|13| Deal With The Devils

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White roses swayed with the windy afternoon air as I strolled through the football field. Carrying a bunch of balls in a netlike sack, I struggled, trying to stay on my feet. Gym class was mainly centered on field work today. Thanks to a certain gym teacher, I was beginning to like less. I wasn't blessed with athletic genes, so I guess that explained why I had to stay back to collect dozens of balls after my fellow murderous girls finished playing dodge ball per Miss Wentworth's instruction. Picking the balls up from the untamed grassy floor was as exhausting as trying to fill a basket with water or trying to push a wall.

Since I was rather slow at getting acquainted with many things, I didn't know where the gymnasium was. I threw my eyes around as I silently trotted, with the filled sack flung over my shoulder.

"I'm going to kill you!" 

I staggered as I darted my eyes around. Where did that come from? As I moved forward, the voice became much louder. I unconsciously released my grip on the sack and the balls tumbled to the floor. My dry lips popped open as beads of perspiration rose on my sheen. It looked like I had just walked into world war three. I pinched my arm. Was it just me or Brianna Kendricks was visciously tearing out strands of Lola Roccino's perfect cola hair. Shocked that the Disney princesses had such aggressive strengths, I watched as the surprising scene unfolded before me.

"You stole my boyfriend sneaky bitch," Brianna snarled. I cringed taking a step back.

"No you stole my boyfriend, dumbass. I take back my peaceoffering. I'm going to kill you before I lose my mind." Lola said, struggling to stand to her feet. This was my first time seeing her like this. What happened to the super friendly Lola who smiled all the time.

Brianna pulled her back down. "I don't need your stupid peace offering. As a matter of fact you can shove it down your butt."

"Get her off me!" Lola shrieked and I realized she was talking to me.

 I snapped out of my shock then went to stand between the two mini-devils. "Hi I'm Lisa I-" I gasped, halting my little -fighting won't do any good-speech when a hand landed straight across my cheek making a sharp contact. "Hey what did I do?" I fumed, my nose flaring.

Brianna shrugged as she got up from the marble tiled floor. "You were in my way." 

Well remind me next time not to try resolving any conflict with a speech. 

"Plus I hate your face," she added. 

I frowned. She slapped me because she hated my face? Good heavens! This was unbelievable.

"Mean bitch!" Lola tackled her. 

I decided to help Lola out. So I picked up a stray ball then threw it at Brianna as I lunched forward to grab her shiny hair.

"I hate your pretty face too!" I said feeling hyper.

Lola toppled me over. "Don't say she's pretty. It will get into her head."

I winced at the pain in my arm, now I was no longer on Lola's side. Each woman for herself. I lunged for her as she tried cornering Brianna.

"What on earth is going on here?" It only took that voice to put an end to our madness. 

"My office now!" Miss Cunningham barked as she started trotting to what I assumed was her office. "You better have a good explanation for this kerfuffle."

I shuddered, brushing imaginary dirt from my skirt. Brianna and Lola both got off the floor. 

"This isn't over Lola. And you," Brianna eyed me menacingly, "Count yourself dead." She warned, running her fingers through her messy hair.

 "Save your threats for people who actually care." Lola sneered.

 "Yet you cared enough to have gone after my boyfriend."

"I didn't go after Dean or anyone. Think whatever you want." Lola resumed walking, following Miss Cunningham's trail. 

Wait they were fighting over a boy? What the freaking bananas? I just fought a useless fight, and to think I now had a sore butt because of that,

 "You were fighting over Dean Richardson?" I asked baffled as we made way for Miss Cunningham's office. I was met with silence. 

"Yes and no," Lola finally responded. "I for one, was only defending myself from this unruly kitten."

Brianna chuckled. "Says the girl who ruined my birthday party by giving me a baby tiger as a present."

"Sam was a great birthday present. I can't believe you still remember. That happened five years when we were actually friends. You should have thanked me for the effort I made."

"That stupid tiger scared all my guests away. I spent the rest of the day eating crabs in my closet. Do you know how torturing that was?" Brianna shivered.

"Queen Brianna, I'm sorry we all can't be as perfect as you are."

I was lost. I stayed quiet while making some important observations as we walked. Brianna hated Lola because she gave her a tiger on her birthday? Well that was insane. Obviously that hate was still brewing between them even after so many years. And now Dean toppled it up by a twofold. 

"You two are not the only ones Dean is dating." I blurted.

"What the hell!" Lola slithered.

"Don't tell me he's dating you too." Brianna looked me up and down with disgust.

I smoothed my skirt, suddenly feeling conscious of my appearance. "No. He's not."

She sighed in relieve, "Thank goodness. I thought I was up against the likes of you. Offense intended."

"Stop been a bitch Brianna. Who am I kidding, bitchiness is your second nature. Your third is 'annoying the hell out of people. I don't know what Dean saw in you besides your crooked nose. Offense intended as well."

Brianna gasped, and I laughed. "I hate you Lola. I hate you too anonymous girl in glasses." She pointed at me.

"My name is Lisa," I dejected.

"Didn't ask," She said smugly.

I was really glad I gave her a fair beating. The girl's sharp tongue could kill. "I know you didn't ask."

"It hurts to see you two fighting over a man. This profound anger should be directed at the boy making fools out of you not the other way round. If I were in your shoes I would make him pay and that's that." I said as an after thought.

"Who are you?" Lola asked, inspired.

"I'm Lisa." I sighed, saying my name for the third time in less than fifteen minutes.

"I know your name. You've already mentioned it like a countless number of times." Lola smacked her lips. "You remind me so much of a character. Perhaps in Shakespeare's much ado about nothing."

It didn't make sense but it sounded like the only compliment I would get from her so I smiled.

Brianna scoffed, sizing me up at the corner of her eyes. "You're pretty smart for someone with a face like that."

Truth be told, I wished Miss Cunningham hadn't stopped the fight. In a vivid vision I saw myself taking off my nonexistent hoop earrings like they did in movies. Giving Brianna a black eye, was something I craved to do at the moment. 

She was slowly turning me into a violent person.

Miss Cunningham berated us for what seemed like forever, wrapping up with a punishment. Cafeteria duty. Three girls fought big deal. We were the ones in pain not her. She was very hard on Brianna and Lola, particularly Brianna. She only noticed I was part of the troublemakers when we turned to leave. "It's good to know you've started involving other kids in your pointless feud," she deliberated, "You're Annalise, right?" 

I shyly nodded, tugging on my glasses.

"I will be watching you." 

I hesitated. Our trio, led by an angry Brianna stormed out of the office. I scurried off to go and pick up the balls I had left on the floor. Lola bent to help me, surprisingly Brianna also joined. "Cafeteria duty? I've never washed a plate in my life, it's just too gross." she complained. 

Was she for real? I started doing dishes way before I could walk. Okay, I'm just exaggerating but seriously.

 "Slimy water and perfect manicure doesn't mix. It's all Dean's fault." Lola sulked.

"I have a brilliant idea." Brianna's eyes glowed, "Tell me the other girl Dean's dating,"

"Uhmm..." I stuttered.

"Tell me already." she demanded.

"Ruby Steele."

"I knew it! I've seen them together a couple of times but I never for once thought they were dating." She said, her light brown eyes turning glassy.

I felt sorry for her. Did she like Dean that much? Lola looked pretty okay to me. She was clearly used to cheating boyfriends.

"Girls." Brianna sighed heavily, visible tears at the cornea of her eyes. "I need you to help me take Dean down. It wasn't a question so I don't think either of you have a choice."

Lola smirked. "I hate to disagree but I have a choice,"

"Whatever." she waved her hand. "Lola might have a choice but not you, Lisa."

My throat closed up, the look on her face told me I couldn't say no. I really wanted to run and hide at that moment. Maybe I should have, because that was the day I signed a deal with Newton Prep's mini devils. That was the day old Annalise died.

You know what happens when you sign a deal with the devil? You lose your soul...


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