He leaked their pics

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Ani. Aaaa Shivaay leave me. You are hurting me. 

Shiv. I will leave you first talk to me.

Ani. I don't wanna do please try to understand. She spoke in crack voice trying to free herself from his hands .

Shiv. But why ? Why you don't wanna talk to me. One second did you regret for last night  thing . Anika got quite after hearing him and look into his eyes having tears in them

Shiv. Did you really ??? he can't believe she regretted.

Ani. No I I mean I don't know. It happened so fast that I didn't realise what's happening. I just.... tears started felling from her eyes breaking his heart

Shiv. Shshsh he hold her arm and pulled her in hug

Shiv. Nothing happened bad ok.  don't stress yourself. Just think it happened in flow. Don't forget it's just between me and you. so don't pressure yourself. He cups her face and kissed her forehead.

Ani. I'm scared. She sobs looking in his eyes

Shiv. You don't need to. I'm with you understand. Anika nods and hugged him tightly Burying her face in his crook. Shivaay caresses her back and pulled her in his lap hugging her tightly.

Shiv. I would never let anyone harm you. Nothing to be scared. He run his fingers in her hair and peck her cheek lovingly. After couple of minutes when her sobs subsided ' she broke The hug and look at him with wet face.

Ani. If someone saw us. If that daksh then. I don't want anyone know about it. She sobs having fear in her heart thinking about the consequences of their  moment 'if someone saw them without their knowledge. 

Shiv. No one will know about us. Just faith on me. Hmm. Anika nods and snuggle on his chest keeping her face over it. Shivaay pushed her hair back and peck her head two three times.

After sometime

As Anika realises where she is sitting she look at his face awkwardly and about to shift back on her seat but he didn't let her and pulled her more closer giving her naughty smile.

Ani. What???

Shiv. Your nose is red like strawberry. He smiles her kiss her nose tip . Anika blush little and bend her eyes down in shyness. Shivaay run his hand on her cheek and caresses it lovingly.

Ani. Now can we go ??? she ask removing his hand from her cheek.

Shiv. Yh we can. Saying this he unwillingly he shifted her on the seat. Anika about to fix her seat belt but before she do ' he take in his hands and fetch in.

Shiv. From now on I'll do your all work...

Ani. And can I ask Why??

Shiv. Shall I tell you why ? he said moving closer to her lips

Ani. I wanna reach soon she whispered biting her lips.

Shiv .. yh why not he gave her teasing smile and went back on his seat

Shiv. Chale Anika nods and drove away from
There along with him.

At work place

Shiv. Shall I come with you. He ask holding her hands in his hands.

Ani. No I'm ok. You can go she blush.

Sh. You sure

Ani. Yes I'm.

Shiv. Ok see you after work

Ani. Matlb

Shiv. I will come to pick you up obviously. He scoff.

Ani. You don't need to.

Shiv. But I do feel need....  now go. Anika nods and come out from the car looking at his face with crimson red face.

Shiv. See you soon. He winks at her waving his hand and drove away from there. Anika shakes her head removing his thoughts and went inside to  start her work

In evening

Anika got sad when she didn't find him on the road. She thought he will be here to pick her up. but he didn't come back. She sighs and started looking for Texi or auto. She raise her hand to stop the auto when suddenly a car stopped infront of her making her shriek.  But then she relaxed Her eyes beams seeing shivaay who comes out from the car rolling tongue in his mouth in teasing mode and stood infront of her folding his arms

Shiv. Seems like someone was waiting for me. He grin.

Ani. It's it's nothing like that. Actually I was  trying to stop the auto. I didn't even have hope that you will come.. .

Shiv. Oh but why are you giving so much justifications.  I didn't ask for that

Ani. Yes you didn't ask for it. but I wanna give it for  shutting your mouth.

Shiv. Aaa ok if you are done then shall we leave

Ani. Where ??,

Shiv. Your hostel obviously but if you want me to take you somewhere else. then I don't mind. He winks

Ani. No thank you I wanna go hostel only. she twist her mouth and set In The car fetching her seat belt. Shivaay smiles and took place besides her closing the door.

Shiv. What's in the box.  Anika smile excitedly open the box and kept infront of him

Ani. They gave me loads of food. so I got for you these  ring donuts 🍩 and muffins. And there are some cookies as well.

Shiv. Wow they looks delicious. He immediately took biscuff flavour donut and stuffed in his mouth.

Shiv. It's delicious.  Can I take whole box ???

Ani. Yes you can. she immediately gave him having smile. Shivaay look at her and peck her nose

Ani. For why did you kiss me. She said. shockingly touched her nose where he kissed her.

Shiv. For getting me my favourite donuts. He move again closer to her and  gave her moist kiss on her cheek.

Ani. Don't you think you are kissing me a lot.

Shiv. Why ? Do you have problem with that. Anika  chuckle shyly and bend her head down

Shiv. Someone is blushing???

Ani. I'm not blushing I'm just waiting for you to start the car so that I could reach early. 

Sbj.  Yh yh we are going.  He pull her cheek and start his car for departure.

In hostel parking

He stopped the car and look at anika , who is picking her bag  to go. She about to move out when he hold her hand and pulled her back.

Shiv. Be ready tomorrow I'll pick you up. 

Ani. It's ok I'll come with malika

Shiv. For your kind information malika is not here. she is with  Arnav  today. They have planned to spend time with each other

Ani. Oh she pout Going in deep thoughts

Shiv. What happened are you ok??!

Ani. I'm fine. It's ok she needs to spend time with him.  Anyways bye i need to go.

Shiv. One second if you want I can stop with you. He grin.

Ani. I'll manage. she hit his arm playfully and come out from there for  going in  hostel

Shiv. Be ready 8 am I'll be here ok he shout from the car and drove away from there

At home

Ru. Wow someone is smiling today. Is  there something happened which I don't know.

Shiv. Don't run your brains horses. nothing happened.  He said having brightest smile which no one gave seen it before

Ru. Are you sure ???

Shiv. Damn sure. Anyways I'm going I'm feeling really sleepy. He ruffles his hair and left  from there jumping around in happiness.

In hostel

Anika is tossing on the bed having constant smile on her face which is not leaving her. She is feeling happy to being with him. His touch ' his smile gives her chill. she don't know but she is liking his company also . till yesterday she was afraid but today all insecurities have flew away after  having conversation with him. though the way he  soothed her ,it gave her assurance that he would never leave her. She bite her lips and kept her face on her left hand drowned in her own thoughts. she is excited to meet him tomorrow. which is happening first time and she can't wait to experience it.  Soon her eyes got heavy and she dozed off in same position having his dreams.

In morning

Anika comes out in her floral dress for going college and found shivaay is already standing leaning to the car

Ani. What you doing here she march towards him and stood infront him having pout. Shivaay kept hand on her waist and pulled her towards him making her belly touched his along with bosom. He bend little down and nuzzle in her silky hair.

Shiv. I had told you I'll come. so look I'm here. He whispers In her ear making her blush.

Ani. It was not needed

Shiv. But I felt it. He mumbled in her ear and placed a soft kiss there  hitching her breath.

Shiv. Your  lavender shampoo smell so good. He sniffs her hair nuzzling in them.

Ani. We are getting late. she  Tilt her head up looking  at his face. 

Shiv. Are we he said moving closer to her lips but before he touched them she moves away  and stood in distance

Ani. We should go.

Shiv. As you say madam. he flick her nose and made her sit in the car like a gentleman  and itself get in as well shutting the door.

Shiv. Chale. He said  gripping her hand tightly on the gear and drove away from there.

In college

M. You cAme with him she whispered holding anika's hand looking at shivaay who is talking with Arnav. Anika nods  pressing her lips together

M.  Ok but why ???

Ani. I don't know he cAme in morning so I couldn't deny it.

M.  Ok that's fine. Come let's go in class

Ani. Yes let's go.  She about to walk away with Malika when suddenly  fear  gripped her heart when daksh cAme infront of her having bandage on his Forehand and arm.

D.   Where are you going.  He said moving closer to her which caused her stepping back.

Shiv.  Dakshhh he got angry when he saw her scaring  Anika. He comes in between and pushed him

Shiv. What do you want. ?

D. I wanna talk to her. You stay out of it

Shi. You can't talk to her when she don't want to .

D.  And who are you to decide on behalf of her. I guess she is big enough to decide what  she wanna do and what not ...

Shiv.  Don't test my patience and get the hell out of here Daksh.

D. And if I didn't go then. he said moving closer to him

Shiv. Then I will break your legs which are remaining. Have your forgotten other day treatment. He threatens him pushing him away.

D. I've not forgotten neither that kissing session' which you were having with this slut.  He said pointing towards anika whose eyes got watery after hearing him.

Shiv. You bastard he hold her collar and placed punch on his face making Anika gasp in shock

Shiv. How dare you say that this how dare you

Daksh pushed him and stood up wiping his lips

D. Don't be so innocent. Ive seen everything. how you were holding her and sucking her lips like no tomorrow.  And guess what  now that  telecast would have seen by whole college now. He smirk making  shocked to shivaay along with anika whose world goes ups and down after hearing him

Ani. Matlb

D. Go and check the board  baby you will get to know. He winks making her shudder in fear. She without thinking twice run towards  college board along with Shivay and his friends. She stopped  near stair ,when she saw all people are gathered around  it and looking at something. She pushed all of them and step back  when she saw  photos of their intimacy moment. She look at people and found them already looking at her disgustingly.  If girls are jealous then boys are giving her creepy   Lusty smile. She blink her eyes sniffling bending her head down

Shiv. Anika he calls her. But she look at him with teary eyes and run away from there in fast speed crying bitterly

Shiv. Anikaaaaa

Precap ...... Anika  is missing

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