pointing a finger.

"Sorry Ma'am." Thank God she didn't hear anything.

To be honest, I finished my work in the last minute but finally submitted it at 12:15 p.m. We couldn't wait to talk about the pleasure of the fact that the tests atlast ended!

"OMG. The tests are finally over...yay!!" Everyone cherished when Christi said that, dancingly.

"Hey, hey wait Christi, relax..." Jack held her arm and brought her down to earth.

"...our exams are not yet over!" He completed rolling his eyes and indicating Alex.

"Oh!" Christi stood quite.

"Yes, so you guys leave, we'll have to wait for the tracking test." Alex said.

"Nevermind, we'll wait for you both." Adrian said cheerfully. We nodded.

"That's so nice of you Adrian but maybe y'all should leave." Alex declared.

"No, we'll wait!' Angel protested.


"That's it! Jack, Alex, we are waiting. I can't wait for tomorrow to hear about your Hacking and Tracking test." I said sternly.

Did I sound mean? I was just curious to know what it was like!

"Okay ladies!" Jack sang that.

"Ahem... and gentleman?" Adrian corrected him childishly. We gigled.

They both left for the test and we headed towards the canteen, our timepass corner!

"Umm... Angel" Christi spoke when we reached the canteen.


"I just remembered that...uhh... professor Evelyn... yes... she has called us both. She has some work!"

"Work with us ? What work?" Angel furrowed her brows at her.

"Oh c'mon, how will I know that!" Christi winked at Angel and grabbed her hand and dragged her away.

Why did she do that? Her behaviour seemed absurd!

I got it a few seconds later when I looked at Adrian who was quitely staring me since long.

Christi purposely left us alone!? Did she have any idea about what were my feelings for Adrian!

Whatever! Now, we were left alone!

Hi guys!!!!! How's everyone ❤️

So they're done with their exams finally!! 😉

Btw, Jenny and Adrian left alone!!!! Omg, who's excited??😘😘😘

What do y'all think will happen??Do comment!!!

Don't forget to vote as well😉

One more thing, please give this book a shout out on your message board n share it with more n more ppl! Plzzzzz *puppy eyes*

That's all, take care ❤️

Yours lovingly
-Sweety ❤️

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