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"So... should we do it before they come?" Adrian asked.

"Do...do...what?" I was getting nervous. I gave him a confused look. Did he mean to do what I was thinking? What was I even thinking?! Ohh!


"Oh! Oh... Lunch! Yeah... I mean no. Let them come, we have an hour afterall." I was so startled.

"Ok, come, let's sit there." He went to one of the table in the canteen and sat after I settled.

"Umm... Jenny..." My name sounded sweet on his tongue.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"A... a... boyfriend? Well, not yet." I like the way he comes directly to the point.

"And you? Any girlfriend?" I asked.

"No." I was expecting it.

By the way, wasn't he being too much straight-forward? Or was he playing with me?

He continued,"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I choked my drink and coughed a couple of times, I was damn surprised from what he just asked!

What's wrong with him today!

"I... I.... girlfriend? Me... I mean... I..." I stumbled over for words.

He started laughing heavily the next moment.

"Relax Jenny! I was joking. You're really looking so cute and hell startled!! I didn't mean to choke you. I didn't know you would react like that. Calm down!"

I took a heavy breath and released it. My heart was already pounding rapidly; I couldn't laugh on that joke.

"Anyway I'm not amazed to know you don't have any boyfriend. I mean-" he said.

"Why do you think so?" I became curious and leaned closer to him on the table.

"Because you're so beautiful.... so smart, so elegant. Just like a.... like a princess!" I was listening very peacefully.

"And only a prince deserves your love, no one else." He leaned closer to me and said each word very slowly with an unbelievably charming attitude; looking straight into my eyes. He stared after he finished saying. I didn't dare to blink and break the moment.

Butterflies began dancing in my stomach. Was he flirting with me.... of course he was! :)

His right hand began approaching my face to brush the baby hairs that covered my forehead. I was already escastic and overwhelmed from inside.

"Jenny, you're the most interesting girl I've ever met." He said as his hand gradually approached. I blushed.

"And cute too." He added with a smile. His hands touched my forehead and I sensed a shiver travel down my spine. Oh, his touch!

"Hey guys, done talking?" I turned my head. Out of nowhere, Angel interrupted from a few steps away. Ugh, wrong time Angel!

"Angel, what are you doing?" Christi shouted and tried to drag her away and manage her but couldn't.

"You two, umm, what did Prof. Evelyn say?" Adrian asked quickly taking his hand back.

"Nothing." Christi replied before Angel could say something, "... she... she just had some acidity problem, yeah."
She was a damn bad liar.

"Seriously Christi?" He sort of caught her. While Angel looked at her confusingly.

"Forget it Adrian, come let's all have lunch while we await Jack and Alex." I stopped him from interrogating further.

"Great idea, Jenny. I swear I'm starving!" Christi said having a seat, Angel followed.

Around 1:15 p.m. we saw both Alex and Jack approaching. I could see them smile having us in sight.

"Hi Alex, hi Jack!" We greeted them simultaneously.

"Hi everybody!" They replied.

"So tell me how was your test?" I inquired as they settled.

"Unbelievable!" Jack exclaimed.

"Am--azing!" Alex rejoiced.

Rest of us shared a joyous look and Alex began narrating.

"So as everyone seated for hacking exam, Prof. George Salt came in. There were just 12... or 13 students. So we had to do pen testing or penetration testing. Basically, it's done to exploit vulnerablities in a computer system. I chose my tools and my technique was ready too but..." He stopped.

"But?" Adrian asked.

"But someone was causing hindrance when I began scanning intrusion. I think I exposed the network to some external hacker. Or maybe, they did it purposely!" His voice raised.

"Then?" Christi asked balling up the tissue paper on the table.

"The guy on the other side was smart but not smart enough. At last, I found a few weaknesses and vulnerablities in our college's computer system. I fixed them and done." He layed back in his chair. "I think my performance was pretty good."

"Agree." I added. He was really an expert, no doubt.

"Great, so that was all about hacking. Now it's my turn." Jack said eagerly.

"This time there were only three students. Me, Alex and guess who?" He chuckled before asking.

"Who?" Adrian couldn't resist.


"So what? Silly!" She said. I eyed her to stay quiet.

"The supervisor was Vice-Principal Salt. So here the interesting part begins."
I leaned closer.

"Three of us were asked to track a micro-chip that Alex later found was in Principal's trouser's pocket who was found in his cabin sitting with his laptop."

He truned at Alex. "Dude, you ran really fast to his cabin!"

Jack continued, "Alex was the only one who traced it and within just 24 minutes! Principal and Vice-Principl, both praised him for that."

Alex took over, "Actually the computer lab is on the the third floor and his cabin on 1st. Plus," he sat upright and his tone turned serious, "the location of the chip was altering so frequently and that too in such an abrupt manner! I felt it was way more professional than it should've been.... It was really brainstorming and... and what do I say... a lot weird." He shrugged.

"They didn't even teach so much. It was a kind of 'out of syllabus' test. I wonder why they set up such an exam. I mean... professionals track something like that not beginners. Something was strange about it!"

"The location of the chip was varying from the physics lab till parking-lot then canteen and... no corner of the university was left. The locater also pointed three locations for once! How did they manage to do that?" He said and banged the table effortlessly.

"How did you manage to track it down, Alex?" I questioned.

"I can't explain, I just did it." He answered.

We stayed quiet after listening him and looked at each other, wondering what to say while Alex was already lost into his thoughts.

"Oh, you're thinking too much. He might be wandering here and there in the whole college, that's it!"

"No. When I reached his cabin, he was very comfortably sitting in his chair." Everyone could notice his jumbled up thoughts.

"Umm... But it's great to know how brilliantly you tracked down the chip Alex. Really impressive!" I praised him.


"You're remarkable! Told ya." Angel said and smiled.

"Thank you." The tension decreased when Alex smiled.

"Hey one more thing, that Tom, he wa-"

"Jack! Leave it. No need." Alex held his arm and stopped from saying further.

"What is it?" Angel suspected.

"Nothing." Alex turned at her and replied but Jack shook his head behind him.

"Jack, speak up!" She ordered and Alex stared back at Jack coldly.

"Now answer back her, c'mon." Jack whispered in his ear sarcastically and teased. But we heard and chuckled.

"Thank you, Angel. So here again the bad guy gets scolded. And why? That's funny too. Tom and I couldn't track the chip. He felt mortified so he grabbed Alex's collar and started yelling at him saying that he's cheated and some crap!"

"Did he hurt you? Are you fine, Alex?" Angel asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine Angel. Jack, let me tell further. You're making it more juicy." Jack nodded.

"Vice-Principal didn't like it at all. He asked him to say sorry to me and warned him as it was his first mistake for him."

"He did?" Christi asked.

"Yeah, he had to. Trust me, he's face was worth watching!" Alex finished with that.

I was quite all through it. They were busy discussing the same topic. While in my head, was Principal. Was there something with him? Why does he appear suspicious to me? And strange too? All those questions were dancing in my head until I reached home.

*** Two Days Later

"So students, today we have a special guest here with us. Please welcome, the head of the Board of Trustees of our university, honorable Mr. Stevehen Connors." Vice-Principal Salt introduced.

All the students were present in the college auditorium. We six sat in a row on the right section. In between the two sections, there was way left for walking. Red carpet was laid for the first time before the students.

So after the chief guest's name being called, everyone turned back to see him. He walked in with two bodyguards behind him. He wore a seemingly costly black three piece suit with white shirt within. The tie was slim and the phoenix brooch in his blazer's pocket was like cherry on the top. He wore that very expensive Rolex watch too! His shiny black shoes squeaked on the marbled floor audibly. Everyone clapped when he stepped in. His face looked like he was in his late forties still he was good-looking.

"Good morning, Mr. Stevehen Connors!" Christi who sat second from end, beside me, greeted excitedly while he returned a smile.

"Stevehen Connors.... Stevehen Connors... I... I've heard this name before! Where, where where??" I muttered lostly when it clicked me.

Oh, wait. Why was I struggling so much. I should ask Christi, I bet she knows about him.

"Christi, who's this Mr. Stevehen Connors?"

"Professor just introduced him, Jenny. Besides, he's an alumni of this university. He topped the college in-"

"1972!" I suddenly recollected his name I read on the toppers' list.

"Yeah. And guess what? He's Natalie's father. Isn't he charming." She said and continued clapping.

"Natalie's father? Nice!" I took that in. I sesrched for Natalie. She was seated on the other side in front. I noticed her gestures. She was all rejoiced! She stood up proudly and cherished when Mr. Connors passed by her.

Mr. Connors was presented a bouquet by Principal D'Souza who was already on stage and then he began his speech after everyone settled.

"Thank you respected Principal of New York University, Mr. D'Souza and thank you my very talented and dear students. It's my pleasure to address the future generation of this nation. First of all, I heartily welcome all the freshers...." His words were very pleasing. He himself was.

"... So I'd like to end my speech here with all my best wishes to your as well as the future of this institution. May God bless each one of you. Thank you!"

Everyone clapped for him until he took his seat and then Vice-Principal Salt took over the stand and spoke, "Students, I'm very glad to inform y'all that honorable Mr. Connors has donated $3 Billion to our trust fund. Thank you so much Mr. Connors for your generosity. It's really overwhelming for each one of us." Mr. Connors smiled gently on that.

"Students, a huge round of applause for Mr. Connors please." We clapped with full energy.

Half an hour later, when it was time to leave, he hugged Natalie adorably and left in his expensive Rolls Royce.

How did I know in which car he left? Christi told me ;)

The chief guest left but we had some more to hear. Prof. Salt began after bidding farewell to our guest. "Students, now, about the results of the first competition." Oh, I got nervous.

"All your performances in the first competition was appreciative. You will receive your certificates along with the marksheet soon. The leading team, as of now, is...." He took a long pause. We were all eagerly waiting to know!

"Team D!" He announced loudly, "Congratulations team D! Well done."

A loud chaos followed the announcement. Alex rejoiced along with his teammates! We were happy for him too :)

Prof. spoke a minute later. "Now, it's chance for the other teams to score and prove yourselves. Soon y'all be participating in second competition. And trust me students when I say it's gonna be hair-raising!"

Woah! His tone was already raising our excitement.

He continued, "Your next task is going to be an excursion. You all will be going on a field trip or call it a jungle trip..."

A jungle trip! OMG! Exciting!

"Keep your curiosity growing. Further instructions will be provided soon by your respective professors. That's all. Kindly leave in order."

"Congrats, Alex." Adrian hugged and wished followed by Jack.

"Thanks, bro."

"Congrats!" We three girls wished simultaneously.

"Alright, a field trip, guys!" Angel exclaimed when we entered the class.

"No, a jungle trip!" Jack shouted with same excitement.

"Sounds amazing!" Adrian cherished energetically.

"Ugh, I like books not a pair of trecking shoes." Alex kept his view.

"Jenny, what do you say?" Adrian asked me when we all settled.

"Umm, it's gonna be great fun!" Excited was pouring out from my face roo. Honestly, I loved excursions like that though I've been on any, only once before.

"No-ooo way! A jungle trip! We can't go guys." Christi complained.

"Now what's wrong?" Jack asked.

"We can't go! What if anyone of us gets lost or breaks a leg.... or... or caught by a wild creature.... just think on it guys. It's a JUNGLE." She whispered the last word softly.

"Rubbish, Christina!" Angel said with wide open eyes.

"Grow-up, girl." Adrian advised.

"I wonder why do you overthink so much Christi. Here, listen, stop watching horror-adventure movies now on, okay?" She stayed quiet.

Jack stood up and came to her side and said caressing her shoulders, "I'm there for you, Christina, ALWAYS!" They stared each other into eyes. We didn't interrupt but Prof. McLaren did. Damn!

He began,"Be sitted quickly. So, here I have the guidelines for the jungle trip we will soon be going on." He unfolded the sheet he was holding.

"Two days hence, all the students of the college will be taken on a two days long excursion to 'The Wild World Jungle' at Manhattan."

A/n: The name of the jungle is fictional. There's no existence of any such place in Manhattan.

"The Wild World Jungle, never heard before." I thought.

He continued, "The responsibility of the security of the students will be the college authority's concern. The instructions regarding the task will be directed instantly.
By order- Principal Terence D'Souza."

"Students kindly mind your behaviour at the spot. You will not be going on any picnic, it's for your sports grade evaluation!" This piece wasn't written on the paper but came from professor. He later exited.

Time to gossip!

"Wohoo! A. Jungle. Trip!" Angel shouted to the class after Prof. McLaren went.

"Yayyyyy!!!" The whole room chorused. Everyone was so elated and excited. Most of the boys started banging the desks. Similarly noises were heard from neighbouring classes. The mood of each one was lit.

I even started imagining myself in jungle amongst trees, shrubs and everything green! I so love nature. It's just so serene yet elegant. Magnificent in its own majesty! The feeling, the imagery in my mind, is just wow!

I always pick up something from such beautiful or special places as souvenir. Let's see what I find at the jungle to save for sweet memories :)

Nevertheless, no one knew what was actually waiting for us at the jungle....

Hello cupcakes!!!!!!🧁❤️

How was the chapter? Did you enjoy it? Oh, plz tell me!

Well, are you ready to step into the wild along with our neophytes??

(Btw, have u ever been to a jungle/ forest or any outdoor excursion?)

Tie-up your seatbelts fellas for something 'hair-raising' is waiting at the jungle to welcome all!!

Who's excited?!!! Tell me!

See y'all in next chapter. Till then bye and take care🤗 n don't forget to vote n comment 🤗
Sorry for the late update. Was really busy!

Ty readers especially -MxssDrxmxtic- for waiting patiently. I love you💛💙💚❤️

Take care 🥰

Yours lovingly,

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