Bitch ranveer

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Stop crying for that girl shivaay. She was not worth of you baby.  Trisha says  keeping hand on his shoulder.

She is right. she was just using you  for money.  don't waste your tears for her. You have better future ahead beta. Come and let's do your engagement.  Come his father  hold his shoulder and made him stand

M. Shivaay she calls him but he is in so much trauma that. he didn't listen her and stood infront of Trisha who is flying in air  thinking about her marriage with shivaay singh oberoi. on whom she had an eye from childhood

Put ring in his hand darling Trisha nods and immediately slide ring in his finger jumping happily.  

Shivaay where are you lost.  Put ring in her finger. Shivaay flinch and look at his dad whom he is finding Most evil person in this whole place right now. today because of him " he lost his Anika if he won't had done all this then she would had been standing besides him by now.

What you thinking for shivaay.  Do what I'm saying. He says passing him ring in his hand.

Here take it  put this shit yourself. He sniffled pushing ring in her hand  and stormed away from there before someone  says him anything

T. Uncle

It's ok beta put in your finger. It's doesn't matter.  Shadi tau tumari isi ka Sath ho gi.  He smiles patting her shoulder making her flutter in happiness

On the other side

Ranveer is floating on  the cloud thinking his future with anika. He can't believe Anika gonna be his. From many days he was trying to win her and today it's happened. Eventually she is sitting with him ready to be his. Now there is no hurdle between them "no Shivay no anyone... she is ready to be called his fiancé  without having a little hesitation.  Now  as soon as   he will reach at home " he will tell his parents and will get marry to her as soon as possible. so that no one could separate them and she stays with him life time.   Suddenly his dream  bubble broke when Anika spoke

Erm renveer can you stop the car.  She spoke playing with her fingers in nervousness

What happened baby.  Is there any problem. ???

An. Can you stop the car please.

But we are on the road and ...

You can stop in the corner of road. It's not big deal. Hearing her bit rude tone he stops the car in the corner immediately before she says him something more.  

Where are you going. He got panic when she fetch out her seat belt and cAme out from the car

Anika he calls her and run behind her shutting the door of car bit hard.

Stop here. What do you think you are doing.  Anika exhale the breath and turn her face towards him looking at him being defeated .

I'm sorry Ranveer. That can't happen which you are  dreaming off.

What ? What do you mean.  ??? He chuckle  fakely seeing her tone.

I did all this to stop shivaay. I wanted him to listen his dad.  that's why I said I wanna marry you but I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything. I can't marry you

What are you saying Anika ??

I can't love you Ranveer when I'm deeply in love with shivaay.  I can't imagine anyone else with me. He stays in my heart. he owned it. No one can rule over it after him. I'm belong to him only. That's why I'm sorry for asking you for being my boyfriend infront of  people.  I wanted him to move on. and don't disrespect his de
ad.   I know I behaved bit selfish. I shouldn't had dragged you in that. but I was helpless I didn't have any other choice.  that's why I asked you to marry me I'm sorry again. But it was fake. I can't do this.  I I can't even think.  I'm sorry saying this she turns and walk little to go away  from there. but before she go further he hold her arm harshly and pulled her towards him

What the hell did you say.  You don't want me.  You did all this so that he could move  on. What do you think about me ha Anika. Am I some pawn whom you will drag wherever you will feel like and I won't say anything.   

Ranveer I'm sorry I .... She wiggle.

Just shut up you bitch. I kept Trying  to win you since I had seen you.  I thought one day ... one day you will notice me and will be my girlfriend but no ,, no you chose that asshole shivaay over me. Whom with you always fought and never liked him.    You  broke my heart Anika.  You finished  my dreams. you played with my bloody feelings.   I'm human being for god sake. you can't treat me like this

Ranveer what are you doing. You are hurting me. Let me go please. She try to free herself but his grip got more tighten than before making her moan in pain.

I'm not gonna let you go like this specially that time when I've got to  know " you and shivaay don't have chance.  You are mine Anika and I'll Make sure you stay mine

An. You have gona insane Ranveer. You are not thinking with cold brain. She sobs trying to remove his band from her arms.

Anika I can't go back after coming so far.  I did every possible things for you.  I stooped so low so that you come in my hands and now when I've chance how can you say that I let you go. 

What what do you mean ?? She frown having tears in her eyes

Anika  mein na tumara Lia Kaya Kaya nhi Kia.    I did every damn thing for you.  Infect I stole that  exam paper and kept in your bag and then I pressurised shivaay to spill out all anger. so that you hate him and break up with him. but what I'm getting after doing all this.  You are  bloody still saying you can't be my girlfriend.  How could you. How can you  be so selfish woman.  He screams jolting her harshly making her cry in pain. 

Leave me. Let me gooo she cry as she felt her wrist got broke making sound of crack. 

No I'm not leaving you Anika. You are mine. you are just bloody mine. I won't let you to go to shivaay.   He can't have you life time.  Saying this he started dragging her harshly making her cry  feeling hell pain in her wrist. 

Chalo.  He pushed her towards her car making her hit her head with the bonnet making it bleed.

R. I won't let you go Anika. I won't.he screams  pointing finger at her.

An. Nooo I won't go with you I won't she try to run but he hold her on mean time and pulled her back. 

You bitch he about to raise his hand to hit her when someone hold his hand and pushed him away making him fell on the floor.

How dare you to touch my anikaaaaaa ranveer turn and got shocked to seeing shivaay is standing having blood shot eyes which is dripping loads of anger along with hate for him. It's feeling like he gonna just hover over him and gonna eat him raw ripping him off in many pieces.

Ani. Shivaay she takes his name and Throw herself in his arms crying like anything thanking to God for sending him on meantime for saving her.

Ani he wrap his arms around her and kiss her head numerous times soothing her pain.

Shiv (Hic) Shiv ( Hic) she kept taking his name having thick hiccups which are not even letting her to speak full words

What the hell are you doing here. How dare you to touch my fiance. Ranveer about to hold her hand but on meantime shivaay hold his arm and twist it kicking his ass making him scream in pain

You touched my anika with this hand ha. You touched herrrr .... You bastard. he shout and hit in his back twisting his arm more. He try to free himself but he is holding so hard that he is not able to get out of his hold.

You asshole I had told you don't ever touch my anika. but no you didn't stop and stoop so low that you decided to hit her. How dare you how on earth you dared to touch herrrrrr you son of bitch. He scream hitting him continuously making him half unconscious with his so much kicks and slaps. He just push him on the floor and  throw many punches on his face making his face swollen and bleed. Seeing his this condition " he is still not stopping and just hitting him like animal Leaving him half dead. Anika is shouting screaming to stop him. but nothing is going in his head and he is throwing all his anger over him having Anika's state in his brain where he had seen her crying helplessly infront of him and this beast was twisting her wrist

Ani. Shivaay leave him shiv she takes his name in half and just fell on the floor directly making him stop beating him. He turns and got shocked seeing her laying on the floor unconscious

Anika he throw the ranveer and hold anika in his arms who turned cold in seconds

Ani anika baby open your eyes Anika what happened to you ani ??? ani he rub her cheek softly trying to wake her up but she is the one who is not moving at all

Anika please jaan open your eyes please I'm
So scared. Please baby it's scaring me. He hiccups caressing her face trying to wake her up but nothing is working

Nothing will happen to you baby I promise. I will save you I will. He sniffles and carry her in his arm running towards his car

Ani he fetch the seat belt looking at her who is laying hanging her head one side and drove away from there in fast speed.

At hospital

Shivaay just sat on the floor leaning to the wall. Her face is coming infront of him again and again making him mad on himself for letting her go like this. If he won't had then today she won't had fallen in trouble like this. and that bastard won't had got chance to harm her. He claims to love her and promise everyday to himself to protect her. but when time came he wasn't not even there. He couldn't reach on time and that son of bitch got chance to hit her.

Anika please don't leave me please baby he sobs looking towards the door where doctors are examining her.

Jaan he muffles  keeping hand on his face feeling helpless to not able to do anything. Suddenly he flinch when his phone rang. He pulled it out wiping his tears and look at the id finding malika is calling him. He clear his face and took the call immediately

Shivaay where are you ??? we have been looking for you everywhere. Even anika is missing. Chanda called she said she haven't reached flat yet.

Woh ani ani he sobs making her worried hell out of her

What happened to ani where is she shivaay???

Shiv. Wo ani ani is in hospital.

What ??? she widen her eyes hearing him

Ar. What happened where are tbey ???

M. What happened to her shivaay??? She cry cupping her face.

Shiv. I can't tell. can you come here please. I'm so scared.

M. Ok ok we are coming you. don't be tense. we will be there in bit. Just Hold yourself shivaay. We are coming

Sh. Come soon please he sobs holding the phone tight in his hand

M. Ok ok let's go guys we have to go hospital

Om. Hospital?

M. Anika is in hospital. Shivaay is with her. we have to go

Om. What ???but how she landed there. ??

He didn't tell me. But seems like something serious happened . Come let's go. We shouldn't be late. Both boys nods and run out To reach there as soon as possible

In hospital

Shivaay Immediately got up as he saw doctor coming out

Doctor how's anika. Is she alright. What happened do her Did she open her eyes. Did she speak. Will you say something for god sakeee. He screams frustratedly not Able to get the answer from him.

D. Calm down mr oberoi calm down. Don't be panic

Sh. Please tell me how's anika ?? He pleads.

She had fell unconscious because of her forehead injury. On top of that her wrist pain was unbearable   which caused her to loose conscious

Wrist ? What happened to her wrist ??? He sniffles.

She got fracture in her wrist. Someone hoeld it so tightly that it got damage. We saw finger prints on her skin. But don't worry it will be fine in an month. It's just she has to be extra careful and better she don't work with that hand.

Shiv. Can ...can I meet her ???

Right now she is sleeping. but yes as she get up " you can meet her. He pat his shoulder and left from there leaving him having tears in his eyes

Shivaay arnav calls him making Him alert their presence

Guys seeing his friends there he just run towards them and broke in their arms crying like baby

Precap ..... shivaay went against his father for anika and left the house

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