Quite anika

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Ani. Shivaay

Shiv. How dare you daksh 'how dare you to raise your hand on my Anikaaaa. how could youuu. he screams punching on his face again and again making him fell down on the floor Having bleeding mouth.

Shiv. You bastard 'I knew that you are an asshole. but I never knew that you will stoop so low. . He hold his collar and throw numerous punches on his face changing the map of his face. His all face is bleeding along with having pain on his legs arms where,he kicked him without caring if it's hurting him or not. Right now anger has over powering his head. He don't care about anything except anika whom he hurted so badly.

Ani. Shivaay stop it. Don't do it. he will die. Anika shout trying to  take him off from Daksh but seems like he's been  possessed and all he wanna do is to take this stupid daksh's life.

Shiv. He should fucking die. how could he touch you. How dare he touched shivaay singh oberoi's possession. Anika widen her eyes after hearing his statement. she can clearly see fire in his eyes. Which is making her so scared and frightened.

Ani. Shivaay please stop it please I'm scared Shiv. as Shiv name fell in his ears ' he turn towards her and took her in tight hug lifting her up in his arms

Shiv. Are you fine are you ok ??? he caresses her hair and place soft soft kisses on her head numerous times.

Shiv. Don't worry I'm with you I'm with you. No one can touch you no one means no one. He muffles hugging her tightly kissing her head again.

Anika nods and kept hugging him tightly crying bitterly. Right now they are sticking with each other like glue. Except from each other' they don't care about anyone. They just wanna be with each other that they with no one else. After sometime he broke the hug and cup her face looking at her tip to toe.

Shiv. Are you fine. He caresses her face running his fingers on her skin softly.

Ani. Shiv.

Shiv. Shshsh let me check it. he Rub thumb on her cheek and place soft kiss over there. He turn her face other side and kiss her jawline sucking the skin little.

Shiv. Thank god you are fine he didn't do anything to you. He spoke against her lips mumbling over it. Soon his face went more closer to her and took her lips in his mouth sucking them little.

Shiv. I'm with you don't worry he again mumbled sucking her bottom lips. Soon he pulled her holding her waist and started kissing her lips tenderly and softly. He is lost in kiss so much that he didn't realise about someone else presence there. He is just lost in her touch only which made him hypnotised fully. He run his fingers in her hair and smooch her lips lovingly pulling her more and more closer holding her petite waist. on the other side anika  is Just shocked. she don't know  how to react and how to speak.  She just got traumatised with his sudden kiss. She wanna move away. but strength has finished in her body.  And about shivaay then he is sucking her  passionately enjoying every bit of kiss with her. He about to thrust his tongue in her mouth when someone come calling Anika's name

Mal. Ani but she stopped when she saw them all together sticking with each other. but thankfully she didn't see them kissing. Anika pushes shivaay away and step back looking at him with wide eyes.

Shiv. Anika he try to touch her but she just turn her face still in daze of kiss ,which they shared before few minutes

M. Ani are you ok. She goes towards her and side hug her

Ani. Yes I'm ok she about to walk but moan in pain when a wave of pain erupted in her ankle

Shiv. Anika he goes near her and immediately pick her up making her shock along with malika who widen her eyes with his sudden action

Shiv. Such a stupid girl you are. Why didn't you tell me you got hurt. Now look because of little stress on your knees you got pain. Oh god such clumsy girl you are

M. What's happening here and what happened to this hypo.m?? She said pointing towards Daksh who is laying on the floor in subconscious state.

Shivaay first look at her and then Anika who is looking at him with still wide eyes without blinking her eyelashes .

Shiv. Errr he misbehaved with anika that's why I beaten him up. If she won't had stop me then till now I would had taken his life. How dare he touch her like this. He grit his teeth kicking Daksh one more time leaving him in mess of pain .

M. Ani are you ok. , what did he do to you. ??

Ani. I'm I'm fine she just mumbled these words assuring her that she is ok .

Shiv. I guess we should go home. She needs rest

M. Yh let's go she kept hand on Anika's head and left with them who are just looking in each other eyes 👀 still in daze of kiss.

In car

Shiv. Careful he made her sit in front seat and fix her seat belt looking at her face. He tuck her hair strands back and brush his lips on her forehead without realising what he is doing.

M. Shall I drive ??

Shiv. No I don't trust you if you hurt her again then.

M. Huh

Shiv. Don't show me these eyes and sit in back seat. we should leave. Malika nods twisting her lips and set in it. Shivaay who grab seat besides Anika he found her all lost in her thoughts looking ahead

Shiv. Be comfortable. If you need Anything. let me know he murmurs squeezing her hand giving her assurance

M. If you are done then shall we go. Shivaay rolls his eyes and drove away from there with low speed to thinking this woman won't let them talk properly.

Near hostel

M. I'll take her with me don't worry

Shiv. I can help her he immediately come infront of Anika ' who is standing near the malika holding her hand

M. Warden won't let you in. So it's useless. better you leave

Shiv. But

M. Shivaay. Sh whined

Shiv. Fine I'm going but Monday I'll pick her up I mean both

M. Yh you can. now will you leave

Shiv. Yh yh going he gave gaze at anika one last time and left from there unwillingly

In hostel

Anika hit the bed and went in flashback where he kissed her lips. She can't believed. she shared her first kiss with that boy ' whom she never liked. but eventually she did and it's felt so right and familiar on meantime. she felt like she tasted these lips before as well. but how come, when she never shared kiss with him. she frown and turn her side keeping her face on her palm.

Ani. What's happening to me she whispered tucking her hair back still in daze of their moment. she is trying to forget it. but somehow it's popping in her brain again and again .

Ani. Why did I do that?? why didn't I push him away. when he kissed me. She touch her lips cursing herself for not pushing him away but on the same time ' she is feeling some special as well which is so unfamiliar to her. After two or three hours fighting with herself her eyes got heavy and she went in slumber clutching the duvet near her chest.

In oberoi mansion

Shivaay condition is same. He is battling himself to thinking 'why did he react like this and on top of that he kissed her without any reason. Many questions are running info his brain. but non answer he is getting ,which is making him frustrated. Her face is just roaming around his eyes. Her tears ,her broken state is making him mad. He is feeling like to Rip off that daksh for Misbehaving with her. no matter what he consider her ,but the way he touched her. he didn't like it at all . He hates the way he treated her and surely he will pay for this again. And he will make sure for it. He flick his hair and lay down on the bed keeping his hands on his chest getting flashback of their kiss ' which they shared with each other before some hour . It's second time he kissed her. but still he felt like it was first time. maybe because first time they were not in senses. and this time they were. which made it more special and beautiful. He unknowingly blushed and bite his lips in excitement to meet her again. he can't wait to see her Monday morning . He wanna talk to her and wanna know that what's going on in her heart. Is it restless same like him or it's normal. He pulled the duvet over it properly and close his eyes for sleep but he knows he won't able to get it. whole night

Next day

Shivaay is all ready to meet Anika forgetting his anger towards her. Yesterday event made him realise he can't stay away from her.. different kind of peace he feels with her.  So he have deHe just wanna see her and wanna talk to her about the things which is POcking him from last night.

Om. Shivaay come let's go.  Arnav is waiting for us.

Shiv. Yh let's go

Om.  One second did you sleep last night. ?? shivaay look at him and rub his neck giving him suspicious smile

Shiv.  I guess so why ?what happened ?

Om.  Erm nothing your eyes are red that's why I asked. Anyways come let's go. He gonna horn anytime. Shivaay nods and left with him hurriedly.

In  car 

Shivaay is impetaintly waiting for Anika ' when she enters there along with malika. He raise his hand to say hi to her. but she just turn her face without giving him glance which made him confused.

Ma. Arnav she goes towards him and hugged him while Anika stood besides ranveer making his heart flutter. He can't believe she stood with him that also so close. .

Ran. Hey Anika how are you ???

Ani. I'm good   she Gave him smile bending her head down

R. Are you alright Anika. these bruises??? he about to touch her arm but she pulled it away taking step back making him feel awkward.

Ani. It's nothing I just fell down which caused me Get it.

R. Let me check it. He about to grab her arm again when shivaay comes in between and hide her behind making ranveer irk.

Shiv. She said it's fine. then why are you bothering her.

Ran. Shivaay what's your problem. He grits his teeth seeing him coming between him and anika everytime.

Ar. Guys come let's get in. We have to order as well.

Shiv. Yh let's go. He gave smile to Anika and went inside following her. Ranveer who was about to grab place besides Anika shivaay comes between and set there immediately making him frown.

Shiv. Actually l wanna watch match and this place is good to watch it . You can go and sit besides om. Go go

Ran. Lakin

Shiv. Go on. Anika rolls her eyes and kept hand on her cheek resting her arm on table. . Ranveer just feeling like to punch shivaay for doing this. but he somehow has to control his anger. as he don't wanna express it infront of people and friends

Shivaay sat besides Anika and gave her smile making more awkward for her remembering about their kiss.

Shiv. Anika I need to talk to you.

Ani. About? she try to react like she don't know about anything.

Shiv. About last night ...

Ani. Last night ??what happened last night she stammers turning her face otherside tucking her hair back.

Shiv. You don't know what happened ???

Ani. No I don't know. She stutter.

Shi. Ani I ....

Om. If your conversation has finished then shall we start eating.

Shiv. Yh Yh sure he sighs and started filling his plate for eating. In whole time he tried to have conversation with her. but she is the one who is not looking at him. which is irking him so badly. He really has loads of things to share with her. but she is not listening anything ,which is making him mad.

Suddenly all people stopped eating when Anika got call from work gaining   Their attention.

Ani. Hello yh ok that's fine I'll come she got up and started packing her stuff.

M. Where are you going ani ???

Ani. I've got work call. they said they need me today. 

M . Are you serious Anika. Today is Bloody Sunday how can they call you???

Ani. They said they don't have any other person so I've to go.

Shiv. This is so stupid. Give me phone I'll call them.

Ani. No it's ok it's not big deal. Sometime it's good to help them. Anyways you guys carry on I should go. She about to leave. when stopped seeing shivaay following her behind.

Ani. Where are you going ???

Shiv. For dropping you.

Ani. No I'll go on my own you don't worry.

Shiv. No you can't go alone. It's not safe. I'll drop you. All his friends are looking at him like horn have grown on his head.

Om. If he is saying then let him drop you . He winks giving her teasing

Ani. Ok fine come let's go. Shivaay grin extra widely and went behind her following her like lost puppy

In car

silence is surrounding everywhere. Shivaay is time to time looking at anika. but she is the one whose eyes are just stuck outside without blinking.

Shiv. Ehrm. He clear his throat but still she didn't look at him which made him bit irritate.

Shiv. I'm trying to gain your attention but you are the one who is not looking at me.

Ani. I don't wanna talk to you. She retorted looking out.

Shiv. Just because I kissed you that's why you Don't wanna talk to me. he stopped the car in middle of road making her widen her eyes

Ani. What you doing shivaay ???

Shiv. I wanna talk to you Anika

Ani. But I don't ....

Shiv. But I wanna do. Just tell me what's going on in your brain.

Ani. Nothing is going on. your are just over reacting.

Shiv. I'm over reacting. or you are the one who is roaming around being weirdo. For god sake I didn't sleep from last night. I wanna know what's going on in your brain. I wanted to talk to you. but you are the one who is all silent since we met from morning

Ani. I'm getting late. she open the door to go but shivaay hold her hand and pulled her towards him harshly making her shock hell out of her

Shiv.  don't you dare ۔........

Precap ... Same

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