He is not the way he behave

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Shiv.  What happened ani. He giggle when he saw her looking at him with thick gaze resting her glasses on her nose having cutest pout he ever seen.

Ani.  Why have you turned two two shivaay.  she said holding his cheek pulling it with her fingers.

Shiv.  Aaaa haha I'm only one baby.  But you are two two two ...... he gestures acutely with his fingers.

Ani. Maybe our duplicates got born . She puffs her cheek pushing salad in her mouth. 

Shiv. Yh maybe.  He said looking around which made him visible each and every person two two.

Shiv. Why have we became twenty. He heaves out breath looking back to anika having pout.

Anika giggle and hit his shoulder pointing towards all people.

Ani.  Stupid it's 18 including us. You are so weak in math.

Shiv. Don't call me that . he fake angered.

Ani. What  Weak  ?? she lough hitting his shoulder again

Shiv. Yes wahi I don't like when someone calls me weak. he pout looking at her angrily

Ani. But you are. That's why you always come second in every test she chuckle keeping hand on her mouth like a little girl. .

Shiv. It's because you have taken my place.  I always used to come first. but since you have came.  you just took my seat and not getting up.   But I promise i will make you stand up.  Just watch and see. He  pinch her nose making her  pout

Ani.  Really and how would you do it. She giggle taking sip of her drink

Shiv. Shshsh I've planned already don't tell anyone specially yourself he whispered in her ears keeping finger  on his lips

Ani. Shshsh I would never let anyone know specifically me.  I promise.

Shiv. You are good girl and stupid as well.  And I will take advantage of it. He laughs pinching her cheek.

Ani. And how would you do it.  ???

Shiv. I I  i  he taps finger on his cheek pretending like he is thinking ....

Shiv. Actually I've forgot. But I promise I would tell you. He giggle keeping hand on his mouth.

Ani. But I wanna know now. Please tell me she shakes him making him annoy

Shiv.  Ok shut up I will tell you but not here infront of others

Ani. Then

Shiv. In my room.

Ani. That's mean I've to come there.

Shiv. Yes

Ani. Ok let's go. She get up and try to walk but again stopped looking at her feet

Shiv. What happened ???

Ani.  I can't feel my feet she started crying looking at her feet which are under her dress and invisible

Shiv.  Aww baby come I'll pick you up. He hold her waist and carry her in his arms.

Shiv. See you in Morning buddies.

M. Yh go. We are also going. Let's go baby she hold  arnav's  hand and took him  away from there dancing around.  Shivaay brought Anika  in the room and  kept her on the bed sitting infront of her

Ani. You know you are so cute she giggle like little girl pulling his cheek

Shiv. And you know I hate you so much. He lough making her cheeks puffs in anger

Ani. How dare you to hate me baghbilla

Shiv. Because you snatched my position. You took my place girl. and you know that I don't like when someone take my place. He said patting on her hand making her more angry

Ani. Then I hate you more than. You are also bad. She came angry turning her face away.

Shiv. I'm not bad. I'm just pissed off seeing you taking my place in everything. He giggle holding her hand tightly

Ani. You are evil I don't like you. I hate you.

Shiv. I hate you too he smirk ....

Ani. I'm not gonna stay here with you. I'm going. She pushed his hands away and got up with stumbling feet ...

Shiv where are you going???

Ani. Im going out of this room I don't like you. But next second she gasp when he hold her hand and pulled her towards him making her hit his chest

Shiv. You are not going anywhere you are staying with me. He spoke dangerously looking in her eyes making her scared hell out of her

Ani. Why are you doing this. Why you looks so scary she spoke acutely having fear in her eyes.

Shiv. Because I'm scary sweetheart.

Ani. I'm not liking you. She pout glaring him

Shiv. Oh really. He pick her up in his arms and kept her on the bed coming on top of her

Ani. Why did you climb over me like monkey. Get down

Shiv. I don't wanna climb down from you. I wanna stay here. He said running hand on her face

Ani. If you don't like me then why are you touching me you ganda baghbila. She frowns hitting his hand which he is  resting on her cheek

Shiv. What to do I can't resist. He grin  caressing her forehead

Ani.  I would never trust you again .... She puffs.

Shiv. You would do it if you would remember about all this. He giggle hitting her head

Ani. Aaaa you kangaroo why you hit me ... she whined twisted her lips like a child.

Shiv. Just like that. He lay down besides her and look at her face  with smile

Ani. Why are you smiling she said keeping her face on her hand tucking her head on the pillow.

Shiv. Im just thinking that what would be your reaction ' when you will get to know about me. Im sure these eyes will be flooded with tears and you won't able to handle yourself. He giggle.

Ani. In your dreams. It would never happen I'm not emotional fool huh she smirk scrunching her nose

Shiv. Really he said tucking her hair back rubbing his hand on her cheek

Ani. Really. 

Shiv. Your lips

Ani. What happened to my lips she Frowns touching her lips instantly.

Shiv. They  looks so tempting he scoot closer to her and rub his thumb over them

Ani. Are they ????

Shiv. Yes they do. I wanna taste them

Ani. Bht I won't let you taste my lips

Shiv. Why won't you. He twitches his eyes having sad pout

Ani. Because I hate you she  puffs her cheek like child Making him laugh

Shiv. But I will still taste it. He grin moving towards her.

Ani.  Try me ...

Shiv. Ok he  swiftly move more closer to her making her breath hitched because of their proximity.

Ani. What you doing she breath heavily looking into his eyes

Shiv. You said I can't kiss you so I'm showing you how to kiss other person. He said rubbing his hand on her bare arm.

Ani.  You but next second words dead in her mouth when he placed his lips over her making her eyes popped out of socket.  She try to resist but he pushed her hand behind holding it above her head.  and started sucking it.  Every second his adiction getting increase along with his phase.  Her lips seems so delicious. He slowly put pressure on her body  and suck her bottom lips properly cupping her face.

Ani. Sh.... She try to Speak but he is lost that much that he just shshshed her giving her hard suck pushing his tongue inside her mouth. He rolls his tongue around her tongue and Devine with her sweetness. After a long kiss when he felt he can't breath he parted away and look at her face which  has got all red having uneven breath .....

Shiv. You are delicious anika. Anika blink her eyes and kept looking at his face with brown wide eyes

Shiv. I never thought that my enemy can be that beautiful and I will kiss her .... He grin breathing he's joh.

Ani. I'm not your enemy. She blink her eyes acutely giving single lick to her already swollen lips.

Shiv. You are ....

Ani. If I'm your enemy then fuck off from me. She Shriek kicking Between his legs making him fell off from the bed.

Shit !aaaaaa he hold between him and growl loudly not able to handle it

Shiv. What you did woman. anika got up and glare him keeping hands on her hips

Ani. Which you deserve it ..

Shiv. Youuuu he got up  in fast move and hold her arm tightly pulling her closer.

Shiv. How dare you to hit me like that. He screams

Ani. The way you hate me. Same one hit you she  smile lazily having half open eyes and fell in his arms unconscious before he says her more or do something.

Shiv. An anika he calls her name but instead of getting answer ' he got sound of her snores that's mean she slept without letting him show his anger over her.

Shiv. Tomorrow I will see you. He pick her up in his arms and put her on the bed sliding besides her. He didn't realise when his eyes drop and he fell asleep along with her hugging her from behind

In morning

Sun ray fell on anika's eyes making her groan in frustration. She try to resist covering herself with blanket but nothing work ... atlast she open her eyes and moan holding her head which is hurting badly. She look towards window and find sun all bright shining on the sky. 

Ani.  What's the time now she mumbled being irritated and try to get up but she couldn't even move having strong grip on her waist. she look down and widen her eyes seeing a hairy arm around her.  She lift up her hand and pulled his hair making him  groan in sleep. As he moved she understood someone is sleeping behind her.

Ani.wtf she forcefully freed herself and kicked him away making him fell from fine bed ...

Shiv. Aaaaa he scream feeling stung pain on his back because of falling on hard floor.

Shiv. What you did woman.  He shout rubbing  his temple in irritation

Ani. It should be my question. What you doing here mr that also besides me. Who let you sleep with me she screams resting her hand on her hips.

Shiv. Argh god My head is already pounding so badly. . Stop  shouting  more woman.

Ani.  Shivaay tell me what you doing here besides me. She ask looking around in panic move.

Shiv. Even I don't know how I came here. Kindly stop eating my head. He huffs getting up from the floor.

Ani. Shivaay i know you know everything tell me how you came here and where is malika.  Me and she was going to sleep right.

Shjv.  I don't know anything. Please don't bang on my head.

Ani. You know everything. plz tell me what happened last night and how we ended up here. She whined looking at him pleadingly.

Shiv. Ok fine I know everything but I won't tell you.  keep thinking 🤔 I'm going in washroom.  Before she ask her more. he left from there leaving her restless

Ani. Shivaayyyy she screams his name but got no answer in return. Anika hold her head and hit it with her finger trying to remember it but every thing is blank without any memory

After sometime

Shivaay comes out and saw anika is standing looking at herself in mirror touching her lips

Shiv. What are  you looking at ????

Ani.  My lips seems swollen. She said checking them from inside

Shiv. Probably some insect bitten you.

Ani.  But its feel different.  It's like .....

Shiv. Someone sucked. He winks standing behind her. Anika widen her eyes and look at him shockingly.

Ani. Nhi it's it's nothing like that

Shiv. Are you sure. Maybe it can  happen that someone kissed you he winks.

Ani. No It would never happen like this.  I would never let anyone touch me like this. please you also stop putting all this nonsense  in my brain I know nothing happened. She glares him and went in washroom  hiding her embarrassment.  shivaay smirk and run fingers in his hair thinking about last night which he remember  each and every moment 

Shiv. There are loads of things ahead sweetheart.  get ready to face them. He smirk.

In parking area

M. Ani she run towards her and hugged her as she came into her sight

M. Where you had been ani ???

Ani.  I was with him she stammers looking at shivaay who is grinning at her.

M. What ? Are you ok baby. Did he do something to you

Ani. I don't remember anything. My all memory has been wiped away form my brain. She says sadly bending her head down.

M. Ok relax everything will be fine.  you will remember it gradually.  Anika nods and hugged her again being in tension thinking about last night.  as she is feeling like something important happened which she is forgetting

Ran. Anika are you Alright. he said keeping hand on her shoulder Which Shivaay didn't like and immediately be removed it side hugging her

Shiv. She is fine you don't worry about it. Isn't anika. Anika gave him tight  smile and removed his hand from her shoulder

Ani. I'm fine. You don't worry about that.  Let's go Mali she hold her hand and left from there not before glaring him

Ran. Youuu .....

Shiv. Even I'm going to get my car out.come soon guys he winks at ranveer and left from there twirling his keys in his fingers 

Precap ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ someone lock anika in the library

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