2: He Slimed Me!

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"You two are... And you never... She is..." Peter stammered. I was leaning against his desk while everyone else was sitting. 

"Try to use big boy words," I told him. He glared at me. Slimer was floating away from me wearing my hat. 

"You know I don't think you have any place to talk. Ugh, and I thought you were cute!" 

"So you're saying me being a twin to someone makes me less attractive?" 

"When it's to a guy! And to Egon! Ugh, another Spengler. You aren't like him, are you?" 

"Let's get one thing straight: Egon and I are nothing alike. We never have been and we never will be. This is why I don't tell people I am related to him. They freak out thinking there's another him. Well I hate that, so don't you dare make judgments on me before you even get to know me." 

"You've thought about this for some time, huh?" Winston asked me. I walked towards the door. 

"Look if you all are going to freak out, I can just leave. I can find a job somewhere else." 

"Natalie, wait!" Egon called. I turned and looked at them. 

"Look I'm sorry," Ray said to me, "it's just we weren't prepared for there to be another Spengler on the team. We really want and need you." 

"Ray's right," Winston put in. "I think you are fine by me, home girl." 

"Another Spengler," Peter mumbled. 

"It's better than another Venkman," Egon snapped at him. 

"I think it would be wonderful to have another girl around this place," Janine told us. "She might bring a new light to this place." 

"Natalie bring light?" Egon asked, and I hit him lightly. He smiled at me. 

"Let's put it to a vote," Winston said. "All those for Natalie joining the team, raise your hand." 

I saw Ray's, Winston's, Egon's, Slimer's, and Janine's hand go up. Peter was lost in thought and when he looked up, he looked around and raised his hand. 

"What am I raising my hand for?" he asked when everyone else put theirs down. 

"For Natalie becoming the fifth Ghostbuster," Ray told him. 

"Wait, what?" 

"You already voted Peter, can't take it back," Egon told him. 

"Well if she is going to join, she has to do one thing first." 

"Peter, you aren't going to do that, are you?" Janine asked him. 

"Oh, I am." 

"Peter, she only just joined!" Ray told him. 

"At least let her learn to use the equipment first," Winston told him. 

"Nope," Peter said walking over to Slimer with an evil grin. I was watching every move he made. 

"Peter, if you traumatize my sister, I will set your pack to hyper over-load," Egon told him, but their serous looks disappeared and were replaced by grins. I was looking at them with a little worry growing in me. What were they planning? I looked at Peter and he pointed at me. 

"Get her Slimer!" Peter yelled and Slimer came rushing at me. 

*Peter's pov* 

"Oh, yuck!" Natalie cried whipping the slime off of her. The rest of us were laughing our asses off at her. I might get smacked in the nose again, but it was worth it. She glared me and than she smiled very sweetly. 

"Alright Peter," she said holding up her hands in a defeating motion. "You won. Now how about a victory hug?" she asked very quickly and gave me a hug getting slime all over me. 

'Ugh! Funkedifed again!" I cried. "And not by the spud this time. Egon, I am really liking your sister!" 

The phone rang as Natalie let go of me and we got her a new suit to put on. She left and came back looking really, really good. Her blond hair was now put in a pony tail that came up to her mid back, and her purple glasses made her light blue eyes pop. Even if she was Egon's sister, I think I was going to get to like her very well. 

"We got a job!" Janine cried and pushed the alarm. All of us ran, well besides Natalie who was pulled by Ray. 

"Your first call," Ray told her. "Maybe you should ride up front." 

"I think I can ride in the back Mom," she told him. She got in the back with Winston and I, and Egon got in the diver's seat. Ray came in with the sheet that told us where to go, and Egon took off. 

"Where are we going?" Winston asked. 

"To Mrs. Lover's apartment on Fifth Avenue," Ray said reading the paper. "She says that she has seen her plates moving, moaning in the night, and a few more things. Oh Natalie, you are still new. Let's see this sounds like-" 

"Like a class five full roaming vapor," Natalie spoke up. "Am I right lil bro?" 

"Lil' bro?" I asked. "I thought you two were twins." 

"It's a joke, Peter. Mom told us that I was born before Egon was." 

"One minute and forty-seven seconds," Egon put in. 

"Natalie, how did you know that?" Ray asked her. 

"Like I said, Mom told me," she answered. 

"Not that! The ghost." 

"Oh. Egon isn't the only smart person in the family when it comes to ghost. I used to read the books he brought home and we sometimes read together. I have a photographic memory, so I still remember them." 

"Now I have a question," Winston told us. "Natalie, what are you a doctor in?" 

"Chemistry and Astronomy." 

"You're a chemist?" Ray asked her. 

"Yeah," she replied looking at something out of the window. "Hey isn't that-" 

None of us heard what she said. I don't even know if she finished. Egon was driving and suddenly this truck came out of no where. I blacked out for a few seconds. 

Guess what story is finally getting off hold? Ghostbusters! So here is the second chapter I am sure you have been waiting for, and I am glad to give it. I hope you like me messing around with the characters until I have to get to the main story line. This will be running with RM, and I don't know how long either of them are going to be. So all I can tell you is to bare with me. Also you can see what the Real Ghostbusters look like, and then a clip with the famous Peter getting slimmed scene. I will name a chapter with whatever quote from the movie if it fits the chapter. The videos will be with them.  Peace out my Stars! 

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