18: Problems

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Its gonna be time
                                   Just wanted to shine!

Rainbowdash felt the rush of electricity rush in her. Her energy was building up again. P.E was one of her favorite subjects and today they were playibg dodgeball, and afterwards the one hundred meter dash.

She loved running and pushing her limits. Feeling the wind in her hair and whooping childishly with joy makes her feel free. As if she was flying, and her arms were her wings.

But the meter dash was later, now was dodgeball. She was on the team who were dodging the balls, and Soarin's team were the ones aiming for a victim.

"Missed!" She teased at Soarin who tried to hit her with a basketball but she swiftly dodged it.

Rainbow's POV

Flash, Sunset, Surprise, Misty fly, Fleetfoot and Blitz were on my team. While Spitfire, Rapidfire, Twilight, Starlight, Pinkie, Michrochips, were on Soarin's. To be honest I was realy greatful Soarin wasn't teamed with me. It keeps me focused and I don't have to think about....stuff involving him...I figured as long as I stay away from Soarin I'll be fine. But it aint easy.

I laughed a little when he tried to aim his basketball on me again, but me, being super awesome, Like REALY REALY REALY BETTER THEN EVERYONE ELSE, I dodged it! See thats the point of the game, thats why its called dodgeball! duh.

The point is a person throws the ball, and the other person dodges. Simple.

"Oh you are so in for it now Crashie!" He teased. It cought me off gaurd. What. Did. He. Just. Called me?!

I growled and anger took over me. Well...he did say I can vent my anger and irritation on him didn't he? That he can take it?

I purposely let him hit me with his ball. "Ouch oh no, I am out of the game" I said slowly in a fauxed innocent tone. I quickly picked up a ball and threw it hard aiming for his face. And head shot! Muwahahahahahahah!


He fell backwards with a loud thud. I smirked and gaved a devishly creepy chuckle. That felt good.

He groaned and still managed to smirk at me. "Man you look hot when you're mad" He said smirking. My cheeks heated up.

"Not!" He added with and some laughed.

I growled and threw another ball at him,this time aiming for the most painful part....his dick.

"OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled in pain.

******Ten minutes later.....

I sat down in the benches and handed Soarin the ice pack because I'm nice. "Owww, Honestly woman, has anyone told you that violence doesn't solve anything?" He said with a groan.

"Yup, but you were the one who said I can vent all my irritation and anger on you because you can take it" I reminded.

"And boy do I regret that" He muttered.

I glared at him and he gulped. "Kidding!" He said with a chuckle. I sighed. "Sometimes...Soarin, I wonder why I even hang out with you and waste all my time with you" I snapped at him. There was a look of hurt on his face and he looked away from me. I looked away too.

I scanned the gym. We still have twelve minutes before the meter dash. Then my eyes landed on a girl with soft long pink hair sitting alone here at the benches.

"Fluttershy?" She turned to face me and I saw a tear stained face. I motioned for her to come up here and she reluctantly obeyed. "Hello. Dash" She said barely above a whisper.

"Hey, whats wrong?" Soarin butted in finnaly noticing her.

Fluttershy's lips began to quiver slightly.

"Fluttershy? Are you--" I couldn't finnish my sentence when all of a sudden she bursted into tears, grabbed me by the shirt and started to cry on my chest, soaking it in the process. Soarin awkwardly patted her back.

"Fluttershy, what happened? Whats wrong? Who did this to you?! Who's ass do I need to kick?!"

"Lets take her somewhere quiet so she can explain" Soarin advised. He and I helped her up(still crying) and sneaked out of the gym to the more isolated part of the school(basicaly at some randome abandoned classroom noone has been using for years) and sat her down.

"Calm down for a sec! Just tell us what the hell happened?!" I demanded shaking her.

"Fluttershy, calm down, think something positive and...tell us what's wrong" Soarin calmly said. Who the fuck can he be so calm at a time like this?

Fluttershy did so, and when she calmed down she wiped away some tears and said in a croaked voice

"I told Discord I liked him" She started

"About time!" I said grinning but she didn't smiled back.


Fluttershy's POV

"I love you" I finnaly did it. I told him what I feel....I told him I loved him

"F-Fluttershy..." He started but I wasn't finnished yet. "I have always felt this way since eight grade and I know you feel so too, I admire you so much, you're so kind, handsome, clever, funny, and....I realy love you" I admitted.

Discord looked down. My face fell. "Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Fluttershy you're a wonderful person but...I like...someone else" He told me not looking into my eyes guilt in his voiced


Rainbow's POV

"That no good piece of-- he made you waste tears on him! When I get my hands on him I'll--"

"Rainbow, calm down" Soarin said in a soothing voice. I took deep breaths and calmed down just a little bit.

"Its...its fine...I shouldn't realy be making such a big deal out of it...I'll just, go home. Can you two tell Principal Celestia I'm not feeling good and went home?" Fluttershy whimpered and wobbly stood up and shakily left the room.

I sat there on the desk, not sure what to do. "Well that went well" Soarin muttered. "No it didn't" I shot.

"I hate love! Love only makes you feel weak, and pathetic, and that" I said gesturing to Fluttershy leaving the room with a slam of the door.

"That, and another reason" I added.

"Quibble pants?" Soarin raised a brow. I bit my lip and looked away.

"Don't ever say his name out loud ever" I warned. He sighed and stood up, then took out something from his pocket. A small notebook. Small enough to fit a pocket. "Here" He handed it to me.

"What am I suppose to do with this?" I asked confused.

"Oh I don't know, eat it! Perhaps!" He sarcasticaly said a little annoyed.

Then he massaged his temple. "Whenever you're sad, or mad, or feeling anything negative, just, write it down" He said sighing.

Well isn't that sweet?😕

I put the small notebook in my pocket and rested my head against the wall. "There is so many problems in my life. My family, my friends, myself....my past, present, future! And you. You're a problem too" I said tired.

"A handsome, hot, famous and AWESOMER problem more like" Soarin said. Even though my eyes are close I can tell he's smirking. I groaned. "Why the fuck did you do that?" I asked him, slowly opening my eyes.

He looked confused.

"Why did you kissed me? Are you trying to play some sick joke or something?" I asked coldly

He avoided eye contact. "To be honest, I don't realy know"

"Then I want you to promise me you'll never bring that up again, pretend it never happened! Got that?!" I growled and he smirked. "Whatever you say my lady"

I am not your lady you fuckboy.

"Come on, we should head to class" that was all I managed to say before he followed me out of there.

But I sure wished I never left that room. Wished I decided to ask Soarin to skip school with me. Wished that what happenned that day was just a fucked up dream. Here is what happened......

After P.E. We had english and the second we entered the classroom, a fammiliar face greeted me.

"Miss Dash, Mister Skies you two are late, but anyway, I would like you to welcome back a student Quibble--" Miss Cheerlee started but Soarin finnished with a dangerous growl


I gulped. My blood boiled. I felt I could. kill anyone any momment. I put up a fake smile. And my eye twitched not once, not twice but thrice

"Welcome back mother fucker"

A/N: Sooo Dash's problems increased because a certain someone walkes back in her life! Ah poor Dashie, stressed with all the problems in her life and yea I know this was boring, and sappy, and cliche and it makes me sick! I am having problems writting! Sometimes I notice Dashie is being out of character here

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