Devil shivaay

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Anika gulp when she saw him standing infront of her having wide eyes like he saw some alien leave all this 'he is even with his friends who are looking at her curiously finding her here. Anika gulp and bend her eyes down not able to understand what to do. It's not that she is ashamed of her job. It's just the way he behaved with her on first day of college' she very well know 'how he gonna treat her afterwards. which will be really annoying and unbearable. She closed her eyes and rub her temple in tension but then she compose herself and smile

Ani. What would you like to have sir

Shiv. O god you are waitress here. O my god. He laughs making her angry but she suppress her anger and smile gritting her teeth

Ani. Yes I do work here. It's my part time job. Now will you please tell me what you wanna have???

Shiv. Guys is she same girl who was showing so much attitude to shivaay singh oberoi. O god her attitude was showing like she is somewhere princess. but In reality she is nothing but a waitress. Must say girl you have such strong guts. How bravely you fought with shivaay singh oberoi forgetting your back ground. He Laugh standing infront of her making her feel uncomfortable with his antics. She look around and crushed notebook in her hand "when she saw people are looking at her like some horn have grown on her head

Ar. Shut up shivaay. Atleast behave yourself in public

Shiv. she dared to slap shivaay singh oberoi Forgetting her place and you said I should be in limits.

Ani. Look it's my work place don't make issue here.

Shiv. Why ??when you can insult me infront of thousand of People then why can't I insult you  in your work place.

Om. Shivaay. He glares him

Manager. What's happening here Anika

Ani. Wo sir I ....

Shiv. I'm asking her to get my order but she is the one who is insulting me

Ani. No I didn't

Mana. Is this the way you behave with  costumers Anika. Because of your this behaviour our cafe's reputation is going down. Because of you all costmours are getting angry. If you don't like to  work here then do tell me I'll give you your resignation latter in next moment.

Ani. No please don't do this. I need this job please. I won't do this mistake again but please don't say that I should leave this job. Tears slid from he eyes making shivaay's mouth got tight. He don't know why when he saw her in tears he didn't like it. Something pierced in his heart. But he composed himself and kept his thick smirk on his face looking at her

Man. Anika go back inside. Anika nods and left from there not before giving glance to shivaay who is glaring her standing infront of manger

M. Sorry on behalf of her sir. You tell me I'll get your Order

Shiv. Ok fine go and get me grill cheese sandwich and coffee

M. Ok done. 

Shiv. And yes get that girl here with my order. I want her to serve me

M. As you say sir. saying this he left from there.

Om. This is not the way you treat people shivaay. So what if she works here. maybe she would have some reason for working here

Ar. He is right. However she seems belong to poor family.  but don't forget she got admission in such a big college because of her hard work. I'm sure they saw something which made them to took  her in ...

Shiv. I don't care what she is in her personal life or college. I just didn't like the way she argued with me and even slapped me infront of all. She shouldn't had do it when she knows she is nothing but a poor girl who does part time jobs for her food. He said looking at anika "who is standing infront of manager crying while he is insulting her. He felt bad to seeing her like this but then he turned his face a away thinking it's non of his business.

After sometime

Anika comes and kept food infront of him silently

Ani. Your Order sir. Shivaay look at her and found her puffy eyes which have been turned red maybe because of crying.

Ani. Enjoy she about to go when he hold her hand and stopped her making her turn towards him

Ani. Now what do. you want ...

Shiv. Who will Make me coffee

Ani. It's already being made

Shiv. Ya but you didn't put Sugar and didn't even stir for me . Do your full service instead of leaving like this

His friends shakes their head to seeing his Antics. He is behaving nothing but like babies who whined for their milk.

Ani. Ok she pulled the cup and put cube in it and then stir for him

Shiv. I didn't ask you to stop. Just keep doing it

Anika huffs and put more sugar

Ani. Is that enough

Shiv. Yes now keep standing here till I don't finish it. Saying this he lean to the chair and started having his coffee.

Anika rolls her eyes and kept standing there folding her arms

Shiv. By the way . That guy has done such a good treatment of yours

Anika didn't say anything and kept standing there folding her arms

Shiv. Oh shoot. He shriek when coffee spilled on his shoes making it dirty

Shiv. Tech it's got dirty. Can you clean it please. He smirk making her shock hell out of her

Ar. Behave shivaay ....

Om. Anika you can go now. 

Shiv. No she is not going anywhere without cleaning my shoe. So girl bend down and wipe it

Ani. I won't she got determined on her place looking at him angrily

Shiv. You have to otherwise I've to call your manger

Ani. Call him I'm not afraid of him. Call him but I won't wipe your bloody shoes. She shout tapping on the table.

Shi. Don't regret later he said smirking

Ani. I won't. What happened .are you having second thoughts to  calling him sir. she shows him her big eyes stomping his same foot making him. cry in pain

Ani. Call him mr kangaroo. Why you are not calling she said squeezing his foot under her

Shiv. Manager manager ..manager come running there and stood infront of him folding arms

Ani. Mr sharma the owner of this cafe does respect me a lot the way I do. but I guess you are not able to bear me so better I leave this job. Now your position is save with you.  no one will be here to compete you. Here is your cafe badge and apron. I dont need it anymore. She kept in his hand and left from there fuming in anger

Shivaay's mouth got tied after seeing her. He thought she will plead but opposite happened and she left the job for her self respect.

Shiv. Come let's go guys he grab his jacket and left from there

Ran. That was disgusting shivaay. Because of you she left the job

Ar. It was clearly showing that how much she needs the job but your anger made her to leave it

Shiv. I didn't have any fault. he Deny pretending to concentrating on his driving

Om. You are such a stupid shivaay now I don't know what she will do

Shiv. Stop showing so much concern  to her. she don't deserve it

Ran. And you don't deserve to be talk. He huffs and turn his face away in anger

In trivadi house

Kameeni hold Anika's hair in fist and throw her on the floor making her hit her head with table

K. What did you say you left the job ha. What made you do that 'when you know that I had needed that money

Ani. I didn't have any option I just she sobs holding her head which is bleeding.

K. I just what ha what. I know why did you do it. You wanted to see me being annoyed right that's why you did it right

ra. Mom I guess. she did Something there which made them to kick her out. She is lying that she left it

K. I'm sure about it Princess. She just did same thing which her mother did in past and they kicked her out

Ani. Don't talk about my mother like that. She snapped her eyes at her.

K. Why  shouldn't I .. when she was a bitch. And a bitch daughter always being called bitch who breaks people houses.

Ani. My mom wasn't like that please stop blaming her she sobs sitting on the floor crying bitterly

K. O really I shouldn't say to your mom anything. If you love her so much then why you always give me chance to insult you. If you won't piss me off then I'm sure I won't say your mom anything

ra. Now what will happen mom

K. She has to search another job that will happen only. Look girl search your job as soon as possible. I want my money in my hand in next week if you didn't give then

Ani. Then ....

K. Then I will cut you in million pieces with sharp knife. Did you get that. now get up and make us dinner. We are starving. she gave her disgusting look and left from there in anger. Anika lean to the table and burst into tears feeling so much helpless. She so wanted to leave this house but always she come up with some plan and don't let her go anywhere.

Ani. Why did you leave me mom. Why did you she sobs sitting on the floor crying bitterly

In oberoi mansion

shivaay is thinking about Anika and her tears which he first time saw in her eyes. He don't know but he didn't like them some kind of painful wave hit him by seeing this. If one place he wanted to hurt her then otherside he didn't want to make her cry but he did and made her leave the job

Ru. Bhiya what you thinking about

Shiv. Erm nothing. Anyways I'm feeling sleepy so I'm going. He mumbled and left the room leaving his siblings wondering to seeing his odd behaviour

Ru. What happened to him.

Prinku shrug 🤷🏻‍♀️ her shoulder and left from there yawning.

In morning

Shivaay is standing  in  garden  talking with his friends when he saw her entering in uni on her black bike. He  try to to see her face but her hair are covering her face.  He got irk to seeing her like this. 

Shiv. Why she is hiding her face

Om. Who ???

Shiv. Anika

Ar.   Shivaay stop it now.  Don't interfere in her life

Shiv I'm not interfering. im just wondering why she is hiding her face.

Ran. You are impossible shivaay. I don't think so you should bother about her. Let her live her life.

Shivaay rolls his eyes and turn his face away but still stealing glance from her trying to seeing her face but unfortunately it's still covered which irked him

In classroom

Shivaay comes in class with his friends and found her engrossed in her book reading some random page of  computer science.  He goes near her and set besides her spreading his legs.   But  instead of getting annoying she just slid aside and gave him space as much as he want.  Shivaay didn't like the way she is sitting silent. so he deliberately started hiting his leg with her making her angry. but she suppress her anger and kept looking at the book  without giving him glance. 

Shiv. What happened ??? seems like  yesterday incident gave you some sense. It's good really good Atleast you understood Humiliating  shivaay singh oberoi is not nice.   He  whispered in her ear smiling devilishly. but suddenly his smile faded when he saw tear drop fell on the book from her eyes she sniffs and immediately wipe it putting her glasses back.

Shiv. Hey  chushmish  what happened ??? he try to ask her but before he say her something further professor cAme inside and started his class.

Pro.  Anika beta did you make the   Notes  of  today's chapter

Ani. Yes sir she took out from her bag and immediately goes towards him keeping the notebook on his table

Pro.  Are you alright  beta. What happened to your forehead.  Anika Immediately fix her glasses and look here and there finding answer for that.  But one person got shook more and that's shivaay whose eyes fell on her Forehead which has bandage over it

Ani. Erm sir it's little wound actually I had fell down from the stairs while walking

Pro. Take care of yourself darling. Anika nods and went back to her seat  Bending her head down

Shi.  How did you get it ????

Anika pushes her hair back and started scrolling her bag  having  stern face

Ani.  Non of your business. Stay away from me.  She mumbled glaring him

Shiv. I'm away from you only. I don't have wish to be with you. I just said because I felt little  concern.

Ani. I don't think so we share any Relation which made  your feel concern for me

Shiv.  You know what whoever did this to you. He did really good with you. You deserve it. He mumbled glaring her

Ani.  Ho Gaya. Now leave my hand. She glares him and pulled her hand which he was holding. 

Shiv. I don't know what she think herself.  Bloody waitress. Anika heard him but didn't say him anything and got engrossed in her book

After sometime

They are sitting in the canteen when malika comes to Arnav and set in his lap pressing kisses on his cheeks.
Shivaay made eww face and turn his face away Being annoyed  to seeing these couple and their pda. He hates it. He rolls his eyes and  kept looking other side

Ar. By the way how's your friend ???

M. Who ani. She is fine and not fine as well. She said sadly

Ar. Why ??what happened to her ???

M.  Her mom I mean step mom she hits her yesterday  that's why she got hurt on her forehead.  And guess what she hit her just because someone has   Forced her to leave her job. She said eyeing towards shivaay who   Turn abruptly as he heard  her.

Shiv. What do you mean by that

M.  Means yesterday she left the job and because of it her step mother first beaten her up and then she got hurt on her forehead. She said Sadly leaning on Arnav's shoulder

Om. That's why I was saying to you to not take revenge on her in her work place. but you didn't listen and kept doing for mere calming your anger

Shiv. But I didn't ask her to leave the job he said trying to prove his fact

Om. But don't forget she left her job because of you. 

Shiv.  Don't blame me ok  she had fault as well

Ran. One second guys that's mean  that Ragini  is Anika's step sister

M.  Ya she is.

Shiv. Oh he smirk leaning to the chair thinking about something.

Ran. What's going on in your brain shivaay

Shiv.  Hey Ragini.  His friends turns when he called Ragini who was passing by there

R.  You called me ??? She says excitedly

Shiv. Yes I guess so

R. O god I can't believe you called me she squealed and run towards him throwing herself in his arms but shivaay just removed her and shrugged his clothes. 

R.  You know I was waiting for this moment. You don't know how much happy I'm today .

Shiv. Hmm I'm as well actually on first day of college when I saw you that time only I had liked you but didn't get guts to ask you but still anyways will you be our friends. he said looking at anika who is  sitting in the corner eating from her tiffin without sparing glance at him

Precap ... shivaay goes in trivadi house and later he keep party in his house

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