He played trick with her

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Happy reading

After few days

In college

Anika is sitting in canteen reading the book fully engrossed in it  .  She is trying hard to remember everything. so that whatever she get in the tests . she answer it fully correct ' without having a little hesitation. As these tests are part of annual exams.   On the base of these tests they gonna decide their marks and intelligence.

Hey chashmish. Shivaay pull the  chair and set beside her looking at her face with smile.

Ani. Shivay I am really busy. please come later to annoy me. 

Shiv. How rude. I just had cAme to say hi to you. and look at you " you are showing me attitude and all. He pout sadly

Ani.  I'm not showing attitude ok. I'm just tensed for this tests and I guess you should be as well instead of roaming around like this. 

Shi.  I've already revised it and I'm quite sure. I'll pass it without any problem. Infect I will be the one who will come first. He winks

Ani. Will you she got tensed biting her nails in tension.

Shiv. Yes of-course.  He grin.

Ani.  Hmm but I'm not sure if I'll pass or not. It's bit complicated.  She pout sadly.

Shiv. I don't want you pass either. He murmurs under his breath which she couldn't catch and look at him with confusion.

Ani. Did you say something ???

Shiv. No no why would I say anything. I said nothing. Anyways let's go class gonna start end I don't want us to miss it. He hold her hand and dragged her with him towards their class. 

In class

As Anika  saw question paper' she sigh in relief seeing all questions 'which she almost knows. She look at shivaay and blink her eyes making him worried as some of them questions he found 'out of syllabus which he don't know at all . He look at her and found her already writing fastly like someone is running behind her. He rub his temple in tension and stared writing as well.  Shivaay try to look at her sheet ' but unfortunately it's covered with her arm. He made annoyed face and started writing whatever he knows. 

After almost an hour Anika complete the  test and pass to  the professor having big smile while shivaay is still writing in  fast speed.  But his speed got more fast when he saw her going out of the class with her bag.

Pro. Time is up.  Now stop writing ....

Shiv.  Just a minute sir but professor took his paper away along with other student making him disappointed.

Shiv. God damn it. He hit his hand on the table in anger and walked out from there having  grumpy face.  He comes in garden and saw Anika is talking with malika and she is looking quite happy. that's mean her  test gone well and she is sure that she gonna pass it with good marks.

Shiv. Anika how was your test ????

Ani. It was brilliant. actually I have answered all questions.  What about yours ??? She smile

Shiv. Mine as well. It was really good. He speak hiding his anger.

Ani.  That's great.

Shiv. By the way i had needed some books from library. will you come with me.

Ani. This time , she said looking at her watch.

Shiv. Ya this time. Any problem ???

Ani. No actually I was leaving for your home. As it's time for prinku and Rudy's tuition that's why.

Shiv. It's ok after taking books ' you can come with  me.  What's say

Ani. Ok fine. See you malika.  I'll meet you later she hugs her and left with Shivay having smile

Ani.  Which books do you want ???

Shiv. I don't know ...

Ani.  What do you mean you don't know she frown.

Shiv. I don't know because it's not specific.   I'll see which is good.

Ani. Ok don't take that much time ha. we need to leave as well.

Shiv.  Yh yh don't worry come let's get in. He hold her hand and took her inside

Anika set on the floor in one of  raw and started scrolling some books while Shivay is climbing on the  ladder searching book

Ani. Did you find any ???

Shiv. Not yet.

Ani. Be careful she show him concern when she saw his foot is slipping. Shivay nods with smile and pulled out one of the book. but unfortunately or fortunately his foot slipped and he  fell down making her scare .   She closed her eyes to thinking he will fell on the floor but instead he fell on top of Anika putting all weight over her.  He caresses her face and tuck her hair back looking in her eyes.  Big waves of breath started fanning out from her mouth finding him so near her. His lips are literally inch a part from her. A small push can Make their lips touch to each other.  He run his fingers on her face and caresses her cheek with his palm sensually. She try to resist but he didn't buzz a little and kept looking at her face

Ani. Shiv she whispered his name' but he covered her mouth with his palm shushing her.  Anika lift up her eyes and found him already  looking in them. She didn't realise when he bent down and kissed her cheek or better to say suck it. 

Shiv.  You are irresistible girl .  He grin and about to place his lips  on her ' when someone comes in and knock on the shelf making them alert.

Ani.   Mrs sharma.  She pushed shivaay and got up shrugging her clothes looking here and there trying to hide her embarrassment.

Mrs s. If you wanna do all this then do somewhere else not in library.

Ani.  I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry she grab her bag and run away From there following with shivaay ' who is asking her to stop.

Shiv. Where are you going Anika ???

Ani. I I have to go ..... she says running away from there. 

Shiv. You can't go before I get my books

Ani. But

Shiv. Don't worry everything is fine. It's normal thing. He assures her stopping her for running.

Ani.  It would be for you but not for me  

Shiv. You shouldn't worry about little little things. don't take serious. Anyways come let's get the book and then we will leave.  He hold her hand and take her in another corner. .

After an hour

Ani. It's too late shivaay. We should go. Library also gonna get close.

Shiv.  Anika only one book has left. which I'm not able to find. But then he look at her face and speak finding her getting penicillin.

Sh. Ok  fine we can do one thing. I'll go and   Register them till then you search that book.

Ani. Lakin ...

Shiv. Relax I'm here.anika nods and unwantedly  she started searching for it. 

After half an hour

Ani. Thank god I got it.  She smiles and come out having smile but she got confused when she saw all place empty without any person.

Ani. Shivaay Shivay she calls his name walking around but he is no where to be seen. Fear engulfed her all around her seeing herself alone there

Ani. Shivay she calls him again walking towards  the counter hoping ahe will find him there.

Ani. Mrs sharma she gulp and step ahead with shivering body. but she got nothing but silence. Suddenly she shout loudly in fear  when lights goes off and whole library  fell in dark without a single light

In shivaay's house

Ru. Bhiya where is Anika Di ??! didn't she come with you

Shiv. No actually she had some work so she didn't come ????  He told without telling  him actual truth that he has left her in library alone. Just because he wanted to take revenge for being good in test.

Ru. Are you sure bhiya ???

Shiv. Why would I lie rudra he chuckle patting his shoulder

Shiv. Anyways  I'm really tired and wanna take some rest.   Will catch up with you later. Hmm. Saying this he left from there before he says him  more.

Ru.  Weird.why I'm feeling something he has done which is not good. He knock on his head with the finger and kept thinking about his odd behaviour .

Back in library

Anika got tired after knocking all doors and windows of the whole hall. but no one answered her nor she get any movement near the doors. She sobs and set on the floor hugging her legs.

Ani. Please god let me go out. I cAnt  stay here anymore. I wanna go home . Please god help me. I'm feeling suffocation please. She hiccups pulling her legs more near her chest. She is feeling so helpless and scared. There is nothing which could help her. She is alone without anyone help or something. On top of that shivaay also left her here. He had promised that he will come back. but he didn't. and now she is sitting her srounded by loads of books. which are actually looking so scary to her. She hiccups and got up walking towards every and each table to check table lamps but they are all damaged seems like there is no power in them.

Ani. Mali she hiccup and try to turn on the phone but it's dead without any bettory.

Ani. Now what will I do. how would I go out she sobs sitting back on the floor holding herself tightly

Ani. Mumma I miss you. She sniffs missing her mum' who left her all alone in the childhood only

In hostel

After calling several times to her malika decided to call Arnav as he is the only one who can help now to find anika.

M. Hello Arnav

A. What happens Mals you seems tense ???

M. Anika didn't come back. I called her many times but her phone is coming switched off. 

Ar. Didn't she with shivaay ??? He doesn't

M. Yes she was. but she had told me after checking library with him she will go oberoi mansion. but  rudra said she is not there. She didn't come in their house.

Ar. Did you call Shivay regarding this. ..???

Ar. He is not picking up the call. She sobs.

Ar. Ok calm down I'll call him. I'm sure he will pick up. She sniffs wiping her tears and cut the call instantly


In oberoi mansion

Shivaay is sitting on the chair watching football all happy. when his phone rang gaining his attention. First he felt to not pick up. but then he did it half heartedly

Shiv. What happened why are you calling me at this time???

Ar. Shivay where is Anika???

Shiv. She must be in hostel obviously.

Ar. For your kind information she didn't go hostel and her phone is switched off.

Shiv.  she didn't go home he stammers remembering leaving one window open for her. He thought after struggling for sometimes. she will somehow get it and will leave but seems like she haven't.

Ar. It's already 1 am and there is no clue of her.

Shiv. Ok ok calm down let's check where I had seen her last time.

Ar. Where???

Shiv. You just come uni. I'll meet you there only. He cut the call and run out from there grabbing his car key. Now he is bit regretting to left her there. He just wanted to teach her a little lesson for being ahead of him.  but he never thought that his frank will led her there. He twist the steering and drove away from there.

. .....

At uni

Shiv. Arnav

Ar. Come let's go.

Shiv. Hmm both look at each other and went inside along with security guard who had duty at night.

Sec see I know that she won't be here. I had locked everything after checking every corner of the rooms

Ar. We still wanna check it. Kindly open the door.

Sec. But ....

Shiv. Didn't you listen open the damn door. If she won't be there then we will leave.

Se. Fine. He huffs and open door for them

Shiv. Anika he pushed the door and calls her name loudly which caused whole library jolt with his voice

Ar. Anika are you there. He turn on the Light but it's all empty without even a wing.

Se. I've told you na no one is here. Now get out from there

Shiv. Aik second. He march towards last raw of library and check. but it's all empty as well. He got disappointed and about to go when he saw a figure behind the shelves.

Shiv. Anikaaaa he screams when he kept hand on her shoulder and she directly fell in his arms unconscious

Precap .......Arnav ask shivaay how he knew that she is in library

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