|14| Ready Or Not Here We Come

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I was caught up in web I couldn't loosen. The following days in Newton Prep were far from boring. I had to cram learning and working at the diner with the meetings I had with Brianna and Lola. Even though I was still known as the girl in glasses, I was slowly becoming a part of their circle, in the background that is. More like an adviser in their kingdom and a psychic in their super hero story where they were the heroes and main characters.

Like you would have already guessed, our little circle was incomplete, and we needed one more girl to employ. The emo queen, Ruby Steele. 

Ruby was pretty scarce around campus, so it was hard getting in touch with her. I assumed she was out there somewhere, breaking into places she could fit, scaring the daylights out of unsuspecting teenagers. She was that dangerous.

Brianna liked to think of herself as our leader. I had no problem with that, and Lola, on the other hand, was one tough nut to crack. She was constantly at it with Brianna. They were always bickering. Either about a dance number or broadway musicals to the latest fashion trends. I once chipped in that High School musical was the only musical I knew and they both vowed to make my life miserable if I ever repeated such a blunder anywhere. They didn't scare me but the death glare Lola gave me sent some frozen chills down my spine. 

Both girls continued dating Dean. The guy was hot, so I understood why they found it difficult breaking up with him.

The cheat still kept running his shifts with them and unsurprisingly he still frequented Antonia's grill with the three queens of Newton Prep. Brianna was a lot nicer now whenever it was her turn with Dean, but I knew what was going through her mind. She wanted to kill the bastard. That much was clear to me with how she constantly glared at him when he wasn't looking. If looks could kill, Dean Richardson would already be six feet, no doubt.

I walked into the kitchen and tried to make small conversation with Alfredo. I was so nervous that I couldn't even make sense of my bearings.

"You're okay child?" Alfredo asked sensing my uneasiness.

"Yes. I am," I said as I fidgeted with my apron. Normally I would ask him the delicacies on today's menu, but I was too distracted. It was a beautiful Monday afternoon so guess whose turn it was to eat out with Newton Prep's heartthrob, Yup Ruby Steele. That wasn't why I was nervous. It was because Brianna and Lola agreed to come over to the diner to talk Ruby into helping them out with their revenge on Dean. Of course I was against them coming over to the diner. I didn't want to get off Antonia's good record and I had a reputation to keep where my uprightness was concerned.

"Lisa are you even listening?" Antonia blew an impatient sigh.

When had she even entered the cooking area? "Uhm... sorry can you repeat what you said," I put on a straight face.

"Are you okay? You look a little distracted." She observed.

I tightened the apron around my waist, "I'm fine just a little tired,"

"Tiredness should be reserved for old folks like me, it shouldn't be in your vocabulary. Now hurry out there. Two ladies are requesting for your presence," She said slowly, a little calmness to her voice.

I hurried out, and scanned through the eatery. "Lisa! Over here," A hand waved in my sight. I walked closer and almost tripped at the absurdity. Brianna was wearing a brown curly wig, and a green ugly sweater over her dark rhinestone jeans. Her upturned piercing eyes were hidden under large dark shades which covered half of her face. Lola on the other hand looked like she had just walked out of a 90's fashion show with her short black hair and Egyptian feline eye makeup.

I clutched up stomach and laughed my heart out, "What's up with you guys. Didn't know Halloween was already here," I wiped a tear.

"I told you this was a bad idea." Brianna scowled at Lola.

Lola ignored her, "We don't want to get caught while spying on Dean and Ruby. So I came up with the perfect disguises. You get the drill?"

I pointed at Brianna, "Yes. So lemme guess she's a teenage hobo, and you are a 90's fashion model?"

Lola flashed a smile, "Exactly,"

I continued laughing. "Stop laughing before I lose it." Brianna warned.

I tried wiping the smile off my face, "It's a breeze to tease you sometimes." I gestured them to follow me, "Come, I'll show you to your table."

I sat them behind a table which looked out unto the terrace. "That's where Ruby and Dean would be sitting. Keep your eyes out for them," I divulged.

"I can't wait to get out of this itchy wig," Brianna scratched her head.

"Shut up Bri, we're in this mess because of you so deal with it." Lola chided.

"Hey how is this because of me, you threw yourself at Dean when you clearly knew he was dating me,"

Here we go again, I sighed. "I don't want you girls making a scene here at my work place, capiche?" They nodded like innocent little girls and I walked away to take more orders.

Some minutes later Dean's sleek black seat leon cupra pulled up the curb. I run over to the girls, a glass pitcher in hand. "Target's here!" I announced, my heart racing higher than normal.

"Good," Lola smiled slyly, "You were right Lisa, he's a loser. I can't believe I shared my most passionate secrets with him,"

Brianna hissed, "I've known him for over six years. And never for once did I think he was cheating on me. To think I gave him my first kiss."

I glanced at Dean as he strutted to his usual table. His hand settled behind Ruby's small back as he helped her take seat.

"We need to focus girls, we are amateurs up against a pro," Brianna whispered, "Lisa, you're going to slip this note to Ruby asking her to meet us after her date with the target,"

Brianna thought it was best if we referred to Dean as target, we couldn't risk getting caught by any eavesdroppers.

"When should I give her the note," I asked, taking it from her.

"When you're taking their orders. And please try not to get on her bad side, I heard she's dangerous." Lola piped in.

Is this where I came clean and told them I was already on Ninja girl's bad side? They shooed me away. With my poker face on I walked towards the perfect couple.

In a matter of a few minutes, I had their servings delivered after successfully slipping the small note to Ruby. Her smiling eyes, stared at me in amusement as I moved away from their table. "Note has been delivered," I said to the girls, looking straight ahead.

They stayed till I ended my shift. I bustled out of the kitchen with two mugs of hot choco. I set them before the two unresting girls as I sat on an empty chair next to their table.

"Why aren't they leaving?" Brianna was the first to speak.

I glanced at the tiny wall clock at the corner of the room, "I wish I knew,"

Lola gasped, "Oh my God, they're kissing!"

Brianna tightened her fingers around the cup, "I'm gonna get him so bad," Her porcelain face reddened with anger. From were I sat beside her I could feel her anger coming off in waves.

We watched as the couples continued their pda. After what seemed like minutes unend of hormonal affection, Ruby whispered something into Dean's ears and he chuckled, dipping his head to peck her cheeks. His full lips moved as he jerked his right hand forward in a wave. Ruby waved back as he sat in his car and stepped on the accelerator. My eyes was still on the black shiny car as Ruby made way back to the diner.

Lola sipped from her mug, "Girls she's coming this way,"

"We can all see that," Brianna snapped.

"You really have to stop being rude every least second you get. You're not the only one lover boy took advantage of. I have a play in two days but I'm stuck here with you because you asked for my help. You better start being nice, or I'm out," Lola said through gritted teeth.

I blew out a long sigh, as I readied myself for a nasty comeback from Brianna, instead she said, "I'm sorry. I'm just hurt, Dean's betrayal really came as a blow," 

Well it sure did come as a blow even to me who had nothing to do with him.

 Lola took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly, "I'm also hurt Bri, I'm only pretending to be okay with this,"

"Real classic. Hate to bust your bubble but disguises are no longer in trend." The owner of the voice chuckled. "Hi Brianna. Hi Lola." I turned to Ruby's burning gaze.

Her lips twitched, "Why did I get this note from you? Lemme guess, you girls put her up to it?"

I gulped as her eyes remained fixed on my face, "We need your help," Brianna interrupted. I breathed a sigh of relieve, it was about time I admitted how much Ruby Steele scared me out of my wits.

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