3: On the Job Training

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I opened my eyes when someone shock my shoulder. I looked up to the girl's face, but I didn't know her. She had brown hair that was straight going down her hair. Her grey eyes looked at me with worry, and I sat up to see her smile wrinkles on her very beautiful rosy skin. 

"Are you alright?" she asked me. 

"Depends, am I in Heaven, cause I am looking at an angle," I told her. 

"He's fine," I heard Winston tell the woman. She smiled and rolled her eyes. I looked around the street and saw Ecto 1 and she was in bad shape. Ray looked very sad, and Egon was patting his back. Natalie was talking with a police officer, and people were staring at her. Well her cloths anyway. I walked over to her. 

"You said a truck?" the man asked. 

"Yes I said a truck," she said looking very defeated. "It came speeding at us, and it destroyed our car! We are lucky our equipment is fine, or else we would be screwed." 

"Well Dr. Spengler, I didn't see anything. I just saw your car wreak into nothing. You must have been seeing things." 

"Now hold on," I told him placing a hand on Natalie's shoulder, "I know that she saw the truck. We all saw it. Now unless you are going to call us crazy, than a truck hit us!" 

"Peter," Natalie said looking up, but I barely heard her. 

"Well I know what I saw, and I say that your driver isn't the best," the man said. 

"Egon is a very good driver," I told him. 

"Peter I really think-" Natalie tried, but we weren't listening. 

"Well maybe you should double check." 

"I will double check right after I-" 

"Look out!" Natalie cried pushing me and the police officer out of the way. I saw everyone on the street do the some, for a pinkish color truck came speeding down the street. The driver honked the horn at me, and Egon took out his PKE meter. 

"Thanks Spenges," I told her and she smiled. 

"Anytime Pete," she joked back. "Hey Egon, you getting anything?" 

"Yes," he said not looking up. "I am getting some strange readings from that truck," 

"Ghost truck?" Ray asked him. Egon nodded. 

*Winston's pov* 

"A ghost truck?" Peter asked after a few moments of silence while we put on our proton packs. I helped Natalie put her's on, and showed her how to use it really quickly. 

"You push this down to get the thing to work," I told her pointing at the switch we pushed to get the things on. "You push this button to fire, and this dial to move the setting. You probably already know what these are used for, and when we get the ghost good and well, we trap em'. You just throw it and stump on it when we tell you too. Like Peter says, we zap em, then we trap em. Any questions?" 

"No, I think I have it," she told me looking at the pack. "No wait, we can't cross streams, right? Egon told me about what would happen if you do, but I want to double check." 

"Right. Well unless you want your atoms to, what did you say happens Egon?" 

"All life has you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light. Total protonic reversal," Egon told use looking for the truck on the PKE meter. 

"Thanks for the little ray of sunshine Egon," Ray mumbled. 

"You're welcome Ray," Egon told him. 

"This is your PKE meter," I continued ignoring them. "This is what can track ghost or anything else we need if set at the right setting. Though we usually leave this to Egon who always has his nose stuck in it." 

"I can believe that," she told me with a wink, and I got a glare from Egon. Peter came and put his arms around me and Natalie. 

"Alright party people," he spoke up, "let's go bag us a ghost!" 

"I think you are going to get your wish soon Peter," Egon told him looking up at us. "Here it comes." 

We all looked up and saw the truck come speeding at us. We all took out our sticks out, well besides Natalie who already had it out. We pointed at the truck and shot. Five different streams hit the truck in different places. We were locking in on those spots, and soon we got the driver to come out. The truck lost its pinkish glow, and I could figure out that the truck was just hunted. 

"Alright, I say we let Nat take this one!" Peter yelled at us. She pointed the stick at the ghost, and blasted it. I swear she had a deadly aim. We couldn't just leave her out to dry, so Ray, Egon, and I also blasted it. Peter handed Natalie a trap and took her place. She slide it across the street under the ghost and waited a few seconds. She stomped on the pump and the truck driver was gone. 

"Score one for the Ghostbusters!" Peter yelled at the crowed who cheered. Natalie picked up the trap and was flooded by reporters. She pushed past them and gave the ghost to Ray, who put it in Ecto 1. We all came to join them. 

"Who are you?" one the reporters asked Natalie. 

"Dr. Natalie Spengler," she told them taking the pack off. Egon and Peter where talking to the woman I saw help Peter up earlier. 

"You mean like Egon Spengler?" another asked. 

"She's his twin sister," Ray answered for her. 

"Are you a Ghostbuster?" a third asked. Man, I forgot how annoying these people can get. I can't remember the last time I had to deal with this many. 

"Yes," she half heartily said, but I think she was looking at the pack more than paying attention to them. 

"Alright everyone," Peter came holding a cheek, "interviews over. If you would like to know more about Dr. N Spengler, just give us a call. Bye!" 

I jumped in the drivers seat with Natalie sitting next to me. Egon, Ray, and Peter filled the back. We took off back to the firehouse. 

"What about Mrs. Lover's home?" Ray asked. Whoops, forgot about her. 

"That was Mrs. Lover's ghost," Egon told us. 

"And here's Mrs. Lover's cheek," Peter laughed holding up the piece of paper with a smile. 

"Great work out there Natalie," I told her and she smiled. 

"Thanks Winston," she replied with a smile. 

"Anytime home girl." 

"So what do we do with the traps once they have a ghost in them? How do we get them in the Containment Unit?" 

"You know about that?" Ray asked surprised. 

"I told her about it," Egon told him. 

"What didn't you tell her?" Peter asked. 

"I don't know. We'll have to see." 

"I'll show you when we get home," Ray answered her question. "Than we can get a good night's sleep." 

"I second that," Peter yawned. 

We got back home and Ray lead Natalie down to the Containment Unit with the trap in his hand. They come up to find the rest of us moving an extra bed into place. They helped us and than Natalie dressed it. 

"There," I sighed, "your own bed to sleep in." 

"I guess we are going to have to get used to a girl living here," Peter mumbled. 

"Hey, Nat's cool. I don't even see the difference." 

"I can seen two." 

"Peter!" she called. 


So we all crawled up into our beds and turned off the lights. I was going to enjoy this rest, and who knows. maybe I can get in a whole eight hours tonight. 

I am pumped for this book so much! On the side you can see one of my favorite cars that I want that you can't see anywhere else but a move. Also know has Ecto 1. I just love this car, I mean, what's not to like? Hey, tell me what a car you want is, real or fake. Does it do anything cool? Let's see, Ecto 1 has cannons and I think once had shields to stop ghost from getting in. It is just cool, and Winston loves to work on it. Peace out my Stars! 

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