Her house

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Ra. Really then why didn't you tell me.  You don't know how much I was desperate to talk to you. but you didn't do which broke my heart. She pouts.

Shiv. It's ok but now I'm doing  right.  So will you be part of  our group

R.  Yes I will be. 

Shiv.  That's great so meet my friends om Arnav and  ranveer. 

R. Hi guys she squealed jumping happily

Hi.  They all speak in raw waving their hands uninterestedly. 

Shiv.  By the way yesterday you said that chasmish is not your sister. but today I've heard you lied about it. He smirks to seeing her smile faded away after hearing  about Anika

R.  Because I don't consider her my sister. She is not the way she looks like. I'm telling you  she is so evil me and my mum don't like her at all.  

Shiv. Really.

R. Obviously.  She is same like her mother. Full on evilness. First she broke my mum's house and then she snatched my dad as well. who left us alone in this world along with this bad girl. who treat us like shit. She said looking at anika who is hearing her every thing. but she didn't answer because she knows in end of the day "all blame will come over her only. And ragini will do some innocent drama and will get escape.  She exhale breath and got engrossed in her books. 

Shiv.   Lagti tau nhi ha

R. Why she don't like. didn't you see how she behaved with you. She slapped you even infront of whole college.  She reminds him making him angry  hell out of him. He can never forget that slap.  She didn't right thing to do it.  She definitely  will pay for it. He   Think in his mind looking at ani who is going out of canteen carrying her books.

Shiv.   Erm guys I've work. I'm coming. His friends rolled their eyes  to seeing him going as they knows where he is leading.

Ra. But I need to talk to you more

Shiv. We will do later. Saying this  he left from there hurriedly behind anika who left outside

In parking

Anika is taking her bicycle out when suddenly shivaay comes infront of her holding her bike from ahead.

Ani. What you doing here.

Shiv.  I've got to know that Ragini is your sister that also step he smirks rolling his tongue inside his mouth

Ani. So

Shiv. So why didn't you tell me

Ani. Excuse me who are you and why would I tell you about my personal life. 

Shi.    Your bench-mate.

Ani.  Oh bench mate who hates me to the core

Shiv. As if you don't ...

Ani. Yes I do and I can't describe how much. Now will you move or shall i drive over you.

Shiv. You can go but not before letting me complete my words

Ani. Now what you wanna say. She said being annoyed

Shiv. I've surprise for you ... he smiles

Ani. And what is it ??

Shiv. That you will get  by evening.  

Ani.  You are just nasty kangaroo who just annoy people nothing else.  

Shiv. Don't call me kangaroo he said pulling her bicycle towards him making her come closer to him even their nose are touching. Shivaay look in her eyes and just got lost in them. They are so beautiful  and mesmerising.  It's feel like he is seeing whole world in them.  But why she is hiding them behind these big fat glasses. Why shouldn't she keep them free. He about to lift his hand caresses her face she just jerk him and move back glaring him

Ani. Stay away from me.  She warns him and left from there sitting on her bicycle

Shiv. Let's see in evening he grin Keeping arm on his head. 

Om. I don't know what's going on in his mind.  He says
Looking  at him standing little far away from him

Ar. I don't  want him to hurt Anika.  She don't deserve it

Om. But seems like he will.  They look at each other worriedly thinking about their future

In evening

After  searching job Anika comes at home and going towards her room being tired when Ragini stopped her

R. Where you think you are going. Don't you know mom wants you to make Dinner for us at this time

Ani. Let me freshen up then I will make

R. Come fast. You have to make loads of dishes today someone special is coming she squeals

Ani. who is coming ???

R. It's surprise. Anyways be fast and go to kitchen I'm going to get ready. I need to look more beautiful.

Anika rolls her eyes to seeing her. She and her drama. Don't know what kind of girl she is. She shakes her head and left for her room

After sometime

Anika is making food for them when Ragini comes there jiggling her bum here and there.

R. He has came mom said get the food on dining table soon. She peeps in the kitchen telling her about her special guest arrival

Ani. I'm getting it. She mumbled and filled the pots with the food

R. Come soon saying this she left from ther jumping here and there


R. So tell me what's your hobby she said excitedly keeping her arm on his shoulder.

Shivaay remove her arm from his shoulder and moves back

Shiv. I like to play foot ball

R. Even I like foot ball. She grin.

Shiv. Do you ?

R. Yes I'm crazy about it.she grin again keeping her arm on his shoulder

Shiv. Oh great. By the way where is your sister??

R. Who double eyes.

Shiv. Matlb

R. You are asking about Anika am I right?

Shiv. Erm yes

R. she is in kitchen making food for us.

Kamini. Leave that girl and tell me how you met my daughter

Shiv. Actually we study in same college even same class. He smiles

K. I've heard your father is second richest man in the India after Ambani's

Shiv. Yes it's true but as I'll join his business I will be number 1. This is my goal 🥅 Aunty he mumbled tapping his foot on floor impatiently looking around for getting glimpse of anika.

K. That's really great

K. So you have girlfriend??

Shiv. Actually I .... but he stopped when he saw Anika is coming out from the kitchen holding the bowls in her both hands looking all tired and pale.

R. Food is ready let's go shivaay she hold him and pulled him towards Dining table.

Shiv. Surprise he stood behind Anika whispering in her ear which made her scared and she step back widening her eyes.

Ani. Youuu

K. You know her as well. She said looking at anika angrily

Ani. Erm no mom I mean mam I don't know him he is just my class mate. She said looking at her being frightened which made shivaay confused

K. That's good. Stay away not only from him but from all boy. If I heard you are talking to someone then see what I do to you ....she said holding her hand tightly piercing her nail in her hand making her suppress her sobs.

Ani. I promise I will. She said freeing her hand from her grip

K. Shivaay beta what you looking at. Take seat.

Shiv. Erm ya yh he mumbled and set on the chair looking at anika who is standing holding her hand which got nail piercing.

K. Anika now you can go now.

Ani. Ok she mumbled and about to go when shivaay spoke

Shiv. She is your daughter as well right ??? so why she is not going to do dinner with us

K. She already has done it. Isn't Anika she spoke greeting her teeth threatening her with eyes

Ani. Yh I've already ate. Saying this she left from there before shivaay says something more.

Shiv. By the way your house is nice. You maintained very well I'm sure you would have loads of servants here

K. I don't believe on servants. I've only have one driver. Rest of the work Anika does.

Shiv. Matlb

K. Matlb she does all this

Shiv. Means you people  help her right ???

K. why would we do that beta.

Shivaay's smile faded after hearing her. He had planned something for coming in this house but seems like he is getting know about many things which are hidden.

K. So why so interested in my daughter. Are you planning to make her your girlfriend she winks.

Shiv. Erm yh he mumbled still lost in Anika thoughts

R. What really you really want me to your girlfriend

Shiv. What ???

R. Oh baby I was craving to hear from your mouth. I'm so happy today. Saying this she hugged him before he says something to her. He look up and saw Anika is standing holding the jug looking at them but then she comes in reality and comes down marching towards kitchen without looking at him.

R. So when you gonna tell your friends about us

Shiv. Soon he smiles at her Feeling stupid for blubbering all this in lost zone. Now he has to bear this chipkili unwillingly.

Shiv. Erm I need to go washroom. Can you show me where is it. He said getting up from the chair looking towards Anika who is going up.

R. Come I'll take you

Shiv. No it's ok just tell me I'll search on my own

R. Oh ok. It's upstairs in left side.

Shiv. Ok fine thank you saying this he immediately left from there hurriedly in hope to seeing her.

In Anika's room

Anika got in her tee and cute pajama and sit on the bed sliding in blanket when she gasp feeling someone jumping on her bed with thud Making her shock

Ani. Wtf are you doing in my room

Shiv. How was my surprise

Ani. Which surprise ??

Shiv. Me being here I'm sure you were not expecting he grin

Ani. Obviously I wasn't expecting a kangaroo in our house. It's first time of his visit here. she said giving him tight smile.

Shiv. Youuu..

Ani. It's not college where you will do whatever you will feel like. it's my house and I don't think so your father is trusty of us. so don't show attitude here I won't bear it. Now kindly leave from here before I itseld throw you out

Shiv. Infront of me you behave like you are so strong and powerful girl. but infront of your mother you are nothing but a scared cat who obey everything whatever her mum's say. Isn't he said holding her hand where kamini  had hurt her.

Ani. I'm not scared of anyone I just give her respect that's it. I'm not like you mr kangaroo. I know how to cope up with people. She said pulling her hand back looking at him angrily.

Shiv. I can see that. How they treat you like servant he smirk

Ani. Why all of sudden your are taking interest in my life. What's happening here

Shi. Nothing is happening. I just wanted to see that person who have so much guts to fight with me. But after seeing you today I've realised you are nothing infront of me. Every one loves me but to you no one does. They treat you like trash nothing else and actually it's gave me so happiness he twirl around being happy but he stopped when he saw her in tears.

Ani. Leave my room. Just get out she hold his hand and made him stand out

Ani. Don't come back just don't saying this she shut the door on his face before he say something more.

Shi. Ani he about to knock on the door when Ragini cAme there calling his name

R. What you doing here. She said back hugging him. Shivaay Immediately removed her hand and moves back

Shiv. Erm nothing anyways I should leave now it's bit late

R. You didn't even do proper dinner

Shiv. I've done enough. Anyways day after tomorrow I've Party in my house so you are invited. Get that Anika also with you

R. Why she, she can't come

Shiv. Why ???

R. Actually she don't like parties that's why I said it she lied

Shiv. Get her with you otherwise don't come. Saying this he left glaring her.

R. I don't know why he is so interested in that bitch she irk looking at his retreating figure.

Next day

Anika is sitting with malika talking about something when shivaay comes there with his friends

Shiv. Hey girls. Anika rolls her eyes and turn her face being annoyed to seeing him again

Ani. What do you want

Shiv. Sometime being polite is also good

Ani. Come on the point kangaroo I know you are up to something that's why you are here.

Shiv. Yh actually I've kept party in my house so I've cAme to invite you people

Ani. I'm not coming

M. Neither do I

Shiv. But why

Ani. Because you gonna be there I guess so

Shiv. What kind of logic is this   Obviously I'll be there as it's my party.

Ani. It's not logic it's main reason of me not going in the party suddenly she whooped when he pulled her towards him holding her waist tightly looking deep in her eyes.

Shiv. You will come.

Ani. Let me go what you doing she try to free herself but his grip got more tighten on her waist

Ani. I'm telling you shivaay let me go what you doing every one are looking she  wriggle but he is the one who is just gripping her more tightly.

Shiv let them I don't care. You are coming in party and that's final

Ani. I won't

Shiv. You have to

Ani. I've work I can't come. Though I don't wanna waste my precious time on your baseless party

Shiv. You are coming

Ar. Leave her shivaay ..everyone are looking

Ani. Why my presence is needed there. Are you planning something against me

Shiv. I'm not answerable to you you are coming and that's final. I'll make sure you comes

Ani. You are challenging me

Shiv. You can think like that.

Ani. Then challenge accepted ..I'm not coming I'm not coming she free herself and stood in distance

Shiv. We will see he smirk

Ani. When I won't come then how will you see.

Shiv. You will

Ani. In your dreams saying this she left from there holding her bag

Om. Shivaay what are you planing

Shiv. Nothing he grin and left from there flicking his hair

Precap .... shivaay broke Anika's bracelet later Ragini push Anika in the pool

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