Angry ani

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Shivaay said good night to security guards and got in the room closing the door. He march towards the small table and saf there pulling two chairs together so that when they eat dinner she could sit besides him. He look at the watch and started waiting for her looking at his phone where her photo is displayed on the screen. Tears made their way from his eyes when he remembered that dreadful day when they got parted away. It was a nightmare for him. He agreed that he had planned to breakup with her in certain time. but with passing time his feelings towards her started getting stronger. and he dropped the idea to do it but that bastard just made him so angry that he spilled out everything. Otherwise he was planning to tell his parents about them. He wanted her to be with him forever. but it couldn't happened and that placed which he never imagined. first she heard their conversation and then she landed in problem coming infront of the car. That day when he has saw her in pool of blood. His whole body had turned cold seeing the scenario. He was unable to move from his place seeing her like that. He felt like his whole world stopped on one place seeing her dying. That day he cried like baby sitting in his room after coming back from the hospital. He wanted To be with her holding her hand kissing her forehead. But unfortunately he couldn't be with her and was crying Sitting alone in his room. He was ..... suddenly his trance broke when she cAme out from the washroom and stopped on her way when she saw tears in his eyes. Shivaay Immediately clear his face and gave her brightest smile hiding his pain Which she ignored it and sat on the bed pulling the blanket over her body.

Come here and have dinner. He spoke showing the food which is laying infront of him.

I'm not hungry. She made pout and lay down on the bed pulling the blanket up.

Whole day you didn't eat a single thing and still ranting you are not hungry. Come and have dinner with me.

I'm not Hungry. can't you understand a little thing. If your stomach is grumbling so much then have itself. Don't eat my head. She shout at him and turn her face making him sigh.

Fine don't eat it. Meri Bala sa bhooki Maro. He rebuke back and tore then bread to eat it but again stopped when he realised she didn't have anything. He rub his temple in tension and got up swiftly walking towards her.

Wtf she screams when he carry her in his arms and took her towards the table.

I had got a chair for you but seems like it wasn't meant for you. You gonna sit in my lap only and will eat food.

What are you doing let me go. She try to get out of his hold. but his grip got more tighten around her as much as she is wriggling

Shut up and have dinner with me.

I'm not hungry I've already told you.

And you know that I won't listen to you. Saying this he tore the bread and try to put in her mouth but everytime she is turning her face away making him annoy.

Don't force me to push it through my mouth girl. Eat it without showing tantrums.  otherwise I've other ways as well to make you eat.hearing him Anika stopped and glare him digging her nail in his shoulder.

It won't work darling. I'm not gonna leave you. saying this he pushed food in her mouth making her close her eyes in anger.

Shiv. Good girl. He smiles and made her eat all the food with his own hands.

Drink the water. But suddenly he got panicked when he saw her eyes Are tearing up.

Hey what happened why are you crying??? he cup her face wiping her tears

Kuch nhi she got down from his lap and went back on the bed laying over it turning her face away.

Shivay sighs seeing her sad and went back towards her. He slowly lay down on the bed and move closer to her wrapping his arm around her waist pulling her closer. Anika try to remove his hold but he just pulled her more closer resting his face on her face.

I know I did cruelty. and it's hurt you really bad but staying away from each other is also not good right. Neither I can live without you nor you so better we get together again. That's only good for me and for you as well. Tears roll down from his eyes felling on her cheek making her come out from Trance. She flinch and got up Keeping hands on her thighs looking around in tension.

Better you stay away from me mr oberoi. I really don't wanna keep any relationship with lair like you. I'm ok to be away from you. Atleast I won't hurt myself for trusting you again. I wanna see my own way and will expect you to see your own. Neither before we had any chance nor now. It's just for few moments we got slipped out specially me. but now I won't... I will make sure that we keep a good fat distance between us. which don't let us to come closer anytime in life. Good night mr oberoi. Have a good sleep on your bed. Saying this she went towards sofa and lay down there pushing her face in it showing him back. He exhaled the breath and kept hands on his face not wanting to show her his vulnerable state.

I will win you back ani. This is promise of mine to you. He whispered looking at her with determination in him.

In morning

Anika is collecting her things from the table when he enters there with a tea and coffee mug.

Good morning. He wish her but in return he got nothing but silence. He sighs and passed her tea
Cup maintaining  smile on his face. Anika look at him then at the cup which he is holding forwarding  towards  her

I don't want it. She gave him stern look and again got busy in her work.

In morning we should have something Anika. This is not good leaving your stomach empty.

Don't think about me so much. Just think about yourself and your health. I can take care of myself.

I'm taking care myself only by looking after you. He smiles passing her tea again. Anika groan in frustration and hold the cup which made him smile seeing her taking it but next second his eyes popped out when she march towards balcony and throw all the tea down there along with cup.

Happy she gave him tight sarcastic smile and left from there grabbing her bag from the bed

This girl is really hard to crack. I don't know how will I pacify her.

After sometime

Thank you so much bhiya you helped us a lot. Anika thanked security guard Giving him a genuine smile.

Se. It's ok mam. There is nothing to thank me.

Shiv. Ok bhai we will see you soon. I guess we are ready to do something here. He said shaking hand with him.

Se. See you soon.

Shivaay nods and look at anika keeping hand on her waist.

Shiv. Chale. Anika glares him and remove his band from her back

Don'ttt she jerk his hand and went towards car leaving him with security.

Shiv. Ok see you yah he managed to give him smile and went behind her.

In office

As he stopped the car she come out and march inside without waiting for him.

Shivay Shakes her head and went behind her passing the keys to the chauffeur.

Anika stop listen to me. I wanna talk to you something

Ani. I've loads of to do mr oberoi. I can't talk now. She said climbing on the stairs.

This is my office so you shouldn't worry about work. Hearing him Anika stop and look at him shaking her head in disbelief.

I was thinking that it's been long you are working as employee. and never claimed yourself as boss. I thought maybe you've changed. but today again your proved that you are same obeori who is so proud on himself for being rich.

It's nothing like that. I've just said it to stop you.

Ok boss I've stopped here I'm standing infront if you. Now say whatever you want. She spoke folding arms infront of him giving him stern look.

Wo You won't go near that Ranveer stay away from

And why would I listen to you. Who are you to me. ???

Anika this is not the joke. He is not good man. so better you keep a good distance from him.

Neither you bought me nor you have any right over me.  so keep your orders with you. I'm really not in mood to listen to you. Saying this she try to go but he hold her arm and pulled her back holding her arm

You have to listen to me Anika because I'm saying for your betterment. He is not good guy. He is ...

Sha. Shivayay Anika when did you come back. Shivaay Immediately leave Anika and straighten up infront him.

Shiv. Just now dad.

Is there everything alright Anika beta you look tensed

Erm nothing sir I'm fine. She manage to give him smile for calming him down.

Sh. That's good anyways I liked your idea. And I guess we will go for it.

Idea ? She got confused after hearing him.

Shivaay told me on the phone in morning.

Ani. Oh she grit her teeth looking at shivaay who spilled out all her idea infront of his father.

Sha. Anyways we will discuss about it later. Right now I've meeting to attend. You guys have little rest. Probably you would be tired because of long journey.  He pat Anika's head and left from there talking with his pa.

Ani. What the hell was that. I wanted to tell sir about my idea. Why did you bloody spilled out without letting me know.

S. He asked me and I've told him.

Yh right you told him. Here as well you didn't stop to gaining numbers like college. and why not when Shivaay singh oberoi can't see himself on second number. Isn't

It's nothing like that. I've told your name not mine.

I can see that mr oberoi. Urgh .... You know what You are jealous brat. who want everything for himself and can never see someone happy than you. She shout at him hitting his chest with her finger.

You are taking me wrong Anika. I didn't mean to do it. Listen to me please.

I don't wanna listen to you. Go to hell and throw a party for your success. like you always does for enjoying lime light of someone else's work.

It's nothing like that please let me explain to you.

I don't want your explanation mr oberoi. So don't come behind him. she glares him and left from
There huffing in anger

Precap ..... Shakti throw a party

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