28: This is Me/Gotta find you(The Final Jam)

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I'm gonna let the light
Shine on me!

Blitz POV

"Hey dude, its ok alright? I'm sure she just needs some time to think it over" I said as I continued to knock on his door. Soarin didn't took Dash's rejection very well, it gaved him the shocks.


"I'm sorry Soarin but uh...I...I realy can't be your girlfriend" Dash started and already I could see the light in his eyes fading.

"What?" He asked stepping back.

"I already loved once. And look where that led me, I'm sorry but I can't risk it anymore. You've been a very good friend to me but....I think thats what you'll always be" She said.

Oh boy, the poor bloke's not gonna lile this

"But, I thought...Rainbowdash what about the things you said in that journal of yours?"

Whoa talk about privacy, the bloody idiot's got the nerve to read other people's diaries eh?

"Sorry Soarin" Rainbowdash said and ran away.

Soarin stood there, he had been publicly rejected. The whole school will be talkinh about this for months

I looked to my side to see Spitfire only to find no one. Probably left to have a go on Dash


I heard sobbings in his room. Then the sound of him playing his guitar. I sighed. "Just know buddy, I'm here for ya, thats what friends do" I assured him. No reply. I stood outside his bedroom door waiting for my friend to come out.


Rainbow's POV

"Gonna let the l-light....shine on me...now I've found who I am....." I couldn't finnish my song. I started crying so hard. How can I be so selfish? An idiot to leave him there.

Yea yea you guys can yell at me all you want for rejecting Soarin but hey itd not my foult ok? Ok well it kinda is but when you loved someone from before, and you dedicated yourself to giving them what they want everyday, forcing yourself to get up to make them happy when you yourself they never bothered trying to make you happier. And then one day they hurt you and break your trust, left you in the dark without so much as a second glance... You don't know what its like.

It was cold back then, the rain was hard, I still remember clearly how I ran and ran after his speeding car until I stopped and just cried in the pouring rain in the street's sidewalk.

My heart shattered and broken in two. Spitfire so happened to have been passing by and saw me. She hugged me and dried my tears. As did Fluttershy. My two most favorite best friends in the world.

They said

"Everything will be ok...nothing and noone can harm you now that I'm here...I'll make sure of it. Now get up and dry your tears, show us the true Rainbowdash we all know before that asshole showed up" Spitfire said

"The wound...is where the light enterd you...someday you'll be better and all the darkness will be replaced with the light, you are a strong girl Rainbow...and we all love you for who you are....I'm sure that someday somehow the right person will come and lift you up, you just met the wrong one thats all....but for now...we, will be the ones to drive out all the darkness" Fluttershy had cooed.

And they did. They helped me up, they dried my tears, made me strongers. Three summers after that....Soarin came along. He brought something inside of me. Something that had been long gone and now back. I made the biggest mistake of my life.

I fell inlove with him.

Shit I'm tearing up again. Did I made the right choice?

I mean...on one side I wanted to say yes but...the other side of me forced me to say no.

The door creaked open and my little sister came in.

"Couldn't sleep, mind telling me a story?" She asked and jumped on my bed. I smiled. "Ok"

"Which one?" I asked her. "The one about the princess who fell inlove" Oh...that one. I sighed. But then I had an idea. I'll change it a bit

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess with long rainbow hair--

"Thats you!" She giggled. I rolled my eyes. "Yup thats me. Scoots you've heard this story multiple times before and you still hadn't grown bored or it?" I asked. She shook her head. "Its your story Dash, I don't ever wanna forget the story of your life until I'm dead" She said.

"Don't say that...you won't die" I snapped. Truth betold, my little sister is sick. Realy sick. She has until she's seventeen to live and then....she'll be gone. Better make my momments with her count.

"With long rainbow hair...who fell inlove. She was strong and fearless, she was better then anyone in everyway but then she changed after a man entered her life. He was a charmer and was smooth talking her to his pants, he was a liar and a heart breaker. Her friendd tried to warn her but she didn't listen. She changed herself to be the girl her prince wanted. But then....her heart was broken in two. She was abandoned in he darkness with no light to shine her way, until her two best friends came long to lift her up.....comforted the rainbow princess and made her stronger then before"

"All was ok until....a few years later another prince came along. He was handsome and funny, smart and flirty, but had a kind heart. He annoyed her to the point she couldn't wait to feed him to a bunch of wolves but...then she started to notice that behind that annoying, cocky, flirty, egotistical, nervey mask he wears...was another part she never noticed before. And it wasn't long until she was drawn towards him, her heart beating rapidly and sparks shot out throught her body....she was...--"

"You fell inlove with Soarin Skies!" My sister squeeled. "Why did you think he was Soarin?" I raised a brow. "Judt a hunch, I'm a soarindash fangirl by the way" I rolled my eyes. Of course she is.

"He made her feel things she's already felt before...only he was better. And the day they kissed near the lake bejind the school--"

"Make it under a mistletoe, its christmas remember?" She suggested.

"Fine!" I groaned

"They kissed under a mistletoe and she felt even more attracted towards him....then one day she was invited to his castle and they practiced a few songs, she did some exploring an then....they did a drinking game. She was so drunk she messed up big time and blew up her secret! She told him everything about how she felt for him!"

"That mus have been embarrassing huh?"

"It was a little awkward but yup it was" I sighed.

"Then....there was a gran ball at her...erm, royal school, and they had a dannce--

"Yes! You two danced! That must have been romantic huh Dashie?" Shw teased.

"At the end of the dance he asked her to be in a relationshio with him....and....she declined"

"WHAT?!" Scootalou screamed realy realy shocked. "Noooo! My ship has sunken to the bottom of the ocean!"

Her ship...wait what? Ugh! Sometimes I don't get this kid!

"Why did you said no?" She demanded. I sighed. "Scoots, you're just a kid, you wouldn't understand me, its for the best, I didn't wanna get hurt, and he should be with...someone better" I said. "And I think thats the end to our story"

I was about to get in the bed with her but she asked me "Don't stories usualy have happy endings?"

I faced her and stroked her hair. "Not every story has happy endings"

*******Time Skip to finale jam

(A/N: Yea I'm in a rush today I'm typing so fast now before my grandma change the wifi password again! Not that I can't hack it anyway)

Once again Celestia changed the date of final Jam. Its now held by the end of the month. And that day...is this day. Gosh. My christamas was actualy fun! We build snowmen, had snowball fights, sleepovers, christamas cookies, gifts. I got a few awesome stuff from my friends.

Scootalou got me a new guitar. I managed to mail Soarin his gift because I didn't wanna face him yet. But now I'll have to. I got him a new skateboard by the way and it had his initials on it.

His gift to me was a new cleaning kit for my guitar. Which, he asked Blitz to give it to me rather then facing me. Which I totaly understand.

Right now we were waiting for our names to be called to proform. Soarin was....uncomfortably grim silent. I was silent too.

"Um..." I softly cleared my throat.

"Don't worry...I won't mess up" He grumpily said. "If that was what you were gonna say" He added more sharply.

"Sorry Soarin" I said.

"You're sorry? Not everything can be fixed with an apology, if everything can be fixed with an apology who needs the cops?"

I sunk low and shut my mouth up.

"Just so you know...I realy an sorry, I mean it" I said and held his hand. He softenned and sighed. "I meant what I said at the ball, I want you to be my girlfriend Dash...and I'm willing to do any thing to do that"

Before I could answer our names were called. He smirked at me. "Lets get the show on the road" He chuckled.


(A/N: Thats the song right here you can watch it if you want)


I've always been the kind of girl...
That hid my face...so
Afraid to tell the world, what I've got
To say, but I have this dream

Right inside of me! I'm gonna
Let it show
Its time to let you know

To let you know!

This is real this is me! I'm exactly
Where I'm supposed to be!

Now gonna let the light! Shine
On me! Now I've found...who I am
There's no way to hold it in!

No more hidding who I wanna be!

This is me.....

Even at the beggining of the song everyone had began clapping and squeeling snd fangirling

Soarin smiled and held my hand sending butterflies in my stomach


Do you know what its like? To
Feel so in the dark! To dream about
A life! Where you're the shinning

Even though it seeme like its too
Far away, I have to believe in
Myself! Its the only waaaaay!

This is real! This is me! I'm exactly
Where I'm supposed to be, gonna
Let the light! Shine on

Now I've found who I am
There's no way to hold it in!
No more hidding who I wanna

Be! This is meeeeee!


You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm
I need to find you...I gotta find you!

You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me!

I need to find you!

(Soarin and Rainbowdash)

I gotta find you!

This is real! This is me!
I'm exactly where I'm supposed
To be! Gonna let the light!

Shine on me!(Meeee!)

Now I've found who I am
There's no way to hold it in!
No more hidding who I wanna
Be! Yea!

This is me!


You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me!


Oh this is me!


You're the voice I hesr inside my
Head! The reason that I'm

(Rainbowdash and Soarin)

Now I've found who I am!
There's no way to hold it in!
No more hidding who I wanna
Be! This is me!

As soon as we finnished the song every one jumped from their seats and clapped loudly my ear drums hurted. Some even threw flowers!

"Thank you dear Soarin Skies and Rainbowdash for your amazing proformance! Now lets all leave it all to the judges and leave them to privately judge our winners" V.P. Luna announced.

Me and Soarin made our way backstage.

"That was super amazing!"Starlight glimmer said awestruck.

"Well of course they were! Soarin wouldn't be related to me if they didn't win" Spitfire chuckled.

I faced Soarin with a big grin on my face. "You were awesome up there" I complemented.

"Thanks, even better then you?" He teased. "No" I deadpanned. He laughed and said "I gotta go to the bathroom"

And with that he left us.

I smiled, but then, two minutes later we all covered our ears when we heard the sound of a gun shot

We gasped. Oh no. No no no.

I ran to the direction of the sound and screamed. There lies Soarin on the ground gasping for air as blood was leaving him from his chest.

A/N: Oh no! What do you think will happen to Soarin? Leave your thoughts on the commentd below. And um FYI for your information, this story is about to end. Boy this is probably one of the shortest stories I have ever made but also the longest it took me of time to make but anyway again, follow me and comment below

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