Patching up

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Malika. Ani you cAme back. She goes towards her and take her in tight hug  which  in second she reciprocated it wrapping her arms Around her waist resting her hand on her back.   Seeing her sudden squeeze Malika got so Happy. She can't describe how much she is feeling nostalgic getting hug from her best friend from ages.

You alright ani.  Is there something wrong. she got worried feeling wetness on her shoulders finding her crying  keeping her face on it.

I'm fine she sniffs still in her arms keeping her chin on her shoulder.

Ok come sit with me. come she hold her hand and made her sat on her chair and itself sit on the floor  holding her hands. 

Now tell me what happened ?   Maybe I could do something for you.

Ani. Wo wo  wo

Ani  Ranveer calls her name as he entered In there. Seeing her crying he walk towards her fastly and kept hand on her arm being worried

What happened ani. Why are you crying.   Did shivaay do something to you.  Tell me what he did I'll itself take his class.

Malika  frown hearing shivaay's name from his mouth. Always whenever something happens. this guy just drag shivaay in it and criticise him without any reason. 

M. Everything is not about shivaay. Stop dragging him in everything Ranveer.

I'm talking with anika you stay out of it Malika. he rebuke back showing index finger to her.

Ranveer calm down don't create scene here.  Shivaay did nothing. it's just i felt my heart heavy so I started crying. There is nothing related to shivaay.

Oh ok. But if he did something in trip then tell me I'll itseld punish him.

He did nothing.  Don't worry she sniffles wiping her tears relaxing herself. 

R. Ok that's fine. Let's go with me.   When you will have coffee you will feel relax. Come

M. Stop forcing her Ranveer. if she needed something then she can order as well. Dragging her  like this is not nice.

Ra.  Malika he grit his teeth seeing her interfering in everything. 

Erm Ranveer can you please  leave us alone here. I want some time with her. Hearing her a smile broke on malika's face while Ranveer just getting furious seeing her showing him attitude. but he control himself and nods.

As you say  he mumbled clutching his hand in fist and left from there.

M. now you tell what happened ???

He told his dad my plan.  We had gone on the site seeing  and there I'd told him about my plan.  I thought  I will tell Shakti  uncle itself   but he told him everything on the phone

Did he says it was his plan. malika says resting her hand on her lap.

No he didn't. he said it's mine but I wanted to tell him with my ownself

It's ok Anika  out of excitement he told him. There is nothing to be tense about. Though see he didn't tell his name b he did yours. so technically he was making you good infront of your dad.  Isn't. hearing her Anika got quite snd got lost in her thoughts.

don't take tension.  You only got this credit. He didnt.  So cheer up and let's go with me

Where?? she  got confused seeing her pulling her like this

Today  I'll get you whatever you want. First we will go for lunch  then will go for shopping and at night we will watch movie together

An. But why I mean why would we do it. Don't we have  any work here.

M. We have but we will take Half day off.  I don't think so it should be a big issue.   Come let's go  home Saying this she took her  out before she makes one more fake reason to not go

  After sometimes

Guys did you See Anika somewhere ???shivaay asked Arnav and om about her after searching her everywhere

Om. She went with malika somewhere

Malika?  But they are not in talking terms  right

Ar. They started doing it.   ???

That's great. A smile appeared on his face hearing them while Omar got  amazed seeing him happy on this

What Happened.. you seems happy after hearing it ???

Why won't i. Malika loves Anika and she is the only one who can handle her properly and makes her happy. It's good that they patched up. Otherwise I was really worried for her.

Om. I'm glad to hear you concern for her shivaay. This is the only was missing in you which caused you to get separate. but now I hope you people get to together early before someone's bad eyes fell over you he said looking at ranveer who is sitting on his table being restless thinking about anika

Hope so. He Sigh thinking about mending her and win her back as soon as possible before ranveer take her away from him

Ar. Anyways let's concentrate on work. Today girls work as well we have to do. Shivaay nods and they all got busy in their work

Next day

Anika enters in the shakti's room and greet him giving him a warm smile which he return it same.

Hi ...shivaay says hello to her having soft gaze but in return he got nothing but a stern look

You both have seat. Shakti spoke when he saw them standing looking at each other

Yes sir. Anika answered and set on the chair looking at him

Sha. I'm very glad to hear about your idea anika beta. Yesterday when shivaay told me about it that time only I got agree to go through it. As it's looking really beneficial instead of working on old building

Thanks uncle. She got happy hearing praise from him as she thought shivaay gonna take credit. but here all praise went to her side instead of shivaay..

Congratulations. He says her holding her hand under the table but she just remove his grip keeping ot another side.

Sha. So when you really know about all this then I've decided you and shivaay gonna work on this together. I guess you will make good decision.

An. How can we sir I mean we didn't do any work like this

I'm sure you will do it. I've a good faith on you in this.

S. He is right if we teamed up then we will make it successful. Don't worry sir we won't disappoint you.

Good to hear. Anyways meet my manager. he will give you numbers of builders and will make you understand other things as well.

Ani. Ok sir.both got up from the chair and look at each other with determine to not disappoint him in anything. they will work hard to get the work.

Chale shivaay says showing her way.

Ok she shakes her head and left from there.


Congratulations ani. Malika says hugging her tightly

Ani. Thank you.

I had told you all credit will go to you. now look you didn't get disappoint.

He didn't have any other choice. that's why he told his dad that you gave this idea. Otherwise like always he never leave a single chance to have everything his side. Ranveer spoke glaring shivaay who shakes his head in disbelief. This guy and his hate for him. As he gets chance" he insult him infront of anika so that he makes number and win her

It's nothing like that ranveer you are over thinking. This time anika spoke amAzong shivaay who didn't expect her to answer him in favour of him.

Ran. Lakin ani I was just

An. Go back to your work. Already you leave loads of work behind "which we have to do it on your behalf. All agreed with her nodding their head

R. I do my work anika. I never leave it

Yh I can see that. Now go back to your work. She glares him and went on her table grabbing the file

Erm anika sir said to make design of the building together so when we should do. Shivaay says coming towards her.

An. Erm we can meet in cafe in evening

That's great. We will go directly From here

An. No I'll take public transport you don't worry about me

Sh. When I'm here why would you take public transport

An. Shivaaayyyy

Fine as you say. He agreed with her and went back to the seat without arguing further with her as he knows she won't listen to him

In evening

Anika is trying to stop the auto but no one is stopping for her. In the heavy rain everyone are running here and there to save themselves.

God why they are not stopping she huffs moving her hand to stop anything but no one is stopping seeing her hand moves.

Renveer who saw her he raced his car and about to stop infront of her when swiftly shivaay's car came and stopped infront of her making him hell angry

S. Get in the car anika. You won't get anyone here

An. No it's fine I'll manage

You will get Ill sweetheart. Please come in. I promise you will be comfortable here. Anika look around and decided to listen to him. as he is right if she stayed in rain like this. then she will get Ill which she can't afford it specially this time" when she got such a big opportunity to go ahead for her bright future. Seeing her not sitting in his car ranveer about to call her but before he do she set in the car making shivaay happiest person on the earth ..

Tie the seat belt he spoke putting heater on so that she doesn't feel cold.

Ani. Yh she pull the seat belt and tied around her


Ani. Yep.

Ok saying this he put the car in gear and drove away from there.


Where are we she got confused when he stopped the car near a building

Erm in this weather I don't think so it will be good idea to go in cafe so better we Sit in my apartment

An. No I won't go in there.

S. Trust me I won't do anything to you. Just come with me

That's the thing shivaay. I don't trust you. Hearing her his face fell in shame to losing her trust over him

Ok I promise if I did something then you can leave next second I won't stop you. But please come in. Otherwise you will get cold. Seeing him being concern for her she decided to get in instead of argue more

Ok saying this she went inside along with him making him sigh in relief seeing her coming with him without any problem.

In apartment

Here is the towel dry your hair And these are warm clothes. get in them

An. Whose clothes are they ?

S. They are mine

I don't need them then if they are yours

I've not worn them so you can wear them without any worry. Anika first look at him and then at the clothes fidgeting with her fingers.

Trust me they are new. Look tag is there as well. Seeing the tag she took it snd went inside to get in the
. Seeing her going he decided to get her something hot which will help her to keep her body warm.

After sometime

Anika came out and amazed to seeing the coffee with biscuits on the table along with some another snacks

An. These are ??

Erm you needed it after being wet in water so i got for you.

An. It wasn't necessary

It was that's why I got you. Now come and sit before it get cold.

Are they fine. Did you put anything in there.

Why would I do that he chuckle

I never know what will you do to take revenge she chuckle looking at him but he didn't answer and bend his head down seeing her distrusting him

Anyways right now i need it so I'll have it. Saying this she about to pass between the table when suddenly her leg collided with his knee and she fell in his arms making him hold her securely laying straight on the sofa

Precap ....... Party 🎉 Later ranveer makes her meet with his family

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