He loves Anika only

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Shivaay I hope you don't have any problem with Your dad's choice. Shakti says giving him smile but instead of having assurances he got his son lost looking at anika whose side eye dripped tear  tucking her gaze on him

Sha. Shivaay everyone are waiting for your answer. He chuckle fakely giving smile to people who started whispering  seeing him not answering.

Baby tris run towards shivaay  and hold his arm clinging over him like a monkey

What... what you doing ?  He immediately pushed her away as he felt her standing near her...

Tri. Baby she look around the people and saw everyone are just gasp with his sudden move and look at him. With wide eyes. 

Sha. Shivaay  what happened to you. ???

Ex excuse me Anika wipe her tears and about to head down from the stage when shivaay hold her hand and pulled her towards him holding her waist

Shivaay she whispered with his sudden move. She didn't think that he will pull her like this infront of  all people

Anika he hold her waist with on hand then with another hand he cup her face caressing her cheek soft.

Anika will you marry me. All just gasp with his sudden proposal that  also that time when his father asked him to get engaged with another lady.

Shivay she whispered looking at him intensely

I'm asking you something Anika. will you marry me.  His voice crack  tucking his moist eyes on her elegant face.  Malika cup her face In happiness seeing him proposing her infront of whole world without giving damn to anyone " who is presence in this hall

Shivaay I I ....

Don't say no please.  I love you  so much. Can't live without you. please don't say no  please he says placing soft kisses on her  forehead  Making her feel bliss with his touch

What you doing shivaay. Leave her. His father   Shout in between and made them part away pushing  Anika away

What the hell are you doing shivaay.  I asked you to get engage with Trisha and here you are hugging someone else.

dad I can't marry Trisha. I don't love her. He exhale the breath running fingers in his hair

What do you mean you don't wanna marry her. What she haven't got which made you decide like this.

Dad she don't have any problem  but I have and that's I love someone  else and can't live without her.

  Shivay you can't  obey my order like this.  Seeing the heat of situation malika and his other friends started pushing people out announcing party is over. 

M .. Arnav go and handle the media.  THis news shouldn't be out.

Yh don't worry I will  do it. Let's  go Khana he called oberoi's security guard and immediately left from there to handle the situation

On the other side Ranveer is shocked beyond  his imagination after seeing him proposing her without having a little hesitation. He never thought they he will straight away ask her to marry him. that also infront of his dad. Now what will happen " if anika accepted it . Fear grip him around making him stunned on his place.

What the hell is happening here ??? why the hell your son hugged an Unknwon Girl infront of whole world.  Trisha'a father spoke feeling hell angry on shivaay and Shakti for  insulting him and his daughter like this infront of people.

S. Shivaay apologise right now  to him and say that it was just a prank. Shakti orders him  pointing finger on wanraj.

It was not prank dad.  I love Anika not from today. but from college. I can't imagine my life without her. He says looking down  without having a little guilt for telling him about his love for anika . 

Shivay  do you know what are you saying.   Don't forget I can do many things with you for disobey my decision.

Dad you can do whatever you want. but I won't stop saying that I love Anika.  She is my life dad I can't imagine living without her. I've seen future with her. I can't give someone else on her place. 

Shivaay you are insulting me. He screams marching towards him fastly.

No dad I'm not insulting you. I'm just saying you to give me permission to be with my love.  

Now this middle class girl got more important to you than your dad.

Dad you are taking the situation in another way. I'm not giving importance to her above you. I'm just saying you to respect my love for her and give us permission to be with each other

Shivaay I've chosen Trisha for your betterment. She has everything which I want in my daughter in law.

Yh right. you want her as she is same rich as you. As wanna keep your neck high while presenting her infront of the world. but what about me ha. who don't find any of quality of  my life partner in her. She is not my  Soulmate dad.  She is way too different from me.  

T. I will try my best to come in your standards. but don't say that you don't want me in your life she says holding his hand but he just remove her grip  and move away

I'm sorry Trisha but i can't marry you. I love Anika  

Shivay you have gone insane. You are getting blind in love.  You can't see she is not your match. she got nothing to being your wife.  Leave all this. you don't even know about her family properly. From where she cAme. That even we don't know. then how come you are saying she is right for you

Dad I love Anika I love Anika's  soul " her existence her being Anika not her family background or cast. for me Only Anika is important. I don't care from where she belongs and who was her family.   I just want to be with  her. that's it. Hearing her Anika's heart swell in proud.  she can't believe one day Someone will  love her this much " who will accept her with her all flows and won't care about her back ground

Shivaay you are doing mistake with this decision. you can lose many things by choosing . Shakti screams in loud voice making  all people scare who are present in there right now.

I don't care dad.  I'm ready to lose everything but I won't leave Anika.

So you are ready to leave your dad. He grit his teeth seeing his son choosing someone else over him

I didn't say this dad.  Don't assume wrong things.  I  just said I want Anika and that's it.  Though dad till Tomorrow  you were praising Anika and was saying she is best then. what happened to you today??? why you are degrading her forgetting all her hard work for you.

She is intelligent and hard worker and I like to appreciate people's work but that's doesn't mean I will make her my daughter in law. I can give her any kind of opportunities. but I can't have her as my daughter in law. 

Dad you can't decide about my life.  I want her to be my partner can't you see it. Stop ruining my life for your mere some millions deal. He scream on top of voice not able to control his emotions.

Shivayyy Anika cup her face when he placed a tight slap on his face making him stumble

Shivaay she hold him on mean time as she felt he is going to fall down. 

Sh  Just shut up shivaay. don't you dare to speak Infront of me like this.

Shiv. Daddd he about to say something but Anika comes in between stopping them

An. Stop fighting for god sake.  Don't bring  rift between you people because of me.   I don't want you to fight like this. Stop it. She sobs cupping his face in her hands.

It's all happening because of you. It's my big mistake who got you in my company. I thought to help a poor girl " who have no one around he. but I never knew that you had eye on my son. Bravo you played so well. I can't believe behind this innocent girl a cunning anika exists. Hearing Shakti's harsh words anika just step back bending her head down

An. I I didn't do anything I didn't have relationship with him. You are taking me wrong uncle. Anika stated bending her head.

Shiv. Dad how can you say that. You can't blame anika for everything. It was Mutual relationship. I was the one who proposed her not her. She wasn't even accepting it.

Shivaay you shut up I know girls like her. they search preys to trap them for having luxurious life in future. She did all this so that she could be rich without doing any sort of effort. she is trapping you shivaay

That's enough dad. I can't hear more against anika. She did nothing. You can't blame her without knowing anything. Don't use such bad words which leads you to regret in future. Just have some sense before talking

Sha. Now you will show me how to talk shivaay. don't forget im your dad

Yes you are re my dad. I respect to you for that. but that's doesn't mean you will insult anika like this. The way I love you I love my anika as well. If someone will insult her then that's mean he is insulting me. Jaan hai meri yah. He scream last sentence making Anika look at him with floody eyes

Shivaay do this whatever he is saying. Don't spoil your relationship with your dad. She says holding his hand controlling her emotions.

Anika can't you see how he is behaving. still you are saying to listen to him. Anika keep this straight in your brain I won't leave you. You are staying with me and that's final

Shivaay I can throw you out from my all property if you chose her over me

No no you don't need to do anything. You want me to leave him right. I will leave. I will never come back
In his life. but don't just throw him out of your family. He is your son. Anika says trying to put sense in his brain which seems not working at all.

Sh. Anika you can't say that you gonna leave me. I won't let this happen

Shivaay it has to happen. I'm not your standard. Please try to understand

Sh. You won't go anywhere anika

I'm going shivaay and you can't stop me. Though don't forget we have already have broken up  and I didn't forgive you for your past deeds. so stop thinking I will remain with you

You can't do this anika I can't live without you. his voice crack looking at her pleadingly.

But I can Shivaay. I've learnt it. and you also have to stay alone without me. Did you get that. Saying this she try to go but he hold her from behind hugging her neck

Sh. No no no you won't go. You can't do this I love you anika. He weeps thrusting his face in her neck.

An. No you don't shivaay it's just attraction. She cry shaking her head with closed eyes.

Sh. Don't call my love as mere attraction. I do love you. I love you more than anything

An. But I don't love you for god sake. I don't want you shivaay she says pushing him away

Anika don't kill me like this baby please. He sobs holding her hand but she just removed his grip and move back

If she doesn't want then why the hell you are forcing her. Ranveer says marching towards them fastly.

Sh. You stay out of it ranveer. Don't you dare to come between us

I will come between you shivaay. when anika don't want to be with you. He says side hugging anika having smile on his face

Don't touch her. Just don't he says removing his grip from her arm.

He can touch me shivaay. Anika says keeping his hand back on her arm.

Shiv. Anika he chocked looking at her disbelievingly.

Ani. Ranveer I know that you like me. So tell me if I ask you to marry me. Will you do it ??

He wont do this. You can't say him like this shivaay says hitting ranveer's chest

What ? Yea of course Anika I love you and I will marry you for sure . He says happily holding her hand

An. Fine then let's get marry

Sn. Anika you won't do this. Stop all this drama. He screams.

It's my life I can do whatever I feel like you are none to say me anything

Sh. I love you anika. And I can stop you to do any kind of stupidity .

An. You didn't love me shivaay. It's all attraction

Please baby please don't do this please he try to hold her hand but she didn't let him and move back without caring how much it's breaking him

Ran. She is going to be my fiancé so don't you dare to come near her shivaay. If I saw you near her then see what I will do with you

Come let's go baby he hold her hand and left from there leaving shivaay all broken and teary eyes

Anikaaaaaa he scream and set on the floor crying

Please don't do this anika I will die otherwise. Please come back please. he hiccups crying like baby sitting on his knees

Precap .... Shivaay's engagement later Anika tells ranveer she can't marry him as she did all that to get rid of shivaay

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